Friday, February 01, 2013

Beyonce Sings

I don't think anyone actually thought Beyonce could not sing the National Anthem. When she sang it yesterday at a press conference, a lot of the articles I read seemed shocked that she could do it. That was never the point. Beyonce can sing. The point was that she made it seem like she was singing it live, would never have said anything if not caught, and wanted people to think it was live with the dramatic pulling out of the ear piece. That was the controversy. I think what sucks for her is that now at the Superbowl she has to sing live even while dancing and doing everything else she will be doing and it might sound like crap. I would have expected her to use a backing track for the halftime show but because of the controversy, that won't be an option.


  1. For anyone who was thinking Beyonce could be MV, this pretty much eliminates her:
    "Beyonce can sing."

    1. Enty eliminated Beyonce as MV a long time ago.

  2. I just don't understand this woman. You have millions of fans, you are ridiculously successful, you're not going anywhere anytime soon, why do you have to be such a pretentious asshole?

  3. She's a liar and has reached the point of serious overexposure. I can't stand people like her who are unbelievably impressed with themselves. I for one will not be watching the halftime show. Her music makes me want to beat myself into a coma so that I will no longer have to listen to her insufferable wailing.

    Ok mini rant over. Good morning, fellow CDANers!

    1. Oh no, please- do go on!!!

    2. Haha ok Single Ladies is one of the worst songs I've ever heard. If I were ever imprisoned and tortured to get information out of me, the capturers could play the first 5 seconds of that song and I would break. Seriously, it's that bad (at least to me).

    3. She's released WAAAY worse than Single Ladies. If I Was A Boy made my eardrums spontaneously abort.

    4. You're forgetting about Party. So so bad!

    5. If I was a boy was THE worst song. Possibly ever.

    6. I forgot about If I Was A Boy. What a stupid song! I still think she's a tranny.

    7. Guuurl- the illuminati gon' get you for saying that! Explains why she allegedly faked a pregnancy. Oh shit- now they gon' get ME.

    8. Eek! Baphomet's coming to get us! Lol!

    9. lol, I guess I should be thankful that the only song I know by her is that Bootylicious song.

      the only part being "I don't think you're ready for this Jelly."

      practically the only lyrics in that song.

    10. @greenmoutaingirl Thank you! I agree, Single Ladies is the WORST song I've ever heard, how the hell was that a hit? Sounds like f*cking nintendo noises over and over

    11. Only know single ladies from the SNL skit w Justin Timberlake. I think I might hurt things if I had to deal w a full version. Yay for Sirius, no pop radio for me. :)

  4. She is so obnoxious! Ugh.

    Good Friday morning my CDAN friends!

  5. @JSierra, she's a pretentious asshole BECAUSE of being ridiculously successful and because now she thinks that she deserves it. UGH.

  6. I really doubt anyone thought she couldn't sing. In light of the whole surrogate thing, though, her trying to pass off that she was singing live is an insult. She thinks THAT highly of herself? Puh-lease, gurl. Get over yourself. I won't be watching it OR her. I'm so over her.

  7. She can sing but my ears do not like it. Plus her lyrics are awful.

    Happy Friday everyone! I have the day off today because there's no heat in my office building! I'm gonna pull an Em and watch Thor all day since its freezing cold and snowing.

  8. Cathy idk why her name always comes for MV guesses, it has always been known she could sing, especially with all that early talent show footage they are always showing every time her name comes up.

  9. We should make a movement to bring down Beyoshite and shoot Kelly Rowland to super fame. Now that girl is talented, I have never met her but I like to think that she is a really nice person.

    1. Mad love for Kelly Rowland :) girl has pipes and seems sincere.

    2. My hubs is a roadie and did lights for Destiny's a few years back. He says they were one of the most professional acts he ever worked with, but that it was Kelly who impressed him most.
      A kid in the audience, about 11 years old with special needs, made a painting for Kelly. She was trying hard to get her attention but security were having none of it and kept pushing the kid and shouting at her to get away from the stage. Coz, ya know, 11 year olds are so threatening.
      Anyway, the kid was crying. The roadies were gonna bring the picture backstage for her to stop her crying (they are a bunch of wusses sometimes).
      Kelly saw this going on and stopped the band and the show and let a big shout at the security. She said no fan of hers will be treated like that and called the kid on stage. She hugged her and accepted the picture, got a photo with her and let her watch the show from the side of the stage.
      That is a classy lady. Loves her fans. Great to her crew.

    3. What an awesome story!!!

  10. I agree with everything enty said. She just came off super desperate is that press conference to prove to everyone she can sing it but what's the point now?

    You should have sang it just like that for our President, not for the press.

  11. I can't stand her & frankly I find her singing very annoying. I hated her version of the national anthem. No one did it like Whitney many years ago. That was singing!

    1. But Whit also sang to a backing track during that performance.

  12. I'd rather make Basement Baby more famous than her.

  13. Enty's point is well taken, and at least, at the inauguration, as far as I'm aware, that is a free public event, so it isn't as though someone stuck with hearing a "canned" performance was being ripped off.

    To me, the issue was that what Beyonce did at the inaugural was so indicative of something which goes on all the time at so-called "concerts" for which people DO pay admission--often very highly priced. They pay for what is billed as a "live performance," but get a lip-synched performance instead, and to me, that's a rip-off. Performers who do not care to perform live onstage should not embark on concert tours.

  14. @Cathy: Yes I read that sentence and thought the exact same thing.

    What were the other popular MV guesses? Have to look up the blind again.

    1. Jennifer Lopez, Britney Spears off the top of my head. I think Ashanti too.

  15. This post right here says everything I wanted to scream at the tv when I saw this on the news last night. Unfortunately, with as successful as she is, she's not going anywhere anytime soon. I see her career going like Madonna's, only becoming a joke when she's pushing 60 and still trying to act like she's 30. *smh*

  16. @hotchacha its either JLo or Britney.

  17. I don't give two shits about Beyonce, but.....Happy Kardashian-free February Errybody!

    1. I wish!!! Enty can't resist writing about those human trash bags. Let's see how long he can go...

    2. @Lucas- did the Enties announce it was the kardassss that were banned this month?

    3. @FSP - yes, via Twitter (which gets duplicated to Facebook which is where I saw it).

    4. Anonymous6:54 AM

      You just made my day!!

    5. I ain't holding my breath, y'all.

    6. I have a legit question about KFF, why is it February? Why not a longer month like Jan or March? Feb only has 28 days this year!

    7. Lets add Casey Anthony and anyone with the last name Lohan. Good morning everyone!

    8. @Lotta It's KFF because it coincides with black history month

  18. Back when her songwriting scandal occurred I referred to her as "a jigglypuff of a fraud". My opinion hasn't wavered.

  19. @rejectedcarebear: Which of those two do you think MV is? JLO or Britney?

  20. She is such an idiot! Enty voiced EXACTLY what I was thinking yesterday. It was the overacting while lip syncing that got me sick at the inauguration. Especially dramatically pulling out her ear piece. She really is stupid.

  21. @hotchacha Ent said that the reveal would be shocking to the music world so I think its Britney.

  22. The leading guess for MV is JLo.

    And Bey's songs tend to have repetitive lyrics that are seizure-inducing.

  23. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Whitney lip-synched the National Anthem all those years ago, so the b****ing over Beyonce doing it was hilarious to me.

    And most celebrities are pretentious by design. It's what makes them successful at what they do. Calling certain folks out for what is near consensus behavior is amusing.

    Those on the top of the mountain are the easiest to throw stones at.

    And I LOVE Single Ladies. Mindless pop music FTMFW.

  24. @Robert

    Exactly, Robert! Lip-synching is a well-kept secret, which has been going on for decades.

    Part of the reason is that audiences demand performances in a live situation so close to a video version! A singer isn't just expected to sing anymore. They are expected to sing, dance like Paula Abdul and look like a model all at the same time! Not just for 3 min. on a video, but for 2 1/2 hours.

    Yes, Beyonce got caught, but they all do it, and at the end of the day, most of the reason is to give the audience a better product!

  25. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Oh,and there were those who questioned if Beyonce could sing after this story. It wasn't that many, but enough to make something of a wave. You may not like her styling of singing, but she can sing. She's not without talent, and you don't have to be a big fan to realize that.

  26. I don't know why people think she is MV. Her speaking voice is so similar to her singing one (if that makes sense), there shouldn't even be whisperings of it. I just took a shower, so please don't throw tomatoes, but I like a few of her songs. Only a few. Tori Amos FTW!

  27. She's a manipulative liar, we know she can sing after a fashion....but it's her lying and treating her public like they're idiots thats at the heart of this...
    She strutted out only to CONTROL the situation and announce that she would be singing live at the Super Bowl insuring a large audience ....
    WHO CARES............

  28. Oh and when will she learn how to speak......geez

  29. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I'm always amused at the vitriol thrown Beyonce's way. She's the most innocuous pop singer from the past 25 years. She's pretty, she sings well, she has a cute bouncy dance, she looks good in a leotard. There's nothing controversial about her. She's a blank slate. No one can tell you the first thing about her true personality, because she and her team work hard to keep it that way. Makes sense. The more open you seem, the more people will buy your music.

    She plays the celebrity game really well and that's all that can be said for her. Even the way she chooses to address most of the fake controversies is blank. She doesn't say anything. She only did this to generate interest in her Super Bowl appearance and the possible Destiny's Child reunion. Well played, can't say she doesn't know how to work the media.

    For someone so docile, Beyonce generates some serious heat. Amusing, really.

  30. I don't care about the lip synching. So if Whitney didn't sing it live, oh well...I just can't stand Beyonce. I find her voice shrill & like nails on a chalkboard.

  31. Long time lurker, first time commenting (i fucking love the comments on this site). Im just surprised no one has brought up how shes all of a sudden talking about her miscarriage. A little strange that someone who is so private would disclose such a tragedy right after getting "caught" lip-synching... Seems a little Kardashian-esque to me (so sorry to name those who shall not be named...). Happy weekend to everyone and thanks for getting me thru the boring days at work!!!

    1. Hi Linzee! Glad you came out of the shadows and commented. Happy Friday!

  32. I think the only song of hers I liked was "Crazy in Love". Yeah, that "If I was a Boy" was beyond terrible!

  33. MISCH--exactly on her speaking! It drives me crazy!

  34. @greenmountaingal

    Don't know if you realize it, but the word 'tranny' is offensive to transgendered people. You use it in a very negative way.

    1. I'm not using it to be offensive. I have several friends who are transgendered, so yes I am aware.

  35. This just proved what a self-centered narcissist she is. Granted it did not help that the national media made such a HUGE deal out of this nothing story. But walking out and being so arrogant on that stage and such a diva is a bit too much.

  36. You say blank, I say contrived. Everything about her is SO contrived for the masses. Yes, she can sing, no one ever questioned that. The miscarriage, the surrogacy, the lip syncing, all that makes her a very fake, contrived person. That stands out way more than knowing she can sing. SHE CAN SING. She's still a fake.

  37. Anonymous6:56 AM

    So folks are questioning the miscarriage, too? Yeesh, there had been rumors of that around for a while. Even you think she's contrived--to which I say so what--I don't see her coming up with that big of a lie to win points.

  38. Layna do you work for a PR firm or something? Any time a negative word is uttered you go on the defensive and basically call us all assholes for not liking someone.

  39. She had a miscarriage?

  40. Basically, she hijacked the Inauguration (by accident) and now she's hijacking the Superbowl (by design), and turning everything into something about her. Meh.

  41. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Calm down, JSierra. I simply have a different opinion from most of you. Is that OK? I don't think anyone here is an asshole, no more than you think I'm one, correct.

    You can like/hate/call a troll tranny bitch whoever you like. How could I stop you?

  42. Who knows if the miscarriage is contrived or not? There are so many other things to question about her, which leads to her overall integrity. The fact that she's so open and 'personable' about it now, at the same time she's getting backlash about the lip syncing, isn't a coincidence, is it?

  43. Crazy in Love is awesome. And, I don't care what y'all say but Destiny's Child had some jams.

    I think it's funny that the post is criticizing Beyonce for "selling" the lip-synching while in the midst of performance. Not to sound like a bitch, but isn't that what all lip-synching performers do: Madonna, Janet Jackson, Britney.

    If Beyonce had any grace, she would have moved on from the hubbub and not felt it necessary to "prove" that she could sing the National Anthem.

  44. Anonymous7:02 AM

    I think the ear piece thing was what most people found distasteful. I would never pay to see her or buy anything she sells just because I find her obnoxious. I do like a few of her songs Crazy in Love is fun to work out to, but I didn't pay for it. Agree that If I Were a Boy song is assult to my ears.
    The instagram shit is the worst offense.

  45. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Oh, and lots of negative stuff is thrown around here and I don't say a word. So this whole 'why so defensive' meme doesn't wash.

  46. There are people who like Beyonce and people who don't like her. That is normal on a message board.

  47. Layna I don't think you're an asshole, I have just noticed that with every celeb someone utters a bad word about you go on the defensive and say we just hate them because they are famous. Someone pointed it out on the Taylor Swift thread the other day and you said she is the only you really defend, but after seeing this I just honestly wondered if you worked for a PR firm.

    And thank you for making the comment about you having no control over what I post, it irritates the shit out of me when people get onto others for "directing" the convo a certain way or for disagreeing with their opinion. I can't make anyone post shit, neither can anyone else on here. I mean that with no snark also, sorry if it comes across that way.

  48. @Layna Day

    I don't think you did anything wrong. Other people defend their points of view, and I don't see why you shouldn't have the same privilege.

  49. People are saying she is a fake, but I think the lip syncing thing really bothered her, hence, the second "live" performance. Makes me think she cares what the masses think. Anywho, she is not that bad. I personally like some of her music - so what if she is pretentious aren't all celebrities?

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Good morning, feisty CDaNers!

    Bey is reaching her saturation point and knows it, that's why everything is being crafted so very carefully. Of course she can sing, and she can dance, and she is a lovely looking woman. But legends aren't made from plasticized versions of yourself.

    The reason everyone was ticked about her lip-synching was because she LIED about it. There were already questions about her previous pregnancies, so when called on something verifiable (by a Marine, no less) and lying about it... well, that.

    (That said, I *love* all the single ladies. I first heard it on the only Glee episode I love - when Kirk comes out to his dad, then joins the football team. Every time I hear that song, I picture the entire football team doing the ring and the rump bump

  52. I don't care about lip syncing on award shows, or on Tv in isn't new and has been going on since the beginning of American Bandstand. What bothers me is when someone is lip syncing and a comment is made about what a great performance it was. I refer to an appearance by Beyonce just after Crazy in Love hit big, and she was on some award show lip syncing her ass off and hanging upside down with no microphone in sight and some idiot told her she sang her ass off. Yeah let's all be fooled by that one.
    I couldn't stand that stupid chicken dance in Single Ladies...but the absolute worst song ever is Destiny Child's Survivor...that song irritated me beyond limits, and I think it was because of the poorly constructed lyrics that made them sound like they were raised in 1930's Alabama.

  53. Tuxedo if you had read my response you would see that I wasn't "attacking" her or not letting her voice her opinion, I was asking a question. You would also see at the end of my comment I said sorry if that comes off as snarky, that's not my intention.

  54. The song Bills by Destiny's Child always sorta bugged me. "Can't pay my automo-billlls", blech.

  55. Puggle it's all about their Survivor album. Now that is a good song.

  56. So when is Bey going to call a press conference and birth a baby? That's much more in doubt than her singing voice

  57. I'd be happy just to see a clear picture of her current baby.....

  58. I'm still stuck on the baby scandal.

    The only thing I really have to say about this "scandal" is, if you're going to lip sync, that recording better be perfect like it was when Whitney did it in '91. Bey's didn't sound so great, so that's probably why I was fooled.

  59. Layna, I do see where you are coming from. I have a few favorite musicians, and I tend to defend them like I would for family members.

    When I started commenting here, my father had just died, and I wad listening to Tori Amos and Fiona Apple nonstop (music is my therapy, as well as actual therapy). Fiona Apple was recently arrested, there was a post on here, and someone made a no too nice comment. The more I defended, the more someone would come with a rebuttal. Their reasoning for not liking her wasn't a really a reason.

    That's the thing though, sometimes people don't have a real reason to not like a celebs, they may just simply rub them the wrong way. I have my reasons for not liking Taylor Swift, but I honestly can't pinpoint why I don't like Beyonce, or Lady Gaga, and others. They just bother me. On here it is easier to blow off steam and complain about stupid things, like Beyonce and her songs, than in "real life".

  60. there is a gossip site Sandra Rose she mostly covers black celebrities you should read her Beyonce and JayZ blinds....
    She basically says Beyonce is a liar starting with her age...

  61. Was** stupid autocorrect!

  62. I know this isn't the popular opinion, but she sang with a backing track. Who cares? Whit did it for one of the most iconic renditions of all time. Brit is going to do it and get paid millions in Vegas. Doesn't mean Whitney or Beyonce can't sing. If the girl reveals info about her private life, she's damned and same if she doesn't.

  63. @Puggle, I'm sorry to hear about your dad - I think you've mentioned before how someone made you laugh in that very sad time. What a great thing community is!

    I and a couple of others got some crap the other day for not liking Chelsea Handler. I was trying to figure out to say exactly what you just said - some people just rub other people the wrong way.

  64. You know what? Beyonce can't sing - what she CAN do is shriek and scream on key.

  65. Puggle and Prolixe ita, I posted something similar on the Taylor thread the other day, not everyone likes everyone and Taylor and Beyonce just rub me the wrong way. We definitely would not be friends in real life.

  66. As far as I know, this is an unmoderated forum. If Enty posts about Beyonce, there are going to be all sorts of different opinions. It's not just a 'dump on Beyonce' session. In a healthy forum there are going to be all sorts of people who like her or don't like her, reason or not. I'm interested in what everyone has to say. Some people on here seem to take it as a personal affront if someone disagrees with them, and it's not intended that way. It is just different people at different places in their live, from differing backgrounds, and how they view a certain celebrity or situation that's happening in the world. As long as it's not racist, sexist, etc. I think it's all good.

    If a thread is going along dumping or supporting someone and no one disagrees, it's usually bc they are afraid to or because people have just given up trying to explain themselves. The same in reverse. If everyone likes a person, and no one says, "Yes, but.." I think the same applies. No one's posts are more important than another person's.

  67. That rendition she did at the press conference was not good. She sounded hoarse, she sang in a low key and it sounded nothing like the recording at The Inaguration. People who are saying she sounded good must be toned death.

  68. Last night I watched Dave Grohl's documentary, "sound city", which is an homage to analog and musicians really making music, rather than using pro tools and auto tune to death. Awesome doc, and coloring my reaction to music and this thread.

    It makes me sad that Bey has a great voice, but wastes it on the crap she does.

  69. Beyonce really irks my soul. I am a fan of fine if her music but her "perfect" life makes me want to puke. She could be the nicest person but she just comes off fake.

    Also, I probably will get flack for it but I think the whole miscarriage thing is bs. She supposedly goes to the doctor 2 weeks in a row. Kind of sounds strange to me.

  70. She lip synched the national anthem just like Whitney did at the Super Bowl, I didn't know people really expected these things to be "live" nowadays. When I do hear someone sing live, they get extra props from me, because its not very common. Besides major events, any act that has choreography does not sing live, shocker, I know.

    I really don't have an opinion about Beyonce either way other than I love Crazy In Love. Everything about her & JayZ as a couple is expert PR, they give enough room for people to make cases for them being everything they think they are and for them being completely fake. Either way, people are talking about them.

  71. Anonymous8:41 AM

    @Seachica- I <3 Dave. Thats all.

  72. Beyonce's voice isn't fake
    but she IS
    That's the point.

  73. @ItsJustYou

    Ooh what an interesting story. Kelly does seem really nice, in anything I've read about her. Thanks for posting - I enjoyed it.

    1. No problemo :-)
      One of the nicer stories he has.

  74. MV is either Britney (my guess) or Jlo. When Enty said MV has kid(s) this was BEFORE Beyonce had Blue Ivy.

    Also, who knew Bey was SO insecure??

  75. I like a lot of her music but she's elevated herself and removed herself so far from the masses that she's lost touch with reality. She and Jay-Z are so rich and their houses and tri-plex are so huge they probably don't have to set eyes on each other too much so I don't buy them as a cozy couple. They are a brand. One thing we do know about her now: She gives a big fat ol' rat's ass what we think of her. We forgot about the whole lip sync thing already and she's been brooding and stewing over it.

    I read something cute on another site:

    Fool me Bey-once, shame on you
    Fool me Bey-Twice, shame on me

  76. Awwww, @It's Just U. Thank you so much for sharing that story about Kelly Rowland. She sounds like a real sweetheart

    And since I always defend Enemy #2 on this site (Gwyneth), I may as well say this: I like Beyonce! Her music isn't really my style, but I think she's a great performer and I will totally admit to digging the Single Ladies and wanting to learn that stupid ass dance. The only thing that sometimes irks me is the over the top opulence I see, but it's their $ and they can do whatever they want. I can even get on board with the expensive yachts and what not, but as someone who has seen extreme poverty around the world it never sits right with me when I hear about people having stupid useless stuff like diamond encrusted pacifiers/baby baths. BUT that's just my pet peeve: I hate (what I consider) waste. This goes for all celebrities, though. Not just the Carters

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Whitney's mom just came out and said Whitney didn't lip synch.

  79. Edit so I don't sound like an uneducated idiot. I'm spacey today. . .

    And one more thought on the Beyonce earpiece thing since that's what seems to be annoying everyone:

    Is it possible that there was horrible feedback in the earpiece, and that's why she had to remove it? That alone would make me want to take it out, but also if it was going to affect her being able to keep up with the actual pre-recording. It would look particularly bad if the lip syncing wan't actually syncing up with the correct words (Ok in Kung Fu movies. Bad for a singing performance)

    Anyway, not trying to convince anyone to not like the woman. Just wanting to offer up another perspective

  80. Much of her public life are lies and illusions. No one likes to be duped (see Milli Vinilli). Yes, she can sing and that is the only real thing about her, but when everything else is a lie it will fall apart and I hope be her undoing. She's cries wolf a little to often and it's hard to believe anything about her anymore.

    Team Kelly Rowland!

  81. Oh God please let her die in a fire. I loathe this twat more than words can say. Not that anything she says or does is surprising, it's typical "rich" TNB. Look at Oprah for another good example.

  82. Aw, 888, your brand of racism is so very precious! TRB, of course!

  83. I saw Keith Urban in concert on Wednesday night. He sang live for 3 hours, though he didn't dance. I personally would rather they just sang than danced and couldn't sing live. He was awesome in case you are wondering. Also the Madden brothers were the support act and they too sang live and were great. Kelly Clarkson sang live at the Inauguration, go Kelly!

  84. Im staying three houses down from her in nola this weekemd so i will do some cdan sluething and see what she is really like. And hopefully see blue ivy

  85. I think she brought up the miscarriage issue just in case the surrogate thing ever gets proven so she can say she had a good reason to have a surrogate.

    And yes, thank you It's Just You, nice story, my favorite part about CDAN is the insider stories we get sometimes.

  86. You guys, I had a dream last night that J Lo was my mum and she was driving me somewhere and we were having a car chat (you know the ones where you parents have you cornered) but she almost admitted she was MV.

    So, I'd say that means that I read too much CDAN!

  87. I used to think the whole fake pregnancy thing was crazy, but after Bewolf couldn't figure out whether she had a c-section or a vaginal birth, I knew something was up. A woman doesn't forget how she birthed her child.

  88. Too much razzle dazzle with bey, she is such a shifty ,shady person, after that baby thing i aint surprised by anything she does.

  89. She's scum. Another look at me moment.
