Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 21, 2012

This stage mom thinks a baby will make for great ratings and a bunch of money so she has her daughter's ovulation cycle in an app and calls her and texts when its go time. Not sure, but she would probably even go and watch if she thought she could get away with it.

Kim Kardashian/Kris Jenner


Unknown said...

When will it end?

erin said...

ick ick ick ick ick

She could probably get an endorsement deal from the app though. *vomit*

SusanB said...

Color me shocked!

MontanaMarriott said...

and VOILA, KK is preggers, but it has to be a test tube baby cus I know Queenye ain't having sex with KK

Laura said...

Paid off apparently.

Silly Girl said...

YUCK. This whole family is taking famewhoring and disgusting to a new level. I really feel bad for Bruce, unless he's OK with all of it. Then, not. Duh. That was obvious, huh? :)

MISCH said...

Kris the Madam and she stable of Ho's

uberbaldy said...

This was the big shocker Enty mentioned on twitter? For that family this is nothing. Booo Enty booo

LottaColada said...

Of course! I'm just glad it wasn't her teenagers, although I suppose their time will come too.

prolixe said...

Bringing out the shocked face again.

These people are disgusting. Cockroaches, indeed. I feel for the child (if there is one).

Speaking of which, if they pull the miscarriage card, I for one will be royally p*d. (Like what I think matters to them, haha.) I have several friends who have been through the pain of a miscarriage and to use something like that as a publicity stunt is vile.

Karen said...

This implies that the baby was conceived naturally. I don't buy it.

__-__=__ said...

Most people have miscarriages. Check the stats. Would be great ratings I'm sure.

auntliddy said...

Ewwwwww! Does kris j have self awareness at all? Can she not see her family is weird and screwed up? Does she really think she and her family are normal? When will it be enough money? She needs a wakeup call. And btw, do you ever hear of her or her daughters giving anything to charity???? Ever????? Ugh

LottaColada said...

I know everyone is trying to avoid all of the press on this matter but does anyone know if Kimye are saying they were "completely shocked" about the pregnancy?

JSierra said...

This may get repetitive today, but email me if you want a ratings chart!

JSierra said...

And this is gross. It also furthers my suspicions that this baby is a test tube baby and Kanye didn't actually impregnate her.

Glitter said...

Someone needs to call for a boycott on this family and all the channels and products they represent. They are now ruining other peoples' lives for their fame.

:| raven |: said...

god i hate this family. PLEASE make them stop spawning!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been a silent lurker as of late but I have to put it out there that I really really hate the Kardashians. Really. The more I learn the more I hope they go away and become a vaguely bad memory like my last stomach flu! So glad there is a day two of reveals though!

:| raven |: said...

well said Glitter.

Unknown said...

It IS vile if they play the miscarriage card. I lost my daughter 25 years ago, one week before Christmas and there isn't a single one that passes I don't think about her. Can we bring back stoning just for these bitches?

Silly Girl said...

I'm taking a vow to NOT comment on a Kardashian post again. Except for this post. After this, I'm boycotting. (In my best Jerry McGuire impression) Who's with me?!?!

yodelay said...

Was there any doubt the baby was anything more than a gimmick for this bunch. Beat wishes for this poor baby. It'll need them!

Moonmaid said...

Why is ANYONE surprised at this? I still have not watched that show and refuse to. We don't have to give these idiots our money now, do we?

FrenchGirl said...

but Kim K was yet pregnant since 2 months!????

Sarah said...

Take me with you.

Clubber Wang said...

I agree, she is not really pregnant, and will "misscarry" in another month, hoping to get sympathy and more covers of In Touch. The whole family should be sterilized

MISCH said...

I never have watched them, to me they are trash. The only truth is that MONEY IS THEIR GOD.

NomNom83 said...

Just like "The Truman Show"! But way less thought-provoking, terrible acting and a much bigger God complex.

EmEyeKay said...

@Glitter, someone did. I signed it last year. It listed every brand that they represent and/or have a stake in. It's gone now though!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Is there anyone here willing to admit they watch/ed these famewhores? I never have and I'm kinda curious what the draw (if any!) is?

FrenchGirl said...

boycott every post on Kardashian family (even about Khloe or Bruce)

mooshki said...

So, Enty makes up all of his blinds, huh? ;)

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I cannot believe two things a) they have sex and b) someone as vain as kim would actually go thru w childbirth.

Has to be a setup for a miscarriage storyline or she's pulling a beyonce and kanye's game because "he's so straight yo"

Agent**It said...

Too good not to repeat, on the original thread ... Vicki Cupper said...
Kris would force her to name it KRISsandra Kash Kardashian (West).

lazyday603 said...

She can watch it. It's all on tape.

gr8p said...

She will exploit a baby? *smh*

Damn Kris!

a non a miss said...

I have the same app- its kind of cool but this is awful. I'm sad that Ent teased this reveal to be a big one.

it took forever said...

How does enty know all this, paparazzi friends?

izz said...

Would she not have already been pregnant when this blind was written? unless he is not really pregnant yet and this all another publicity drive

JSierra said...

Onyx I agree, because lets be real. There is no way Kimmie is going to possibly ruin her bodacious body with a baby.

Eeekalicious said...

I don't care how old the child is. A mother has special pull with a child's affections, and this is over the top manipulative behaviour.

She is still a parent and this is reprehensible behaviour. Conceiving a child for anything other than love is an absolute perversion to me. (I don't use the word lightly, I know what it means....)

Unknown said...

Wasn't she already about 2 months pregnant when enty posted this though?

Jazzy said...

She's already started the Tracy Anderson excessive workouts trying to avoid the inevitable.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

@jsierra, lol I can't even imagine, what's going to happen to her "size 2" body?!

Jazzy said...

She's not 12 weeks yet. They fudged on the timeline, but yes this blind is after the fact.

Fluffy White Clouds said...

I am so tired of the Karharassians. I don't know what's worse, their manipulation of the media or those who encourage it by watching their shows, buying their products etc...
they are the train wreck that seems to never end...With this "supposed" baby they are going to annoy us for quite some time. And we thought the wedding was big, fake commercial deal, I bet this will be far worse...

mell61 said...

hmmm next up Kris auction off the virginity of the teenagers.... gross, but so possible!
Pleasecan we at least have 1 week free of the kar-krashions?

MalibuBarbie said...

I can't imagine this vacuous self-centered twat actually giving birth. She couldn't handle raising a kitten, much less a baby. I'm on the 'miscarriage' bangwagon.

MontanaMarriott - you made me snort my coffee with Queenye!

Cornbread said...

Agree with Jazzy, I don't believe Kim is 12 weeks yet. I bet the only reason they made an "announcement" already has to do with Jessica Simpson confirming her pregnancy.

She could also be fudging how far along she is so she can get away with having a scheduled c-section at 34 or 36 weeks (which many celebs do, so they can have a tummy tuck at the same time AND avoid carrying the full 40+ weeks). That's how so many celebs get back in such great shape quickly after giving birth - early c-sections and a tummy tuck.

I'll never understand that type of vanity.

Kelly said...

Maybe motherhood will change her........

Kelly said...

All right, I hear too many people laughing!

Eeekalicious said...


OMG. You just can't do Pilates-type exercises when you are carrying a child. This is the totally wrong trainer. I stopped doing anything that involved doing abdominal presses when I was carrying mine. I was too afraid I would miscarry. That's Goop's trainer, I think.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Bless your optimistic li'l heart!! lol

eris hilton said...

next she'll be taking out ad space in Kim's uterus. Actually, I should shut up, I'm probably giving her ideas.

Sunny said...

Why am I giggling that Kardashian Curse is trending at number 6 on Yahoo right now.

Sunny said...

P.S I did a clicky link! I did a clicky link!!

LottaColada said...

I just think enty was excited to reveal he knew all about what they were doing before they actually revealed she was expecting.

Tru Leigh said...

I pity poor baby Kimye.

JSierra said...

Sunny I found an article linked to your link that suggests Kris Humphries is the father, ratings gold!

I am curious to how much of this is total publicity and if there is even the slightest truth to any of it.

Mama June said...

*high five* Sunny! :)

auntliddy said...

Sorry for your loss angel.

auntliddy said...

Coupla years ago i watched a coupla episodes just to see. They are shallow, not intelligent and upset about utter nonsense- think cher in clueless-show iis a bore. They are really Shld take their money and go to college. If you have any intelligence, u will be unable to sustain an interest in this show.

Anonymous said...

F'ing sick! I love how Michael K refers to Kim as Pimp Mama Kris's Prize Pig. Kris seems to look at children as $$$$ signs and child support payments, and a Kanye baby as a viable career for Kim. She knows Kim's a dimwit and her star is falling, that's why she pushed for a baby so hard. This family. My God.

Anotheramy said...

I am truly surprised that any of you are surprised. I bet if you all had thought about it you would have known it was a planned PR move. I personally think it was planned before the wedding. She just had to find a different sperm donor.

Sherry said...

All manipulation of the media. Kanye needed the proof he was straight and PimpMama wanted to keep her prize pig popular. Count me as another who believes there may be a miscarriage.
And Angel sincere sadness over your loss. I cannot imagine how difficult the holiday is for you. *hugs*

Sherry said...

Yay Sierra! You did it. I'll be emailing for that matrix. You rock girl!

Sherry said...

Sunny girl I love your enthusiasm. Maybe one day I'll learn the clicky link too.

Mango said...

Kim was on one of those shows like Entertainment Tonight babbling excitedly about the pregnancy. They are going to milk every second of this. And the interviewer crowed, "I was the first person to get an interview!", like it was some great accomplishment. Newsflash, honey -- you won't be winning any awards for THIS story.

1Jazzimom said...


PrincessConsuela said...


astrogirl said...

*karen* you need to know when you're ovulating in order to harvest eggs for IVF.

car54 said...

You know we're going to find out they used Kris's turkey baster. She will manage this baby just like she manages everything in their lives...Kim is her little favorite.

Laura said...

A gal I work with watches the Kardashians - along with a lot of other reality crap (Teen Moms, Bachelor(ette), etc). She's 30 yo. She thought the Kim/Kris wedding and divorce was real. I don't get it.

Unknown said...

This is the same mother who critiqued her daughter's sex tape and told her to re-shoot it because it was too boring!

I am not surprized in the least. Kim is truly a fool for allowing this to happen. Do you know how she can get some public sympathy.... throwing her mother under the bus!

If she exposed her mother for being the "Joe Jackson" type of parent and giving up the goods on Mommy Dearest, the public may feel a smidge of sympathy/empathy for this brainless twit!

Agent**It said...

Solitary Angel, so sorry.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Solitary Angel, I'm so very sorry for your loss. My only child died less than 24 hours after he was born, so I know the pain you've gone through. Hugs and love to you.

Eeekalicious said...

@Reeses and @Solitary Angel

So very sorry, there are no words. I cannot imagine.

delete account said...

I'm no fan of Joe Jackson but my God Pimp Mama Kris makes him look almost respectable.

ALB said...

I actually feel sorry for Kayne...who, love him or hate him, is a musical genius.

AlexT said...

Why would she need to go watch? She can just wait for the DVD like everyone else.

Henry Spencer said...

Does anyone really think she is pregnant? I would be shocked if she didn't strings this along for a while and then say she miscarried for sympathy and attention. Or, if she went to Beyonce's baby dealer instead.

JSierra said...

Hugs to Solitary Angel and Reeses. No one can ever make your loss easier but at least you know your little ones are with you every day, and will continue to spend every day with their Mother. I don't know you very well, but from what I can tell on here, anyone would be proud to call you two their Mom.

JSierra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
winnyfranfran said...

What a gross pig. Both of them.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Cornbread - I've never heard that celebrities have c-sections at 34 or 36 weeks to make it easier to get their figures back. Holy crap, that's disgusting!

Friends of mine have a little girl who arrived early. She stayed in hospital for weeks and my friends were very nervous about it. She's fine now, but they would have cut off their right arms for their daughter to make it to full term. How horrible that someone would choose that, just to look hot.

lutefisk said...

Just a thought...I never watch the show and I blame people who do for the Kardashian's success, but what if one of the younger sisters was pregnant and they are going to keep her hidden and pass off the baby as Kim's?

Eeekalicious said...

@Cornbread and @Zeeky

I totally believe this, and it explains how 'delivery was nothing' and the 4 week miracle model moms.

I can't believe there are obstetricians who would encourage this. Yes, I do.

Nellie said...

@solitary angel and @ reesespeeces - my heart is breaking for you both. I am so desperately sorry for your losses.


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