Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 28, 2012

I love this blind item. It seems that this A list reality star had to go scrambling to find a place that wanted her to host a New Years Eve gig. Previously the star had asked for and received $600K for hosting. This year she managed just a fraction of the amount and had to settle for a way less prestigious place to host. Tick tick tick on the 15 minutes.

Kim Kardashian


  1. Bitch has tacked on an extra 9 months to her 15 minutes.

    Too bad that driver didn't hit her instead of that paparazzo.

  2. AAAHAHAHAHA. I'm so glad. I read it was a strip club.

  3. Aww, too bad Fish sticks didn't announce before New Year's. Didn't he have the ovu app?

  4. Easiest blind ever.

  5. i hate them. all of them.

  6. I do like to see that she isn't as popular as she once was but the whole baby thing makes me sad that she will be around longer.

  7. Oh please just make all these Kardashians go AWAY. I can't understand how people can tolerate their staged lives.

  8. When will these tricks learn. Fame is fleeting. Very few become legends and they actually DO something.

  9. Despite the clear evidence I provided a lot people thought this was Paris!

  10. Even though she did the appearance a lot of people gave her flack for showing up to a club while pregnant. Sure her 15 minutes have been extended by 9 months but I'm betting the majority of it is going to be negative publicity and people shaming all the choices she makes while carrying an unborn child.

  11. I'll admit it, I'm excited to see i what that baby looks like.

    I will also admit that I really hope it doesn't look like Kanye. And if it is his, I really hope it does.

  12. And just like that her famewhore contract has been extended.

  13. @lotta - do you want a medal or a cookie?

  14. is this the second pillow baby we will be seeing? although the latest pic of her and Gay Fish shows her a bit chunky.

    i feel so very sorry for this baby most of all.

  15. The bitch still got $300,000 for a 1/2 hours appearance

  16. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you Enty. Tick tock Kimmy!

  17. It does my heart good to read this.

  18. 1Oak is actually a pretty popular club here in Vegas - They should of got someone better to host, though.

  19. HAHA...I love that they gave her flack for being at a nightclub pregnant on NYE!!! But what will she do for money for the next 9 months if she can't appear at some dumb club?? Oh God...I'm imagining more nudie shots, this time all preggo and disgusting. She'll probably try for some reality show to follow her during her pregnancy too. Just go away already...and give your baby to someone who will actually love it and want it.

  20. Am I delusional but at the time was there a part of that deal that said they would say they paid a much higher price than they did?

  21. can we all agree that she will be the WORST mother ever? I'm indifferent to her as a person but now I have genuine feelings of hate for this chick knowing that she is months away from emotionally destroying another human being.

    No one THAT self centered should be a parent. I'm sure Mercy the cat would agree. But she can't . . . she's dead.

  22. :| raven |: - Kimmy will carry in her ASS.

  23. I don' think this pregnancy is real. Time will tell. I think the pregnancy is stageed for publicity.

    Kanye is not only rumored to be gay, he is also rumored to be "positive" which is why Amber left her hefty paycheck behind for Wiz, who isn't in the same zipcode as Kanye.

    If Kim is pregnant, it was done in a lab. frozen embryos last for years.... many years.

  24. Who are the people that still like the Kardashians?? After all this I can not imagine anybody liking these people! And now, as others mentioned, she has 9 more months of famewhoring to do :/

  25. Something is up with this pregnancy. I don't believe Kanye is the father if there is an actual pregnancy.

  26. Have they actually said she is pregnant or just that they are expecting a baby? I think theyre testing the waters and will try and do a beyonce.

  27. I agree with Pink Kitty, she posted what I was going to say. I think that KK is ths ultimate fame whore. I remember reading years ago by a Hollywood insider that she is the most self-absorbed creature on this planet, and that is saying a lot for Tinseltown. I have also heard for years that he is gay, and wasn't there talk that her mother set up this "romance" for publicity? I also heard that there was desperation in the Kardashian household because Kim's "star" is fading (what do they expect--she has no talent whatsoever and that big badonkadonk can only carry her fame for so long) so this "pregnancy" was very planned and very cynically so. Test-tube baby obviously. Too bad she is still married to the other guy. These people are such shameless trash and famewhores!!!!

  28. Ok Ok I will own up to it. I love the Kardashians, I tune in every Sunday for new eps and I have seen every episode.
    Kim and Kris are really the only insufferable ones on the show, everyone else is not exactly the brightest, but fairly entertaining. And hello Scott Disick! He always has the funniest quotes of the show and seems the most down to earth, despite those drinking rampages we all saw in past seasons.
    My favorite Scott quote is as follows:
    Kris: What was my favorite day this year? Probably when Oprah came over.
    Scott: Not the day your granddaughter was born? You heartless wench!

    Pretty much sums up the show.
    No worries, I don't believe that anything they do or say is authentic and I don't buy into anything else other than the show. Kim is a talentless (lets me real, she sucks at sex tapes) and a fame whore, just like her mother.

    The rest of them, besides Rob, I love. They all hate Kris and make no effort to hide it.

  29. I wish her 15 was almost up...fat chance.
