Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Bachelor Post Twice In A Week

Ugggh, I hate that I am actually writing about The Bachelor again, but sometimes you just have to do it. So far I have resisted the temptation of writing about you know who and it has been getting harder and harder. Have you seen the outfits? Have you seen the lies? Have you seen Harvey Levin's head because I don't think he will ever get it out of you know who's mom's butt. It is in deep. I'm not sure if Harvey is the lawyer who brokered the deal between the devil and the mom or just got a cut, but it is scary how slanted their coverage is compared to the actual reality of the situation. Where was I? Oh yeah, The Bachelor. I guess that Sean Lowe is a born again virgin although some people will tell you that Sean and Emily Maynard did the wild thing. Actually a lot of people will tel you that, but maybe he sealed himself off again after that. He says his bride to be and he have agreed to wait until they are married to have sex. Lowe also says that he would like to get married tomorrow. So, really, he is just a guy who wants to have sex but is talking it up like he is a Jonas Brother. As for the bride to be? "I honor him." Yeah, she said it.


Cathy said...

Serious question: how long does someone have to wait after having sex before they can become a born-again virgin? Can they have sex each night and then in the morning consider themselves re-virginized?

seaward said...

He's been re-hymenated!

VIPblonde said...

From now on, The Bachelor should be a virgin or a born again virgin. Highly increases the chances that he'll make it down the aisle. I'm rooting for these two! You realize if they get married, he'll be the first Bachelor to actually do so?!

Anonymous said...

I am going to wait until tomorrow! Of course! What could go wrong? Being a virgin is like being pregnant, either you are or you aren't. IMO

Amber said...

THANK YOU, ENTY. I noticed that, too! You'd have to be Helen Keller not to notice! The only thing TMZ is good for right now is live streaming Lohan courtroom visits.

Maximus said...

I'm a born again virgin EVERY TIME boom baby!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Is the 'born-again virgin' a real thing? I'm too scared to google...

warmislandsun said...

She looks like Demi Lovato.

VIPblonde said...

@Cathy if you want a good giggle: how to become a born again virgin

Kelly said...

No wonder he wants to get married tomorrow. Lame. It'll backfire dude!

Cathy said...

Thanks @VIP - Now I wonder what kinds of banner ads I'll get for the rest of the day :)

Meanie Rhysie said...

@VIP. Damn. I was so hoping there would be comments on that article. ;)

Mama June said...

Who can take these people seriously? I hear snippets like, "but I *really* have strong feelings for both women!" and I want to barf. Also, I haven't gotten any since Saturday night, so I guess I could be a married born again virgin?! ;)

crila16 said...

@ Cathy...9 months.

Anonymous said...

I am not deciphering this at all. Anyone want to break this into basic terms for me?

Sigh. It's one of those mornings : /

LottaColada said...

God, I hate all things Bachelor but I totally agree with enty on Harvey Levin. Must be getting pretty good payroll to post the ridiculous shit he wants to pass off on TMZ. Make you wonder who else pays to plant their stories on TMZ.

In the beginning TMZ was the shit for getting up to the minute info on ANYONE. Things have clearly changed as they like to play favorites now.

ekb4409 said...

What is Enty referring to? I don't watch TMZ. Can someone clue me in please?

Sugar said...

The only way Catherine will be able to gauge his sexy is when he's doing the Cha Cha with Peta. Bring on DWTS!!

SusanB said...

Frankly I'm more interested in what Enty knows about the Kimye situation (I assume that's what he's trying to imply). Because he makes it sound pretty scandalous.

Marisa said...

Yeah, I stopped reading TMZ a while ago after it became clear they were being paid to post "news." Would love to know who he's referring to.

As for the Bachelor, I didn't watch this season (the show usually annoys me) but I did see the finale..and this couple is very likable and I have a feeling they'll make it. I've noticed more and more of my married friends doing the "no sex until marriage" thing with their spouses, and they have pretty strong foundations...better than my friends who had wild crazy sex with their sig. others and then had to go back and build a foundation. To each his own...

SueRH said...

I heard he was the only one of the top three who DIDN'T have sex with Emily in the fantasy suite.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

I fucking hate TMZ. I know for a fact they wheel and deal to certain celebs and will allow themselves to be bought out. A certain tweeners ass was saved by his peeps two years back right before they published the story, I've seen the video.

Amber said...

@10-4 - Enty is calling out Harvey Levin for having his head up PMK's ass, and is suggesting he's getting a payout. Everything TMZ posts related to KK's divorce is WAY DRAMATICALLY slanted in the K Klan's favor, and Enty is calling that out as BS.

Anonymous said...

But more importantly, why is Demi Lovato dating the Bachelor?

Anonymous said...

thanks for the dirt Onyx! They're obviously bought and paid for. I'm glad Enty speaks his mind and doesn't kiss but obnoxiously like Harvey Levin does. I used to really like him on the people's court, but is it just me or has he always talked super fast? Maybe he just doesn't have time on that show. HmynameisHarveyLevinandwe'retalkingaboutthecaseofthemissingpoochandwe'reheadingbackintothecourtroom, right now!

Anonymous said...

Man, I so hope that Kim is having a pillow pregnancy! And then she'll have a miscarriage, and magazine covers of "Kim and Kanye's Heartbreak", with a glycerin tear sliding down her plumped stuffed injected restylaned botoxed juvedermed face.

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm hoping she actually has a miscarriage, but it would be interesting if they faked it and got caught.

LottaColada said...

@ekb4409- it's mostly on the website. If you check out you'll notice every single Kardashian story is positive in their favor. Basically whenever they need good press, you can bet your ass TMZ will have them covered.

And the deal mentioned is the one with Kris Jenners upcoming talk show which will be on FOX.... same network as TMZ.

LottaColada said...

Harvey is a lawyer so he could have brokered the deal between Kris Kenner with the devil=FOX.

PotPourri said...

I don't think she is pregnant...her hips and ass are HUGE!, not really her stomach. Surely, she would have only made the pillow show up like Beyonce and Katie Holmes

MyMamasChild said...

I'll never understand the no sex before marriage thing. Iwould be horrified if i found out my husband was a disaster in bed... on my wedding night. Eeeekkkk!

Barton Fink said...

Whenever I see those little blond-coiffed creampuffs they have for the "bachelor," and he goes on and on about how he's just totally into women and is such a horndog and just *lived* for women, I snicker a little. I don't know why. There is something off about the casting process on that show.

Cathy said...

I think Kim really is pregnant, because as someone who does so much to control her own image, I don't think she'd voluntarily pad her ass, hips and thighs. If it were fake, she'd have that perfect basketball-shaped belly.

mooshki said...

Ugh, that reminds me of Kepner's crappy storyline on Grey's Anatomy. I can't believe they're letting Sarah Drew's beliefs influence what her character does. Well, it's Shonda, so I guess I can believe it.

Unknown said...

since this thread is hijacked, anyone have any more on the theory/blind item of the millions of milkshakes guy and the financial distaster, supposedly??

i was thinking about that the other day in nyc - along with diana jenkins - how unscrupulous this industry is/seems.

g.strathmore said...

I really wish religions would get over their obsession with virginity. It produces so much craziness: born-again virgins, hymen restoration surgery, having oral/anal sex but not considering it "real" sex, virgine-whore complexes, et cetera, et cetera.


g.strathmore said...

*virgin* not *virgine*

Sherry said...

@MyMamasChild: I'm with you. No way would a buy a car without a test drive first. And it's not even the technique but the whole attitude of where sex is on your hierarchy of needs. If that's #1 or #2 for you but #5 for the other you're gonna have some problems.

As far as KK..Read a blind the other day (not sure if it was Bling Gossip where it originated but iot was on Dlisted) where one celebrity couple consulted another on how to properly pull off the pillow act until they can claim a miscarriage. Meaning, no surrogate so thank goodness no child will be stuck with Kimye. I'd bet $1000 on this and I am not a betting person.

Anonymous said...

SO much snark in this post I LOVE IT ENTY

spill the deets, i thought only february was suppose to be kkk free

The lies has to be the miscarriage
and she is NOT dressing right at all wtf a pencil skirt, shes too wide for all that

the bachelor goods good and gay to me.

Jeri said...

Kim is fat all over, no pillow can do that. There is lots of room in all that fat for a baby to hatch.

Now if she's wearing a fat suit that could explain the major weight gain, but I think she'd do a Bey & look all fabulous through the whole pregancy if it were fake.

feraltart said...

MyMamasChild, my mother told me you always take a car for a test drive before purchase. My husband & I had sex & lived together before marriage & we have a very strong, close relationship. To each their own.

Jazzy said...

The Bachelor is a fame ho. He and Emily are perfect for eachother.

I completely agree w/ Enty about Harvey and TMZ. They are so on PMK's and Bieber's payroll. I don't even bother going on the site anymore.

Jazzy said...

The Bachelor is a fame ho. He and Emily are perfect for eachother.

I completely agree w/ Enty about Harvey and TMZ. They are so on PMK's and Bieber's payroll. I don't even bother going on the site anymore.

Jazzy said...

The Bachelor is a fame ho. He and Emily are perfect for eachother.

I completely agree w/ Enty about Harvey and TMZ. They are so on PMK's and Bieber's payroll. I don't even bother going on the site anymore.


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