Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

If Carole King shows up in the photos she gets top spot. Even if she is with Katy Perry who

got kissed by Jack Nicholson.
Amy Grant was there.
Daryl Hannah took some time off from protesting to be there.
Even Danny DeVito showed up because he heard there was free booze.
Beyonce in an elevator.
Chace Crawford for Mr. Porter.
Eminem's daughter Hailie is all grown up.
The Goopster without shoes in InStyle.
Anne Hathaway shows off her new glasses in London.


Ingrid Superstar said...

BradOlson will be happy about Amy Grant.

JSierra said...

For reasons I can't explain I really, REALLY dislike Anne Hathaway. To the point where I cannot even watch her films.

auntliddy said...

Love amy going gray. Looks great. Hate goopy, but thats a great pic. Daryl , i cld smack u for what you've done to ur face! Danny devito looks like he crawled out of the goodwill bin in that get up. Hailie doesnt look too happy. I cant imagine why. Poor kid's got bad genes left right and forward. Good luck honey.

rhinovodka said...

JSierra, Anne reminds me of a slightly less annoying version of Julia Roberts-Anne just tries way too hard and it doesn't come off as natural.

I like the color of Katy's dress.

Della said...

At first glance I thought Chance was in a casket. What's with those shoes?!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Oh, Daryl, honey! Wtf did you do to your face?!

Eminem's daughter's eyes are haunted. :/

Put me next on the list of people who cannot abide Anne Hathaway. Something about her brings out *the smack a bitch* in me!!

Gabi said...

Darryl's head and face look very different...

K said...

All I care about in those photos is Carole King. The rest are meh..

greenmountaingal said...

She annoys the crap out of me, too.

Unknown said...

Crocs at an event? Seriously? Side eye at Danny DeVito...

LottaColada said...

I don't know if it's just me but I really hate this whole dorky glasses fad. They're for people to see better, not to make you look cute. And I'm talking about the people that have never needed glasses before and now all of sudden do.

Sorry for the rant.

greenmountaingal said...

Carole King is awesome.

I always thought Daryl Hannah was mannish in the face.

Leather pants are not your friend, Beyonce.

Eminem's daughter is really pretty. Speaking of, where is Em these days?

smash said...

Want the goops dress!!!!!

skimpymist said...

Em's daughter looks like a twin of her mom.

Mama Abroad said...

Annie has a Harry Potter vibe going on there.

Sunny said...

Ann Hathaway, or Harry Potter making an appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race? Tee hee

I think Gwyneth looks divine! Love love love

jax said...

well seeing Amy Grant with high school art teacher hair made me feel OLD AS FUCK.

Sunny said...

Thank you for pointing out Chace's shoes. Whaaaaaaaa?
Just curious if ANY of our male readers would wear those zapatos . . . .

jax said...

i think the pants look great on Beyonce. they are leather, they look like that on everyone.

Now Daryl Hannah...looks like a wet seal from the waist down.

MelTheLibrarian said...

I can't explain it, but I love Danny Devito!!!(sp?)

NaNa LaLa said...

I got to meet Carole King at an Obama for Iowa event back in the 08 campaing. She was funny and down to earth. She was somehow a little less warm than I thought she would be, but of course, she was in a dinky town with probably 30 people at most there to see her in my sister's coffee shop. Still, it was cool singing the chorus of You've Got a Friend with her.

Anonymous said...

I like Anne. She seems a bit annoying, but in a sweet way. Like she just wants us to really like her, yet doesn't realize that she's pretty cool just the way she is. She's dorky, and I like that.

Katy is stunning. No two ways about it.

Em's daughter is pretty, but seems so unhappy. :-(

minerpoteet said...

I'm with you Layna Day. I love Anne Hathaway. She seems more real to me than 75% of Hollywood.
Fishstick I can still do without, but I will begrudgingly say she looks good there
NaNa LaLa. I had tix to an O for Iowa event in 2008 too, but I ended up not being able to get out of work

thatfunnygirl said...

J Sara beat me to it. Crocs should be outlawed!!!!

artemis said...

Wow, nice ballet flats, Chace.

Berenice said...

Yes, dislike Anne Hathaway with a passion!!!

I'm not sure what it is either but......ok so, when she talks she tries so hard to come off as adorable and sweet to hide her bitchiness except that sometimes it's very thinly veiled. In more than one occasion I've heard her make a comment but she kind of giggles as she's saying it to make it seem cute but if you just listen to the words you think...ok, calm down bitch.

Sorry, maybe I'm overly sensitive or something. She's not exactly a part of my life so I guess I really shouldn't care.

misspeg86 said...

Ugh, me too!

misspeg86 said...

@J Sara Oh lordy, I missed it so thanks for pointing that out. That is atrocious! No Danny no!

Sunny said...

Even though you zinged me on that other thread, I laughed hysterically at your Amy Grant/art teacher comment. You nailed it!

misspeg86 said...

@Della haha he does look like he's in a casket! I was about to drool over Chace then I saw the shoes *shakes head* I don't understand this stupid loafer trend. As Fashion Police would say - make it stop!

Kelly said...

Katy and Goop look absolutely stunning. I used to like Ann, but she bugs me too now. I always thought Daryl was so pretty in the 80s. What did she do!

jax said...

ha Sunny!

I mean no harm, i just like to make my point and move on. Sometimes it comes off bitchy...ok almost always.

dia papaya said...

Really? I still love Annie H. Maybe bc she made that Ella Enchanted movie and I watched it a million times. I love her dorky awkwardness. Maybe bc I'm dorky and awkward? She gives me hope! ;)

ForSure said...

This morning I watched the live stream of the Les Mis London premier on Yahoo movies. Anne Hathaway looked gorgeous and she interacted with the fans on the fenceline more than anyone, only Hugh tried as hard as she did but he wasn't out there as long. She was still outside signing autographs when the rest of the cast and just about every body else was inside. The camera followed her up and down because there was no one else outside. She signed everything put in front of her and tried to take as many pictures as she possibly could even though someone was trying to get her inside. I can't hate anyone who is willing to do that, and it was cold out there. She showed up in her dress, then added a coat later, then ended up wearing gloves but she was still signing away.

Something about Anne makes her seem more normal lately, which means yes, she is just as annoying and imperfect as all of us here. :)

dia papaya said...

Jax - I just choked on my Vodka Tonic! Good to know! ;)

We can all use a gentle Jax-slap to keep us on our toes!

hunter said...

I thought I was the only one who would notice Eminem's daughter looks exactly like her mom.

Alicia said...

Wow Hailey looks just like Kim

Goop looks like a Queen B for real !!!

Alicia said...

Wow Hailey looks just like Kim

Goop looks like a Queen B for real !!!

Laura said...

I noticed too @hunter! She looks just like her Mom.

Anotheramy said...

WTH is up with Goops hair? The rest of the photo is stunning.

Anonymous said...

Anne went from plain to interesting just by putting on glasses.

BlindItemMe said...

just chiming in to say i love Anne H. im dorky and awkward too! i remember they had a cast interview on oprah for brokeback mountain and she accidentally insulted oprah and the embarrassment on her face was ah-dor-able

@dia we can be dorky and awkward together!

Eeekalicious said...


Jax just likes hazing people.....Just kidding, jax, sort of...

Amy may have 80s hair but she has Vince in her bed (lucky woman).

Mango said...

Carole King is tiny!

Katy looks as if she is suffering Jack Nicholson's touch. Can't blame her. Ewwww!

Amy Grant is aging well.

As much as I hate to admit it, Goop looks great in that photo.

It's palpable how much Anne Hathaway wants that Oscar!

OneGirlRevolution said...

I love Anne.

And most of you know about my irrational adoration of the Goop (she looks great here).

Glitter said...

Daryl Hannah has developed a tater head.

dia papaya said...

High Five BlindItemMe! I remember that moment. Anne looked mortified!

Dorky and Awkward is cool these days :) We are like trend setters!

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@JSierra - Add me to this list.

Sherry said...

I was thinking the same thing Skimpy. Add some too dark eyeliner with too light lipstick and you have Kim. Apparently the haunted look in her eyes could be from the turmoil in mom and dad's relationship.

Sherry said...

GOOP's dress is gorgeous and honestly she looks great in it. Whatever we may think about her people in H'wd like her even if she is a class A clinger.

EGB said...

I wish I could comment during the day so I could be a part of the convo here....le sigh....
Anylatecomer, Gwen is gorgeous, I actually wish the best for Anne Hathaway, and Carole king is my idol. And if Jax checked me I would be cool with it, she says the things I wish I could say! @jax, I almost followed you on twitter after Enty retweeted you today but I didn't want to look like a creeper! Although with that last sentence I am pretty sure I tipped my hand...

BlindItemMe said...

@dia YAY!

fellow dorky and awkward ones please join us! :)

EGB said...

In and in (both dorky and awkward)

Colleen said...

I love Carole King. Grew up on Tapestry and it began my love for the female songwriter.

Freaking Hailie makes me feel old beyond old! I still remember the song she was in as a child and I think I was in early high school at the time. Damn.

BlindItemMe said...

@E Gee be - yay! people power!

daisy0714 said...

that is NOT eminem's daughter, why is everyone picking up this story and not verifying that his daughter is not on twitter?

Lady Luvgood said...

Gwen's feet look like alien hands, they look photoshopped and weird. Can't believe no one else noticed

plrtz glrb said...

I think hailie looks haunted coz Taylor swift stole her boyfriend from one direction. and she looks exactly like her mother

dia papaya said...

High Five E Gee Be!

The dorky and awkward club begins today!

Grammar129 said...

Add me to the list! Idk why but she annoys the crap out of me. And I don't find her attractive at all.

katsm0711 said...

I hate Anne Hathaway too. She's the way-too-excited overly-happy theater geek that comes off as insincere and fake. And her begging for the Oscar was ridiculous but she has seemed to tone it down. Even her Peter Pan hair is cliche and I'm getting annoyed with all the actors who don't seem to believe in the power of makeup artists and are starving themselves to play a role. It feels like they're cheating at the acting part bc if they are playing a poor, starving person, they aren't acting if they actually are starving. It seems like starving yourself is just to bring attention to the movie

Meanie Rhysie said...

Hey! I love my Peter Pan/gamine 'do! ;(

MadLyb said...

Everything about that GOOP pic is fabulous - well, except that it's GOOP.

I love Carole King. Her music was always playing in the background of my childhood.

I don't dislike Ann Hathaway, and have never seen her movies, but I've seen her in interviews and she's a tad annoying, but that's most young actresses these days. When you get older, bubbly young things going on and on about themselves becomes tedious really fast. Unless it's your own kid, of course.

Halie is very pretty. It looks like she's doing the "I'm an angsty teenager" pose.

Karma Chameleon said...

Me too with the Hathaway dislike. She's just too damn perky, trying too damn hard. Sit DOWN Anne. Chill, smoke a j, eat a good meal, stop with the veganism, get extensions, just relax, stop being little miss perky perky princess. Sorry, just had to get that out. And Darryl Hannah? Oh Lord, she's another one that needs to eat. She looks so gaunt and skeletal. It looks painful, like she must always be really hungry and only eat alfalfa, raw too. Yep, Amy Grant, does look like a High school art teacher. And Carole King is aging too, although gracefully. I hope that's not Eminems daughter. Wasn't she 5ish when he got really big? let's see that would have been about 95? Maybe she's thirteen or so, but that doesn't look like a thirteen year old. I hate math. Too early.

Eeekalicious said...

I was trying to identify the woman in the front row in the Lincoln Awards? picture from a couple days ago - I see now that it was Carole King. She looks so cute!

I had thought Anne Hathaway cut her hair and lost weight for her role in Les Mis....I think it's admirable that she would go to that length to represent a character that has to sell her hair to survive, and who finally dies of a broken heart and probably, tuberculosis. Not quite sure why the criticism of Anne's short hair when it's part of the story in the movie. I think it looks charming on her.

Unknown said...

@tuxcat...I like it too (anne's short hair)...just chopped all of mine off...

TalksTooMuch said...

I dunno, I like Ol' Jazz Hands but I think she was born in the wrong era. She was great in Brokeback Mountain

Unknown said...

btw...hailie mathers does not have a twitter account...eminem's manager confirmed this...these accounts (there are many) are fake

BlindItemMe said...

@katsm while i almost always agree with your posts i have to respectfully disagree. how can starving yourself (because youre playing a starving character) be cheating? the object of acting is to make everything seem as real and natural as possible (despite how unreal everything is) if anything its pure dedication. acting is freaking HARD and the reason they all make it look so easy is because as professional actors its what they do.

just like roger federer makes tennis look easy peasy

(im studying acting so i do get a little sensitive when people say "Pfft its just dress up *I* can do THAT!)

ill understand if you all respectfully disagree with as well

carry on now :)

katsm0711 said...

@blind you said that so nicely, I appreciate it.
I never studied acting. I just feel that makeup artists can do amazing things. Marlon Brando couldn't play someone starving but I feel there's a happy medium. Isn't acting pretending? Doesn't it take the skill out of it if you ate actually suffering and starving as your character is? Aren't u supposed to be pretending? I feel like actors beg for attention by going on starvation diets, and it's guaranteed Oscar buzz. It's like using a stencil to paint a picture. The work is half done for you. What do u think? Is transforming your body cheating? I think my main problem is that I find it offensive to become unhealthy and abuse your body just to become your role. There, that just hit me. That's why I hate it so much. I didn't even like Nac on its always sunny gaining freaking 80 pounds. He lost it quickly but that did irreparable damage. Our bodies don't deserve that abuse.

katsm0711 said...

Wait @blind, I don't think acting is easy!!! I think needing a starvation/oveteatIng diet is cheating making it too easy! When I watch amerIcan horror story I feel that that IS Jessica Lang and she's not acting, she's just being herself! When I watch The Godgather I feel like I'm not watchIng actors but long lost Corleone family movies. I'm amazed! I hate people looking at me so I totally respect u guys.

BlindItemMe said...

@katsm, wow you hit the nail on the head with jessica lange - she is freaking amazing. acting is pretending yet making the pretend seem as real as possible (complete oxymoron right?)

there are heaps of different methods of acting (including "the method") im learning the method right now and i gotta admit im finding it difficult because im a believer of "reacting" because thats what you do in real life you react to what is going on - situations/people etc)

when you have a character, you are building the character from the ground up - how they walk (why do they walk like that), how they stand, how they dress, how they chew, what was their first pets name, what is their bedtime routine, do they masturbate etc and you can then "be" that character and then react to the situation.

i totally agree with you about finding a happy medium. i find that this is style got me too much into my head and the lines can get blurred between yourself and your character. but i guess i just have to learn how to balance that.

and yes putting your body through extreme changes cant be good and its something ive asked myself. how far would i go for my "craft" (SORRY GUYS!!!)

also i didnt mean you when i said acting is easy etc, it was just a general thing

PS im so happy to see you back commenting (ive always loved your posts - secret lurker stalker...awkward...)

*tumbleweed blows past*

Meanie Rhysie said...

@BlindItemMe. Your last post was so infectious with your love for your *craft* (it is indeed a craft!) and I wanna wish you all the best! Just one thing: don't wanna see you on CDAN in a blind item...unless, of course, it's a kindness blind. Break a leg! =)

BlindItemMe said...

@reeces thank you!

after reading CDAN i gotta thank my mum for never letting me be an actor as a child (and trust me if i was ever on a nasty blind she would come and smack me senseless!)

ooh and if ever do make it - ill be sending it the blinds!! :)

i love your posts too (both with the "f" and the "ph")

Meanie Rhysie said...

lol!! I kinda miss the PH's!! It was actually kind of a lesson for me to.....*relax, Reese! The world is not gonna end because of a spelling error!* I'm super anal about misspelled words and having to improvise allowed me to relax and have PHun with it. Maybe I'll hop on the desktop tomorrow! lol

BlindItemMe said...

haha yes i used to be a grammar nazi! i love that e-card:

grammar. the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

hahaha :)

katsm0711 said...

Wow @blind you are the sweetest I can't tell u what hat means to me! Oh wait. Are you "acting" now? Bummer I got all excited.
People don't realize that even after you lose enough and are at your healthiest preferred weight, u already put stress on your organs that is irreversible. Of course you need to get back to your ideal weight but it's not like It's safe to gain/lose so much no matter how sure you are that you can get back to your original weight after.

BlindItemMe said...

honestly!! especially your posts during sandy, i was freaking out for you and i loved your humour throughout it all. (not a stage 5 clinger i swear lol)

oh and no not acting yet, i still dont know if its something i could do professionally. at the moment im just loving learning it and doing something for me.

oh and what you say about putting on/losing weight is so true. its not healthy to yo yo diet in real life so why yo yo for a film?

didnt mila kunis say her body will never be the same after what she put it through for black swan?

katsm0711 said...

Lol I'm embarrassed about all my Sandy posts!! I'm not kidding though, it was soooooo scary.

Oh duh yeah it is yoyo dieting. My neighbor just told me how she overfed her dog do the dr said she had to go on a diet. After the dog got to the normal weight, THEN she got diabetes. I look at animals health and reactions to things bc their bodies are so small that their reactions are more extreme and noticeable than in humans. When u feed a dog or cat properly u notice the fur gets all shiny and soft.

katsm0711 said...

I can't remember mila Kunis' body in that but I believe it.

Where U from @blind?
Brb I'm on hold for Kevin Costner. Crossing my fingers he still does bodyguard work....

Meanie Rhysie said...

I'm interjecting...again! Hahaa! But, it's nice to see other people up and about in the middle of the night.

Kats, your postings during Sandy were alternately terrifying and...funny. I'm glad you came through it okay. =)

katsm0711 said...

Wow thanks @reeses! Where do u live that it's late and what's your excuse? It's almost 3am here :( tomorrows going to suuuck :(

Meanie Rhysie said...

I'm in North Carolina. My excuse: I'm a night owl and I love it. I've also got a sick kitty tonight. Poor baby is throwing up, but seems to be calming down. So, she's curled up next to me as Mommy (yes, I call myself Mommy to my babies. lol) catches up on Words with Friends and gossip. lol

Tomorrow is soooo gonna suck. Hopefully you have the day off...though if you have kids, you don't get a day off. :/

BlindItemMe said...

Please don't be embarrassed about your posts!

I'm from australia and it was afternoon here in Melbourne so it was amazing to get a live account from people I could relate to (gossip hounds lol)

I was frightened for you but you still maintained your wit, so so happy you're ok

And with everyone else who posted I loved all the recipes and ideas and even I could feel the sense of community all the way in oz!


BlindItemMe said...

Ok now I'm interjecting! Haha

It's 8:30 Friday night in Melb, just wan to say I really like the commenters here

@reeves I hope your baby gets better, poor thing :(

BlindItemMe said...

**@reeces damn autocorrect :)

katsm0711 said...

Omg @reeces I love you!!! I'm fostering a mom n her 3 kittens now. I'm keeping 2 but I moved the cage from the basement up to my kitchen a few days ago. It. Is. Disgusting. I'm eating next to kitty litter. I never saw anything cuter in my life though. Have u fostered before? It's my first time and I need all the advice I can get!!my neighbor fed them outside for 2 months but her family is allergic so I said I would. We have extremely different opinions on how to train them and we finally had a talk but I'm unsure about letting mom see the babies and when everyone can leave the cage. I wish u could post pics of your kitty

katsm0711 said...

Oh and @reeces? They ARE our babies! Im not insane, I value humans more than pets, but that doesn't mean that I don't value my pets as close as possible to a mon who have birth to her baby. These kitties were homeless and thriving once my neighbor started feeding them outside, but theyve been caged in my house for 2 weeks where I've been teaching them everything! It was amazing the first time I turned on music for them. Everything is new. Omg 2 r wrestling right now. One only started playing yesterday! It's fascinating watching them discover the world, and it's less pressure than a human baby.

katsm0711 said...

Sorry I meant to ask, why is kitty throwing up? She sounds like an indoor only cat?

katsm0711 said...

@blind I don't know if you're still following, but today especially your kindness was highlighted. See what happens when you nicely tell someone that you disagree and why so and then a lovely conversation follows? By using kind words, you made me see your point, and I was given a chance to clarify mine. There's no reason we ever need to agree on anything but the whole point of a discussion is to discover new points of view. I find this more fun than name calling. And I don't feel dirty after!

BlindItemMe said...

@katsm no worries! That's one of the things i like about cdan most commenters are friendly But for some, but why cause an argument if there is disagreement?

And yes I love that conversation has flowed and we get a chance to learn about each other! I haven't checked in today what's happened?

katsm0711 said...

@blind what happened was the opposite of this conversation. I don't like to bring attention to it so please just use your imagination...

BlindItemMe said...

@katsm gotcha ;)


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