Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A list mostly movie actor and now still a solid B who works anywhere when he can get it has always been a ladies man. Never bothered before about being married and cheating, he still isn't. His wife (for now) has decided to believe he has reformed but he hasn't. Give him a drink or three and he will still end up in the bed of someone else.


Lurkerloo said...

Kevin Costner

Anonymous said...

Dennis Quaid? But aren't they divorcing?

VaN said...

Dennis Quaid

VaN said...

They just announced being back together.

Catarina said...

No idea if I'm really off the track but Nicolas Cage?

Lurkerloo said...

I'm on the Dennis Quaid train now.

The BLS said...

Russell Crowe?

ethorne said...

I'll go with Dennis Quaid if they're back together.

rflairfan1 said...

Dennis Quaid. He is ugly and seems like a jerk. She could do better.

OKay said...

I completely agree that she could do better, but Dennis Quaid is so completely the opposite of ugly...externally at least.

tulsa70s said...

Dennis Quaid is also the opposite of ever being A list.

Dreamscape, Jaws 3D and Innerspace aren't really achievements.

MnGddess said...

Dennis Quaid is ugly. I never understood how anyone can think he's the least bit handsome. His jaw and mouth look like the inspiration for Jack Nicholson's Joker in Batman. Yuck.

msgirl said...

Dennis Quaid was certainly A-list, he was huge for awhile, around the time of The Big Easy. I used to have the hots for him.

Sherry said...

Dennis Quaid was the first one that popped in mah haid.

Anonymous said...


SusanB said...

Dennis Quaid used to be hot, but he is definitely NOT aging well.

sandybrook said...

Nic Cage because he is so deep in debt hes ruined his entire career by taking whatever role he can get. To me that part of the blind is the big clue.

feraltart said...

Lurkerloo, I am on the Kevin Costner train.

Unknown said...

Mickey Rourke

Silly Girl said...

It's Dennis Quaid. Their divorce is still going through, but they are back together. She needs to man up and dump his ass for good. :)

Honey Bunny said...

Dennis Q. He and his wife got back tgether. She has to know how much of a dog he is. She also needs to sit down and have a long conversation with Meg. If americas sweeetheart (at the time) couldn't keep him from cheating, well.....

Agent**It said...

Nicholas Cage takes any role he can get to pay back enormous tax debt. He also bought a lot of various properties that were terrible investments. However, don't think it's him. He's dating his son's ex gf. Randy Quaid is the "more interesting" Quaid:)

Jeri said...

Dennis Q is hot, it's more in the attitude then just looks. He doesn't look so good in Vegas, that era doesn't suit his looks but he still has it. Smolders with sex just looking @ him.

But he will break your heart.

di butler said...

Nic Cage's big start was on Valley Girl, not exactly Shakespearean.


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