Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Blind Item #5

This should be interesting. This been through a lot C list all movie comedic actor said that he had a vasectomy many years ago. When his wife got pregnant she convinced him that maybe his vasectomy did not work. What she forgot to tell him was that it also could have been that other guy she is seeing on the side. I can't wait until the baby is born.


  1. The last part sounds like the guy on the side is of a different race or looks very different from the comedic actor. Jim Carrey with the Irish girl? He's rather on the pale side, so a darker-complexioned side guy couple with a pale girlfriend might be a bit of a shocker.

  2. Jim Carrey was my thought too.

  3. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Jason Jones is on the Daily Show, and is married to Samantha Bee. They recently had their second child, I think.

  4. Dayum. Is Jim C list though? He can still open a movie on his own, even though it doesn't necessarily do well.

  5. Unless I missed something, I don't think Jim Carrey is married...

  6. Oh, it says wife - I don't think Carrey is married to the Irish gal.

  7. Jim Carey moved on from the Irish/Russian girl, whatever she was. Last time I saw photos of him with a girlfriend, it was a new brunette with a killer body. It said she was a "makeup artist".

    1. I thought the Irish girl was a makeup artist?

  8. Do Jim Carreys days on Living Color not count as TV?

  9. Throwing it to the wall like spaghetti - Dane Cook?

  10. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Martin Lawrence? He is the marrying kind, but would enty post about him?

  11. I don't think there's any way Jim Carrey is C list. No guess here, though.

  12. Actually Vasectomy don't always aunt got pregnant that way and her husband didn't believe her until the tests came back...

    1. @MISCH, holy crap that must've been hell for your aunt!

    2. @MISH, yup, of vasectomies were 100%, I wouldn't have my son.

  13. None of these guesses are married though right? Except maybe Martin Lawrence.

    Kevin James? Is he married?

  14. Martin Lawrence is getting divorced & Eddie Murphey isn't married. Other than that, I got nothing.

  15. Tom Arnold, FTW!

  16. Kevin James is married with 2 kids.

    reminds me of the nip/tuck episode when the baby popped out black.

  17. @MISCH- I worked with a guy back in the 80s who was about to kick his wife to the curb because she was pregnant after his vasectomy. Then they checked him at her insistence, and he was still fertile. My Dad was also fertile after his first vasectomy (and 8 kids already). The only 100% effective method of birth control is abstinence.

  18. There was a country singer, Chris Cagle, who was popular for five minutes about 10 years ago. I remember an interview where he said how excited he was for his fiance to give birth--he was less excited when the baby came out a different race and the relationship immediately ended (or so I remember).

    thats all I can say.

  20. That's not true, vikingwench. Hysterectomies are also 100%--no womb no baby.

  21. Rob Schneider my guess

  22. Oh wow, I forgot all about Chris Cagle. I thought he was hot. I just googled him, and well, not so much on the hot anymore.


    How about Adam Sandler?

  23. Mike Myers is way higher than C right? Didn't his wife have a baby and everyone said he was gay or something?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @SweetDee - hysterectomies are quite radical. If you have your ovaries removed, well that takes care of (not) getting pregnant too.

  26. @Surfer Or stupid cancer could just render you infertile.

    I'm just over the "abstinence is the only surefire method" droll.

    I'm in clinical research and when telling women they MUST be on birth control, abstinence does not fly as a method at all. It cannot be trusted.

  27. I keep thinking Owen Wilson but he's not married and I forgot he had a baby last year. Maybe Robin Williams but I think he's higher than C list.

    1. re: Owen Wilson, me too!!! (accidentally repeated you below).

  28. @*karen* Oh that is some good gossip on Chris Cagle...I'm a country music junkie and had never heard that before. Thanks!!

  29. i have a friend that works in labor and delivery at our local hospital, she told me about one couple that came in ready to go, when the baby was born he was very dark skinned (for a baby) and had features that neither parent possessed. The poor father asked my friend when the baby's color would lighten up and when his facial features would change..all she could say was, "well it will probably be a while".

  30. "Been through a lot" seems to be important here. Is Owen Wilson married?

  31. Um, yeah, but I don't immediately think of hysterectomies or castrations as forms of birth control, although I am sure there are plenty that have been performed for pretty much that reason alone. To me that's like saying decapitation is a cure for migraines.

  32. Don't think it's Owen as he has, what, 4 kids with 4 different women? Thanks to the reveal yesterday, I believe!
    Anyway, ALL MOVIE, COMEDIC ACTOR...I was thinking this is their first child, no reason why, it just struck me that way.

  33. Didn't mean to start a fight about abstinence, I know you can't put that genie back in the bottle once it's out. I'm just saying there are very few 100% methods of preventing conception that are simply that- methods of preventing conception- and not a result or side effect of some other process or procedure. Like I said, I'm one of 8 kids- my parents used to joke they had a kid for every type of birth control that existed (and would have had one for vasectomy, too, if my Dad hadn't followed up and been tested afterward).

  34. Yep, I know three different people who have children after vasectomies. One of them had relations too soon (it takes a while to "clear out" sperm). The other two were the result of the vas deferens growing back together after they were cut too close together and then not clamped or tied.

  35. Tubal ligations are more reliable I believe. They can sometimes be reversed, but the results are unreliable. I haven't heard of many women getting pregnant after having it done. My mom had hers reversed with tragic results.

  36. I like the Tom Arnold guess.

  37. Wait what? Owen has four kids? I'm pretty sure he's only got the one he just had last year. I think it discludes him, but just checking.

  38. I'm on the Adam Sandler train with CJ. Although Mike Myers is an interesting guess too. I think we're missing someone...

    1. There's no way Sandler is C list. He's A list on name recognition, alone.

  39. Under the circumstance, it sounds like an appointment with Dr. Hoover might have been the way to go. I mean, this is Hollywood, and she obviously isn't too hung up on morals or anything.

  40. How about Vince Vaughn? He's truly all movie (unlike former SNL guys).

  41. My friend's little brother was born after a tubal ligation and the doctor who did it waived his fee for delivery. Rightly so. However, I had a tubal and depending upon how you get it done (cauterizng the tubes after they are cut) then it's pretty surefire reliable.

    Robin Wms new wife is 47 so highly unlikely it's his wife.

    What about Tracy Morgan? This almost sounds like someone who already has kids with their wife. But he doesn't do a lot of movies.

    This one is hard but then they are all hard for me.

  42. Oh how about Eddie Griffin?

  43. It has to be someone who will notice the difference when the child is it won't look like the Comedien...Maybe a Carrot Top or a Dane Cook, who is fair or light eyed. I hope Carrot TOp had a vasectomy.

  44. My aunt got pregnant a few years after a tubal. The really bad part was it wasn't her husbands kid. They have been divorced for quite some time now but he still doesn't know. Nor does their daughter who is in her early 20's.

  45. I know someone who had a baby after a tubal.

    The baby was also born on one of their religion's holy days, so they really believe that it's a gift from God. Which I think is nice.

    I'm an atheist, so I think it was a bad surgery :)

  46. Dang I just googled Chris Cagle and he was very hot! Looks like he has had a few issues.

  47. I the only one who googled 'Chris Cagle black baby' after reading *karen*s post?

    No clue who this is...

  48. Colin Hanks.

    People Kevin James was on the King of Queens
    Tracey Morgan was on SNL and 30 Rock
    Tom Arnold was on Roseanne and one other show that I can't readily recall the name of.

    Stop pulling names out of thin air.

    1. @angelface - wasn't Colin Hanks on Mad Men? Playing a priest?

  49. Also Martin Lawrence was on MARTIN...DUH.

  50. Angelface,
    Colin Hanks has been on Dexter, Robot Chicken, The Good Guys, Numbers, Mad Men, The OC, Band of Brothers, Roswell according to his IMDB page.

  51. @*karen* I remember that. He was all over his facebook (or maybe Myspace at that time) glowing about he's about to be a father after getting back together with his girlfriend (and former Hooters waitress - not judging). They broke up for a bit, next thing she's pregnant and telling him its his.

    Then it's born a different race and he's all "disappointed" and won't talk about it.

    I felt bad for him but what did he expect?

  52. I'm getting repetitive I know, but I don't want anyone to miss out!
    For the ratings chart email me at

  53. Anonymous5:08 PM

    My Mum had her tubes tied then untied after my younger sister died. Then she had my two youngest sisters. She considers them her "miracles" this was back in the mid 80's and was considered pretty impressive to have two children within 4 years of getting it reversed. Unfortunately I didnt get my Mums fertile genes:(
    I really enjoyed yesterday I have been reading the site for years and just started commenting it was fun conversing with all of you

  54. Was gonna suggest that Dax dude but he did that show with asston didn't he?

  55. @Jules, I also googled the Chris Cagle thing. It looks like he had some rough years after that happened, but ended up with a happy ending in the last couple years. Married, two little girls, a new record deal and a ranch in Oklahoma. Sounds like he dodged a bullet!

    As for the blind, no idea.

  56. Eddie Murphy, Jim Carey, Robin Williams and Adam Sandler - NOT C list.
    Kevin James was on TV shows for about 10 years. Tom Arnold was on TV for a while too.
    Staples and katydid - I like the Gift from God/Miracle explanations :)
    As for the abstinence discussion - yes, it is 100%...if you use it all the time.

  57. @angelface

    Blinds are often solved co-operatively, precious.

  58. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Angel face I've got to say that we throw out guesses, that's kind of part of the process, didn't know we had to clear our guesses with you first.

  59. Dax and Kristen have similar coloring, so that guess makes some sense in the sense that a baby with a dark complexion would certainly bring up some questions, but he's been on Parenthood for 4 seasons and counting so there's no way he's all movie.

    I've got nothing though, sorry guys.

  60. @katydid, have always loved your name, loved reading about it on your turn! Your mothers story is dear friends who had a baby after a vasectomy consider her a blessing and proof that there is something to the idea f fate, happy new year

  61. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell, they are married now right?

  62. Dax Shepard is on Parenthood on NBC and started out on Punk'd or Jackass I think. So definitely not all movie.

  63. Rob Schneider? He's been through a lot.

  64. @clynn - According to Dax/Kristen, they were waiting until gay marriage was legal to get married. Now since it is in California, I did hear rumors that they went ahead and sealed the deal but I don't believe that anything has been confirmed.

  65. Steve Martin !

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.
