Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list rapper has been telling friends that he has made a serious mistake by getting involved with his girlfriend. He says that it has been nothing but drama and that he is bombarded by her family for requests to help them out and that he should be doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He has been spending a great deal of time alone or with his "assistant," and doing a ton of coke.


  1. Kanye...what did he expect?

  2. Why not break up, and lose the coke habit? I cant people who dont take command of their life.

  3. Well how else is Rob going to sell any socks if Yeezy doesn't endorse them?

  4. Co sign that. He is hardly ever phitographed with her.

  5. If it's KW, helping them out how? They don't need money.

    1. But they need his AList relevancy

  6. All I want to know is whether Kanye has a male or female "assistant"

  7. Dont think its kanye because i dont think hes alist, and family members dont need his money, they are swimming in dough.

    1. Kanye is as AList as you go boo

    2. Really! I take your word for it.

  8. Will no one think of the sock empire??? Oh, the humanity!

    1. This comment made my morning.

      Who is Fiddy dating now a days? I saw a preview of Katie's show this morning where Fiddy is going to appear. All I could think of is whether he would try to tap dat ass.

  9. Also didn't Scott open a restaurant in NYC with a guest appearance from Kanye? That counts as a favor to me.

  10. I think that they don't want him to help them out financially as much as they want him to help them out by getting them more publicity--like setting up double dates between them and Bey-Z.

  11. auntliddy said KW isn't a list...perhaps you don't listen to music.

    1. Sure she does! Just only good music.

    2. LISTEN to his music..Kanye is a genius. Pay attention to the lyrics do me that favor my beautiful dark twisted fantasy is one of the best albums ever

    3. Have to agree with @Jenny Divine, I might not like Kanyes personality but he's talented

  12. what ehorne said.

    100% fish sticks. Should be labelled easy easy.

  13. whoa.
    we're all eating a bowl full of DUH for breakfast.
    how weird is it that he conveniently has a 'k' name? and kris humphries too. weird. I mean, only its NOT.
    anyways, I thought kanye was for the gays?

  14. Helping them doesn't necessarily have to involve giving them money. Promotion/endorsement is valuable, too.

  15. yes, kanye with publicity things.

    i, too, am curious as to the "assistant"...

  16. agreed @Tulsa. With the posting earlier about Rob K and his tanking business (thanks, Enty!), they're hoping KW will pull some of his fashion strings and maybe arrange a SOCK CATWALK SHOW with Anna Wintour!

    On the catwalk oooo yea
    I shake my little feet on the catwalk

    1. @Izzie. Comment on the morning for me!

  17. Kanye of course. No brainer.

  18. I don't think it's Kanye - the KKKlan doesn't need the Ka$h, OR the help - they have pimp momma K. I wonder if it's Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa? Would he be considered A-list?

  19. I so cannot wait for Kanye to have a Kanye-style meltdown towards Kimmy K. You all know its going to happen. It's just a matter of time. As much as that family wants to control him, he's fucking crazy, he's gonna flip the fuck out and it's going to be amazing.

    1. Anticipating that album lol when he broke up with amber rose that shit was classic!

  20. Maybe Kanye should have thought this through before donating his spermatozoa...

    1. SPERM**** wth autocorrect???

    2. Hahahahaha! Spermatozoa
      My phone did it too !

  21. To all saying that the Kuntrashians don't need any help from Kanye - I disagree. Their star is quickly fading, and while they aren't broke, they are addicted to fame so falling out of favor with the public is just as scary to them as having less money is. Kanye was their extension of fame and he's not really having any of it (which, shockingly, I am totally fine with). That said, I agree with all that this is only to end badly.

  22. First thought was Eminem, but I did just wake up.

  23. You reap what you..deposit.

  24. I have South Park's 'Gay Fish' song stuck in my head now guys. Thanks enty!

  25. I wouldn't be surprised if it's Kanye. He's a fame whore too, but I think that this is more than he can handle. He has to deal with the whoring of an ENTIRE family. He just should have gone straight for pay and released a sex tape for her so that he could have gotten some notoriety and extended his 5 more minutes of heterosexuality.

  26. Jenny---Unless you tell us who you're replying to, most people on this site just see your individual replies stacked at the bottom and don't know to whom you are speaking.
    Enty's comment system doesn't do direct replies on the regular site (only mobile, I think).
    Just FYI, if you want to converse here. The commenting is different on different platforms.

    Welcome, btw. I think you're new?

    1. @Libby thanks I didn't know and yea sort of new poster..everyday lurker the comments are my fav part!! Thanks for the welcome :)

  27. It's hard to have sympathy for anyone willing to jump in bed with that family.

  28. No clue. But Eminem is creepy sexy.

  29. Why would the Kardashians need favors from Kanye? They wouldn't.

    1. Favours like hitting up Anna Wintour for a Vogue cover for Kim

    2. Who is he to get favors from wintour? Like what ckd he do for her in exchange?

    3. They are good friends auntliddy.

    4. I didnt think wintour had any friends!! Lol

  30. Definitely Kanye. First of all, this is the fame-mongering family to end all fame-mongering. They don't "need" favors to WANT favors. And frankly, the "need" is debatable. The ratings for Kim and Kourtney take wherever are only half what they were and Mom is tweeting before each show, pretty much begging people to tune in. Then there is Rob, the lazy and talentless loser of the family. I have no doubt he's asking Kanye for a favor of some kind every time he sees him.

    It's no secret Kanye is not a fan of Kris Jenner. She has been trying to get him to sign on with her to a management deal for public appearances and such, and he's having none of it. Notice how rarely he's photographed with any member of the family aside from Kim. Virtually never is when.

  31. Kanye is definitely A List.

  32. @Jenny While that album is dope, graduation + late registration are WAY better. I like his pre-massive-ego music much better than his more recent tracks/albums about being rich and sleeping with hot women.

    That being said, it's obvious its Kanye. Amber Rose doesn't seem nearly as thirsty as the KKKLan, but Wiz also isn't A-List.

  33. eminem is so private nobody knows if he has a girlfriend. kanye FTW.

    1. Hell I dont even know if Em and Kim ever divorced or got back together or what. See there, Ben Asslick? If you want privacy from the paps it IS possible.

  34. Apparently Kanye's assistant is male. I know, big surprise.

  35. Kanye is def a list and very talented, I cosign with tori on late registration and graduation albums. I remember getting the leaked late registration album right before my junior year of college and thought i was such a bamf.

  36. Agree with Maximus... Kanye's a powder keg. He's gonna blow and it's gonna be ugly. He's considered a genius - even in the main stream music world - totally A list.

  37. Kouldn't happen to a nicer guy.

  38. Definitely Fish Sticks and I loved "I shake my little feet on the catwalk" ha ha!!!

    Kanye's assistant is male and they are in Paris together. There was a recent blind on BlindGossip which explicitly stated that the subject was in WAAAAY over their head with the publicity sh't and wanted O-U-T but didn't really know what to do (baby...).

    And I also agree, it's not Kanye's money they want, it's his exposure and fame quotient. Really damaging his rap career and credibility in that realm.

  39. I like the Wiz guess better.

  40. Poor KW. Sucks when your lyrics come back to bite you 18 years, 18 years
    She got one of yo' kids, got you for 18 years

    1. @kellemuse Ha-ha. Awesome response.

    2. Kellemuse yes yes, I'd forgotten about that! Ha ha

  41. I thought Fish Sticks was Gwenyth and Kanye was Gay Fish??? No?

  42. The kardashians don't have as much money as they want the world to believe. When the anonymous hacking group put Kris and Kim's credit report online it showed that Kris has massive debt and massive monthly payments to make. To look like a million bucks everyday you have to spend millions to buy that stuff.

    1. skimpymist - right! They don't have as much money as they pretend to have. They take lots of hand outs for publicity. Nobody has mentioned the publicity with JZ and Beyonce. PMK was lovin' that. Totally Kanye.

  43. @Tori,
    I totally agree. I loved Kanye when he first started out. He was MUCH MORE HUMBLE back then. He even had a 10-minute track on his first album that was dedicated to thanking everyone who helped him get his start. It was very endearing. Now he is uber conceited and I can't stand him!

  44. Anonymous9:56 AM

    @skimpymist agree it's a sham. They're not rich on paper although I think out of the lot Kim does okay.

    Although if that's looking like a million bucks we must walk around looking like trillionaires! Kim has the worst style and pregnancy is only making it worse. She looks god awful.

    Also agree this is Gayfish. Hope that "assistant" gets full benefits, it sounds like he's working for it *cough*

  45. Ahh, gay fish! Does anyone know who his assistant is? Thus far I've seen images of Virgil who's his artist assistant or some such thing and married..not that bring married means much to some.

  46. Yeah I always thought "Fishsticks" was Paltrow and "Gay Fish" was Kanye. And totally agree that the clan needs his celebrity to keep them going so they can continue to earn the money. Can you imagine how hard it would be for these poor people to live off the money their store makes? Rob get a job (and why doesn't his name start with a K)?
    And I think KK is dressing like shit on purpose to get all the pictures all the time. Talk about a classic PR attack. Come on guys, that's genius!

  47. Have you not figured it out with Kardashian clan it is never enough, there is never enough money

    Channelling Billy Idol they want

  48. I think it's the Ks just because they've been rarely papped together lately and Kim looks miserable. I'm no fan of hers but I wonder if they both regret their arrangement now?

  49. @auntliddy, you didn't catch wind of those financial records the supposed russians aired recently??? I believe the kartrashians live beyond their means...something which can be done at every income level.

    1. Omama, no i didnt know their overhead was so high. Just goes to show ya, u can be broke on $100, $1000 or a million a week. Its all relative.

  50. I'm ashamed to say I'd be delighted if the Ks aren't as rich as everyone thinks, and they sink faster than concrete shoes. I'd also be thrilled if Kanye skedaddled. I really do hate these people. Worthless human beings and the epitome of everything that is wrong in this country.

  51. I concur w/msgirl

    i also hope this isn't wiz and a.rose

  52. Anonymous2:20 PM

    The kardashians need not for mr west money

    im going with wiz khalifa and amber ftw!!!!!!

  53. Anonymous2:22 PM

    they havent been papped together he is finishing his album (paris i believe)

    its amber and wiz

  54. Yes, I'm totally confused trying to make Gwyneth "Fish Sticks" Paltrow fit the blind.

    That said, the K Klan, especially Mama Kris always have their hands extended. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

  55. Easy easy! Kanye! Wiz is not A list yet, my husband wouldn't know him but he knows Kanye. The K klan need more publicity and money and they thought that Kanye would provide more of both but he hasn't been cooperating too much. Bwahahahaha!

  56. 100% Kanye's A list as a rapper - multiple grammy wins and a 5 star album.

    @Jenny Divine - Oh please, oh please, don't abuse me with Dark Twisted. That album really is not as good as you think it is. It's not a BAD album, but it's really not genius - Compare it to Illmatic.

    As far as "The Kardashians don't need Kanye" ... bull. They need him like they need oxygen. Their fame and fortune is built on branding, like Donald Trump. They have to stay in the tabloids or they lose everything. Kanye stays inthe tabloids.

  57. @ astrogirl - OMG! Genius! Kim would sell what's left of her soul for a Vogue cover!

  58. It's funny so many of you think the Janner/trashian clan is so rich. Yeah, they have a lot more cash than the average family, but they're hardly swimming in dough. They're the most financially desperate family in America by a long shot. Well, the Lohans are up there, but you get the point.

  59. Totaly Kanye. And as for the Kartrashians supposedly being to rich to need his help--bull! Some people are so greedy that even too much is never enough. Thats the Kartrashians to a "K"

  60. Watch the South Park episode about Kanye. They ask him if he likes "fish dicks" and he says he loves them, thinking they mean fish sticks. If he likes "fish dicks" he is a Gay Fish.

  61. I always wonder if during sex he says to Kim.. Stop hold up a minute, Imma let you finish in just a second after I let you know that Beyonce...'s husband is the best!

    1. @Jenn, hahaha!!! I just choked on my tea!!!

  62. Anonymous7:19 PM

    OH Kanye, you're a fucking idiot. An obnoxious one at that, that doesn't have NEARLY as much talent as he thinks he does. when he falls it's going to be so hard I feel sorry for him. .... Okay it passed, don't feel sorry for him anymore.

  63. Going to throw my hat in and say it could also be Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose? She did kind of go from one rapper to another, I wouldn't be surprised if there was drama.
