Saturday, March 10, 2012

Katie Holmes Used To Smile

While I was digging through old blind items for a Saturday reveal, I rediscovered my all-time favorite Katie Holmes photo. It was from August 2007 and she just looks so happy. This is just completely 180 degrees from where she is now. It is in Paris and the first time anyone saw Suri walking. Considering it seems like she even rarely walks now, this was big.

Blind Items Revealed

March 24, 2008

On Saturday night I was supposed to go to this Young Hollywood party. However, I wasn't feeling really young, and so decided to not be the guy who goes to try and make himself feel young or to pick up women who are less than half your age. Hello Bill Maher. Yes, he was there. The oldest in the crowd by about a decade.

At one point I had wanted to go because I had planned on playing a game that I really enjoy but had not played in awhile. I was going to go to the party as Hans. A portly banker from Germany complete with German accent and some German vocabulary thrown in for good measure. I was going to get drunk off my ass and introduce everyone to my exchange student companion. Lots of people play similar games when they go to bars or such, but in this game, you know in advance what you are going to do and stick with it no matter what.

I used to play the game all the time. Back in the day, I was friends with an A lister. Not like best man at a wedding friends, but before he hit it big with one really huge movie, he would go out often and about a third of the time he would drag me along. To be dragged along you had to be committed to the game. Although our Academy Award nominated actor had not had the huge hit at the time, he was known and was recognized not so much by name, but as, "hey aren't you the guy who was in... you were so good." This actor is an incredible actor, and he felt that to enjoy going out, you needed to be able to truly let go which was not possible if you were trying to protect your brand such as it is, and so came up with these elaborate characters. This was truly method acting.

When he decided to portray a stockbroker with a serious coke habit, he spent the entire party shoving what looked like coke up his nose like it was the last coke on earth. This party just happened to be right after he had just got some of the best reviews in his career, and I don't know if he consciously or unconsciously chose a character that would really allow him to forget for a night, or what. The thing is that even though he sucked up a ton of coke that night, it was the only time I ever saw him doing it. He just really got into these characters.

There was one party where he looked someone who just walked off a 70's porn set down to the polyester pants, open shirt, gold medallion, and Tom Selleck mustache. It was like a Halloween costume, but he bet everyone he knew that he would find at least one woman who would actually go home with him. He did better than that and actually had two women almost coming to blows over this guy because they both wanted to go home with him.

As he became more well known it was harder to get away with doing them because no matter what he did, or what role he took on, invariably someone would recognize him and ask him what he was doing and at that point he would just go home. I know when he had his huge blockbuster, he was professionally happy, but it effectively put an end to his theater within a party that he loved so much and didn't give him an outlet to really just let go and be whoever he wanted to be for just a night. Now, he just hangs out at home with a friend or two and his current girlfriend of the day, but whenever I am at a party and see someone who clearly does not belong or is way over the top, I always look really closely to see if maybe he has decided to give it one more shot.

Leo DiCaprio

Britney Spears Now Wants $20M For X Factor

As I opined yesterday, I thought $10M for Britney Spears being a judge on X Factor was little on the low side considering she could make that in a week or two of concerts. Turns out she thinks it is low too and now wants $20M for sitting around giving her opinions. I say pay her whatever she wants because if you don't get some kind of excitement for your show then this season will be even worse than last and you might not get renewed for another year. Competition shows are supposed to be less expensive because you are not paying stars, but when you are paying three judges almost the same amount as you paid the entire cast of Friends combined at the height of their popularity, then you have some cost issues and you better deliver.

Michael Madsen Arrested For Felony Child Endangerment

I'm not sure why anyone would let their kids anywhere near Michael Madsen. The guy is self-destruction at its absolute best and his episodes and rantings and destruction have intensified over the past few years. According to TMZ, Madsen was arrested yesterday after police came to his house and saw marks on his minor child. Apparently they had got into a fight and Michael was not above actually hitting his kid. Michael was also drunk. Michael's attorney said that Michael was upset because he found his son smoking pot. Michael was probably more upset that his son did not share it with him or took it from Michael in the first place. Madsen was released from jail early this morning.

John Mayer Cancels Tour

Even after not speaking for an entire month, John Mayer still cannot seem to get his throat healthy. The singer announced yesterday that his granuloma has returned which is necessitating that he cancel his entire tour and take a break again from singing. He managed to put together an album which is due out later in the spring and was hoping to tour to support it, but that is just not going to happen. No matter what you think of his personal life, it sucks to not be able to do what you obviously do best and love most other than sleep with random women, make out with random guys and Tweet about them.

Dick Van Dyke, 86 Marries 40 Year Old

It is not so much that Dick Van Dyke got married last week to a 40 year old makeup artist. I am actually ok with it because they have been dating six years. If you date someone for six years, then I sense that there is something to a relationship. My whole thing is that when they started dating he was 80 and she was 34. That means she was born when he was 46. She did not become legal until he was 64. Imagine you are 34 or when you were 34 and think to yourself if you would have been hot for an 80 year old.

Because they did date so long, I don't think it is a money grab and if there are people in this world who are Furries then I have no doubts there are people out there who get turned on by someone almost 50 years older than themselves. Maybe they waited until she turned 40 so it would not sound so bad because otherwise the headline could have been 86 Year Old Man Marries 30 Something Year Old Woman .

Dennis Quaid's Wife Files For Divorce - His Reps Feel Like Idiots

Yesterday morning, Dennis Quaid's reps were releasing statements that everything was great in Dennis' marriage and that the whole cheating on his wife on Valentine's Day was just friends hanging out and all lies. A few hours later, Dennis' wife filed for divorce. Hello PR idiots. They must have known and then they come out and say what they did and no one will ever believe a word they say anymore. So, when they say that the divorce is great and everyone is happy and a settlement agreement has already been reached you wonder if that is true or they are just making up more lies.

Look, ladies. I know you think Dennis is good looking for an older guy and he is. The thing is he knows it and has never been faithful. Ever. You marry him then you are marrying everyone he wants to date. At least Randy Quaid, for all his out thereness seems to be pretty faithful. Of course that could also be that his wife will kill him. Seriously. Doesn't she seem like the kind of person who would be more than happy to cut off body parts or kill you if you cheat?

Ted C Blind Item

There's something to be said for gals—gay and straight—who have very religious upbringings. When it comes to sex, they tend to lean heavily in one direction or the other. Usually nothing vanilla or boring between the sheets with belting, church-going gals who call Jesus their BFF!

Certainly is the case with hugely talented star Sissi Sparkle, who has everybody wondering lately...

"Has she ever had a girlfriend?" many are starting to ask, since fans are just now (stupidly) waking up to the fact that Sissi never really has had much of a man in her life—apart from some silly flirtations here and there.

True, there was the one guy a long time ago, but, he was just a cover-up, people!

But recently, Sissi's been in the news in a pretty major way. She's big on the celeb radar again—very big.

So it's no wonder folks are starting to wonder—in some cases, not for the first time—where the hell is the man in this multitalented powerhouse's existence?

Answer: paid to further Sissi's fabulous-again career!

‘Cause it was always the ladies who did it for Sissi. Always.

And, damn, do the girls who lived to tell about their wild sex times have a lot to say about it!

(But they never will.)

AND IT AIN'T: Dolly Parton, Jennifer Hudson, Britney Spears

Friday, March 09, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Jimmy Ellis - RIP
Ali Larter strolling through Beverly Hills.
Long time no see Alanis Morissette.
Courtney Robertson is still enjoying her new pap lifestyle.
David Arquette headed out to meet a new woman.
This photo was taken from a horse ridden by Victoria Beckham. There has to be a joke there.
Hayden P and Scotty McKnight at a college basketball game.
And making out.
Angelina Jolie doing the red carpet thing solo.

Random Photos Part Two

Johnny Depp and Armie Hammer make up the newest members of a reunited Village People.
Julianne Moore will win the Emmy for her portrayal of Sarah Palin.
Katrina Bowden still getting second rate promotional gigs.
Kristen Bell on the other hand is on her way to Vegas where she scored six figures to go to a TopShop opening.
Kelly Bensimon jogs while her daughter rides along.
Lenny Kravitz always brings cool to the site. Half naked he brings a little something else too.
Lindsay Lohan finally did something smart. Went back to red.
Matt Bomer and his partner Simon Halls headed out on vacation.
Peta Murgatroyd with a typical LA look. Shorts and Uggs.

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Amber Rose on her way to working out.
Someone cast Russell Brand in a new movie with Julianne Hough. Sounds like a winner.
Selma Blair brings home a baby gate. Or a game for she and the baby daddy.
Shenae Grimes loads up on stuff to begin her day on set.
Stacy Keibler shows off her future. Appearing at openings of car dealerships.
I did not even recognize Sofia Vergara.
Wilmer Valderrama managed to convince some Canadian model to have sex with him.
Meanwhile, he also cozied up to Elizabeth Olsen and her velour which is like velvet's second cousin.
Zac Efron hits Europe to promote Lorax.
Zachary Quinto shows off his Spock eyebrows.

Salma Hayek Milk Commercial

I have to say this extended version of Salma Hayek's Got Milk ad is pretty funny.

Dennis Quaid Cheating On His Wife - On Valentine's Day

Dennis Quaid cheated on his wife on valentine's Day. Most of the time, husbands are at home or doing something special for their wife and mother of their kids. Not Dennis Quaid. He was out picking up women and taking them back to his hotel. His people say Dennis was with friends that night. Umm, that is still not with his wife and someone you are cheating with can definitely be your friend. I think next time Dennise cheats he should do so discreetly and not steal away the date of some guy who then blasts it all on Twitter.

Four For Friday - The Show From Hell

Don't forget that every Saturday morning I reveal blind item from the archives. Could be from last year or three years ago. Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter --------> Today there is a blind on there which is not on the site.

Ever wonder what happens when you put a former B+ female tweener who gets her own first show and you mix her with a former B list television actress from a long running hit ensemble show who also thinks she is the star? You get several years of pleasantness on the outside and the worst conditions ever on a show on the inside. The former tweener had a huge ego. Coming off some movies and a very popular tween show she thought she was going to be the biggest star on the planet. She also had a very goody goody image on the outside, but on multiple occasions had more than one guy at once. She is also a huge collector of her own homemade porn.

The actress coming into the show who had been on the hit ensemble show also was a goody goody on the inside and out but it did not stop her from being a diva. She also could be the biggest b**ch on the planet if you crossed her. As she told the tweener once after they got into a hair pulling fight, "I learned from the meanest actress who ever walked onto a television set. You will lose."

How about the times that our tweener would walk around naked when the actresses husband would stop by the set. "Oops. I did not know you were here." Not that she would ever normally have sex with him. She likes big, big big guys if you know what I mean. However, to get back at the actress she would have slept with the husband who is also a B list movie actor.

For years the two never spoke to each other unless they had to. Knowing how prudish the actress was, our tweener would have wild sex as loudly and as close to the actress as possible even when her kids were visiting. She would even have sex in the actresses' trailer and have her companions leave their used condoms. It was a wild wild set and the two still hate each other.

Your Turn

I have done this one before, but it is one of my favorites. Tell me about your pets and I want to hear all of the pet names too. Pet names are so much more fun than people names.

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS young megastar has a secret kinky obsession with his actress girlfriend’s lingerie! The clean-cut teen, who likes to wear his sweetheart’s frilly panties under his low-riding hip-hop jeans, was recently caught going through his honey’s G-string collection. Who is he?

Bethenny Frankel Complains About Being Rich

Bethenny Frankel is quickly headed to the bottom of the celebrity pile. I don't think she ever says anything that shows her in a positive light. You have to realize that she gets a say in the final cut of her television show and she still comes across as one of the worst people ever. Just imagine if she did not have a say in the editing. She gave an interview to Forbes and basically said that people hate her not for her fame but because how rich she is.

"Money brings out a really vicious side in other people. It surprises me because you always think about people making money and it changing them, you never think about it changing everything else. Fame isn’t the thing that changed the people around me, but money is."

Whitney Houston & Bobbi Kristina Have The Same Drug Dealer

Much like Ryan O'Neal and Redmond O'Neal, a family that uses the same drug dealer gets a discount. What? Did you think it would bring them closer together? Yeah, Ryan and Redmond are real cozy with each other. Anyway, Bobbi and Whitney shared a guy named Jay. Huh. That almost sounds like Ray and J if you put the two of them together. Kind of like the whole Bennifer thing. Move that J and take out the R and you have yourself Jay. Interesting.

Ted C Blind Item

It's been awhile since we've heard from beefcake boy-lovah Stealth Stud-Poof.

See, SS-P knows expertly how to play the Hollywood closeted-star game and he's been busy maintaining his A-list status, landing super-sexy roles, buffing up his stellar bod, and ya know, banging his über-hot BF on the side!

Sounds like the perfect life, no? Heck, he didn't even have to hide his same-sex shenanigans: Everyone in Poof's camp was in on the sitch (even the Mrs.). He just had to keep things under wraps from the public, which, of course, he always has.

Until now.

Mr. Poof seems to have developed a habit of forgetting to close the shades on those big ol' windows at his place (which he pretty much keeps separate from the pad with the wife), giving many passing looky-loos quite the shocking show!

See, Stealth purchased a swanky apartment for his loverboy where the two dudes can get it on for days on end without any prying paps trying to home in on their love nest.

But on one of the recent visits with the BF (one of Stealth's favorite ways to relax and indulge), he seemed not to notice the exclusive complex has turned into quite the celebrity hot spot.

Which means fans. Lots of 'em, all hoping to catch a sighting of one of the many stars living in this A-list building.

But here's what they weren't expecting to see:

Stealth and his pal getting it on. Not in the entirely raunchy way you might think (or want). But sure enough, Stealth was hugging and kissing his man with years of affection behind those sparkling eyes. You know, the kind of open-mouth kisses that take you straight to the bedroom—which is precisely what happened.

Adorable…but homo-licious, none the less. And oozing with passion that could destroy Stealth's career of playing badass ladies' men—at least, that's what his people tell him.

So tread carefully, Stud-Poof, and get some damn curtains—or we may soon be removing the Stealth from your moniker. Unless, of course, you're just waiting for someone to snitch so you can turn your fab domestic life with your dude into a full-time sitch?

AND IT AIN'T: Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, Matthew McConaughey

Shocker!! Jenelle Evans Back On Drugs Again

Star Magazine is reporting that they interviewed Jennelle's former boss and lovah which is really the only way to pronounce the word because otherwise you sound like an 18 year old girl sleeping with your 41 year old former teacher and you are too young and he is too closeted to realize he needs to come out. Anyway, Jenelle's ex made a few bucks by selling his story to Star. Apparently Jenelle is using Aderall, snorting coke and taking Ecstasy. Oh, and still using drugs with Kieffer. Winner winner chicken dinner. Explain to me the attraction of that guy. Drug abuser. Homeless. Car less. Unemployed. Frequent jail inmate. Which of those really says to you, "this is the person I want to be with forever." Which of those is the biggest turn on?

Blue Lagoon Is Coming Back

Apparently Return To The Blue Lagoon so long ago did not convince executives that the name Blue Lagoon should never be uttered again or put on film because they are remaking the original. Look. I have been adamant before about Hollywood trying to come up with something original and instead just recycling crap or squeezing every last drop out of a franchise that was never intended to be franchise. When you are making movies named after board games just for the marketing tie ins, then things have got out of hand. Then I heard they were remaking Blue Lagoon. Granted it is just going to be a Lifetime movie, but how can you remake an awful movie? Plus, being on Lifetime there won't even be the nudity to get you through the slow scenes. It's like producers went through the entire Katherine Heigl/Jennifer Aniston catalog over the past few years and said, lets remake them all. This time they will be better. Oh, and to make them better lets have Denise Richards act in them. You know that my attitude towards Denise has changed 180 degrees in the past few years because I think, with the exception of her choices in who she dates she has taken great care of her kids and pets and every other kid that gets dropped off at her door at 2am. Oh, it has happened.

But, she has not exactly lit up the world when it comes to acting. So, right away when you say she is going to play a big role in the remake and that Christopher Atkins is making a cameo you just have to wonder how bad it is going to be. Throw in some Tori Spelling and a dash of Shannen Doherty and some Real Housewives sprinkles and you have yourself a very low rated made for television movie.

Antonio Banderas Gets Robbed In Airport

You have to hand it to the pickpocket who was working the Budapest airport. They picked the perfect way to rob Antonio Banderas. The actor was in the airport being mobbed by people when someone came up to him and deftly took his wallet. He didn't realize it until he was in his car and by then of course it is going to be far too late. He called the police, but unless someone starts using his credit cards then he is not going to have much luck. If they had got his cell phone, I wonder what kind of photos we would have seen making their way across the internet.

Tristan Wilds Will Miss Last 90210 Episodes Of The Season

Tristan Wilds' people say he is sick and that is the reason he will miss the last four episodes of the show this season. The writers will just say he is on tour and then next season when Tristan is all better he can rejoin the cast. Whenever publicists will not say what the illness is, then you always have to suspect something because, umm, lets say it was Lupus or something like that. They would jump on publicizing that and getting spokesperson gigs and getting a People Magazine cover. All I have to say is that, even if he is sick, Tristan has been in the blind items before. Just sayin'.

Eva Longoria And Eduardo Cruz Say No Mas

Apparently Eva Longoria and Eduardo Cruz could never recover from that whole Eva Longoria and Lakers player situation. Well, Eva does like her some NBA players and when it comes down to it, she was also not that thrilled that he did not really have a regular job. Eva was used to having many days alone each week while she was married and then you have this guy who has no commitments and just sits around your house all day waiting for you to come home. The only time it was good was when they vacationed together which was frequently, but not enough to sustain the lust.

Eddie George Has A Good Excuse

All day yesterday Eddie George insisted he did not cheat on his wife when with pro golfer Rachel Connor. I keep wanting to call her Sarah Conner and make Terminator jokes. Do you think Linda Hamilton ever beat up James Cameron when they were together? I feel like she could have. I think he was scared of her. She is one of my favorites. Anyway, Eddie got away with a technicality. I think if you went to the store and polled people while giving them the same set of facts they would agree that Eddie did not cheat on his wife. I think that if you then asked if he was going to, everyone would say yes. Come on. Half drunk and alone in a car at night. I don't think they were going to church service. I think they were going someplace to have sex at which point he would have cheated on his wife.

Amanda Bynes Is Far Too Busy/Important/Wasted?/To Wait For Police

Normally when a person is in the process of getting a ticket they wait until the police finish writing the ticket and drive off only when they have received the ticket and their license and registration back. Well most people are not the unemployed, one dress wearing Amanda Bynes. Amanda got a ticket for talking on a cell phone and while the police officer was writing the ticket, Amanda drove off. Now, why would you do that? Far too busy? Maybe she is busy checking IMDb every few minutes to see if she got a role somewhere but other than that, I think she has all the time in the world. Important? Not so much. Wasted? I have no idea if she was or not. But, maybe she was and was scared the police would find out so she drove off and when she sobered up she went back to the police station and signed the ticket. Maybe she had something in the car she did not want the police to find.Maybe she just had to pee. Whatever the reason, police are still deciding what, if anything to charge her with.

Britney Spears To Be X Factor Judge

Get ready to see Britney Spears several nights a week on television. If you thought Paula Abdul brought a level of what will she say to television then you will be a big fan of Britney. I think we will see everything from numbness to where am I to some censored f bombs to an over under of 8 ya'll's an episode. None of this will probably make people want to watch the show any more than they already do. Like I have said before, is the show about the judges or the contestants? Britney mentoring the contestants should be fun. Britney does not usually have any outside interaction or interference so the introduction of new people into her life should be an interesting stimulus. Britney is going to get paid $10M for her work on the show which is about what she would make for a week's worth of concerts.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Some of the American Pie cast reunite for the premiere of the new movie in Australia.
Cameron Diaz and Matthew Morrsion having a baby? WTF? Oh, it is a movie. I thought she had the gestation cycle of a goldfish. Whew.
Here she is. All normal and shilling for Tag Heuer.
It's David Beckham beer night. First 10,000 fans get free beer from David.
Denise Richards shows off those arms. I prefer crystal litter rather than the traditional.
Goldie Hawn attempts to get into a car.
Sure, that is one way to do it.
Kate Hudson and Matt Bellamy missed the excitement but were at the party.