Thursday, January 17, 2013

Your Turn

If you could only keep one of these talent shows on the air, which would you keep. I use America in the titles, but many countries generally have at least one of these, if not all of them.

American Idol
The Voice
America's Got Talent
So You Think You Can Dance


  1. So You Think You Can Dance. Times a BILLION

  2. Can I choose none? Because none.

  3. So you think you can dance!!!! No question. SO much talent.

  4. So You Think You Can Dance - my daughter was in ballet and ariel theatre for 7 years so we know the good stuff when we see it and some of the performances on here have brought us to tears

  5. The Voice. SYTYCD-2nd choice

  6. So You Think You Can Dance is amazing. The contestants' talent is absolutely unbelievable. I agree with Renoblondee. However, I will say that of all the other "talent" shows, The Voice is fresh and fun. I give it a second-place finish after SYTYCD.

  7. I don't watch any of them. I like my reality TV trashy thank you very much.

  8. SYTYCD #1 Absolutely. As far as I'm concerned the rest can go off the air now. The Voice #2, but far behind SYTYCD.

  9. I say take them ALL off; I think all talent shows are lame and boring and I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch any of them!

  10. None of the above - and they can take the Bachelor shows with them.

  11. I got into the voice Australia, its the only time I ever voted for one of these things. and I liked Australian idol but it got canned

  12. So You Think You Can Dance..I could watch it every week forever. The Voice was good the first season but it got too edited, predictable, and the duets of the battles weren't being sold on itunes, so i lost interest. I love Howard Stern enough to maybe get through an episode of AGT one of these days.

  13. I'd get rid of every single one of them if I could. They're all crap.

  14. They all have their flaws. The Voice seems to be the most popular but $100,000 prize just isn't amazing when you compare it to the fact that The X Factor gives $5 million.

    I could live without any of them to be honest.

  15. Absolutely none of them. I'd rather watch a blank screen.

  16. American Idol. My kids and I have so much fun watching every episode together, and going to the concerts.

    As far as that "Americas Got Talent" show. No. No it does not.

  17. I would keep none of them!
    I watched the first season of America's Got Talent, and it was ehhh ok. Then by the second season it was just another singing comp, so I stopped watching it. Don't care about singing, don't care about dancing. Get rid of them all.

  18. I've never seen any of these shows.

  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    SYTYCD... awesome platform for both dancers and choreographers to get exposure in their craft!!

    Yep, I used the word craft ;)

  20. None. At all. I'm so sick of reality tv. But if I have to choose, SYTYCD.

  21. Dance! Definitely

  22. I was gonna say the Voice until I saw SYTYCD. So yeah SYTYCD.

  23. Don't make me choose! Why can't there be room for all?
    My faves tho are SYTYCD, American Idol and AGT if Howard Stern is there.

  24. So You Think You Can Dance-FOREVER AND ALWAYS. Nothing else comes close. Ever.

  25. Cripes, what a tough decision.

    I am cool with all of them disappearing for good. Especially now that my beloved Britney is gone :*(

  26. sytycd....

    the rest are kind of predictable, but still better than the life-based reality shows. now, those need to be canned.

  27. Project Runway.... that's the only talent show I watch.

  28. I don't watch any of them, but if I had to choose just one, it would be the dancing one, if only b/c I watched the episode of Don't Trust the B where JvdB shows off his dancing skills.

    Plus, dancing rules.

  29. "So You Think You Can Dance" is most likely the best talent show OTA. I can't dance for shit and think it's ultra-boring to watch in person, but these people really can dance. It's not that they do unbelievable things like jump 50 times - it's that they can really pull you in and evoke emotion. And they're doing it through your TV, which is difficult to do (see the hot/cold medium stuff back in the 50s).

    There's skill and there's talent - and a large number of the contestants have both.

    I wish they had a "greatest dance" compilation. If you've never watched, watch it. If you think reality/competition shows suck, this one doesn't.

    if anything, it'll show you how talentless and lacking in ability you are.

  30. So You Think You Can Dance. Real talent.

  31. Oh, I missed America's got Talent on the list. My family and I enjoyed watching it in the past. I love the weirdos and I love Nick Cannon and Howie Mandel. I haven't seen it yet with Howard Stern, and I doubt that it will be as enjoyable.

  32. SYTYCD! This show is fabulous. Here is where you will find real talent, and passion, and these folks literally bleed for their art.

    The rest are getting kind of tired, and singers are everywhere. Finding
    a great dancer with the ability to perform in many genres of music is
    awesome to watch.

  33. Don't watch any of them but I saw a couple of episodes of The Voice and found it ok.

  34. @FSP, your pic, eeewww!!! Lol

    I'll vote with *karen*, none!!

    Or... can I bring back Extreme Makeover Home Edition????? =)

  35. I dont give a crap about any these but if i had to pick, american idol.

  36. I was going to say the Voice but I really only watch the beginning part. Now tho after reading these comments I feel like I should be watching SYTYCD. But isn't that the one with that screaming obnoxious woman on it?

  37. I don't want to keep any of them. I hate reality shows. Never watched any of them and never will

  38. I don't watch any of them.

  39. SYTYCD is amazing but I like the judges on The Voice better. So either of those would work for me.

  40. So you think you can dance.

  41. They got rid of SYTYCD in Australia and I really miss it. The only other one I like was The Voice. But we are stick with Ricky Martin as a judge this year so I think I'll pass

  42. I *wish* I could only keep one of them, that way there would be far less crap on TV!!! They're ALL terrible!

  43. The Voice, The Voice, The Voice. The End.

  44. I am very proud to announce I've never seen a single one of these shows.

  45. @Stacey, Yes, SYTYCD does have the screaming obnoxious woman. So DVR it and fast-forward through all the fluff, including Mary's hysterics. (they have a ton of it- you can shave off 35-40 minutes of the two-hour show.) It's really, really worth it then.

  46. So you think you can dance. Then the voice.

  47. I like the variety of acts in X-Factor, but I think it was a mistake to have the judges mentor certain contestants.

  48. I don't watch any of them so they can all go.

  49. I am going to quote what ethorne said word for word:

    "I don't watch any of them. I like my reality TV trashy thank you very much."

  50. So You Think You Can Dance. It's the only one I watch. Don't need any other talent shows, thanks. Just gimme my Dance.

  51. The Voice. But only without Xtina.

  52. SYTYCD.

    And if I had to pick a singing show, The Voice.

  53. So You Think You Can Dance!!!

  54. The Voice and AGT.

    AGT is my summer guilty pleasure --I'm a sucker for banjo playing and yodelling.

    I really like the music on The Voice, and the structure of the competition, but I would have a hard time giving up AGT in the summers. :(

  55. The Voice. Had a chance to go to a recording of a show last season. AMAZING. All of the judges except one interracted with the crowd and the artists. Love this show.

  56. I love The Voice. It's the only talent show that I never miss an episode of. Next would be AGT. Some contestants really do have extraordinary talents that they obviously spent countless hours on perfecting. Then SYTYCD. The dancers on that show amaze me.

    I am not a fan of Idol or X-Factor and never watch them.

  57. All of these shows can go bye-bye. I have no need for any of them.

  58. so you think you can dance, no doubt

  59. None. Or maybe the Dance one because people seem to like it and I don't watch any of them anyway.

  60. None. I'd rather watch static than any of that crap.
