Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Your Turn

Even though you hate the Kardashians, when is the last time, if ever you actually watched one of their shows? I saw one about two months ago. I actually have one on DVR where Kanye makes Kim throw out all her stuff because he doesn't like it so now she is forced to wear the stupid crap he finds for her.


Anonymous said...

2 years ago

skimpymist said...

I was forced to watch one last month while waiting to do my taxes. It felt likethe Chinese water drip torture thing.

Sherry said...

Cannot even remember the last time I watched any of the Kartrashians. It's probably been a year. I avoid them like the plague.

Maximus said...


VIPblonde said...

Last one I watched was Sunday's episode of Kourtney and Kim take Miami. Vienna from the Bachelor was on. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel! Had to FF through all the alligator parts though :(

Maximus said...

The entirety of my exposure to their show is the gossip rags and The Soup.

lilo723 said...

After the E!'s Oscar Red Carpet Special, I accidentally saw the first few minutes before quickly changing the channel to ABC. The only two who really bother me are Kim and Kris.

a non a miss said...

I saw Khloie get married and I haven't watched since.

Merlin D. Bear said...

Never seen one, and by the grace of all the Gods, I hope that streak continues.

mikey said...

I'm with Merlin D. Bear.

Sugar said...

I watch all that shit and I'm not even ashamed about it. So put that in your Kardashian Free February pipe and smoke it!
Anyone else not afraid to admit it?

Amber said...

I watched on Sunday. I'm so ashamed. In my defense, my brain was fried from Vegas so I flipped between that and basketball.

Henry Spencer said...

Never. They are completely worthless people who don't deserve a penny, let alone the continued attention. They should donate their wealth to organizations that help 3rd world countries, or the poor in America, and get jobs.

LottaColada said...

The one where Kourtney's daughter was born. I wanted to see if she pulled her out of her vag again the way she did with her son.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Does the sex tape count?

FSP said...

I like beans.

MaryMQC said...

It's been almost 3 years since I last watched. I've only seen 2 episodes. It's awful. Why watch?

Just Browsing said...

Add me to column NEVER.

New Life and Attitude said...

Around Christmastime because my niece had been over and apparently was watching it and when she left I hadn't changed the channels because I was busy around the house. So I don't think this really counts right?

Unknown said...

Sex tape only. I don't mind them. It's easy enough to avoid them.

EmEyeKay said...

Never, but I've seen clips on the web. Kim's voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

rhinovodka said...

never watched this show, a waste of time.

Susan said...

I am proud to say NEVER. Ditto for the Teen Moms and Honey Boo Boos of the world. But, I do watch Jerseylicious, Mob Wives and RH, so really, who am I to judge.

Hate the Kardashians with all of my soul.

Audrey said...


Cory said...

Not ever. I see them all the time on the gossip sites and their ignorance and over-the-top spending habits disgust me.

Agent**It said...

I like eggs.

Sugar said...

Dang. Guess I'm all alone on Kardashian Island.
To clarify - I don't like them at all and think they are vapid wastes of space, yet I still watch.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Easy. Never.

Kelly said...

I like cheese.

Mari said...

I saw about 10 minutes over a year ago. I was astonished at how Kim spoke to her sisters, she was over the top nasty to Khloe, then the other sister tried to calm the situation, so Kim laid into her. It was.... unreal. I'd just wanted to see them, not on a talk show or something, it was as bad as I thought.

LottaColada said...

@Sugar- I saw a commercial for one where Kim was hyperventilating at the thought of being on the worst dressed list, did she really think she was looking good? Please spare no detail

thatfunnygirl said...

I watch it too Sugar. I actually enjoyed part of last Sunday's episode because Kourtney was telling Kim how ridiculous it is that she tries to be SO perfect all of the time. I could hang with Kourtney and Khloe probably.

Anonymous said...

At least five years ago. I blocked the shows from my tv. MY direct TV will let me block certain shows via parental controls. My husband does not know this and thinks they were cancelled. He doesn't read gossip sires LOL

Anonymous said...

At least five years ago. I blocked the shows from my tv. MY direct TV will let me block certain shows via parental controls. My husband does not know this and thinks they were cancelled. He doesn't read gossip sires LOL

parissucksliterally said...

Proud to say NEVER!!!!

Jamie2 said...

I recently watched one episode on Amazon, purely out of curiosity b/c I've never seen a reality show of any kind before, and this was the one where they are in Miami. It was amazingly bad. I was criticizing the acting and then I remembered that they're not supposed to be actors. Boring banal people.

But there must be a lot of people who watch or they wouldn't be on the air.

Unknown said...

I watched Kim's Fairytale Wedding special because even then I knew I was watching a train wreck in real-time.

nevermindthat said...

About a year ago and have no desire to ever watch again.

Mitchellaneous said...

Damn it, I'm with you, Sugar. I watch if there's nothing else on.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I like green eggs and ham. With cheese. On a burrito shell. I guess that makes me a cheesy burrito whore?

Topic: never.

skimpymist said...

@lottacolada I saw only that part of the episode to see if she would pull the baby out but when she did the first thing i thought of was kris must've pressured her to pull the baby out since she did it so forced and unnatural.

LottaColada said...

@skimpy- everything about them is so forced and unnatural so I wouldn't doubt you are right.

jw11 said...

Never saw a minute of any of it. Or RH shows. Or the Simple Life crap.

CantHaveMyPurse said...


Glitter said...

I have and will never see one. Today, at the grocery store, I noticed at the checkout that one of the Kraptrashian's is on the cover of almost every tabloid and magazine. Sickening.

Gayeld said...

Can I get some bacon with my eggs and beans? Hold the cheese.

Never, on topic, btw.

LA Mac said...

Never, but it's just be ause I don't care about them one way or the other really. No love, but no hate really either.....except maybe a distaste for the mothers pimping practices

GatorGirl said...

Love them >> waves arms crazily <<

fordellcastle said...

I have never seen any of their shows, and don't even know what networks they are/were on. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on such drivel.

Ms Cool said...


Jeneral said...

I've never seen any of their shows. I know more than I want to about them already. Read a story on Dlisted last week about a recent episode where Kim and Khloe wipe their vag juices on a Kleenex and the other sister smells them to decide who smells better. These have got to be the trashiest people on planet earth.

GatorGirl said...

I do only because I like to imagine what I would do with all their money...plus the makeup is so good! They are out of touch with reality but I'm watching trash TV...I'll turn CNN on when I want serious stuff...until then I'm watching Kardashians and Honey Booboo and the Gypsy girls!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Omg, the swipe 'n' sniff was real?!?!

Karen said...

Never never never.

Unknown said...

I saw an episode of Kim & Kourtney Take Miami a few weeks ago. It was the one where Khloe got addicted to Cuban coffee. It was actually pretty funny.
Khloe is actually very sweet in person - I met her here in Vegas. She told me that I look just like Kim - LOL!

Mama June said...

A couple of weeks ago, I caught an epi of the Miami show. Kourtney thought it would be nice to go to Paris for a few days for a romantic getaway (plus Mason) and of course Scott invited some friends. It was awful.

*beats head against desk*

Silkprint said...

I have never sat down and watched an episode of any or the Trashies . I only see the gossip crap and when I am flipping thru channels . Never stop tho so have never actually heard them speak

Diane said...

Who?? I kid, I kid.
Never was a weekly watcher, but probably have watched a total of 10 hrs in my lifetime. What a waste of time.

NomNom83 said...

I've only ever seen maybe 20 minutes worth across two eps. So, whenever Joe Francis called Kris from Mexican jail (or wherever) and then when one of the younger girls pretended she was smoking in order to get Kris to quit. So, I dunno, three years ago? Five? Two?

__-__=__ said...

Never. Not even when I had cable. Not even in a hotel. Never.

mooshki said...

I also have only seen them on 'The Soup.'

StewMcG said...

Never. My Kartrashian knowledge is only what I've gleaned online.

ethorne said...

Last night on The Soup- Khloe was smelling napkins to determine whose puss smelled the most pristine.

MBK said...

I have nothing against mindless reality shows, but I Just. Can't. Take. Their. Voices. Oy, the whining!

raven said...

I saw one episode years ago at a friends house. It had to do with the one with the kids having to go with Bruce to some talk he was giving. She was an awful to him, all I remember. Never watched any of them again, not even Kim's wedding.

raven said...

But it was long before she had the kids.

Unknown said...

If I turn to E! and a Kardashian show is on, I immediately turn it before I throw up!

TracySwingKid said...

NEVER! I don't have to see the show to know that I loathe fame whores. Years ago when "Survivor" started to spark the reality show craze I stopped paying for TV. Now, I only watch shows I like that are available online.

MM said...

Never seen one. I'd actually never heard any of them speak until somewhat recently. Before that, I thought the impersonations they did of them on SNL were exaggerated. Turned out I was wrong.

Maja With a J said...

It's been a couple of years - I made a new years resolution one year to not watch any Kartrashian shows and I kept it. Plus, I also don't have the E! Channel anymore.

Anonymous said...

A year ago? I watched some of an episode where Rob is yelling at Kourtney in her own home about her being rude and talking to him while he's on the phone. Meanwhile he goes out and parties, crashes at their place, is barely working on a sock line, and pretty much being a useless douche that thinks he's special and entitled because he won the sperm lottery. Plus their voices, words, and tone are like nails on a chalkboard to me. Kourt!! Klo! Kiiiimmmm! Oh my Gawwd are you going to the plastic surgeonnn todayyy??? My nose is totally bugging me again! I hate it! Will you go with me pleeeeeezzzz? (gah!)

rflairfan1 said...

Never. Jersey Shore now that's a different story.

Turkish Taffy said...

About 2 0r 3 weeks ago. After her foray to Dubai, she landed a primo time spot on Middle East TV. KUWK is sandwiched between Big Bang Theory and COPS, so no one in our house is going to change the channel.

Del Riser said...

I know of these women because of the blogs and have seen them on talk shows, that was enough to let me know I would and have never watched any of their shows.

Apparently you can make a silk purse out of a sows' ear.

Sugar said...

Hi Gator Girl!

Sugar said...

I hate to let you down, Lotta but I haven't seen that epi yet. I'm behind on my trashy TV and they're not my first choice. I'll def watch when I catch it on but don't DVR it or anything.

New Life and Attitude said...

Please tell me you guys are kidding about the wipe and sniff!

Sugar said...

It's entertaining, dammit!

Wen said...

Team Merlin!

Meanie Rhysie said...

@ethorne: For the sanity of us all, pleasepleaseplease do not tell us!!!!!!!

*Please note the excessive punctuation!!!!!!*

Sherry said...

Maja I just read your Feb 1 post on your blog..That was awesome!

Anna you really summed it up there. These people are insufferable. Nothing personal Sugar.

Sandy said...

Have never watched a single episode of any of their heinous shows. Once I was watching something on E! (either The Soup or Fashion Police) and one of their disgusting episodes came on afterward without my noticing, and I screamed and immediately changed the channel.

All of the Kardashians' series are the television equivalent of the worst cooties imaginable.

Anonymous said...

Never watched, never will.

delete account said...

I am so proud to say this--NEVER! I am a very proud Kartrashian virgin and intend to stay that way.

Izzie said...

I watched that one clip where Kim was ripping on the sister that has a baby, saying that married people with kids were boring and stupid, and then they were later talking and laughing about it. They both sounded insufferably rude and snotty (the one with the baby - if my sister said that, I wouldn't have put on my hurt face, I would put on my b* face - but my sister has class, so there's that).

I do want to see a clip of her walking, though. Every pic I see of her in those super-high stilettos, I wonder how that works, like balancing watermelons on toothpicks. I always imagine the back view is like that line from Steel Magnolias - "Look at that! It's like two pigs fightin' under a blanket!"

califblondy said...

I saw the wedding craptascular but only after the urging of a family member. The things we do for love.

mooshki said...

New Life, I wish! Shockingly, Kim won. Ick! Nast.

auntliddy said...

God, last time i watched, kylie and kendall were little girls, no one was married. I watched 2 epis to get idea of them, and then i was done.

Janet296 said...

I know who they are but haven't ever watched any episode.

Kiki K said...


SusanB said...

Only seen them on The Soup also. Mr. B almost had a stroke with the swipe & sniff thing. Now he doesn't want to watch The Soup any more.

Kiki K said...

I'm one of the sad people that love them. Cannot stand Kim and kris but think kourtney and Khloe are fab!

MAC said...

An episode of Khloe and Lamar was on the tv while I was cleaning one day and I thought she seemed ok. Otherwise, I have never seen an episode of KUWTK, although I caught my husband watching it one day and was like WTF? Really? and apparently he finds it "pretty entertaining". Huh... you think you know someone.

mikey said...

Kimberly - that is wickedly good! Very clever...

hilloochka said...

not too long ago, unfortunately. I couldn't fall asleep, and the shows on other TV channels were even worse.

G said...


8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Never. Probably because Spanish TV is so full of crap that no foreign bs can get in there.

But I have seen the sex tape, though. Twice.

OneGirlRevolution said...

I can proudly state that I have never, ever watched one of their shows.

Nellie said...

I find them so bizarrely fascinating. Just the way they live is so foreign to me.

Alicia said...

Never have a watched that show. One upon a time when we had cable it was background noise my daughter watched but she has moved out and I have no cable anymore. Just silence .. Blissfull, blisfull silence.

Unknown said...

Never. Only read about them on the net.

Mango said...

I've seen a few minutes of Kim's boring ass sex tape and what our Maya referred to as a "shallow blow job".

I caught a few minutes of the show while flipping through channels, and caught an episode of the show maybe last year sometime and Kim had on a pink wig and was visiting the sister with the kid and was talking in a strange accent. I have NO idea what that was about.

I've also seen them on The Soup a few times.

They really are boring and their dramas are totally manufactured. And like MM said above - the actresses who spoof them on SNL do not exaggerate their accents. They really do sound that nasal and whiny.

Mango said...

oops Maja. With a j.

Geebz said...

was on morning show when tv turned on today (on a timer) & I turned the channel.
i will not do it...ever

Bleu said...

I happened to see part of one show -- Kris Humphries was on it, if that helps narrow it down, and Kim dramatically suddenly wouldn't speak to him, sat there like a blob staring down at her dinner. It was such a turnoff -- I don't know how Kim can simultaneously be so over-the-top and at the same time just such a damn dud. I mean, she is a dud.

Hazeldazel said...

I am proud to say I have NEVER watched a Kartrashian show. I can't imagine why anyone would want to watch someone slob around their house, go do errands, etc. I wouldn't watch myself do that shit so why would I want to watch these slores do it?

Oooh look, it's Hazeldazel weeding her garden, look now she's wandering the aisles of the supermarket, now she's channel surfing on the TV, 500 channels and nothing watch... fucking fascinating.

Jaiden_S said...

Never. Not even once.

urban chaos said...

Half an episode? Where kim was crying because her sisters were mean or some such contrived tv drama bs. They were skiing, it was lame! Her face looked like the fillers were about to gush and split open. I changed the channel.
Dumb bitches!

Pogue Mahone said...

I have never watched any of their shows. I have taste.

Elissa said...

I am on the "Never" train. I know too much about them from the kajillions of posts on gossip sites, I have no need to actually watch them.

I rarely watch "reality" TV at all, though. I think the totality of my reality viewing was one season of The Surreal Life. (Oh, come on, Vanilla Ice, Ron Jeremy, and Tammy Faye Bakker in the same house?? Now THAT'S must-watch TV!)

klavoie said...

Have never watched a single episode.

Kelly said...

At the gym this morning Kim was on some show and she didn't have an upper lip anymore and she had bangs covering her forhead. No more injections. Lol. She looked younger!

ethorne said...

@Elissa- I miss the Surreal Life soo much! That's where Bridg met Froof, golden!

astrogirl said...

I only recently realised that E isn't part of my viewing package. We've had cable for more than a year so I guess I can do without their shows

Silly Girl said...

About 4 years ago or so. That was how I was introduced to them, never heard of them before that. It was horrible, but like a train wreck, I couldn't stop watching. They I got rid of cable and got hooked on CDAN, so not since then. :)
CDAN saved me from the Kardashians!

Izzie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nothanksdarlin said...

Sugar, I used to watch the shit outta that show. I got sucked in while channel surfing cause I liked someone's outfit. Ha. Turned off cable to save $ so I haven't seen it since the divorcing Kris episode

di butler said...

I actually did that, as a natural reflex with my second child, but knowing the KKKs, they shoved her back in, to make sure they got two takes. ;) And yes, they will often push the baby back in if it appears there's not enough exit room, early bad tearing, do the epi, and have you push one more time.

Bluezz said...

Where's Shelly?

Back OT: Never have, never will.

When standing in the grocery line, I'll turn all the magazines around when they're on a cover.

CharRicho said...

I have never ever ever watched any of the K-trash shows. Or Real housewives. Or Jersey shore.

I love my trash tv, but those are going too far.

Betsy said...

never. I did see a couple episodes of the louds back in the day.


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