Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kate Winslet Hates Titanic Song

If you really want to punk Kate Winslet, what you should do is make it so the only sound she is able to hear is Celine Dion singing My Heart Will Go On. Apparently Kate hates the song so much that she said it makes her want to throw up and that she rolls her eyes everytime she hears it. Am I a fan of the song? No, not really. However, Titanic made Kate Winslet's career and that damn song had a lot to do with it. When the movie came out the song was on every few minutes. It was worse than trying to find a station not playing Adele now. To just throw the song under the bus is kind of wrong. I'm a big fan of Kate, but she should just suck it up and not say anything.

Blind Items Revealed

#1 - It is not like this should be surprising, but it is kind of sad. This actress is probably C list. She has really only had one big role. It was a huge movie. Not necessarily dollar wise, but awards and publicity wise. She also models and has been in a long term relationship with another C list actor and former co-star. Apparently though he has been getting the lies and excuses lately about why they cannot spend more time together even though publicly she says all the right things about how great their relationship is. She tells the boyfriend that work and modeling shoots are keeping her busy, when in reality she is spending every second with this great looking B- list movie actor with the unusual name. What our actress does not understand is that if anything happened it would be quick and dirty for him and not love and romance and forever. If she wants that she should stick it out with the boyfriend before he finds out the inevitable.

Freida Pinto, Dev Patel & Stephen Dorff

Batman Gets Pulled Over

I hope that no one had flashed the light for Batman because he is going to be late getting there. Outside of Washington, D.C., Batman was pulled over for not having the correct plates. I guess he is going to call in a favor to Commissioner Gordon.

Bobbi Kristina Gets A Television Role

First Tyler Perry lent his plane to the family of Whitney Houston so they could fly her body across the country. Now, Tyler Perry has given a recurring role on his show For Better Or Worse, presumably letting Bobbi in line ahead of other worthy actresses who have actually appeared on something more than a reality show. While I am happy that Bobbi Kristina will have something to do during the day, I am equally sure that if Whitney Houston did not die that Bobbi Kristina would not be getting a recurring role on a television show.

ACM Awards Desperate For Ratings - Ashton Kutcher Is Presenting

Can anyone think of anything Ashton Kutcher has done in music, let alone country music, other than probably trying to hit on Taylor Swift? When Ashton Kutcher meets someone from country music he automatically thinks they are in Sugarland so that is a great qualification to present the award for female vocalist of the year.

With the exception of Liam Hemsworth, every other presenter has some kind of connection to music. And Liam can says that he has sex everyday with a musician which is probably a closer connection than Ashton has, although if you give him a few hours at rehearsal he could probably change all of that.

The real reason Ashton is presenting is because the awards are on CBS and Ashton is on CBS. To give him one of the big awards though seems kind of wrong.

Octomom Is On Welfare

Apparently Nadya Suleman is just not making enough money taking naked photos because according to TMZ, the mother of 14 is now receiving welfare every month from the state of California. Octomom gets $2000 a month which does not seem like very much considering the number of mouths she has to feed and the help she has so she must be making some income, just not enough to keep her off welfare. This could have turned out so differently for Nadya. When the octuplets were born, she could have made enough to take care of herself and her kids for life, but I think people were just so turned off by the backstory that she was immediately barred from any of those big money making opportunities. Still, though you would think that TLC and their love of all things multiple would give her a special or something once a year.

Writer Of Moonstruck Sued For Violent S&M Relationship

The NY Post has quite the story about Moonstruck writer John Patrick Shanley, 61, who won an Academy Award for his writing on Moonstruck and Amanda Jencsik, who is 26 and suing the writer for $5M after he came within inches of ending her life. The thing is this relationship lasted over four months and they had violent sex every single time yet she always came back for more violent sex. I understand her suing the guy if this was a one time thing and she never came back, but do you get to sue someone for damages if you are willingly going to get these damages done to you. You need to read the whole Post article, but basically, the couple met online. They went out a few months later and had sex. They then had a date, but Shanley showed up late and drunk and instead of going out she says that he forcibly sodomized her. So, if she stops right there, calls the police for rape and sues the guy, then I understand. She did not though. Amanda, who is an actress, went out with him again and had violent sex, although this time apparently it was not forced, but Shanley did choke her. In her suit, Amanda says that she has permanent damage to her bowel as a result of the sex.

Ted C Blind Item

Are you all ready for some end-of-the-week coworker catfighting?!

Have you ever despised another employee so dearly that you hoped against hope that one day they'd be canned, allowing you to lay claim to their cubicle and freeing you from the burden of their watercooler blabber?

Meet Harriet Talons—and rest easy knowing she won't be occupying your office anytime soon. She's a popular boob-tube babe on one of those hit series that's always being talked about…which would so not be the case if her coworkers had a say in it:

Because they want her character killed.

Dead. Six feet under. Never to be heard from again. And they want Harriet banished from set, thrown out on her perfectly toned toosh to fend for herself in cold, cruel Hollywood. Yep, Harriet's entire crew wants her fired.

And badly.

In fact, it's all pretty much anyone ever talks about anymore. The problem is, Ms. Talon's safety is all but secured—while another character's life hangs in the balance, Harriet knows her onscreen alter ego won't bite it anytime soon.

Probably not ever, actually.

Sorry, crew folk, looks like the wrath of Harriet will live on. I would normally suggest the people who truly despise her quit…but then there'd be no one left to work on the show (and some of H.T.'s castmates are pretty sweet, I wouldn't want them to be punished).

If it makes you feel better, know that it's not just at work that she's a total nightmare.

Heck, even Harriet's neighbor—who's a big-screen heartthrob as well as a juicy Vice star—can't stand the chick. Maybe it's because she's always begging for him to date her, which, FYI, he wouldn't do in a billion years.

AND IT AIN'T: Ellen Pompeo, Emily VanCamp, Jessica Lange

3 Winning Mega Millions Tickets

If you are reading this and live in Maryland, Kansas or Illinois and bought a Mega Millions ticket you should go look. Despite the fact that 1.6 billion tickets were sold, only three tickets matched the winning numbers of America's largest jackpot ever. Each winning ticket will get about $213M before taxes.

So, if there are 176M combinations and 1.6 billion tickets were sold, it should stand to reason that about ten winning tickets were sold instead of three. That means that some number combinations must have had more than ten tickets printed. I'm guessing that there was probably a combination out there that a hundred tickets printed which kind of would have sucked if you won. Instead of thinking you are going to get $640M you might have ended up with 4 or 5 million. That is still great, but kind of a let down from 640M.

Maryland officials jumped the gun last night and said they had the only winner. That person went to bed thinking they won $640M and wake up to find out it is just $213M. Yeah, I used the worst just.

Congratulations to the winners. Go have yourselves a party!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Apparently Adam Sandler does not limit this expression to his movies. He does it in real life too.
Beyonce has the new Blue Ivy cradle delivered. Isn't the baby going to be too big for this really soon?
Beyonce showed up a short time later, but without the baby.
Dallas shows off its new ad campaign.
David Beckham shows some love to his son Romeo while
Orlando Bloom does the same with Flynn.
Eddie Kaye Thomas worships at the feet of Jennifer Coolidge while
Seann William Scott signs autographs in Berlin.
Andrew Garfield might melt away. It's rare in Hollywood you see an actor thinner than his actress girlfriend.

Random Photos Part Two

The first appearance of Hilary Duff in public since she gave birth a week ago.
Jon Bon Jovi and family enjoying the Caribbean.
Hmm, I wonder who is paying Jessie J to be there.
Jack Osbourne is out of the hospital after surgery and back out with his pregnant girlfriend.
The first time I have ever seen a Kelly Clarkson workout shot. Great for her!
Katy Perry has ditched the blue hair, at least for this shoot.
"So, later on, lets go back up to my room and I will throw on The A-Team and we can party."
Melanie Griffith wins the multitask award of the day. Reading, talking on the phone and eating soup.
Natalie Portman and a rare photo of Aleph.

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Prince Harry is back from his world trip and was at a celebration honoring his great grandmother yesterday.
"Hi, I'm Rihanna and would like you to notice me."
"What? Is this for me? I never expected this when I wore this outfit to a radio interview."
Rooney Mara deals with phone calls, dry cleaning and the paps.
This is a machine that dispenses ballet flats for women at the end of a night of heels. They are popping up everywhere, but $20 seems a bit pricey for something you only wear once or twice.
Stacy Keibler took some charity event for TOMS and turned it into her getting a pedicure.
This is the lucky kid who got to help Sofia Vergara bring in the food to school.
No matter where Sam Worthington goes, his girlfriend is always there. This time, London.
Taylor Kitsch however is flying solo.

Candice Bergen Says She Suffered A Stroke

Almost six years ago, while working on the show Boston Legal, Candice Bergen suffered a stroke. She told New York Magazine that she did not want people to know about the stroke and only took two weeks off from filming the show before going back to work. She thinks that if people know she had a stroke they would be less likely to hire her. She did say she has lingering effects from the stroke and that her memory is not what it used to be. She almost did not take her current role on Broadway because she was afraid she would not be able to remember her lines.

I understand the need and desire to want to keep things private, but Candice is working all the time and I think the more she shares and shows others who have had a stroke that it does not need to slow you down and you can live a perfectly normal life that it can only make those people feel better.

Four For Friday

As always on Friday, I like to take the time to point out that I have a Twitter which you can click on over there --------------> somewhere and follow me. I have blind items and reveals on there that I don't have on the site. Oh, and every Saturday morning I dig out a blind item from the archives and reveal it. I think you will enjoy the one I will reveal tomorrow.

Today, I thought I would go for a traditional Four For Friday since it has been a few weeks since I have done one.

#1 - When this Academy Award winning actor who rarely does television was single everyone used to love to go to his house to party. It turns out that our actor always feared getting recognized going for rub and tugs so hired two full-time women who lived in his guest house and were always on call. They were there for about two years and he even gave them health insurance.

#2 - This B- list television actress is on a new network hit, but a couple of years ago she almost died because of her eating disorder. At one point she was down to 75 pounds and bed ridden.

#3 - Two brothers from a celebrity family. Huge name recognition. Back in the day they were a-holes. Heck, even now to some degree they are. Anyway, the two brothers used to enjoy getting into fights whenever they had the chance. Their favorite target? Gay men. Kind of surprising when you think about what they preach now.

#4 - Which Mad Men actress buys and returns thousands of dollars worth of merchandise each week just so she gets attention from the staffs at stores. She loves when they swarm all over her.

Your Turn

With the whole Vogue mom thing this week, there has been a lot of discussion about children and diets. I would love to know your thoughts about them. When is it necessary? When is it too much?

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH popular “Real Housewife” is angling to get her own spinoff series? The brunette beauty feels ganged up on by her co-stars, and is desperate to flee. She’s discussing hosting a lifestyle makeover show with Bravo execs.

Anne Hathaway Has 15 Days To Lose 15 Pounds

For her role as Fantine in Les Mis, Anne Hathaway needs to lose 15 pounds. She probably only weighs a little over 100 pounds right now so it seems pretty tough to lose 15 pounds even given a month or two, but Anne only has 15 days. According to The Daily Mirror, the time frame for her to lose the weight was condensed because of the shooting schedule, so she is eating less than 500 calories a day. I don't even know if that would do it. She is also working out several hours a day, but a pound a day when you are skinny is hard. If I starved myself and did not eat for 15 days, I could lose 15 pounds. If I worked out too and did not die, I could probably lose more than 15, but I am a big guy. Anne is skinny skinny.

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This teenage heartthrob was recently in the Magic Kingdom and he and his friends had a great time laughing and being generally obnoxious. It’s understandable for his age we guess, but making kids cry kind of crosses the line for us. The worst thing about his behavior was the ‘contest’ the group devised which involved seeing who could pop the most balloons of other guests, especially those tied to strollers.

Tony Dovolani Says Kate Gosselin Drove Him To Therapy

How crazy is it that what should have been a fun three months and a nice paycheck turned into a nightmare for Tony Dovolani so bad that he had to seek therapy. Tony says that after spending time with Kate Gosselin he actually had to have therapy. Tony also said that Kate could not dance and had no rhythm. I would agree with both of those. If I am ever having a bad day, one of my guaranteed smiles is watching one of her performances on the show. She truly was awful at dancing. I don't know if she just did not try or was in it for the paycheck or if she thought it was going to be easier or what, but she was really, really bad at it but somehow managed to stay on the show a long time.

My favorite line she uttered to Tony was "I'm the only reason anyone even knows your name, so shut it."

Michelle Duggar Says The World Has Plenty Of Room For More Kids

The Duggar family has 436 children but do a remarkably good job of raising them and they support them without the assistance of the government and I really don't have any qualms with what they want to do individually. There are a lot of families with far fewer children that have way more issues.

That being said, I do wish she would actually turn on a television or just Google overcrowding or overpopulation and then read what she says. She recently told CBN that overpopulation is a lie. See, that really bothers me because there are too many people on the planet. Michelle says that you can never have enough children and that each child brought into the world raises the joy level of the planet.

Think of it like this. She thinks more children equates to everyone singing Christmas songs to raise Christmas cheer in Elf. Everytime a child is born Michelle thinks there is some joy meter that inches upward. I think that is true for an individual family, but I can't believe that she honestly thinks that if all the billions of people on this earth each had 19 kids that everyone would be having orgasms in the street because the joy level was so high. Can you imagine the world with 19 times the number of people it already has? How is that going to work? I don't like when people say something is a lie and then just talk and don't bring any facts to support their argument. You say that overpopulation is a lie, but the only thing you say to support it is to quote Mother Teresa.

Robbie Williams Is Going To Be A Dad

Sorry Jax, but it looks like Robbie Williams is one step deeper with Ayda as he announced today that he and his wife are expecting a baby later this year. He said on his site that he already has planned the nursery, named the baby, cries every second he thinks about the baby and has planned everyday of the baby's future. He also says the couple had sex. Huh. I was wondering about that. You would assume they had sex and did not go the Clay Aiken baster route, but these days you just never know. How come no one has cloned a human yet? If we can clone all these other animals, you know someone must be trying somewhere. I know about the ethical things and all that, but you are telling me there are not some scientists somewhere in the world working on this? Lets just hope that in their downtime they don't watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Courteney Cox Had A Date

Yesterday Chateau Marmont's patio was busy. You had Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson at lunch and you had Courteney Cox and a guy in a suit at night sipping on martinis. No pictures of the couple. Let me tell you a little something about the patio at Chateau Marmont. You can look at your cell phone, but the second you hold it up like you are going to take a photo someone will appear out of nowhere and tell you that no photos are allowed, and then ask if they can get you another $18 drink. Sure, you can be sneaky, but it can be tough to be sneaky and aim your phone in the right direction and still get a shot. I used to drink martinis a lot. I stopped though about the same time I realized I always ended up drinking them in two swallows. It is the design of the glass. I thought about asking them to be served in a highball glass, but then people ask you what you are drinking and you say a martini and then ask how come it is not in a martini glass and so at some point you get tired of telling the tale and order something different. Courteney and her guy stayed until midnight which is a pretty late night for her.

Kristin Cavallari's Parents Lose Their House To Foreclosure

One of the few great things about watching Laguna Beach was looking at the house Kristin Cavallari lived in while she was in high school. Yes, I watched Laguna Beach. My hatred for all things Hills came post Laguna Beach. I think two years was plenty to spend with that cast and did not need to follow them for the rest of their lives. I think the same thoughts about Jersey Shore. What is borderline sad right now with all the clubbing and smushing and no other existence in life is going to seem really bad when each of the guys is 45 and still trying to only date women in their teens. Anyway, Kristin's parents' place was incredible. I hope she has lots of memories and some clips from the show, because her parents had it foreclosed on and then sold at public auction last month when they could not pay their mortgage. According to TMZ, her parents still owed over $7.5M even after living there for such a long time. When it was sold at auction it only sold for $6.1M so you can see how much the housing market has collapsed here even for places right on the beach.

Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson ThisClose Yesterday

Ahh, I think I smell the spark from here. Lindsay Lohan had lunch with her sister Ali at Chateau Marmont. Or, as Lindsay prefers to call it, the place I can get wasted out of my mind in a bungalow and no one notices. Lindsay was celebrating her freedom after five years of probation. The current over/under for how long she goes without being arrested is one year. As I Tweeted a bit ago, I am going with the over. I think she can stay out of jail for one year. Notice I did not say out of trouble. I think she will limit her partying to indoors, steal only from people who will not press charges and otherwise make herself scarce except for the occasional spill onto the sidewalk which she will blame on faulty sidewalk construction and sue the city and win millions of dollars to get back at them for making her life miserable for the past five years because it is their fault for her problems, not hers.

Anyway, The NY Post says that at the next table over from Lindsay was Samantha Ronson. Samantha just broke up with her girlfriend and you know that Samantha knew that Lindsay eats most meals at the same place and I think wanted to just get in front of Lindsay. They did not say anything at lunch, but I bet there was a text or two yesterday that may have turned into a sext and this weekend, Lindsay will be pounding on Samantha's door begging to be let in.

Verne Troyer Is Writing A Tell All - Includes All His Sexual Conquests

I came very close to pulling out the Verne Troyer tongue photo. I know there are probably lots of readers who have yet to lay their eyes on it and it is Friday, but then I thought about the fact that premature blindness is a big issue and I did just make you look at an almost naked Nadya Suleman first thing in the morning. It would be cruel to go back to back on you like that.

Verne is shopping a tell all book that will probably be really tame when it deals with the actors he has worked with because the guy is still working and probably would like to continue to work. According to some source, Verne is going to talk about all his visits to the Playboy Mansion. Yes, I heard he had three women at one time in the grotto once. He will also talk about his sex tape and other relationships he has had and how they all screwed them over and that he was a perfect prince of a guy the entire time.

Octomom Got Paid $8K For The Topless Photos

Today on Anderson Cooper, Nadya Suleman is on the show. I actually think I need to try and watch it today. I have only seen his daytime show once or twice and one of those was an episode with his mom. I do try to never miss Anderson on Watch What Happens Live just because I can't get enough of his giggling. That is quality television. Anyway, Octomom says that she got paid $8K to pose for Closer Magazine. You know, that is a decent amount. I think most of us would spend an hour or two taking some photos for $8K. Not sure if we would be as bold as Nadya when it comes to revealing as much as she does. Considering there were 8 babies inside that body at one time, she snapped back incredibly well. It kind of humiliates me because I have never had a baby inside me, but I could never look that skinny. Nadya said she did it because she needs the money and that she discussed it openly with her kids. That should have been interesting.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Photos Part Three

Earl Scruggs - RIP
Lots of my favorite shows all in one photo. Don Cheadle should have a statue.
Amber Heard slowly outpaces her dog.
Beyonce shows off the bundle on her daily bundle viewing.
Courteney Cox directing for the first time.
That's David Beckham in there.
Dick Van Dyke loves his ring, just can't remember how it got there.
Emma Stone changed her hair color again.
Hilary Swank had all tourists beaten and driven away so she could pose solo in front of the Mona Lisa. It could also have been because she went to a dinner party after the museum closed. First story is way better though.