Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 26, 2012

Dear A list Celebrity/Reality Host/Model

I always thought you were the real deal. You seemed like the rare grounded celebrity and more importantly a good mother. You parade yourself on TV and flaunt your perfect body on billboards and always seem to look amazing. It makes everyone feel inadequate. New mothers always tell me they are jealous of how you were able to bounce back after your pregnancy/pregnancies. One moment you were heavily pregnant and the next moment you were sporting abs that would make The Situation jealous. It was like magic. After reading that you attributed your dramatic post-pregnancy weight loss and rubber band form to healthy eating and exercise, most women I spoke to thought there must be wrong with them that they could also not lose weight as quickly as you seemed to.

So, when I was visiting a friend who works at a plastic surgeon’s office, imagine my surprise when I saw you there surrounded by a wall of bodyguards. I couldn’t believe my eyes and I guess you were hoping I wouldn’t. Why lie and make the rest of us feel like crap for not being able to lose weight through diet and exercise?! In your profession who would judge you? I’ll tell you why. Apparently your visits are a more extensive project than just a nip here and tuck there. After chatting with the friend, I found out that in addition to the tummy tucks and the lipo, that you also preferred to have your deliveries scheduled several weeks early so that you would gain as little weight as possible.

Heidi Klum


  1. The lipo and tuck is one thing, but the early delivery is sooooo messed up....

  2. Ditto Catherine! I have no problem with the plastic surgery aspect. But delivering a baby early for any reason aside from saving the baby and or mothers life seems unbelievably selfish and dangerous. I'm sad doctors would agree to such a thing - that should be criminal...

  3. Wasn't this previously revealed??

  4. the more soon delivery is totally stupid and fake: no doctor would be okay with that and during the last month of the pregnancy,only the foetus gains weight

    1. Was gonna say what ange said. If u throw enough money at a dr, he/she will do what u want.

    2. Frenchgirl: ever heard of Conrad Murray?
      Yes the fetus is largely the wt gain the last month but it still stretches your abdominal skin.

    3. @frenchgirl, in Hollywood anything is possible if you're rich enough

  5. I thought her plastic surgery seemed obvious.

  6. If you have enough money, you can pay people to do anything.

  7. A doctor routinely agreeing to schedule deliveries several weeks early is very disturbing if true. How could he not be concerned about malpractice charges in the event something goes wrong.

  8. I can't imagine that any doctor would take a baby out before its ready. or that any hospital would allow it. but, I could be wrong.

    its beyond creepy and shocking.

  9. My doctor induced me @ 32 weeks and would have been happy to perform a C-Section if I had wanted that. A doctor absolutely WILL induce you if they feel the baby is safe and maybe for someone like her they don't even care about that. In the last several weeks of pregnancy the baby gains about an ounce a day. We planned it in advance and I didn't pay him extra. It was a good thing too, as my baby was getting very big and had to have his collar bones broken to come out. Kinda wish I'd gone for the cesarean at that point.

    1. You must have your dates wrong. A 32 week pregnancy no matter how big the baby would not be induced because you were getting too big unless there are serious health issues for mother or baby involved. And a 32 weeker automatically spends time in the NICU for prematurity, no matter the size. At 32 weeks a baby's lungs are immature and its immune system not fully developed.

    2. @portland, my baby was born at 31 weeks and he had to stay in the NICU for a month because his lungs were not properly developed.

    3. I was induced at 34 weeks with my first child. I was given drugs to help develop my son's lungs and brain- he never had any NICU time. I was young and dumb, following doctor's orders. Looking back- I think the doctor was afraid my son might have come early and interrupted his Christmas vacation, so he scheduled us too early to get his birth out of the way. Not all doctors put what is best for the patient medically as the deciding factor, many do put their best interests first, be it money or scheduling.

  10. This doctor should be subject to a huge fine for violating this patient's confidentiality. There is no excuse for this sort of disclosure from a medical provider.

  11. i do know of one doctor who agreed to induce a pregnacy 3 weeks early. it was for an adoption. the mother was from mexico, and the adopting parents were afraid she was going to change her mind and go back to her family in mexico. so, he induced her at what he thought was 37 weeks, but was unfortunately about 34 weeks. the baby had a tough start, but was untimately ok. (this was mid 1980's).

    i find it annoying when anyone lies. and i'm tired of celebs claiming they look 30 years younger because they.... "eat a banana dipped in grasshopper wings while holding their breath everyday". own up.

  12. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Heidi Klum has a lipo tummy and it was super obvious in the VS show that she had work done.

  13. Anonymous10:29 AM

    yep, the early delivery is MONSTROUS... sacrificing valuable gestation time for not gaining weight? I too think this was revealed already, 80% sure...

  14. I seem to recall her saying she had a tummy tuck, after delivering one of her babies, to get ready for the annual Victoria's Secret runway show.

  15. This was already revealed.

  16. I'm more concerned about the someone at the DR's office revealing personal and confidential medical information. Not sure if it is illegal, but I would think you could be sued over something like that.

  17. People stop clutching your pearls.
    It is being increasingly proven that it is safe for babies to be delivered a few weeks early.
    In a lot of cases it is actually safer for the baby (if they are growing too big for the mother).
    Please remember that in the olden days - it was very common for women to die in childbirth.
    This still happens often in Third World countries. A lot.

    So it is becoming more and more common to induce or c-section one or more weeks early. It's not wacky "malpractice" whatever. My cousin was insisting on "all natural" childbirth. The doctor was really trying to encourage her to c-section early as baby was getting too big. She refused. 48 hours of labor. A baby that got stuck and couldn't get out. They literally had to push the baby back in, then do an emergency c-section.
    If this happened in Third World - she and the baby would both be dead.
    My cousin wishes she listened to the doctor now. She sustained so much damage in the process, she can't have any more kids. So much for natural timing and natural childbirth being the best way for everyone.

    Long story short - there are a lot of proven instances now where early inducement or c-section is better/safer for both baby and mother. It's more and more common practice.
    End of Public Service Announcement.
    "The More You Know" (cue NBC theme)

    1. What planet are you living on? Elective C Sections and inductions aren't safer for the mother. In an emergency hell yes they're wonderful, but there are already far too many unnecessary medical interventions being done. It may not be malpractice, but that doesnt mean that it's the best option.

    2. You are very misinformed. They are learning more and more that it is NOT safe to induce early and hospitals in my area are beginning to ban elective c-sections before 39 weeks. Brain development those last few weeks is extremely important and needs to happen on the inside if at all possible.

    3. @Bridget and @Ellie
      It helps if you pay attention to wording...
      "In a lot of cases it is actually safer for the baby (if they are growing too big for the mother)."
      "there are a lot of proven instances now where early inducement or c-section is better/safer for both baby and mother."
      I didn't say "all". I didn't say "normal, average, usual".
      There are a lot of cases where it is safer for both mother and child. The alternative is worse.
      Every doctor, nurse, doula, whoever has differing personal opinions.

      I've been deeply involved in this for several years. l stand by my statements.
      Doctors are finding that there are a lot of cases where it is better and safer.
      And if it gets to the point of "an emergency" - then that is exactly a case where a "non emergency" C-Section would have been less stressful on both baby and mother.

      Sorry, but my other friend who dies in childbirth, would be alive today if the doctors had paid attention and actually planned a C-Section.
      Again, like I said before - there are a lot of cases where it is better and safer to plan early.

    4. I did read carefully. You told everyone to stop clutching their pearls over a vapid model choosing to deliver their children several weeks early for no medical reason. That is not perfectly safe or at all ideal in those situations. It is *safer* and much better for the baby to stay inside until they are ready. Conversely, if the baby is too big (extremely rare unless gestational diabetes is involved) or there is another reason that OUTWEIGHS the benefits of waiting, then a c-section or induction is the best route. I will continue to judge the smack out of anyone who says screw my child's brain development because they don't want to risk stretch marks.

  18. I don't think this was revealed. I do remember it though and everybody guessed it was Heidi.

  19. Thanks Xander. Learned something today.

  20. This was already revealed, for sure

  21. This was already revealed, for sure

  22. Huh, I clicked on the 'Blind Items Revealed' tag and went back to 2011 and I couldn't find a reveal for this one. Seems more likely to me that every just assumed it was her.

  23. I'm pretty sure there was a different "early delivery" blind revealed but I don't remember this one.

    Realistically, as long as it is not more than about 4 weeks early, there shouldn't be any negative effects on the baby, and actually a number of very skinny mothers (including 2 friends of mine) get induced early because less chance of delivery complications if the baby is a teeny bit smaller, in a very small woman. So considering Heidi is very slim, it could be that that is the actual reason.

    That being said, it is usually best to leave the baby in til it's fully cooked and the body does it on its own, so if there's no medical reason for it, it's pretty selfish.

  24. Hey, Enty said he SAW Heidi in the Dr's office when he was there to visit a friend. Said friend is apparently the one who told Enty this story. I didn't see any mention of an evil doctor shopping a story about the confidential delivery details of Heidi Klum. Heck, he wasn't even in the OB/GYN's office! All he heard was some secondhand scuttlebutt about her early delivery (really reliable stuff) and confirmation of some plastic surgery that she's already announced to the world both visually and oratorically.

    It's been a wild week. Let's all take a deep breath, and stop researching "medical malpractice" on Wikileaks. LOL

    That said, the OB/GYN definitely merits an official look at his supposed policies.

    Peace out.

  25. seriously illegal breach of patient confidentiality.. regardless of what she had done that's a fact. Not right

  26. Sorry to burst all of the practicing physicians on this forums bubbles, but as a Labor and Delivery RN I can tell you with complete accuracy it is best to wait the full 40 weeks. The maturity of the fetal lungs is in question up to 34/35weeks and after that the brain is shown not to be fully developed until 40 weeks. I see babies born everyday at 35-38 weeks who just struggle a little more than full termers. They may have a decreased suck, have a difficult time regulating their tempatures, have a harder time with weight gain due to some are not born with a great sucking reflex that early, and a lot of times they will become jaundice. The mother does gain the greatest amount of weight usually in her final trimester.

    That being said, a physician and almost always find a good "reason" to shut up the immature ones who care more about themselves then their child.

    Oh and the "32 weeker" I call BS on you. That baby had to at least spent some time in NICU.

    1. Right on Amo!!

    2. Thank you!!! I was just about to post that the baby's lungs are still developing.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yes, I had a 35 weeker (my water broke, not planned or induced, I assure you), and he had a myriad of problems as a result. He couldn't latch on and had very poor sucking ability (not a real term, I know, but you get the jist), and as a result was very jaundiced. He had terrible reflux as well as an immature nervous system and eye problems that resulted in two surgeries, as well as pneumonia twice before age two.

      He is a totally awesome 14 year old now - we are very lucky indeed. But yes - cook them babies as long as you can, ladies! Premature birth is no joke. And we had it really, really easy compared to many others.

    5. Holla at you girl! RT here! Right you are on all counts!

    6. Agreed! Speaking as someone who had triplets at 29 weeks I'd say no-one should deliver early! We had all sorts of trouble and stress. They were in hospital for months but now, hopefully, are fine. We were super lucky. Obviously risks are lower the further you go but why mess about? Unless its in the interests of the baby it's a pretty selfish thing to do IMO.

    7. Agreed! Speaking as someone who had triplets at 29 weeks I'd say no-one should deliver early! We had all sorts of trouble and stress. They were in hospital for months but now, hopefully, are fine. We were super lucky. Obviously risks are lower the further you go but why mess about? Unless its in the interests of the baby it's a pretty selfish thing to do IMO.

  27. Let me add this on... Most states have already started to inforce the no induction/c-section until 39 week rule. There HAS to be documented proof that the fetus and or mothers health is in danger for anything earlier. And LGA (large for gestional age) is not going to cut it in most cases. So the "but I have no room left and I'm so uncomfortable! I'm just going to show up at the hospital or office everyday until you take this baby out" won't work.

    1. Thank you for adding your knowledge!!!! +10 :)

  28. I knew there was something so fake out her. I never liked her

  29. Ellie that is true, they are just starting out with that thought now.

    A few years ago, Dr's would perform c-sections as early as 37 weeks. If everything was fine during the prenancy.

    My first born was early at 35 weeks. I went into labor. With my other 2, I had them at 37 weeks and they were healthy as horses.

    Now all 3 are 18, 16 and 12.

    So I will cut Heidi some slack on this, because when she was delivering them, that was pretty common for c-sections.

  30. 38-40 weeks is considered full-term and anything under 37 weeks is considered risky. I had one preemie born at 35 weeks due to hemmoraging( blood clot in-between cervix and placenta) and he wasn't breathing when he was born and was revived and had several periods of apnea afterwards as well and spent a week in the NICU. It was very touch and go. I had another induced at 37 weeks as I had liver failure and he was ok. Even a difference of a mere 2 weeks makes a HUGE difference in a baby's growth and lung development.They won't induce early unless there's a GOOD and valid MEDICAL reason to do so, unless the benefits outweigh the risk. In my case the risk of waiting until 38 weeks or longer was the risk of stillbirth so they induced.

  31. I'm sure KK has made arrangements for every plastic surgery available after kimye is extracted.

  32. What a idiot Heidi is! My baby was born at 36 weeks weighing 4lb 2oz, had three heart defects, a poor sucking technique , a enlarged larenx and severe acid reflux as a result he was classed as faliure to thrive! I can't tell you the problems we have had and the pain (long story) had he made it to 40 weeks I honestly do not believe he would have suffered medically as he has done! My case is extreme cause my baby was very small for 36 weeks but a example that it can happen and vanity is a disgusting reason for not letting your baby go full term .

  33. I hop everyone's premiere babies are now OK. Thank you for sharing,

  34. What I don't understand is why these people have kids? It has to be all ego because if you're that concerned about your body---don't get pregnant!

  35. My OB flat-out REFUSED to perform my scheduled C-section (large baybeh!) any earlier than one (1) week prior to my due date.

    But then, I'm not a model or a H-Weird "stah!"

  36. I wish to God that people would just be honest. I know that in our ultra competitive (Wow, do I see it and hear it at work) world that's akin to finding a Muslim at Rib Fest but come on! Why lie when everyone knows the truth? We know that these celebrities are upper class and can afford things with ease that the middle class simply cannot. There's no shame in it. My heart isn't broken in the least and I'm not offended. I think the wealthy sometimes go to ridiculous lengths to prove they are " one of us". I don't know if it is for their own benefit because it surely isn't for mine. If you can afford liposuction and surrogates then own it and move forward in life.

  37. I had a c-section at 41 weeks (they tried twice to induce me but he wasn't budging) and has an 11.1lb baby... But he does have really bad reflux and now y'all are making me feel bad that I didn't leave him in there for longer!

    I was never a worrier before I had a baby. Now I feel like that's all I do - I see all the people (assholes) around, and realise they were once all little and cute and innocent too!

    And also: fuck Heidi for putting her kids at risk for the sake of vanity. Wasn't she also the popular guess for the blind about a mother who doesn't see her kids enough, gives them junk when she does and one may have developmental issues? Yanking then out early may be why...

    1. Actually, the blind I'm talking about might be one of Lainey's, but still...

  38. I can't believe this is being justified. If babies were MEANT to be delivered earlier, pregnancies would only last 7 - 8 months.

    I could totally see her doing this. She was someone who hit it big, late in her modeling career and has done her damndest to maintain her celebrity.

    She was doing Newport News catalogs until she got VS. I admired her making the most of good luck (she caught that window between Stephanie Seymour and the Gisele).
    But when she left her first husband she seemed to lose her mind. Remember the way she tried to make her relationship with Anthony Kiedis a big thing? Then that nasty, Flavio guy and I felt sorry for her for a bit, she seemed to be going through a clinger phase.
    It seems she is now going from being kind of harmlessly show-offy to Kardashian level. That said, her lifestyle must be expensive to maintain.

  39. @Marie, yes, it has been revealed on a number of websites that Heidi has very little to do with her kids.

    I think women who are so afraid of gaining weight when they are pregnant, should not get pregnant in the first place (on purpose I mean). Heidi is rich so I don't know why she didn't adopt.

    Hollywood and weight is so fucked up anyways. It makes me think of a story Teri Hatcher told a long time ago when she was pregnant and went to a premiere and some photogs yelled "Suck in your stomach!" at her.

  40. I had my son a week late, and he had to be induced. My mom said he was happy where he was. lol
    My niece was born 10 weeks premature, and she was only in the NICU for a few days, I think. It was almost 28 years ago, and I was only 4 when she was born, so I'm not 100% on details. Although the doc said if she was full term, she would've been like 10 lbs (I think she was 4-5 lbs at birth).

  41. My water broke at 31 weeks and my son was delivered emergency C-section at 32 weeks. I was kept flat on my back in a very high risk ward full of pregnant women who were trying to maintain their pregnancies as long as they possibly could.

    I can't imagine anyone opting to deliver early for purely selfish reasons. One of the worst things I ever heard was a woman in my room being told they had to take her triplets immediately. She was at 26 weeks and had been in the hospital for a few months. Her blood curdling screams are still with me.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Quite frankly I have never believed any of the celebrity stories of 'miraculous' weight loss after having a child, and I find it incredulous that any woman who's ever been pregnant would, either. They ALL lie, and rags like People magazine just make it worse by constantly parading these ridiculous fairy tales in front of insecure women.

  44. I had a 32 week Preemie who weighed in @ 4lbs 10 oz & 17".

    I went into labor @ 20 weeks & was on bed rest + meds every 4 hrs to slow down my contractions until I HAD to be induced because I was basically crowning in the Dr's office & the umbilical cord was against her face, but I did not have to have a C section.

    I was originally told I would not be allowed to take her home with me if she was under 5 lbs, but we went home after 3 days & she was never in NICU. There were other babies that were the same gestational age that had to be on respirators because their lungs weren't as developed.

    My daughter was healthy with just a touch of jaundice. She's 16 now & other than vision problems that she outgrew & weak enamel on her baby teeth, she's fine.

    Not defending Heidi at all, just saying not all preemies end up in NICU.

  45. @Marie:
    1/if Klum was a bad mother,i think seal would use it for their divorce.
    She works much,she has some nannies ,she has the custody of their kids and her kids look love her.

    Angie Jolie has 6 kids,22(i don't know the number) nannies,she travels much and any one calls her "bad mum"

    2/ i can't believe a doctor is okay with a more soon delivery WITHOUT medical reason

    3/i can't believe that an employee talks about medical secrets of a client : confidential agreement? medical secret?

  46. I was 32 weeks...I'm pretty awesome. Just sayin.

  47. I don't care about Heidi Klum, but I am seriously creeped out about the story of the doctor who induced 3 weeks early because of fear the mother would change her mind about having her kid adopted otherwise. That's just so wrong and immoral!! Shame on all concerned.

  48. Go home Heidi. No one likes you anymore.

  49. As gross as this is (totally giving you the side eye Heidi), doctors will most definitely deliver early! As long as the fetus/fetuses are at a viable age for survival, some doctors will pretty much do anything for money. And I'm sure Heidi paid well! I do say *some* doctors because some are great and do what's best for the baby always, but money is a powerful incentive...
