Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Diane Sawyer - Drunk During Election Coverage

ABC is not necessarily the first network of choice for people watching election coverage and Diane Sawyer might have thought she was using that to her advantage last night. Most of the night she seemed out of it and really looked drunk or tipsy, or maybe just on some new medications. She slurred her words, talked non-stop, used the news desk to keep from falling down, and just seemed like Paula Abdul during her worst American Idol days.


Jemtastic said...

Could she have a medical condition or was she really blotto?

a non a miss said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed her acting like a female Ron Burgandy

Agent**It said...

She was blotto ! Happened at 2008 Inaugural as well.

Video from 2008:

ZORBITOR said...

She's pushin 70. I wonder if she has a bad back.

SusanB said...

Felt sorry for George - he looked like he wanted to grab her at some point to keep her from falling. Even the reporters looked embarrassed. It's a shame.

warmislandsun said...
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Silly Girl said...

WOW, does she look hammered! I feel bad for the guy sitting next to her!

Cathy said...

Man, I was watching the wrong network! This would have been so much more entertaining!

Momster said...

I'll have what she's having!

Count Jerkula said...

Prolly not drunk. Prolly oxies or xanax.

Frufra said...

She seems a little jazzed up, but dang, she looks good for her age, huh?

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Is this normal for her? I've never heard rumors of her being sauced.

I saw some of the coverage from Brian Williams and everyone seemed lucid on their network. Lester Holt was hilarious when talking about Colorados legalization of pot.

Amber said...

Diane Sawyer is my spirit animal.

The Black Cat said...

What? Not seeing it. She looks fine to me.

Unknown said...

I couldn't get passed 40 seconds-its sad to dissect someone up like that, no?

I say she's just an old anglo-american chic working hard for her money...It's just a bad accent + a bad sense of "quirky" humor + too much time on the job

LottaColada said...

I watched ABC last night and didn't notice a thing. She just seemed more enthusiastic than normal but come on, they would not put her on air if she was visibly drunk before they started the live program.

MISCH said...

Didn't watch I was MSNBC all the way...

Agent**It said...

Take a look at her in 2008. She was toasted last night but nothing compared to 2008. Which was actually quite amusing to watch "live".

Video from 2008:

Honeykatt said...

I really dont think that she was drunk! The woman is what, in her 60's? And with all of the around the clock coverage while trying to maintain this certain energy level? As a woman who wears herself to the point of exhaustion on the regular, I'm guessing that her "drunk state" is more of a " tired as hell can barely give a shit" state.

Silly Girl said...

She clearly is slurring her words, holding her self very wobbly, etc. She's either totally loaded or having a medical condition. Seriously, saying she's in her 60's and working hard, really? Does she EVER sound like this in her regular interviews? NO. SHE'S LOADED, or having a medical condition, which, seriously, we'd have heard about by now!

Cheryl said...

I agree with Silly Girl. This is not her typical on-air behavior. She is usually very poised and elegant. Here, not so much.

AKM said...

My gut says "exhausted." No booze, no drugs, no condition.

EmEyeKay said...

The soundbytes I heard on the radio this morning were much more convincing than this video.

I say drunk. She said some bizarre stuff.

SusanB said...

@Grand Odalisque - you didn't see a glass of anything because all news anchors usually have a small shelf underneath the on-air desk for a beverage. I can imagine anyone who is going to be on-air for hours would need at least a bottle of water under there, if not coffee or soda. To leave it on the desk would look kind of tacky or give the impression of advertising. So she could have easily had a drink under there.

JSierra said...

Hell yeah I would be drunk too.

I don't understand why it's a big deal. She delivers the news, makes it way more interesting than news ever is, and gets the job done.

Drink away Diane, drink away.

elizabeth said...

For me the real giveaway was the faces she made while other people were talking. I'm quite familiar with the internal monologue that occurs while making faces like that, and it usually goes like this "Okay, good job. You got that one out. You're doing great. Nobody knows. What's that guy talking about? Did he just give me a look? God I'm good at this. Nobody can tell a thing." :)

selenakyle said...

This is funny because, while I only turned to her channel for a short while last night, I took one look at her and thought "damn, she's slurring!"

Mango said...

I don't see it either. She's pushing 70, was probably excited and exhausted what with the Hurricane Sandy coverage and the election.

auntliddy said...

C'mon! She was snookered!!

ms snarky said...

I watched ABC simultaneously with other channels, and it seemed pretty obvious that DiDi had been out to a really fun dinner with lots of wine.

And I love her for it!!

ljsmed said...

Drunk is not what I got from this, I got more of the totally exhausted bordering on delirious.

ms snarky said...

I watched the link that @Agent**It posted (copied below) -

....and wow, just wow. I want to hang with her!!!

Video from 2008:

H888FUL said...

Who could blame her if she was drunk or pilled up? If I was rich and famous you'd better believe I'd be popping as many Oxys as I could get my hands on, especially if I had to do something as boring as covering an election. I'm sure she, being part of the media elite and all, knows that it doesn't really matter who wins, they're all turds and why not get a good buzz going? Get it grandma!

Lurky Loo said...

People forget Diane Sawyer is getting up there in years. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a medical condition she was trying to keep under wraps. Maybe like Jane Pauley and her bi-polar.

I give her a pass.

Agent**It said...

ms snarky, I remember watching that "live"in 2008 and it was freakin' hilarious. Party on, woman !

Anonymous said...

@elizabeth--That is exactly how it goes! I laughed pretty hard at your comment.

nettalovesrobin said...

Okay Diane i see u girl! This makes me like her!

FlirtyChick74 said...

I still love her. She's my favorite anchor.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Everyone on Twitter was saying she was drunk, so we had to take a peak! It was quite entertaining. I think she is drunk b/c she seems to be holding on to the table to steady herself, a move, I recognize myself.

ms snarky said...

I love Diane Sawyer. The woman is a goddess and can do anything she wants.

Graham said...

I don't think she seems sauced at all. But I do remember this coming up back in 2008, but it wasn't just about her, it was about a number of the anchors and I remember seeing a video (I wish I remembered where) where they filmed behind the scenes footage of Election coverage and Diane commented that they all seem drunk but it's because those days are usually more than 24 hour days for them. The BTS footage showed how Diane's basically up the night before prepping for the election at the studio from 4am (for GMA) and doesn't leave until after it's all done... Sounds completely reasonable to me.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, makes it more interesting I say. But, that's not a good sign if you're drunk at work on national television for election coverage: 1...2...3... rehab.

FlirtyChick74 said...

She's always been cheerful when the stories aren't somber. or anything. I've watched behind the scenes programs of her and she seems like such a fun upbeat person.


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