Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Oscar Pistorius's Track Coach Says Murder Was An Accident

I have a feeling that Oscar Pistorius is going to get away with the murder of his girlfriend. When a poll in South Africa shows that only 32% of the people who took the poll feel sorry for the victim and her family and the fact that Oscar's track coach said in a statement that he believed the whole thing was an accident and I think there is a setting of the stage here for Oscar to walk away from this with no jail time or a slap on the wrist. Prosecutors said in court that the whole thing was pre-meditated which I believe and they will try their best to convict the guy of murder, but the magistrate seemed really friendly to Oscar and wanted to make sure he was doing ok and too many people are trying to spin this into an accident.


  1. Disagree. The article I read this morning on CNN made it seem like the evidence against him is pretty damning.

  2. Well OBVIOUSLY it was an accident, I'm sure he didn't wake up that day and decide to kill her but um...

    Pretty sure when you shoot a gun through a door at someone you are SHOOTING A GUN AT SOMEONE.

  3. I'm still surprised they only dated a couple months, jesus - doesn't it take longer than that for someone to drive you crazy enough to shoot them?

  4. Accident shmaccident! Didn't he bash her head with a bloody cricket bat they found? Excuse me, "allegedly."

    I'm sure it doesn't help that the victim's parents have said nothing but nice things about Oscar. Poor girl.

  5. Oh, c'mon. It was only a flesh wound.

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    It sounds like the South African courts are as screwed up as us here in the US.

    From the reports the last hours of her life were terrifying I hope he goes down for good.

  7. CNN tweeted: "Oscar Pistorius tells South African court he's not a flight risk."

    Am I going to hell for thinking, no shit, Sherlock?

  8. This case gives me the total creeps. I feel just miserable for that poor woman. I can only imagine how terrified she was in her last few minutes. Accident my ass. It's obvious. I agree with you @hunter. That's what I was wondering too. Her former boyfriend was supposedly an abuser too and she got with Oscar who after only 3 months killed her? She was set to speak about abuse the next day? It's just horrifying!

    1. I agree with you - I was looking at her pictures on TMZ and she was so beautiful and her eyes had a peace to them....like I could tell she was a sweet person.
      It's so weird, though because I saw him in an interview around 8 months ago and thought he was sooooo cute - I even Googled him to find out info on him.
      I just feel bad for her family and friends.

  9. I want to wait until I hear the evidence and what the defense lawyers have to say. Shouting matches are a far cry from beating and shooting someone to death. If he'd been drinking for instance, he might have thought she was an intruder.

  10. It seems to be an important part of the prosecution's case for pre-meditation that he took the time to strap on his prosthetics before going to the bathroom to investigate the burglar or shoot his GF. That's kinda cruel. So if he'd been born with shin bones, he'd have had a better defense??

  11. That is what I said yesterday, this guy's family pockets run deep. He will have an OJ level defense that will spin the jurors heads (assuming it's a jury I know nothing of SA legal system) to either acquit or conviction on lesser charges.

    This poor woman won't get the justice she deserves in the end. That's my prediction.

    1. @timeob - you make an excellent point, and that makes me sad. Money talks.

  12. I Like many people didn't want to jump to conclusions and label Oscar a murderer. I didn't want to think that someone who has overcome so much could make such a horrible decision. But once more information came out its become pretty obvious that this wasn't an accident or a case of mistaken identity. oscar snapped and murdered a beautiful person with a promising future. She deserves justice and so does her family.

  13. Because you always find the burglar in the bathroom....always!

  14. This just stinks to high heaven! Poor gal...she must've been absolutely terrified. RIP.

  15. @Della. A LOCKED bathroom!!!

  16. Anonymous7:34 AM

    And during none of this melee would she have identified herself to her boyfriend, whom she had been in bed with shortly before so he knew she was in the house. Defense team needs to try again.

  17. Hey, one of the perks of being famous is that you get to kill your significant other and get away with it. Just ask OJ and Robert Blake

  18. I thought about this yesterday---he put on his legs!

    My dad wore a prosthetic leg and it took a few minutes to put it on. compression socks, fitting the stump into the leg, standing in it to allow the suction to grab hold of the stump and then making sure it was comfortable before wearing it for a time because the stump can blister easily which is painful.

    He went from his bed and put on two, and while I know he was an expert at it having done it since childhood, still...he then grabbed a gun and shot thru a door instead of pushing a panic button for the guards to come.

    Then the cricket bat? Hell no, he was gunning to shoot and kill her. Sorry for the pun.

  19. I guess it just didn't occur to poor frightened Oscar to just shout out a warning? a second warning, hey you in the bathroom, come out with your hands up or I'll shoot?

  20. Wow joymama, thanks for the expert insight. That's the kind of stuff one wouldn't know unless they'd been around it. Honestly, the way you played out the scenario gave me chills.

  21. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @joymama: I doubt he went through all the proper steps such as putting on socks and ensuring blisters wouldn't be an issue, sort of how if you have to run outside during the night you just shove whatever is handy on your feet for shoes without putting in socks, tying them, etc. still I would imagine it was a solid 2 minutes of putting them on. During which time (again) he expects us to believe she didn't say "hey there, buddy, I'm not here to rob you, I'm your girlfriend, don't shoot me a bunch"

    1. He may not have had to do it like my dad but my dad and several other people I met at pt mentioned the nerve endings in the stumps always being tender 20 and more years later. It really had me thinking yesterday that in those moments and all jacked up like he was he was determined to get to her of rather the bathroom burgaler.

  22. JoyMama's comment gave me the creepy chills. That is some serious time there. Wow.

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM

    With all his security and his disability I would assume he would have a panic button. Odd that she wouldn't push it

  24. He's a nasty piece of work...

  25. Ahhhhh, the old "the burglar had diarrhea, so the leggless man shot him through the bathroom door" defense.......if we've heard it once, we've heard it a million times.....

  26. An accident? So what, her skull FELL into the cricket bat numerous times to the point of being crushed??
    It's amazing that she was then able to carry herself down the stairs and get shot 4 times.

    Accident shmacident. He needs to pay for what he did.

  27. Agree with all the others - he'll get away with it like OJ and Blake. Money talks worldwide.

  28. Doesn't premeditation mean planned in advance? Obviously he killed her, but planned to ahead of time? That, I find hard to believe.

    And I don't mean to sound naive, but I just don't get why putting on his prosthetics shows intent. Of course he put them on - he couldn't walk otherwise.

    I think it was probably an awful fight that escalated. Like Tuxedo Cat, I'll reserve judgement until we know more.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      @surfer: taking the time to do that means that he didn't just snap awake, grab his gun and start firing thinking she was an intruder. It means he had a couple minutes to notice that she was no longer in the room with him and call out her name to which she would've answered and not been gunned down (that's how the situation plays out if you're not trying to actively kill your girlfriend but instead assessing a situation of a possible home intruder)

  29. Enty, Timebob:
    Think you're completely right - he'll get away with it. I read on another site that it'll be a judge not a jury who decides the outcome.
    What amazed me was how quick her father was to not question Oscar's involvement in his daughter's death. I understand he must have been shocked, but to publicly declare so soon that there's not hate in his heart, well that's good I guess, but wouldn't you want to know exactly how your daughter died before believing it's all an accident?

  30. People think he may get away with it in a country that is known for basically treating women like objects? SHOCK!

  31. OJ didn't really 'get away with it.' He may not have been convicted in the criminal trial, but he lost the civil trial and his fortune, as well as his reputation, which was pretty much his livelihood at that point. That was a factor in his robbery of some memorabilia dealers, which is what's actually put him in jail.

    Pistorius could easily suffer a similar fate. His sponsorships and endorsements are gone, as is his social mask of being the noble handicapped guy.

    His ethnic minority (South African Afrikaans speakers, aka Boers) is standing behind him much as some African-Americans stood behind OJ even when it became increasingly clear he was not a good guy.

    Bottom line: even if he 'gets off', the life he had is ruined. I don't know what could be more 'justice' for his girlfriend - him in jail? him dead as well? What is 'justice' for him or OJ or Robert Blake or any other killer?

  32. No one is ever guilty of anything anymore, according to them. No evidence of a break in, he knew she was there, and yet mistook her for an intruder while she was in the bathroom? As if intruders always head straight to the bathroom.

  33. Oscar's full statement


    No wonder his bail was denied.

  34. I don't think he planned in advance to kill her, but once the fight spun out of control (and I do think that's probably how it all started), it appears he kept escalating the violence until she was definitely dead. Roid rage? Who knows? The end result is still that a young woman is dead at the hands of someone who allegedly cared about her, and who couldn't or wouldn't control himself enough to stop. Not pre-meditated, yes; accidental, no.

    As for how it all ends up, I suppose we'll just have to see...*sigh*

    1. "The end result...."-the fate of millions of women, everyday.

  35. @Nutty I disagree OJ never really paid for it until his ego caught up to him and he tried to get his stuff back that never belonged to him anymore. He is serving a karma sentence for sure now.

    All he did was golf and party.
    He had a grand life up until his recent conviction. They couldn't touch his hefty pension or his home in Florida. He never paid the families the civil suit judgement.

  36. This is too sad and too crazy. I hope he doesn't get away with it.

  37. After hearing Pistorius version, I guess if it was a jury system he may have had a chance to get off. I guess the police may have guessed that since the bat was near the scene in blood that it was used to attack Reeva, when it looks like it was not use for that purpose.

  38. To have acted in the spur of the moment, but then immediately put into play the "intruder defence", as evidenced by the first 2 phone calls (neither of which was to the emergency services) is premeditation.

  39. In short, he said he wasn't wearing his legs and heard a noise so he grabbed the gun he keeps for protection under his bed. Apparently he didn't realize she wasn't in the bed with him. He also avoids the whole 'complaints from neighbors' about loud arguing and says he thought a burglar was in the bathroom. So he shot and shot and shot and shot. Then called out for her to call the police. At that point he realized she wasn't in the bed and put on his legs and yelled out of his balcony for help (obviously his way of explaining the yelling the neighbors reported)

    Guy with massive inferiority complex and giant ego dates beautiful model. I don't think we need summer school to do the math. MK quoted an article about how her ex texted her that night. Probably not a good idea when he was right there.

  40. I think the news coverage is about as accurate as any news coverage these days--meaning not very accurate.

  41. @ABlake.. "Apparently he didn't realize she wasn't in the bed with him."

    Under the same circumstances, you'd think anyone's first thought would be to turn to the person sleeping next to them to alert them and insure their safety.

  42. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I can see not realizing she wasn't in the bed with him. I've read that she had an overnight bag with her, which would lead me to think they didn't live together and that, as a rule, she would not be in his bed. So, if he woke up, he would find nothing odd about her absence at first, because her absence would be the norm.

    All that aside, though, I believe he did it, and it makes me angry that he played the handicap card in court, trying for sympathy. Fuck him.

  43. The evidence in this case and his violent past have now finished his career. Even if he walks, people around the world will know him as a killer. Hopefully the evidence and worldwide backlash will lead to him going to jail for a very, very long time. I think the fact that he's being held without bail is a good sign that he's not gonna get away with it.

  44. @Syko, I can appreciate your point, but since it was Valentine's Day and they had spent the whole day together, it's hard for me to believe that something as innocuous as noise coming from behind a closed bathroom door didn't remind him he had company. None of us would be safe staying with anyone if his lack of awareness and behavior was typical of most people.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Oh, you're right, phoenix.

      Another thing that gets to me is why, if he were so hyper and afraid of intruders, did he have the balcony doors open? And why no security system, he has the money. If I thought I lived in a scary neighborhood, you could not get me to sleep with even a window open, let alone balcony doors.

  45. He sounds so arrogant in that statement. It will be interesting see how hgh in the door the bullet holes are.

  46. news here says the prosecution has a ginormous amount of evidence against him. I don't think he will get away with it.

  47. There is no jury. It's a judge and I believe two magistrates that will decide. At least that's what I heard on GMA this morning.

  48. I am mortified.

    Mortified? Interesting choice of words. Not shocked. Not devastated. Not even heartbroken.

    If only 32% of the people who took the poll feel sorry for the victim, the photos of her bashed in head will have to be released for the public to realize that she was murdered and that it wasn't an accident.

  49. I'm pretty sure they shared the same bed. You don't have to live with a person to do so.

  50. I really, really wish the media could be gagged sometimes.
    No reputable source has said that 'her head was bashed in'.
    The 'violent past' and screaming headline about him almost shooting someone in a restaurant? A girl's hand was injured at his home when a door slammed on it. No charges were filed and there's nothing that says he did anything. The gun in a restaurant? Belonged to someone else and accidentally discharged as he handed it to Oscar. (yes, the idea of guns in restaurants is horrifying, but that's life in SA).
    'He put his legs on'....I bet he can do that in about 5 seconds. And since he can't really move without them then, yes, he would have done.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending him. But some of the crap floating around out there is sensationalist bullshit. And people screaming for his head? Unless you were there and saw the whole thing, wait for the evidence to come out.
    It isn't too farfetched to imagine them both drinking a lot, having an argument, going to bed (together or not, who knows...) then him waking up and hearing noises, forgetting that she was there etc.
    Doesn't make it right, he'd still deserve to be punished, but wouldn't be premeditated murder.

  51. @Syko, yeah I agree with you, and another thing is he lived in a privately gated and walled community too:


  52. This is worth a read.

  53. I noticed my friend (from S.A.) posting on Facebook that our media was trying to convict him before the trial, but erm..the evidence does not look good thus far. Especially the cricket bat part. :-/

  54. If my burglar locked himself in the bathroom and I had a gun, I'd hop on out of there, pronto, not stick around and shoot 4x through the door. Makes no sense.

  55. I just read his official statement, written to be released as not a flight risk. He DID NOT have his legs on, HE STATES. He contradicts that with his language--rushing, walking, etc., then he states, after she is shot he puts his legs on. He said he had to try to break down the door with the cricket bat. You can read it too on the statement analysis blog spot.

  56. Btw, for what its worth, he states he woke up to shut the balcony doors, not be ause he heard noises, which would have made more sense. He heard noises after he woke up. His statement is more damning than anything.

  57. Timebob, I agree that O.J. didn't pay for it really until his conviction for the B&E. Technically, that is not for the murders (but its still damn satisfying) he filed for bankruptcy, hid his money and enjoyed life.

    People LOVED O.J. before the murders, they did NOT want to believe he did it. What's sad is that 20 years later it hasn't changed and athletes continue to be lionized and are able to get away with crap like this.

    I saw an early report where her family was basically saying they were sure it was an accident. No, they don't need to run to the press immediately (although he sure did)but to issue a supportive statement? Also, I don't think he was the first abusive man she was involved with poor thing.

  58. Weren't the cops called in the past for crap like this? I find it odd that with some crimes posted here, people collectively agree on the guilt of a person. In this case, numerous are saying wait for the facts, he could've been drunk and forgot a woman was there. Seriously? They fought, she was murdered. He said he thought she was in his bed when he shot at the "intruder", so apparently he knew she was in his home. It just boggles my mind that people think this could actually be an accident.

  59. And the prosecutor stated in court "The applicant armed himself, attached his prosthesis, walked seven metres to the bathroom and shot the deceased while she was in the toilet," That poor girl .

  60. I'm not familiar with SA law but no "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law"?

    The real facts aren't out. All of the above is media speculation and sensationalizing it because of who he is.

    That said, if he is guilty, this is proof people can present themselves as one thing and be totally different to others (usually loved ones).

  61. Why are those 2 ladies behind him dressed alike?...twins perhaps?
    ........gee ADD much?
    Oh it's about a murder?.....haha...oops...

  62. Excerpts from Oscar's affidavit summing up what happened:

    "It filled me with horror and fear of an intruder or intruders inside the toilet. ... As I did not have my prosthetic legs on and felt extremely vulnerable, I knew I had to protect Reeva and myself. ... I fired shots at the bathroom door and shouted to Reeva to phone the police."

    My question: Since he didn't see Reeva while this was occurring, why would he assume she wasn't the person in the bathroom?

    His version of events stinks to high heaven imo.
