Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Neve Campbell in a rare pap photo of her.
President Obama shows off his ability to make a soccer ball float above his head. Probably a magnet.
Ryan Reynolds grabs some Burger King. They are probably thrilled.
Rachel Zoe and her son out shopping. Definitely not going out to eat.
Sandra Bullock gives Louis a piggyback ride.
Scarlett J in NYC.
Sofia Vergara shows off her new blonde hair.
Tom Cruise looks almost wax like in Buenos Aires.
Thandie Newton at the premiere of her new movie.


  1. Is Neve pregnant?

    1. @Cathy. I was just going to ask the same thing.

    2. I think Neve Campbell just had a baby (saw on today's Daily Mail)

    3. @Cathy, thank you, I thought I was going be insensitive for asking. She's carrying in the tummy area. @FreeTibet, thanks for the heads-up!

  2. I think if you look up 'stunner' you find a picture of Thandie Newton.

  3. isn't Sofia a natural blonde?

    Did they pay those people to pretend they knew/like Cruise?

    Sandy has kept a pretty low profile since winner her Oscar hasn't she?

  4. In that picture, you can actually see that Tom has no soul.

  5. That pic of Tom Cruise is disturbing!

  6. Yes Sofia is a natural dirty blond. I guess she figures she's now famous enough that she can ditch the Latino stereotype of only having dark hair.

  7. In the pic of Rachel Zoe why didn't Miley take the price tag off the bottom of her shoe?

    Sofie Vagina (saw it here the other day & that is a hilarious typo) looks a lot younger in that pic

    1. @ethorne- lol @ miley's photobomb

  8. Tom is morphing into Liberace in that pic lol

  9. Maybe that was a Tom Cruise impersonator? Or duuuude got a bad spray tan.

    Sofia looks like a kid! #jelly!

  10. Tom has officially gone too far with the fillers and plastic surgery. Thandie looks fab. It bugs me how Sofia is saying she’s “back to” her “natural blond color”. No. You want to be blond, be blond. But that isn’t your natural color. so her eyebrows are a different color than her head? she may have had blondish streaks at some point, bu that's it.

  11. Rachel Zoe's baby looks like Damian from The Omen.

    I wish Charo 2.0 would go away. She's really annoying.

    ScarJo looks great in those skinny pants.

    Tom Cruise looks like one of those life size cut outs. I used to have one of Patrick Swayze. I was so cool.

  12. Has Tom gotten work done? ...Scratch that, What work has Tom had done? His hair line is different , his brow looks Large while his eyes look smaller...He is almost unrecognizable as human. I love how in this DM pic everyone is looking elsewhere makes me wonder if there are on set rumors.

    1. @Steampunk. Ooh, that one (Andrea Risenborough?) looks like she can't get away from him fast enough.

  13. @Sherry. The probably sent the local Ronborgs out to cheer for the Big Being.

    @Erin B. Co-sign. Tommy's giving me the creeps more and more each day.

  14. I'm sorry but that is not the real Tom cruise! No way in hell

  15. God, Rachel's kid is absolutely beautiful. I've thought far too much about how she'd handle having a child who wasn't conventionally pretty. Looks like she's got it covered though.

  16. Scarlett, what's up with those fug shoes??

  17. Tom looks same as ever ti me. Sofia looks fine as a blonde. Sandra baby has had the same size head since he was born!!

  18. Thandie Newton is one of the most beautiful women ever, IMO. Just lovely, and with such sweet-looking features! She seems (from her body language and the low-profile she keeps) to be absolutely down-to-earth about it as well.

    Some other beauties could take note...*cough Miranda Kerr*

    It really isn't necessary to pout, toss your hair and arch your back constantly! We get it!

  19. I am a natural blonde, but all the other 'hair' is darker. People used to ask if I did that on purpose and I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. I honestly did not notice that my brows had gotten naturally darker over time while the hair on my head stayed blonde.

  20. Steampunk, that link.. uuuummm I dont' think that shade of orange exists in nature!

  21. Nothing says "look at me" more than wearing sunglasses. And nothing says "I am a mindless douchebag" more than wearing a horizontal striped shirt.


    God that drives me nuts.

    1. @Hunter. While my dad used to call it dishwater blonde, if you sit patiently in front of all the Miss Clairol hair loops comparing, you will find that that color is called Champagne Blonde.

      What I'm easily entertained? Also, that was my natural hair color until I was in my early 30s. Now I'm more of a light brown.

  23. hunter - I prefer to call it dirty blond. That's my color. Well it was, going gray now eeeep

  24. Tom is wearing more make up than when I reapply after a gym session.

  25. There is such a difference between those two mothers. Rachel Zoe has her little man permanently trussed up like a model, whereas Sandra Bullock seems to care only about her son's comfort. There couldn't be a bigger disparity between the two photos, imo.

  26. Sofia is naturally blonde, her natural color is actually lighter than what it is in that picture and I know a lot of natural blondes whose eyebrows are darker.

    That can not be Tom Cruise! That's frightening! That tan, that face! Yikes!!! And fun fact: Sofia Vergara and Tom Cruise dated for like five seconds after his divorce from Nicole, Sofia ran as fast as she could when she started learning about Scientology.

    Love Thandie Newton, she's got such a beautiful face and good actress, very underrated IMHO.

    I love Scarlett, I know I'm one of the few but I like her.

  27. Scarjo's shoes are turning her pigeon-footed! But cute outfit. I don't like puffy jackets but it looks cute on her.

    The guy in the back of Pres Obama (the one in the middle) looks almost *exactly* like my cousin's husband! He's a Ron Paul fan, I'm going to send this to him for s* & giggles.

    Eww, Tommy. Who said yesterday that Co$ Youth Serum is semen? That was so wrong in so many right ways.

    I love how hands-on Sandra is, not always just carrying Louis around, but holding him, hand-holding, piggy-back rides. I bet she's an awesome mom.

    Thandie is amazing. (Though I never ever understood her ER role.)

    1. I'm pretty sure Scarlett is pigeon footed... Its not the shoes. But I like her.

  28. Don't really believe Sofia is a natural blonde. Always seen her with dark hair color.

  29. I remember Sofia back when she was 18 and modeling. Her natural color is a bit lighter than that, but then again she wasn't as tan as she is now, so this color looks good on her.


    Isn't that closer to Sofia Vergara's natural hair color? I know she usually dyes it darker.

  31. I just love Thandie Newton. So beautiful.

  32. Holy shit I would have sworn that was a mini-Jack White that Rachel Zoe is carrying around.

  33. It does look like a mini Jack White but seriously how much do you need to dress up a kid? Those shoes HAVE to be custom made. I like Sandra's little boy being a little boy not a little man. They'll grow up and away soon enough. Let them be babies. (This from someone who has no children and prefers to be referred to as Uncle Sherry-seriously all my nieces, without prompting, called me Uncle Sherry.)

  34. I feel like Tom Cruise died and this is the cyborg version

  35. Rachel Zoe uses her child as an accessory. Good thing he is gorgeous.
    Sophia looks so much younger in this pic with the blonde hair.

  36. Rachel Zoe has her son dressed as Pete Doherty?

    Sophia does have naturally light hair and wore it as such (Chasing Papi), but became uber famous as a brunette.

  37. Thandie was at the premiere of her new show. I think Sofia looks a bit younger because she's not wearing too much makeup, as well as the lighter hair.

  38. I will be the one ass who says it. Tom is hot, he has gone just a TAD to far for me. But even still, his hair is just Ahmazing. :) where IS Shelly Tom?

  39. Stop with the hats and the cardigans and the cuffs on that poor kid! How about shorts & a Tshirt and maybe an ice cream cone or toy truck? @lilo nailed it when she said he is treated as an accessory. Very sad.

    Sofia Veriga looks 14 in that picture.

  40. Need to compare photos of Louis and Blue Sprig, from yesterday, next to each other. I swear they are the same size.

  41. I thought it was The Hoff not the GMD at first glance!!

  42. Thandie is amazingly beautiful. I especially liked her on "ER."

