Friday, January 18, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Kanye West and the first of what promises to be many furs at Paris fashion week.

Mark Wahlberg and his kids have matching shoes. His wife chose to not participate.
Natalie Portman takes some time off from mommy and me to go to a business meeting.
Russell Brand gets some help throwing away his Katy Perry collection,
Robin Wright looking good in London and then joining
Kate Mara and Kevin Spacey.
Salma Hayek and her daughter hop on a flight.
It is hard to believe that Sarah Michelle Gellar had a baby just a short time ago.


Anonymous said...

Eek. NOt feeling Robin Wrights hair. She looks like Dame Judy Dench to me.

MBK said...

So awesome that a beautiful animal gets put to death so that an asshat can wear its fur.

Claritysk said...

see, why cant someone dump flour on Kanye ? I mean seriously, if I lived in a highrise over that street id have red dye water balloons!

Idk i dont mind robins hair. short hair is hard to make look good.

and Marky mark looks so unimpressed!

Wen said...

The more pics I see of Kanye, the more I think he deserves someone like Kim KockROACH and her vulgar family.

Unknown said...

Kanye, get over yourself...seriously, dude.

prolixe said...

Thank you, Enty, for putting the crap one on top so everything else looks wonderful by comparison!

Marky Mark and his kids wearing matching shoes is cute. My boys at that age adored their father and always wanted to dress like him. (As teens, not so much...)

Wow, Robin Wright looks like Sharon Stone!

Salma's daughter laughing is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Legit question to the anti-fur crowd:

How do you view eating meat? I realize that in the case of minks and foxes, the animals are being killed strictly for their fur. But a dead animal is a dead animal, regardless of the reason. It seems somewhat hypocritical for me to eat meat (which I do) to wag a finger at someone who decides to wear leather or fur.

Is it just about the fur? Or are you against an animal being killed for ANY kind of human use/consumption?

I've often wondered about that and figured I'd ask.

LottaColada said...

I thought Kanye was banned from fashion week? Was that only one designer or am I remembering that blind completely wrong?

They should ban him for that hideous outfit he wants to call fashion alone.

skimpymist said...

Everytime I see a pic of salma I want to vomit. She's so narcissistic and is always bragging about wearing name brand everything. She lost her soul a long time ago.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Mostly, they need to ban the hideous methods they use to kill fur animals and the horrible, puppy mill level conditions they keep them in. Absolutely no humaneness involved. None. At all.

Robin Wright is lovely, but no with that hair. She does not have a short hair face.

Agent**It said...

Layna, perhaps because we have been able to replace the personal need for warm coverings with mad made fabrics. Meat, poultry and fish some believe you can live without by consuming plant based foods. I am not one of those people:)

Anonymous said...

@Judith- Dame Judy is kick ass!! However, she is 30+ years older than Robin.... the hair ages her tremendously.

Anonymous said...

You hit one of my opinions, Agent**It. We have all sorts of materials with which to construct clothing without bringing animals into it. But the same holds true for eating. I may like the taste of a good steak, but I could survive without it. There are plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grain-based cereals/pastas, and plant-centered proteins to where we all could be veggies if it came to that.

I'm not judging either way. It's a topic that intrigues me.

Brenda L said...

Nobody except Siberians, Alaskans, and some Canadians needs to be wearing fur.

Unknown said...

I don't mind short hair but this cut does Robin no justice. In fact I don't even think it looks like her.

Agent**It said...

Layna, I am interested as well.We have cut back on meat enormously over the years but I find (with diabetes) that if I go without all kinds of complications kick in. I thought it would be the opposite. But I am really, really fussy about what I purchase and where:)

EmEyeKay said...

Blech, Kanye.

SO not surprised to see Russell Brand digging through the trash.

Robin Wright looks amazing! She's got a few years on me and looks wayyyy better than I do.

Kate Mara bums me out. Disappointed she's in that new show on Netflix. I was excited to watch until I saw her. I'll watch anyway.

Anonymous said...

I recently got a vintage fur coat from my Mum. She can't fit into it anymore and wanted me to have it. Its the first "nice" thing Dad bought for her over 30 years ago. I would love to wear it but am having a hard time deciding how I feel about it. Layna brings up an interesting subject. I don't think its much different than wearing leather shoes or eating meat but maybe seen as more distasteful because its so showy? By the way Kanye looks like an absolute douche

Sunny said...

I usually put Robin Wright up there with Michelle Pfieffer as far as timeless beauty, but I have to agree with you guys that this short pixie hair (which I typically love) isn't working on her square jawline (which is what I have). Good to know. . . good to know. . .

It seems Russel Brand is photographed quite a bit with homeless people. Is there a story behind this, or is he just a compassionate person?

Anonymous said...

You may be on to something, katydid. It's a very showy thing to wear fur. It's flaunting your wealth or the allusion of wealth. Pretty much like those who insist on 15-carat wedding rings. Why? Wouldn't a 3-cart stone represent the same thing? It's a matter of perspective, I suppose.

mistang said...

Honestly, I don't like fur for fashion, but I don't make a big deal if someone else does. The only stuff that bothers me is if an animal is ONLY used for tacky fashion and not usefulness. Would we reprimand someone who was living in an area where they wore fur for survival? I know there are materials available for people, but some in some parts of the world it may not be affordable. I eat meat and I find it important if we are not wasteful about it. Use as much of the animal as possible. Don't just raise an animal so you can make your outfit look tackier than before. Seriously, Kanye, that is one ugly outfit.

And is Russell in the trash or helping a homeless person again?

Anonymous said...

I think the only reason I am ok with leather (cowhide only) is that cows are completely used once killed... most others are just for fashion's sake, which seems so, so wasteful.

That said, I am a veg who buys used leather goods. I am just too used to it, and it's so ecological and durable. Although used fur just looks like a dead animal.

I guess it's just correlation between the textile and the living animal...

rflairfan1 said...

I love Kevin Spacey he can do no wrong in my mind.

Bit dams said...

the fur thing is gross to me. its so showy and "look at me". i guess in a time when people are losing their homes and can't find work, it feels vulgar. i can'teat meat anymore. those sad face cow ads finally took their toll on me. but i'm not bothered when others eat meat or wear leather belts. weird i know.

the daily mail said russel took that guy to breakfast after going through the trash (?)

hairydawg said...

Kanye is sashaying along like he's the prettiest little princess in the whole world. I dislike him and I'm convinced he never had sex with that fat gypsy.

Sarah said...

It actually looks good with her natural, everyday styling. It looks severe with this makeup and hair product. Messy with no makeup looks good on her

Unknown said...

The Russell Brand story was actually quite sweet- he was helping some homeless guys skip through the trash. He then took a bunch of them to dinner. Say what you want about him but he's a nice guy by all accounts.

Claritysk said...

@ lizjaxe - I LOVE him too, when i worked in Stratford in one of the Spas, people talked alot about him who came in. Apparently there is one restaurant which always has a table reserved for him and his "partner" who is a troupe member of the Avon theater. <3 he is such a good actore, and from what I hear a rather kind gentleman

Kelly said...

Not one person said one word the other day when Ellen Barkin was wearing a big ol' fur. And quite a few people mentioned her in a good way too. I kind of wondered about that.

Agent**It said...

mistang, you're right.I was speaking about Kanye who lives in Beverly Hills vs rural:)

msgirl said...

I have a fur coat that my grandfather made for my mother for her wedding. He was a furrier from the old country. I wish I could wear that but I also don't support fur now that we have alternatives.

Our grass-fed meat comes from a small farm. We have to buy either 1/4 or 1/2 but it's worth it. That meat I will eat, I know where it comes from. I stay away from farmed fish, and most chicken.

Robin Wright is Buttercup therefore I love her.

greenmountaingal said...

Robin Wright has a Jenna Elfman/Jamie Lee Curtis vibe going on.

Jeez, could Kanye be any more obnoxious?

Anonymous said...

@skimpy and her heritage, she makes me sick too

OneGirlRevolution said...

I just came back to say that I love Russell Brand and think hes totally sexy...even in his little booties.

maggs said...

Kayne has no fashion sense. at all. He deserves KK, and since he cleaned out her closet of clothes and has been dressing her she looks as bad as him.

Don't like Robin's hair at all, she looked much more beautiful with longer hair.

Unknown said...

Not wearing it is a waste, though, right? So many people, (not meaning you!), are so very hypocritical about their opinions on fur, yet, you'll see them with leather belts, wallets, shoes, car seats, etc. No one "needs" most things we have, you can get a Hyundai, but I'm guessing most people would be hard pressed to turn down a Ferrari! Theres no special prize for being a martyr, or denying yourself things you want, that you've earned honestly. Practices of how animals are slaughtered, however, is always a decent and humane issue to concern ourselves with, and wasting the by-products of the animals, also makes little sense. There's a sane middle ground between PETA, (who euthanizes thousands of animals a yr), and the Kanye's of the world.

Ingrid Superstar said...

Renoblondee - no one said anything about Ellen Barkin 'CAUSE THEY'RE SCARED OF HER! She will fuck you up.

Kate Mara should join Liam Hemsworth in the Somewhat Less Attractive Sibling But Still Hotter Than Mere Mortals Club.

yodelay said...

Robon looks super hot! Like an attractive Sharon Stone without the crazy eyes.

I just wanna know how she doesn't have any side boob sag!

FalseProfit said...

Kanye is such a silly little girl.

Connie151 said...

How is it that Kanye got a reputation as a fashionista? The clothes he and Kim wear (which I assume he picks out) are fairly douchetastic.

Anonymous said...

@Connie, I think that's WHY they are famous for it! It's so bad it's hilarious.

portlandjewel said...

I don't eat meat, wear fur and try to avoid real leathers! Its all inhumane in my opinion! You may as well eat a dog. IMO

prolixe said...

Kanye's going to need those furs to cover all the breastfeeding babysitters.

Who needs the circus when you've got this lot?

katie said...

I am not either.

katie said...

I've made do with a one carat stone for 25 years. :)

Unknown said...

every time I see someone wear fur...I want to beat the crap out of them especially that "piece of shit" (as Pink so aptly called him) Kanye

Unknown said...

@layna day...I don't eat meat or wear leather...fur is at the top of my list for HATE since there is no reason to kill the animal except for its fur AND they are skinned alive ... google is your friend...if you can watch it and sleep tonight

mistang said...

@Agent - I know what you meant and I completely understand. :) Though I would probably still despise Kanye if he was living in the wild and wearing it for survival.

Unknown said... come across as such a tight assed cunt...I'm glad we aren't sitting in the same would be about as unpretty as a fox that has just been skinned alive...kind of like someone pulling a "Dexter" on someone...

Pip said...

Fur is tacky imo. The animals being skinned alive is also a huge turn off as well. I also don't wear leather, the shoes, wallets, and purses I have are all fake leather. I haven't eaten pork in a long time, and have slowly been cutting out meat in my diet. If someone thinks I'm a hypocrite, it's no big deal to me, think what you want.

I think Robin looks great in the pictures!

Eeekalicious said...

I wish there was an easy way to tell if fur is fake or not. Realistic-looking fur is still representative of real fur and is meant to convey the wild look.

Bad Kanye, for wearing fur.

Princess ButterKwup said...

I have a problem with fur, but only because I think it's ugly and it freaks me out. Fake fur does too though.

surfer said...

Interesting question Layna (and a good one).

I think what it boils down to is that people do what's best for them.

I own a fur coat, and though I haven't worn it in ages, I make no apologies for it. Just as I don't lose sleep worrying what total strangers think of my hair, my clothes or choice of boots, I don't worry what they think of my coat.

If someone doesn't like fur, I respect that; if someone chooses to eat grains instead of meat, cool too. I see lots of what I consider "fashion crimes," but that doesn't give me the right to approach a total stranger, one who has done absolutely nothing to me, and verbally or physically assault them.

It's not worth getting worked up (or being rude to) over others' choices. Threatening to beat someone up because YOU don't like something - really? That is sick.

cameltoenail said...

Anyone who wears fur should b anally electrocuted and have their skin ripped off. Which is what happens to these amazing beautiful animals when they r murdered so some dickweed can think it makes them look rich. It is inhumane and disgusting.

cameltoenail said...

Ps I am a vegetarian and wear no leather. These animals have as much as I have to live their lives.

mooshki said...

Chicken and egg farmers drop hundreds of thousands of male chicks alive into shredding machines, because they only need to raise a few males. If you buy eggs from a regular grocery store, you are no better than someone who wears fur.

cameltoenail said...

It is all horrific. Glad I have also stoppped eating eggs. I didn't know that was done. Human beings r so cruel.

Pip said...

My late grandma grew up in a time where fur was incredibly fashionable, and not much was known about the process of skinning. When I think back, I will always remember my tiny grandmother swimming in a gigantic fur coat. She certainly didn't deserve to be anally electrocuted. I find it disgusting how people with so much empathy for animals, can be so callous in regards to humans. It is really sad.

Unknown said...

I sleep very well at night knowing nothing I'm eating, wearing (makeup included)...involves the pain and suffering of innocent animals...eggs included @mooshki...I don't care if I come across as an obnoxious cunt to anybody here...NOBODY can call me self-centered...which I'm glad to see most on here aren't...that's why I like it here tho I'm going back to lurking since this subject makes me crazy

Pip said...

Back on track... Kanye is a douche!

Steppy said...

Wahlberg is just darling. You know the kids want shoes "like Dad's".

warmislandsun said...

skimpymist said...
"Everytime I see a pic of salma I want to vomit. She's so narcissistic and is always bragging about wearing name brand everything. She lost her soul a long time ago."

Amen to that.

Jenn said...

Robin looks beautiful. I love her hair.

Sherry said...

Wen for the win on the new KimK moniker. Excellent!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Layna I think you brought up an interesting subject although some of the comments got kind of heated (anal electrocution) I think it's a good conversation for sensible adults to have and I appreciate hearing everyone's imput.

Sherry said...

Sorry Triple B: IF U don't like Bri opinion it's okay but you cannot call her names. It doesn't validate your point of view. She feels like many people who think if we're going to kill the animal for food, why not use all of it. Education on the chain of events and how to avoid that going into motion is more valuable.

I eat sustainably farmed and wild fish and try to avoid wearing leather wherever possible. Choose natural material over animal products. I get my eggs from a local who isn't a farm but someone who is a "gentleman " farmer with laying hens but unless you know where every bit of your food and clothing comes from, no matter how diligent, there is no guarantee you are pure.

Fur is totally out. Just wear a coat with money stapled on it cuz unless, as someone said you live in a culture and climate that requires it, there is no reason to wear fur. And just ugh on leather furniture as well. Same for the seats in ur car.

Everyone, however, has to make that decision for themselves. I believe since people have become more educated this will become more the norm than the exception.

plrtz glrb said...

I try to be realistic about it, I would never be so arrogant as to tell people not to eat food ( not everyone can afford organic tofu and quinoa.) also if a person has hunted an animal to wear its fur because they are cold and don't have climate control, I accept that. the thing about fur in the fashion industry is that its unnecessary. animals are killed horribly so that oxygen thieves such as kanye west can spend shitloads of money to look ridiculous. its all about showing off wealth they don't deserve to enjoy

Christopher Cruz said...

Exactly. He looks AWFUL- maybe he IS straight after all.

Eeekalicious said...

@Christopher Cruz

Hahahahhaha Good One!

Unknown said...

Plus, she always looks like her head is huge and her body tiny!

Gabby said...

I hope Robin's hair is for a role because if she actually chose that haircut I just don't know what to say. And the only thing that looks good in that dress is her boobs. The rest is hideous!

Rickatoo said...

So where do we stand on inherited fur? I have 2 coats that are 50 and 30 years old, I didn't choose to buy them, but they are so nice and warm and I have them, why shouldn't I wear them now? Should I leave them to rot in the closet?

surfer said...

@ Rickatoo - wear them, enjoy them, and don't worry what others think.

I too have inherited coats. What's the point of having things if you can't enjoy them? What if you inherit jewelry or furniture that others can't stand?

And when did it become okay to threaten physical harm to someone because you don't like what they're wearing? Oh right, it didn't.

To suggest that someone is flaunting their wealth by wearing something is ridiculous. You don't know how they came to have the item.

For those who don't like or believe in certain things, that's absolutely fine - no one is critizing your choice to not wear, buy or eat what you don't believe in. But that also doesn't make it okay to get in someone's face about something you have issues with.

Anonymous said...

I got a mink from my mother in law. I cut it to pieces. And threw it in the dumpster at the sonic.. so yes

Anonymous said...

I inerited fur. I cut it to pieced, put nail polish remover snd motor oil on it, and threw it in a dumpster.

Anonymous said...

I do not eat meat. I do not eat dairy, I do not eat eggs and there is no fucking way i would wear leather. Animals die for thAT.

Agent**It said...

Following is a link to an old article with suggestions about what to do with inherited furs. The suggestions are in the comments, and there are several really good ones (you can make your own varied judgments). I took several furs for which I have no need and brought them to my neighbors at the Seminole reservation and they gladly accepted them. If somebody can make a "pretty link" , please do.

Anonymous said...

Wearing fur sends the message to others that it's ok and socially acceptable to wear fur. It's not, it is cruel and inhumane. It's not the same as raising animals to be eaten, I think that all animals raised for human consumption should be frolicking in a clean daisy covered field, but that's probably not realistic. Animals should be bred, imprisoned, then tortured while they are dying so that pouty little bitchboy Kanye West can wear a fur to fashion week. He and Kim do belong together, hopefully they'll charter a nice small cesna to go in stormy weather to the bermuda triangle and you know the ending.

Anonymous said...

correction: animals should NOT be imprisoned etc.

dia papaya said...

plrtz glrb - did you read the article about how native Peruvians and Bolivians can't afford quinoa (their own food staple) because health conscience vegans and vegetarians have increased demand and therefore price? The poor can't afford to buy it anymore. It's a serious problem.

*sorry to take away from the fur debate, but this is the flip side of that same coin*

dia papaya said...

Wow. A lot of self righteous fur and meat haters here. Well to stir the pot, I'd like to add this the fire...

Our love of quinoa is making the food staple unaffordable for the native people's who grow and sell to the USA

How do you feel knowing a simple unassuming product you buy instead of meat is also hurting someone?

Pip said...

What the fuck Kimberly? Why not give it it to Goodwill? People out their actually need coats. You shred them, and pour shit on them.

Anonymous said...

They do not need fur coats. There are plenty of non fur options at goodwill or salvation army

Mango said...

Did anyone see this article the other day?:

Hundreds of Cats Being Shipped to Restaurants in China Saved from Slaughter Thanks to Traffic Accident

I thought that "cats as food in Chinese restaurants" was a myth but apparently not.

Pip said...

Kimberly, I live in an area, where there are a few homeless "camps" around. If I were that dead set on freeing myself of a gifted fur, I'd weigh out my options before tossing it. My point was, that while there are many alternatives, someone could have used it. The fur wouldn't have value as fashion, but more for warmth (I live in Michigan, it gets cold here).

Mango said...

If you buy eggs from a regular grocery store, you are no better than someone who wears fur.

Sorry, that's more than a little bit of a stretch.

auntliddy said...

I wouldnt do anything to him to protest fur. Thats why he wears it. He wants the attention; he wld love it if he got floured or dumped red paint on. Do nothing and maybe, if god is good, he will fade away. I dont get upset if people wear fur or hunt (murder) animals anymore. Someday, somehow, they will have to answer for it. I wont.

prolixe said...

@Dia, I read that article, too. Very sad. We've become a culture that expects what we want and doesn't really consider the costs beyond ourselves.

Our family consciously eats "in season" and I do a lot of freezing and canning so that out-of-season luxuries actually taste like what they should taste like instead of the rubbery grocery store stuff trucked over hundreds of miles and costing 8x what it does in season.

AFA furs - wow, s* got hot fast! I agree with auntliddy, Kanye wears furs to get noticed. PETA would be a dream come true for him, with faux outrage headlines surely to follow.

Sherry said...

@Surfer: Honestly it never occurred to me that someone would inherit a fur. Probably because my family was poor. I think though in the case of the celebrity we see choosing to wear it, it just appears to be a show of wealth.
Everyone has to make and live wirh their own lifestyle choices. It's truly not our decision to make but we should respect them as much as we'd want ours respected. That is the message I was trying to make. Poorly obviously.

surfer said...

@ Sherry: Thank you.

I always try to keep an open mind about pretty much everything, because things may not be at all what we've assumed.

I understand and respect that people have very strong opinions about fur, but as far as I'm concerned, when you start talking about beating up or anally electrocuting someone you don't even know, you've crossed the line (I know you didn't those things).

I love when we can have rational discussions here, and I really do enjoy (and often learn from) hearing other points of view. But when people start spewing such vitriol, maybe it's time to take a breath and step away.

Thanks again.

surfer said...


Ja'mie King said...

**not condoning any of the comments above** but I think the anal electrocution comment was made because that is how many small animals bred for fur (mink, chinchilla, etc) are stunned before being skinned alive. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've heard that more than once.

Again, not condoning any violence, fanning the flames or encouraging any trolls or putting words into anyone's mouth.

SMG's face looks different.

Hey Russel, I'm poor, take me to breakfast!!

Sherry said...

Absolutely Surfer. When we talk about doing heinous things we accuse others of we become exactly like them. Education, like I said, is much more effective.

Unknown said...

Late to the game, but yeah, i would SO bang Russell Brand. I'm sucker for intelligence and he is quite clever. I saw him on Graham Norton and I felt so bad for the other guests, he was hogging the show, but he was hilarious!


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