Thursday, November 01, 2012

Random Photos Part Three - Halloween Photos Part Two

Another Sandy, although this one is not displaying a gun shot wound. It is LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian.
Jessica Simpson goes dressed as a serving wench.
Sharon Osbourne went all out. Ozzy still has no idea who it is. Just thinks some strange fan moved into his home.
Ashley Tisdale proves that Batman and Robin should have been women. Much better movies.
Miley Cyrus dresses as Nicki Minaj. Always wanted to dress like someone who could still sell a record.
NPH gets the whole family dressed as the Wizard Of Oz.
Joey Fatone gets his family to dress like the Flinstones.
Michael Kors on the left and Debra Messing in the middle.
Calista Flockhart.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I want to reach inside my computer and hug NPH. I love him!!! His family is so cute.

  2. What an insult to Grease!

  3. NPH's family photo is now my favorite family photo EVER. I might as well never have kids--can't top that.

  4. Neil's family is too cute! I wanna pinch those chubby cheeks on those kids.

  5. It's good to see that motherhood has helped Jessica grow up. She looks very motherly, I guess she proved her ability to feed her daughter.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE the NPH family photo. Not even gonna say what I first thought Dino was holding in the Flinstone pic.

  7. Could NPH and family be ANY cuter?!

  8. Seriously, that NPH pic is soo cute.

  9. Sarah, I think Jessica looks like she could feed all of us...

  10. Last year NPH/DB/Kids were captain hook, peter pan, tinkerbell and a lost boy. Such an adorable family. I really hope that David still has some type of relationship with his older kids.

  11. The NPH is not the only family to dress up together - why isn't anyone saying how awesome the other families look? Not being snarky just wondering?

  12. I want NPH to adopt me.

  13. Ok nevermind, the other families are in the other photos, I get it now LOL!!! Sometimes I just can't put two and two together:)

  14. God, I hate Eddie and LeAnn.

  15. LeAnn looks rediculous

    NPH family is awesome

    I kind of like Miley's costume (hangs head)

  16. Sandy is Cleary Disturbed .

    1. LOLLL @agent u r cracking me up with that!!!

    2. kats - one of the highlights of the year.Glad you are doing OK In CT.

    3. Thanks @agent. I just got home from my first trip out. Trader Joes was closed but I saw them inside throwing all the refrigerated food out. CVS was just normal if not slow, which surprised me. Then when I walked into the big grocery store Shop Rite, it smelled like spoiled meat. Half the store was roped off, again, zero food in the fridges/freezers. I gave in and got a pizza. Pizza places hit the lottery with Sandy! I didn't think it would be a big deal driving home without street lights at dusk but holy crap. I almost hit a kid on a bike. I know my town like the back of my hand but I realized when I couldn't see where my turn was that there was a missing stop light that was my marker!

    4. Katsm, do you need anything?

    5. Oh gosh no @agent thank you though. We've had power the whole time, don't ask me how. I'm trying to think of how to reach a friend tomorrow who needs blankets and water :(

    6. Kats, do you live in Fairfield? We've had power except for about six hours Monday.

    7. There u r @erin I was looking for u! What part of Fairfield are u in? I'm behind Trader Joes. First I lost power at 3pm Monday and I was hoping it would last until the night. But it came on after 10 minutes. Then it went off at 4pm and we thought that was it. It came on after 20 minutes. Then at 7pm it went off. I wasn't worried. But it came back on at 11:30pm! Everything outside one side of my house is completely black still. How about you? I hope you don't drive even at dusk bc I know this town like the back of my hand but yesterday I almost hit a kid riding a bike and cars aren't stopping at the dark traffic lights bc you forget they r there!

  17. I don't much care for LR and EC but I thought that was a pretty good Sandy/Danny interpretation.

  18. Was Harrison Ford The Strict Teacher?

  19. Was Calista dressed as Miss Geist from Clueless?

  20. @agent, too funny! I totally get that! Sad about the Grease costumes, though. Even sadder I looked twice at the pic. Yuck. Those two need to go away.

  21. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The families are soooo cute. Coke Mom is NOT amused. And I really like Miley's costume, she did a good job. As far as the icky cheaters on top, is she actually being self aware with the Hurricane Sandy costume? I'm shocked. BUT does she not understand how annoying it is to see her hanging all over him? Do you see any other married couples posing like they are a couple of randy teenagers? You're married for Christ sakes, it's not about the sex anymore, there should be more there. It does not make us all go, wow look how in love they are. It just makes me think, wow, she's desperate and she knows this is all he cares about. That's the only reason for the Courtney Stodden sex kitten poses. Girl, after a while pure sex gets old, it's what's going on above the neck that really turns men on and keeps them. Look we all have husbands/boyfriends that we love very much and we're not the slightest bit moved, jealous or admiring that you have Eddie. He actually makes you look bad, like what's wrong with her that she's with THAT guy. Can't she see what a sleaze he is? He makes you look like a dimwitted sleaze as well. Like you're two peas in a pod. Like you go together. I hope that for your sake that's not true! In the future I'd advise against posing with him. You're fine on your own.

  22. Step aside, Heidi Klum. NPH is the new King of Hallowe'en!

  23. Jessica's figure is amazing there, wow. OMG, Neil's family is too cute! Joey's is adorable too. I like Miley's costume.

  24. i wonder when it will hit eddie & leann that when you try THAT hard, no one buys it. it's like the people who have to continually state how educated or classy they are. hee.

    poor jessica simpson. you know 5 minutes after that pic she let her breath out, took off the corset and went back to the couch in comfy sweats and a bag of cheetoes.

    enty's miley cyrus photo caption FTW!

    the NPHs...omg, i MELT, MELT i tell you!!!!!!!!

  25. Luv luv luv NPH and family! They always do it up so beautifully! Wouldn't have realized Calista if Enty didn't hace her name on the picture.

  26. "realized it was" sorry.

  27. I think Jessica looks fantastic but there will always be someone with an irrational hate on for her.

  28. Mr. Disco sent me the NPH pic a little while ago(because I adore NPH) and it had the following caption:

    "American women experienced their first ever simultaneous mass ovulation today as pictures of Neil Patrick Harris, his fiancee David Burtka, and their two children, Gideon Scott and Harper Grace, dressed up for Halloween as the goddamn Wizard of Oz gang began making the internet rounds."

  29. Is Ashley Tisdale supposed to be a slutty Batman?! I would never have guessed that without the slutty Robin beside her. Her costume doesn't look very Batman-ish. WTF kind of a costume is that. (P.S. Enty, Robin has, in fact, been a woman twice in the comics, and once in in animated movie.)

    NPH's kids are so freaking cute!

    That baby in the Dino costume is cute too but looks like she's going to fall over a lot with that big ol' fake head, ouch.

  30. CarmeliteLady- Wow. That pose is completely appropriate and iconic for the costumes being worn.

    1. Yes, but they basically pose like that for every picture. They are all over each other when they think their picture may get in a tabloid.

  31. If that was directed at me, I don't have an irrational hate-on, I dislike her. I'm as entitled to dislike her as you are entitled to like her.
    As a woman, I'm tired of the stereotypes that women like Jessica perpetuate. Dumb is cute, all you need is big boobs and blonde hair, and throw in a man. Make sure your boobs are pushed up and your mouth is open for every photo.

    1. And as a mother, I'm tired of people acting like they're entitled to judge what is and is not 'motherly'. It's just a costume, get a grip.

  32. I like Miley's wig better than her actual hair.

  33. Honestly, this whole group looks awesome...even the ones I don't like.

  34. NPH & family are gorgeous.

  35. As irrational as LR can maybe be, the irrational ranting hate confuses me more.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I agree. All these costumes are great, even Leeann's.

  38. Why did I read "Jessica Simpson goes dressed as a deserving wench"? Ah, Freud...

    <3 NPH, and the Daria costumes above!

  39. I need NPH to be my best friend, immediately.

    I also need LR to get a clue, go away and never come back.

  40. I actually saw the picture of Jessica and said Damn girl! She looks HOT! I totally want her boob! :)

  41. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Sarah, are you so deluded that you believe people think about you so much to disparage you or your character? (no clue, I do not own a TV) everyone is out for themselves. That's it,

  42. I'm pretty sure I dressed a lot like Calista Flockhart in the late 70s, and I'm pretty sure I was not in a costume. Sad day.

    I absolutely ADORE the family costumes. Everyone on a theme. Too cute! (I hope Neil and David make it for the long haul; those two I would be sad to see split. So everyone quickly knock on wood while I bite my tongue.)

  43. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I have to chime in and agree with all of you that NPH & family are absolutely adorable. Much like @Pookie said, my heart melted like the wicked witch.

  44. Carmelite Lady = Eddie's mistressssssssssssss

  45. AND...Wtf Debra Messing with Michael Kors!!!!???? Mind blower of the day.

  46. Think EC's and LR's body language in that pic is truly in character and in life. Eddie could care less, and LeAnn is throwing herself at and crawling all over him.

  47. LeAnn Rimes: you're not cute enough to play a convincing Sandy.

    There, I said it.

    I normally don't like to disparage any other woman's looks, but this woman has a lot of talent, but instead is so disgustingly trying to make it about her looks...which, honey, are NOT your strong suit. Oh, and Eddie's going to leave you within 3 years, no question.

  48. Love Sharon Osborne's costume. Nice to see ONE female celebrity who didn't do some version of Slutty Somethingorother.

  49. @ Roman, LOL!! Thank you for figuring it out, I was also wondering :)

    @Carmelite, Wow! I couldn't disagree more. I've heard the Rhimes hate-talk before, but you so elquoently captured everything I disagree about it. Well done!

  50. Daphne, this is the last time I will take your bait. My reply to Jax was neither argumentative in nature or angry. It is possible to post differing opinions without arguing.

    You are not nice and if you wish to continue stalking my comments with ugly responses, you will do so to no avail. The reason I commented on your post was due to the extreme mean spirited post in a time people were trying to pull one another up.

    If you need a place to argue, you can find willing participants at plenty of other sites. You an say anything you like after this, but you will receive no response.

    Have a nice day!

  51. I love NPH's family's costumes. So cute and perfect. I like Joey Fatone's too!
