Tuesday, March 05, 2013

ABC Gave Casey Anthony $200K For Her Defense Fund

Yesterday Casey Anthony emerged from hiding and showed up at bankruptcy court. During the process, Casey was asked about her finances and she says she lives with people for free. She lives off gift cards and other funds that people have given to her. She has no book deal or film deal and the only significant sum of money she received was $200K from ABC who bought some photos from her lawyer and that money was used to pay for her defense. ABC was probably thrilled to hear that they helped pay for the baby killer's defense fund.


Henriette said...

That's bad PR for ABC.

MAC said...

This info has been out there forever. Dr. Phil gave Cindy &George 600k to the now defunct Caylee Anthony Fund. You can be sure some of that money made its way to her.

LiteraryLauraEtc said...

Disgusting pig

KPeony said...

So gross. Hugh Jackman is going to be on the Marie Osmond show in a few minutes. Time to go cleanse my brain and watch my dream hubby.

SusanB said...

I thought I heard this a few years ago. But shame on ABC anyway.

Although in all fairness, I think all the major networks do this in some form - pay for "pictures" or "travel" or whatever so they can technically say they didn't pay for an interview.

Tyler said...

This happened and was widely reported years ago.

a non a miss said...

I thought this was known? Regardless, its looks bad for ABC.
But she lives with people for free?! Oh yes, I'm sure she's living there for 'free'

LottaColada said...

I'm with everyone who says that this was out there while it was happening. Did y'all see the video of Casey getting ambushed as soon as she stepped out of the car yesterday? That really made my day.


Trey said...

Her life is going to end badly.

carolinec said...

@lottaColada It made my day too. Normally, I would have felt sorry for a person being bombarded like that. she looked pretty scared. BUT, i felt no remorse for her. she deserves what she gets.

LottaColada said...

For your entertainment in case you missed it:

Casey Anthony arrives in court 3/4/13

libby said...

I hope she ends in a freak ass-to-ass accident, and dies locked in a trunk in the Florida sun.

I don't normally think such things...but only disgust for this one!

LottaColada said...

@carolinec- Exactly.

auntliddy said...

I care nothing about what happens to her. Wretched human.

lc said...

When the verdict came back as 'Not Guilty' I puked my guts out. For reals.

greenmountaingal said...

Can we please snark on her outfit? It looks like Grandma Olsen dressed her.

Oh, and she and her mother should be swallowed by the Great Pit of Carkoon.

Della said...

@libby- I'm with you. She needs to rot like trash. I can't believe people give her gift cards. Makes me sick.
I wonder about the syringe they found in a Gatorade bottle with her daughters body. We will never know what really happened to that little girl. I hope Casey gets hers in the end.
I also wonder about the jury. I'm sure they have 2nd thoughts now that the whole country thinks they are morons.

lc said...

Thanks Lotta! I just loved the question, 'Did you get away with murder?'

Della said...

I wonder if she really has money hidden away for her move out of the country.

Anonymous said...

This is why I wish Dexter was real.

katie said...

Word Christina.

Gayeld said...

@Christina. Couldn't've said it better myself.

Unknown said...

She makes me sick...karma will catch up to her.

Izzie said...

Thanks, Lotta! I would have been utterly terrified. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.

Ms Cool said...

Great one, Christina.

OKay said...

Huh. Looks like, despite my soaps coming back, I still have to boycott ABC.

boomom22 said...

Who the hell is sending her money and gift cards?

BondGirl said...

Does she look pregnant in this photo or is she just fat?

mistang said...

@libby - Haha! "Ass to ass!"

I'm actually surprised she stayed in the country.

Li said...

@Christina, brilliant!

Anon said...

Wonder if she'll have more kids or at least be allowed to adopt.Maybe write a children's book or start a clothing line for toddlers.

__-__=__ said...

Yes Christina! If Karla can go on to have kids and a good life this one can too. And don't forget about the $camthony Fraudation that goes out and looks for missing children, providing Caylee bears to kids, and has a boat to search for missing children. That whole family needs to be investigated by IRS, including all their relatives that might be paying for her. F-Hitler but we shouldn't allow people like this to breed.

Amartel said...

Journalism is as dead as this horrible person's child.

Mark B said...

I've mentioned this before, but she looks worryingly like my ex-girlfriend (more in her mugshots than now).

Elissa said...

Enty, that money from ABC is the reason that she's in deep shit with the IRS (they didn't pay taxes on it). It's also the reason that ABC and some of the other networks stopped using "licensing fees" for photos and videos; people were THAT pissed off about it.

And you just KNOW that she's living/lived off of that Dr. Phil money. I agree with the above statement, I think the IRS should investigate that whole family and the faux Caylee fund.

NaughtyNurse said...

Please. ABC doesn't give a crap about bad PR from this. The major networks have NO journalistic integrity anymore, and they made a TON of money in advertising dollars on their coverage of Casey Anthony. Her $200,000 is pocket change to them. Scumbags.

Robert said...

"He's just a good ole boy, never meant no harm..." Uncle Jesse, is that you with Wednesday Addams?


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