Monday, November 26, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

 I think the woman in the front is crying after meeting Kate Middleton. Must have thought about William's hair line.

Mel B gets her swim on in Australia.
Miley Cyrus is out of her teens.
Ashton Kutcher smoking away in Italy with Mila Kunis.
I don't think I have ever seen Nicole Kidman look this skinny.
Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges in the same photo. You're welcome.
Sienna Miller and Tom Sturridge and a dead animal.
This is Tom Cruise in a movie, not a SeaOrg outfit.
Taylor Swift meets some of her fans at a mall in Sydney.


ForSure said...

Nicole Kidman looks like an alien. She's had too much work done. Really sad.

Those heels on Tom Cruise look about an inch thick.

skimpymist said...

Every time I see a celebrity in a pretty location I like to imagine myself there. So right now I'm walking next to mila and ashton :)

Anonymous said...

Mel B looks AMAZING!

Agent**It said...

skimpy, I'm right behind the three of you !

Roman Holiday said...

Hahaha you said outfit!!! It always cracks me up :)

Bit dams said...

my kids will NOT believe me when i tell them that wearing fur was once fashionable. different generation.

how ling did suri fly to europe for, 2 days? couldn't thw douche bag fly to HER so she didn't have to gwt off her schedule?

MamaCanTango said...

Nicole Kidman has one dome of a forehead. Has it always been that big?

MadLyb said...

There's something about a man in uniform, but TC does not have that something. That is the first time a man in uniform (other than the cop giving me a speeding ticket) has turned me completely off.

Anonymous said...

I know Miley isn't well-liked in these parts, but I see pics like this and can't help but to wish her well. She doesn't seem so bad. A bit self-absorbed, maybe, but basically OK.

Unknown said...

Wasn't there a blind item about a celebrity who was hiding due to bad plastic surgery? Nicole kidman?

trouble bubble said...

Miley has passed 18 by 2 years and still no "hacked" or "stolen" nude pics of hers. Who would have thought?

KZoeT said...

Kidman does look terribly frail. Are things ok with Keith Urban?

Turkish Taffy said...

Are Ashton and Mila filming a Dickens novel, perchance?

Nicole looks like the femme fatale from "Mars Attacks".

Yes, that picture of Ryan R and Jeff B provides a much-needed soothing effect. Too much WTF in the rest of the pics.

urban chaos said...

Yes- Turkish taffy wins today! Mars attacks extra thanks to Nicole and her bobble headed self and heavy handed ps!

Hazeldazel said...

1. I refuse to believe that those heels don't extend another inch or so inside Tommy's shoes.

2. Tommy really needs to never be photographed in a uniform walking like that. Ever. It either makes him look waaaay to Nazi-ish/SeaOrg-ish, or like a little wind up toy. Probably not the look his PR team has going for him as the studliest actioniest manliest man evar.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was sandra bullock, i don't remember lol

mynerva said...

Hahahaha Tom looks TINY next to that black pillar-y thing

VeeBee said...

The girl in the aqua top just behind Taylor on the right TOTALLY looks like Kristen Stewart's fairer-haired twin!!!

Melinda9 said...

All the Ashton & Mila pictures are starting to seem odd to me, but I'm not sure how to explain why. They're always walking around and she has her hand on his arm and then someone takes their picture. Like they're joined at the hip or something.

short le chic said...

Hahaha! I don't think they ever were, my dear...things between Keith and the pool boy, on the other hand...

auntliddy said...

Holy shit-> nicole kidman. Its like she has a giant fake head on. Its weird and unsettling!

KPeony said...

@ VeeBee

You're soooo right! Poor girl

MelTheLibrarian said...

Jeesh, Tom looks so stiff in that picture

Honey Bunny said...

I might get beat up for this but I like Mila and Ashton together.
Dame Mel B.! Girl you banging!

Tania said...

No that was Emily Blunt. She's totally unrecognizable from a bad nose job.

misspeg86 said...

I was reading the article about Mel B go swimming with her 2 youngest daughters on Daily Mail and I was getting so pissed off because they mentioned like THREE times in the article how small her bikini was and how she was bulging out of it. I think that is so rude and cynical of them to say that. She looks great and she is rocking what her mamma gave her. Screw you DM!

Jamie 2 said...

Kate Middleton looks about 2 months pregnant. Last time she wore that red coat, she had it cinched to a wasp waist with a different belt. I'm sure that, like most couples, they will wait three months before they make an announcement - possibly longer, to get past the Queen's jubilee year of 2012.

P.S., if I'm right, it's possible they conceived when those topless photos were snapped!

Gabi said...

One of my all time fave movie is 'so I married an axe murderer'....Nicole's head reminds me of the moment when Mike Meyers is yelling out 'heed' look at that heed, it's like an orange on a toothpick, a planetoid, it has its own weather system...will cry herself to sleep on her giant pillow...
Ha ha ha ha

WUWT? said...

Nicole's waist is only about twice the size of her forehead height. If you drew that in an art class, you'd fail because they'd say the proportions were too far off.

Anotheramy said...

Tom does such a good job walking in high heels. You almost cant tell.

Discobitch said...

Battlefield earth springs to mind hehe

Kathleen said...

Tiny Tom looks so little and precious.

mooshki said...

Those heels look at least 2". The Jack Reacher commercials have started airing, and they make me irate!!! Not only is there the mind-boggling offensiveness of Cruise playing Reacher, but he also has him making dumb little quips. So not only did they completely fuck up his physical presence, they also fucked up his personality. I hate that we fans are screwed either way - either the movie is a success, and we're stuck with Tom Cruise doing sequels, or it'll bomb, and we'll never get another Reacher movie. Or, at least not for 20 years.

KSam said...

Yes, yes it has.

KSam said...

Yes, yes it has.

Eeekalicious said...


Yes!! Reacher is about 6'4" or so in the books, and would just stare blankly at anyone discussing Scientology....

Oh I was so mad when I heard about him playing Reacher.

Oh well, the next heresy will be Angelina playing Scarpetta.

Steppy said...

Tom Cruise looks great.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

That photo of Nicole Kidman looks stretched. Her face isn't that long and narrow, and if she was truly that thin, her arms wouldn't taper off like that.

Kloie said...

I see Nicole got the lead in the sequel to "Signs." Swing away, Nicole.

TalksTooMuch said...

Mwwaaahaha! I love that movie! And now I am going to be thinking of her everytime I see it!

BlindItemMe said...

@gabi love love LOVE me some 'so i married an axe murderer..." H

HEED. MOVE. NOW hahaha

TalksTooMuch said...

Hahaha HEED I'm still laughing. That's awesome


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