Friday, April 12, 2013

Four For Friday - Never Turn Your Back

It is Friday today. That means announcement time. Unlike many weeks, I want you to know that I actually have some announcements. Not only the usual, I will be blogging all weekend and will reveal some blind items tomorrow from the archive, but actual, real announcements. For the past few weeks, and at their own expense, a couple of readers got together and created a message board for CDAN and beyond. I say beyond because it has CDAN stuff included, but probably only represents about 25% of the items on the site. The rest is everything that anyone could ever wants to discuss. Check it out at
As usual, I encourage you to follow me on Twitter as I creep ever closer to 20K followers. I am @entylawyer

This actress is vengeful. She is vindictive. You don't ever want to cross her, make her jealous or turn your back on her. Talk about holding a grudge. The actress always tries to be Miss Smile USA for the cameras and has a sunny disposition that she brings out like a Florida orange. The thing is, she is more like one of those small tin cans of nasty tasting orange juice rather than fresh squeezed. She is B list all the way. You name something and she has done it. Television/movies/theatre. She has tired it all and made enemies wherever she goes. I remember this one time she took a couple of days off from a Broadway show because she had a chance to make some bucks doing something else and her understudy came in and was amazing. Everyone said the understudy should replace the actress. When our actress came back to work and heard the things, she called the director's wife and said the understudy was sleeping with the director. Not true, but the understudy left the show within a day or two. Try and get more lines from our actress in a show and you are taking your life into your own hands. She never dates anyone. Ever. The guys she drags to any event are carefully chosen by her for their good looks and closeted homosexuality. She has no time for anything other than the advancement of her career. Oh, there was this time on a television show that another actress who is C list, but who everyone probably knows, tried to bad mouth our actress. Our actress, knowing the bad mouther had a drug problem and was fighting to stay sober left coke in the trailer. Three days later, the bad mouther was in rehab and our actress given a bigger part in the show. It is crazy what this actress will do to achieve her goal. The thing is no one is quite sure what her goal is. She has no friends and no one is close to her. Crazy fame? Awards? No one is sure. No one ever works with her twice either.


Ryan said...

Shelly Long.

Unknown said...

Michelle Tractenberg
Shannen Doherty

who else is a known nasty?

Cybill Shepard

figgy said...

Betty White.

figgy said...

Not many tv/movie actresses have also done Broadway. Subtract those who have not been in serious relationships or marriage...should be easy? For someone, I'm drawing a blank.

Cathy said...


Jeneral said...

Kristen Chenowith? (Although I sincerely hope not).

SKOR said...

Hmmm.. Lea Michele has done TV, film and broadway. Just saying.

Anon said...

Reese whither spoon?

sherri dee said...

Vanessa WIlliams!

Cathy said...

There were rumors that when Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel were both on Glee, one of them refused to have any scenes with the other, because they hated each other so much from their time in Wicked. Also, Chenowith "dated" that gay bachelor for a brief minute.

VIPblonde said...

I really like @cathy's Kristin Chenoweth guess!!! Especially after being seen with Jake Pavelka!

@SKOR I thought Lea Michelle too, until they got to the part about never dating anyone. She always has a boyfriend

Unknown said...

This sounds like Katherine McPhee. She's had a reputation as a Diva stemming all the way back to her American Idol days.

SKOR said...

@VIPblonde: good catch, scratch her off the list!

MontanaMarriott said...

Actress who have done all three

Glenn Close
Betty Buckley
Faye Dunaway
Audra McDonald

Barton Fink said...

Gotta love "closeted homosexuality."

Theresa said...

Katherine McPhee has been married for quite some time. I hate that I know that.

MontanaMarriott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Agent**It said...

Jonathan Winters, RIP . Died today.

Angela said...

Chenoweth dated for a long time Aaron Sorkin, who doesn't scream "good looks and closeted homosexuality"

Staple611 said...

Kristin Chenowith was my thought too, but I really hope not.

MontanaMarriott said...

Stockard Channing
Helen Hunt
Angela Lansbury
Dame Maggie Smith
Ellen Barkin

A RESIDENT said...

Jennifer Jason Leigh

Silly Girl said...

Jonathan Winters died today?! That's sad!

Silly Girl said...

He was great in it's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. We just watched it about a month ago.

NomNom83 said...

"The thing is no one is quite sure what her goal is."

Some people are just toxic. There's no rhyme or reason, they're just hateful.

I would hate for this to be Chenowith so to make myself feel better, I'll just throw this gem out: does anyone think Aaron Sorkin is gay? Or was selected for his looks? He's good looking enough, but no matinee idol Besides Pavelka, he's the only other guy I know that she dated.

tulsa70s said...

Anne Heche

camembert said...

She sounds like a Grade A sociopath. Charming.

tulsa70s said...

Never mind Heche.

This is Mary Louise Parker.

RangersGirl said...

Kristin Chenoweth all the way for this one. Without a doubt.

Basil said...

She does sound like a sociopath. Ugh. I hope this gets revealed.

Topper Madison said...

I read it as Chenoweth, but she's really A+ on Broadway.

Who is a beauty queen from Florida?

Unknown said...

Chenowith dated Rooney Mara's current boyfriend and said guy also legitimately dated and dumped hard one of my sister's friends. In fact, my sister's friend was friends with Rooney and that is how they met. Great friend Rooney turned out to be...

tulsa70s said...


Sarah JP
Gwen Paltry
ML Parker
Helen Hunt

Def in movies and Bway, but not sure about TV:
Julia Roberts
Nicole Kidman
Natale Portman
Alicia Silverstone
Kathleen Turner

auntliddy said...

Rip, funny man, good journey.

Snapdragon said...

YAY FORUM. Though... do I really need another timesuck? Ha ha. Nabbed the same name over there.

mooshki said...

Chenoweth's former co-stars are super friendly with her on Twitter. They are constantly raving about her.

tulsa70s said...

Yep. People in NY love her.

The Real Dragon said...

I could so see this in a movie. Putting the coke in the trailer DAM. That's foul.

Aoife said...

I don't know why but my first thought was Audra McDonald who should be bigger than she is but she recently married.

Chenoweth could be the sociopath described in the blind.

I thought the Florida orange wording was a hint but I got nothing.

Aoife said...

I also see this as someone on the make, trying to become A list or better not someone who has made it already.

Silly Girl said...

@Aoife, how do you pronounce that? Your name, I mean. I've seen it written before, but I don't know how to say it. Is it a common name? Thanks!!

Jennifer H. said...

The Florida orange remark made me think of Oklahoman Anita Bryant. Her claim to fame was being Miss America or Miss USA and doing commercials for Florida orange juice. Kristin Chenoweth is also from Oklahoma. One probably has nothing to do with the other, but the "Florida orange" remark was kind of odd, like a clue maybe.

On"Pushing Daisies," in the second season, Kristin's role increased a lot. She was in quite a few episodes more then Anna Friel.

tulsa70s said...

Every actor in NY wants to work with Audra. She's gold.

madeinbrzil said...

also, what's with the orange reference? Is this person from florida? or prehaps someone who tans a lot.

Speakeasy Jane said...

Don't know who it is but these are the clues I've noticed so far...

a) pageant contestant (Miss America, Miss USA, etc.)
b) represented the state of Florida
c) has done TV, movies and Broadway
d) since it's stated that she doesn't actually date, I'm assuming she's never been married or that the marriage ended years ago

Vita19a said...

I’m not saying this blind is untrue, but based on the information in the blind the subject of the blind would either be the source or would knows the source right away as there cannot be that many people around to know all of it is true

Anonymous said...

First person I thought of was K. Chenoweth. (small tin can of nasty Orange juice) LOL

Claritysk said...

I'm gong to say scar johannson . I've read before she is crazy vengelful

sandybrook said...

Off the various lists Ill say Ellen Barkin even though she doesn't completely fit the clues because she had been recently taken off the TV show she is in with the twinks because she is so nasty.

News said...

i read it as Jennifer aniston, not sure why :(

DivineMissP said...

As much as I like Chenoweth for this, and I really, really do, the only Bway show she was in directed by a straight/married-to-a-woman director was with Mike Nichols and I highly doubt she called Diane Saywer to report that her husband was fooling around. But I do see her as a tiny can of rancid orange juice.

Sara said...

Kristin Chenoweth is so genuinely (I have a great bullshit detector) lovely and friendly and generous to random fans (ahem, me) that I just can't believe this could be her.

Love her!

Topper Madison said...

@Jennifer H. Wow. I would have thought it was impossible to link Anita Bryant and Kristen Chenoweth in ANY sentence. Well done.

Mango said...

I've never seen Kristin Chenoweth in a show or movie, just on talk shows or as a presenter and that's enough. She is mighty annoying.

Kristin Chenoweth FTW!

Nichole Fisher said...

@SpeakeasyJane I looked up Miss Florida and Miss Florida USA winners and while there were a few famous people (Delta Burke, Mary-Margaret Humes, Leanza Cornett), none of them fit the blind.

Sherry said...

I hope it's not Kristin. I really like her although wasn't there a blind about Anna Friel having a substance abuse problem?

I can see it being Scarjo although the story in the NYTimes had others that talked about working with her and they thought she was wonderful. Plus I'm not aware of her ceding control to an understudy on "Cat". AND she also got excellent reviews.

We need Dragon to CSI this shit!!

Hound_dog said...

I'm with ARESIDENT -- thinking it's Jennifer Jason Leigh.

Karrots said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Therese said...

If this is Kristin, I am initially really surprised because this is really unconscionable stuff. But maybe not so much. Because of the Miss Sunshine nomenclature. I was glad that Mango said it: mighty annoying. I tried not to be annoyed with her, but it crept up on me and overtook me in spite of myself and her 90 kilowatt "niceness". She annoys the shit out of me and I avoid seeing her if I can. Just because it seems so very fake. That is why I believe it could be Chenowith. Won't stand up in a court of law, but this is gossip.

Bravura said...

@SillyGirl - Aoife is pronounced Ee-fa or Aye-fa, but primarily the former over the latter. Its one of my favorite Gaelic names!! :)

Anonymous said...

I read it as Chenowith as well, has Cheryl Hines done any Broadway??

Bravura said...

I really like the Barkin guess for this one but Kristin always seems a bit "off" to me despite her amazing talent. I loved her work in Candide!

Anonymous said...

I got nothing. I wanted it to be Lea Michele but I think she's ruled out due to boyfriends. Kristen seems to fit but there's some discrepencies.
I'm batting 0 today on blinds :(

WastedTime said...

I'm thinking this is Jane Krakowski.... Isn't she doing orange juice commercials these days?

Anonymous said...

Brooke Shields?

CJ said...

Did Cheryl Hines ever do Broadway?

Anonymous said...

Upon further investigation, I would say this is 100% Jane Krakowski.

Silly Girl said...

Good guess, @wasted! She IS doing those commercials! She was on Ally McBeal, and what other shows? Has she been on broadway (or am I on the wrong blind?)?

Anonymous said...

@Silly- lots of Broadway. Was on 30 Rock and movies as well!

CJ said...

oooooh Jane Krakowski IS a really good guess! Nice one, that's got to be it!

mrjack said...

Why all the Kristin hate??? She is hilarious and sooo talented and even if she is secretly evil (which I highly doubt), we can rule her out because the blind says that all her co-stars hate her when in her case they love her.

Her former co-stars chat away to her on twitter, she friends with them, sees them socially. Anyone remember when some gay dickhead wrote an opinion piece where he said he couldn't take Jonathan Groff seriously as a straight guy in Glee and she and another cast member got soo pissed off that they wrote this scathing open letter to the journalist. Doesn't sound like someone who is detested by her co-stars or thinks only of herself to me.

Unknown said...

FWIW, according to IMBd, Kristen Chenowith dated Aaron Sorkin "briefly." Not a long-term relationship.

The Raving Badger said...

Not Chenowith. She is an OCU grad and friends with my best friend. They've worked together off and on for 15 years. She is kind and gracious. Never a single rumor about her. She is just a small town girl with a big city talent. Scratch her off the list.

VioletP said...

Jane Krakowski would be a good fit but according to wiki she's now married with a kid.

WastedTime said...

Yup, Krakowski does Broadway. She was on Ally McBeal, where there was that other actress (Lisa Nicole Carson) who had to leave the show because of drug use. She was also on 30 Rock, and has been in movies as well. I think it fits!

wiredandbaked said...

I think this sounds an awful lot like Kristin Chenoweth. Her wiki page (I know, I know) mentions this: "While at OCU, Chenoweth competed in beauty pageants, winning the title of "Miss OCU" and was the second runner-up in the Miss Oklahoma pageant in 1991." , and "although she missed performances from December 29, 2010 to January 1, 2011 to perform a New Year's Eve concert at Walt Disney Concert Hall on December 31, 2010. (regarding her role in the musical reprisal of "Promises, Promises". Rob Ashford was the director, but I cannot find any information regarding his marital status).

Speakeasy Jane said...

Thanks for taking my speculation seriously enough to check out. :)

wiredandbaked said...

The part about missing the performances was to coincide with the point about the understudy. Also, even though she dated Aaron Sorkin, regardless of his sexuality, couldn't it have been in order to "advance her career"?

msgirl said...

Jeez guys, Krakowski has a kid, she's been in relationships!

yodelay said...

Whover this is took a page from the Julia Roberts Hollywood Handbook. While Kristen can be grating, she seems to be loved in NY and by her costars. I would buy this is Jane K. She seems extremely unlikeable to me. Didn't she swipe her role in 30 Rock from Amy Pohler?

Sue T. said...

This has gotta be Kristin Chenoweth. Her understudy was Sarah Jane Everman and she got fantastic reviews when she subbed for Kristin in "Promises, Promises." The only thing I can't figure out is if Rob Ashford, the director of that show, is married -- there seems to be nothing about his personal life online.

annabella said...

the blind specifically says that she never dates anyone ever.

so, it can't be someone married or who dates anyone. as someone pointed out, jane k is married w/a kid. therefore can't be her or anyone else who is married.

Kloie said...

I thought Krakowski was married.

Sue T. said...

Oops, Rob Ashford is gay, so I guess he wouldn't fit as the subject of this blind... but I still think it's Kristen, albeit with some details fudged.

Adriellen said...

Not Kristin Chenoweth. My close friend has worked with her on Broadway and told me that she is extremely sweet and eay going. In fact, my friend had to miss a few rehearsals (he is a rehearsal pianist) because he got a concussion and when he returned, she (the star!) sought him out(the low man on the totum pole in that world) to make sure he was ok and to sympathize with him given her personal experiences. I just don't see how this could be her.

Blondie! said...

What about Jessica Chastain" don't forget California has orange groves too!

Adriellen said...

*easy going!!

Nyan said...

@ mrjack Those comments were about Sean Hayes in "Promises,Promises" and yes, they both wrote scathing letters about the comment. From what I've heard about everyone who's worked with KC, they all love her so much. She seems to have a lot of friends...doesn't quite fit.

All about Eve said...

I thought of Jane Krakowski too but isn't she married with kids?

Primadiva said...

What about Jessica Chastain?

All about Eve said...

Oh wow Blondie! Jessica Chastain fits, she's done it all and no boyfriends

Primadiva said...

yup, blondi got it, look!

Jessica misses 4 performences

Primadiva said...

sorry I spelled performances wrong :/

Sue T. said...

"When our actress came back to work and heard the things, she called the director's wife and said the understudy was sleeping with the director." - Moises Kaufman, who directed "The Heiress," is gay. Plus, "She is B list all the way" - I think Chastain is A, she's been nominated for two Oscars in the past two years, after all.

Grey said...

I really doubt this is Kristen Chenowith...

I remember recent tweets that Kristen and Bryan Fuller (the creator of Pushing Daisies) went to go see Lee Pace (the lead on Pushing Daisies) in his play on Broadway.

You arent buddy buddy with the creator of your past show if their is bad blood.

I think we need to look elsewhere...

Anna Friel always seemed like she had waaaay more issues than Kristen C did.

The Real Dragon said...

@lol sherry.

Michael said...

I must be evil because none of the stuff in this blind seems all that cut throat (especially the drug addict). With that said, no guesses. I can't think of many actresses who have done it all and seem sunny besides KC and I don't think it's her.

Primadiva said...

she was in a few other plays though, but the double oscar nom would put her in A status, but does everyone in the US really know who she is? I thought when I found that article I solved it! le sigh..

msgirl said...

Could this be ScarJo?

emily_h said...

I agree with 125, Jessica C is not b list. Plus I looked at her tv credits and she was never a series regular. Her longest sting was 3 eps on a law and order spin off.

msgirl said...

oops, n/m married!

msgirl said...

Jessica C can't open a movie tho, so she could be B to Enty. But I think she's in a long standing relationship with b/f

Scallywag said...

Jane Krakowski is a Tony winner.

This seems like it would be a Christine Baranski type only younger (and Christine is married).

Unknown said...

What about Katie Holmes?

Scallywag said...

Jane Krakowski was in Damn Yankees in 2008 and the director is married.

Though she works often in NYC and with the same people so IDK it it's her.

Michael said...

@msgirl: Jessica opened ZD30 and got an Oscar nom. Plus she headlined the #1 and #2 films for at least one weekend. That's A list.

Anna Nonymous said...

Kristen Chenowith all the way. She's got that strained, neck cartilage and veins popping out when she megasmiles thing going on that makes it look like she's straining every cell in her body to look perfect, seem perfect, be perfect. Perfect perfect perfect!!!!! Like Tracy Flick on bath salts. Plus she was dating a total closet case recently. She's done it all. And she's not a big name in the industry, she's not well liked, there's never anything anywhere about her life, her friends, her charities, it's all look at me, I'm perfect!!!!!!!! burst blood vessel, slumps to the floor, and scene.

Anna Nonymous said...

I'm sorry I keep doing the scene thing, it just worked for what I was going for.

Primadiva said...

No long term relationship, just started in feb 2013 after Internet whispers of her preferring the ladies

mrjack said...

@Nyan - thanks for correcting me on that. It was a bit fuzzy in my head what happened exactly but I just started typing in my defense of her.

Unknown said...

Jenna Malone as a less obvious choice?

Cancan said...

Ashley Judd. TV show "Missing," Tennessee Wms play a few years back.

Nyan said...

@mrjack no problem :) I really can't see this being Kristin either. Plus, I'm a HUGE Sean Hayes fan :)

Unknown said...

From what people are saying, between Aaron Sorkin not being gay or attractive and Chenoweths co-stars raving about her all time I think she can be completely eliminated as an option.

libby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mala Propism said...

It really doesn't sound like Chenowith, despite how much she rubs some people the wrong way.
The thing is, cut-throat stuff like that is sort of par for the course in live theater. The stories I could tell! Like one dancer putting ground glass into another (male) dancer's underwear before a callback audition for a major musical. I gave up acting when I realized my 'friends' would turn into nightmares if it came down to competing for a role, line, or scene.
That said, have we looked at any actresses who have done London theater? Maybe it's not Broadway we are looking at.

Groovy said...

Britney Snow - done all three and from Florida

Candyland said...

Jane Krakowski does ads for Tropicana...

Sherry said...

I am glad to see reports that people like KC..I think she's adorable and amaaaaaaazingly talented. I find it hard to believe she would have to sabotage ANYONE to get more lines and/or work based on her talent alone. I mean some people you put up with because they are worth it.

Damn this one is hard!

NaughtyNurse said...

Something about this blind made me think of Scarlett Johansson.

Rhody said...

I wast thinking Jane Krakowski as I read this too, though it would make me sad. I saw her years ago in Nine with Antonio Bandeiros.

jaariel said...


The Real Dragon said...

In the Hollywood Justice system, Blind Items based offenses are considered especially heinous. In Blogger City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious Items are members of an elite squad known as the CdAn Unit. These are their stories. DUN DUN

MAIN SUSPECT:Kristen Chenowith

EVIDENCE:Umm.. Something about Vein popping and Orange juices. She did Pageants. Those girls tend to be Cray Cray. Her voice is describe is as Demon waiting to pop out.

Jaiden_S said...

I don't like any of the guesses so far. I think it's someone that nobody has mentioned...but I have no clue who it might be. :/

warmislandsun said...

@Grey - Oooooh, how I loathe Anna Friel. Thank you for mentioning that she has more issues than most. Ugh, she's nasty. (Sorry, slightly OT.)

amused bush said...

Actually KC IS well-liked. If Jane Krakowski wasn't married, I think this blind fits her far better than Kristin Chenoweth.

amused bush said...

What is the scoop on Anna Friel?

Savannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shopgirl said...

Sounds just like Ethel Merman! If only Ente fudged more than a few details I'd go with her! Because I'm almost off work, I will vote for her!

Aoife said...

Bravura thanks for posting the pronunciation(s). I tend to use the first one.

Dragon I love your L&O/CDan wording.

b-fabulous said...

I like the Ashley Judd guess.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Jane Krakowski guesses: so she is basically like the char she plays on 30 Rock? xD

I can't believe this is Chenowith, she is LOVELY. And she seems sincere. I can't believe it's her.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

What about Teri Hatcher? She was in a poker tournament sponsored by Tropicana. The addict being Marcia Cross on Desperate Housewives. From previous DH blinds we learned Teri is a Cunt with a capital C.

I think it fits. She was on Broadway (Chicago in the 90ies, height of her fame with Lois/Clark, so enough exposure to get extra work besides acting), movies and of course tv.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Link for extra Teri dirt, as previously revealed by Enty in blinds:

The Real Dragon said...

@aoife Thanks <3

AM said...

Betty Buckley fits everything in this blind apart from the good-looking homosexual guys and the advancement of her career part - BB does seem to be settled into her career track at this point. Her reputation for being an awkward diva on Broadway and on TV is not blind at all - it's well known. She's done enough on Broadway that a little digging would be able to come up with a straight, married director (Trevor Nunn, who directed her in Cats is one, off the top of my head). She played the Sally Field role in the original pilot of Brothers & Sisters, but left in rather murky circumstances. From Wikipedia, BB was also in beauty pageants at the start of her career, she has been single since divorcing in the 1970s.

But after all that, I believe that 25 years ago, this would have been Buckley but today? Yup, I agree with Chenoweth. She's a peculiar little biscuit. I think a few false clues have been thrown in to stop it from being too obvious, but I do think it is Kristin.

The Raving Badger said...

Adriellen, my Bestie said the same thing about how she treats their crew. She remembers people's families and is generous and helps newbies. Not her. Chastain is orange. Jane K seems like a candidate BC of characters she plays.

Primadiva said...

Chastain may fit the a list qualifications for Oscar noms and having #1 and #2 at the box office at the same time but, she rose to fame real quick in 2011 despite years working...She's approaching old age in terms of Hollywood for an actress and its not like she's been famous over the years like Cameron Diaz/drew Barrymore/Jennifer Anniston. She has to be all about her career right now because she technically only has a few golden years left. Maybe the heiress play didn't fit, but she has done a number of plays and was only recently linked public to a male...

Unknown said...

Scarlet got the flu when she was on Bway this year. The kids in the play thought she was a sweetheart though. I can see her being a calculating bitch.

deran said...

This would fit Better Midler;accept that she is more than a B and she is married. Jessica Simpson is from Florida? but not sure she attempted broadway..and both are singers as well;which is not mentioned.

Hegg said...

Marisa Tomei

Unknown said...

I thought of her, too.

Unknown said...

Great guess!!

Unknown said...

Oh I think I got it - Jane Krakowski (sp) comes out in the orange juice commercials!! I forgot what brand exactly but, she's always dressed up and has friends over and they drink orange juice!

Unknown said...

She endorses Tropicana Trop 50 orange juice

Anna said...

The orange could refer to self-tanner.

If only Florida native and constant-beard provider Ashley Green had ever starred on Broadway, she would be a wonderful fit as a guess. Sigh.

Unknown said...

How about Jessica Chastain? Award noms, did tv show (Law and order tbj) is/was on broadway with the delicious Dan Stevens, has no friends and no one is close to her, Enty has discussed her strange lack of history.

Florida orange, she's a red head.

Brandy said...

Miss USA as a hint - Vanessa Williams

Surrender Dorothy said...

@groovy I think you got it!! After spending way too much time researching this guess online it fits about perfectly! I even saw an article where the role she was originally cast for in 1600 Penn got recast before shooting because she didn't "mesh" with the rest of the cast. And she was fired from that show Harry's Law after the first season for no apparent reason. Born in Florida and been in the biz since she was like 2. Nice work!

Grace said...

OH! @Brandy I like the Vanessa Williams guess!

Melissa K said...

Apparently, I'm the only one who read this as Lauren Graham. I have nothing to back it up, just a feeling.

Kim said...

I haven't a clue, but I think Helen Hunt is a good guess.

And Aoife is pronounce E-fuh. :)

Norseman said...

What if it's Jane Krakaowski, with Rachel Dratch as the actress that she sent back to rehab - during that first season of 30 Rock - ? I remember Rachel Dratch was supposed to have a bigger part and then disappeared right away, and I think Jane's part suddenly grew from what was originally planned.

Annie said...

Jessica C.
Known for NEVER dating or having any close friends or family. The ORANGE clue has to do with the color of her hair. She is considered asexual and no one in Hollywood has heard of her dating or sleeping with anyone. There is speculation she is asexual.

Gabby said...

@yodelay - No, it was Rachel Dratch, not Amy Poehler that Jane took over the role of Jenna from.
Also, since she is married, I don't think this is her.

Unknown said...

My guess was Lea Michele but then I realised it can't be her because she always has a boyfriend.
Geez, is there anyone in Glee that doesn't do drugs?


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