Thursday, April 11, 2013

Shocker!! Musicians Use Drugs

A new lawsuit filed by a fired Universal Music security guard says she was fired because she complained about all the drugs musicians did in front of her and was tired of them offering her drugs. The woman says she saw Jamie Foxx, T.I., his wife, Macy Gray and Adam Levine doing drugs. Wait check that. She says she heard Adam Levine did drugs. She said that when she complained, her boss says that Adam Levine can do whatever he wants and if he wants to come in and do a line of coke off the floor of the office it is ok by them. She also claims that she was called the N word on multiple occasions and constantly found people passed out from drug use and there was rampant sex going on in the offices too. Yep, sounds like a record label.


Pookie said...

welcome to the music industry, honey.

VIPblonde said...

Her lawsuit names the three reasons that people get into the music industry: Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll!!!

Christopher Cruz said...


Anonymous said...

SHUT. UP. no way?!?!?

Meanie Rhysie said...

Sex?! Drugs?! In Rock 'n Roll?! Pshaw!! Say it ain't so!!!

plokzy said...

Maybe nownow, but theres NO WAY this went on in the 60s and 70s

Anna Nonymous said...

I love the line about how the executive said " If Adam Levine wants to snort coke off my office floor he can, because he's Adam Levine" If you're not hurting anyone, what's the big deal? Sounds like everyone was an adult, no minors were being corrupted, no one was being used, abused, etc. Waaaah! Where is this girl from that she thought she could bring a lawsuit about musicians doing drugs??

EmEyeKay said...

@Pookie +1

mikey said...

I'm so shocked, it never would have occurred to me that musicians would use drugs. Particularly Macy Gray....

All about Eve said...

The only offensive thing in the whole post was the guard being called the N word.

Erika said...

I have a buddy that lives in LA and works at HQ of a major music-based distributor of merch and other things. The shit she's told me about certain celebs makes this post look like a Disney film. This is nothing.

nevermindthat said...

Can't wait for the "tell all" book.

If they offer just pull a Nancy Reagan and just say NO.

Agent**It said...

Oh! Where is FrenchGirl with my favorite Jaime Fox picture?

Elissa said...

@Anna Nonymous, I completely agree; everyone knows that drugs are created by magical unicorns and delivered by fairies riding on kittens. Terrorist groups don't make small fortunes on them, thousands of people are not gruesomely murdered every year by drug organizations (who definitely do not have their hands in the human trafficking or arms industries), drugs never, ever make it into our high schools, and children never, ever overdose on them. Nope, no big deal, drugs should be a personal choice.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?? This sort of behavior wouldn't be tolerated by your doctor, or your childrens' teachers, but it's perfectly fine when it's a lifestyle of certain highly-paid, less-necessary professions??? Bullshit.

Agent**It said...

I wouldn't get a pass.

auntliddy said...

Its dehumanizing behavoir and i wldnt want any part of it. I hope she does get some money outa this and finds happier line of work.

Glitter said...

@ Elissa: agree.

Sherry said...

Being verbally abused with racist remarks is the worst part of the lawsuit. No one should have to put up with that.

I can't believe they did drugs in front of her. OR Maybe she was doing her security rounds and they just didn't hide it when she walked past. That's what I'm thinking actually happened.

Anonymous said...

Nobody likes a tattle tale! Just kidding if she was called names that's not cool. But I think it kinda sucks she naming names.

The Real Dragon said...

In other news water is wet.

parissucksliterally said...

Being offered drugs is not something to complain about. If they forced you to take drugs, that is a different story.

Yeesh, what a prude.

Susan said...

Really?! You guys are cool with drugs being used in a place of business? I don't know, I guess I'm way naive, but I have a problem with this. Maybe this is one of the reasons the music business is losing money and so many artists get in over their head and declare bankruptcy. Perhaps those in charge need to be a bit more clear-headed when running the day-to-day.

This is kind of disheartening actually. I just got back from watching my town's public school's fifth grade spring concert - my students killed it on piano. Yay! And anyway, I get the whole sex, drugs and rock and roll thang, but the executive offices should really be by the book, IMO. I guess if an artist feels the need to create or perform under the influence, ok, but I would think music industry offices house was more than creative.

Disheartening news after seeing the positive impact of music on children. That is all.

babo said...

Big no-no on the racial slur.

OT: I am just watching Angelina Jolie with William Hague about some humanitarian issue on Sky News and she is high as a kite.
Again (they went together to Rwanda a couple of days ago and her pupils were like UFOs when they got off the plane)

it took forever said...

When did society become so nonchalant about drugs ? So it's norm now to just do blow in front of anyone and no one is to blink an eye? NO THANK YOU! That's how we all get hooked by someone offering. For those saying meh please give me contact with ur kid or grandkid so I can offer some blow to them, after all everyone's doing it. Winning the war on drugs my ass

kgirl said...

Okay, I'm nitpicking but what she said was guests of Jamie, entourage of TI and Tiny and she heard about Adam. I'm not saying they didn't or haven't done those things, but she's not saying she saw those stars.

Unknown said...

Thank you!

Pip said...

She should not have gotten fired for voicing her opinion. Being offered drugs and called racial slurs is not part of her job. I hope she wins the suit. The boss couldve at least told certain musicians that she is not into the drug scene, and to lay off offering her some.

FlirtyChick74 said...

@ Elissa: +1 & thank you! Well said.

Aoife said...

The biggest problem I have is her being called out of her name.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the music business is all about sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. I don't know how old this young woman is or what her background is but she's obviously been in a bubble of some kind.

If she goes ahead with her lawsuit good luck getting a job in any part of the entertainment business.

I can't believe anyone in this day and age would be shocked by this.

lazyday603 said...

Or maybe she decided living off a lawsuit settlement was a better life than going to work at a minimum wage security guard job. Musicians were doing drugs in the 1930's and haven't slowed down since (OK it may not be the 1970's anymore but they still enjoy altered states). What did she expect?

And calling a record company a place of business is a reach. Not since Napster has it been a real business.

nightowl said...

Whether you all (or most) agree with it or not, illegal drugs are just that ILLEGAL! You may have "experimented" and have no problem with it, but in the real world this is a problem. First of all these businesses have to be aware of the HUGE liability this is. One of these people drop dead in the offices and they are found to have allowed the use of illicit drugs in their offices? How about major lawsuit.

And prude? How about a law abiding citizen. So sick and tired of the "cool" kids and their constant put downs of people who live moral and ethical lives. Naw, better to have "experimented" with drugs and live off government disability payments, huh?

lazyday603 said...

Not looking to start a war but there is nothing unethical about using drugs. It's self destructive but who should be the final arbiter about what you do to your body than yourself? And morality is in the eyes of the beholder. Drug laws are like prohibition. You can pass all the laws you want trying to protect people from themselves but you can't compel people to follow them.

Angie said...

Haha so because I've used drugs in the past it automatically means Uncle Sam subsidizes my lifestyle?! I grew up with the world on a silver platter and I'll have you know I met more trustfund babies in trap houses than impoverished people.

babo said...

Having sex with with an 18y old when you re 40y+ and taking all advantage from your fame is not illegal, but it s gross. Getting shitfaced on booze until you stumble on the street is not illegal but it s gross. Smoking a joint is illegal but not that gross (unless the munchie part gets out of hand). Giving a joint to a minor is illegal and plain BAD. Meth, Krokodil, crack are illegal and plain BAD too. Snorting a line at a party once every 6 months is illegal but is not the end of the world. Using racial slur is illegal and bad, and like meth or crack should stay that way forever.
Legal or not does not quite help here to draw a line on the issue here.

Speakeasy Jane said...

@ Elissa
People said the same things about alcohol during Prohibition. If governments weren't so worried about making money via the prosecution of drug laws, there would be no need for a black market and most of this violence wouldn't exist. When was the last time you heard of someone in a shoot out over a case of Scotch?

Speakeasy Jane said...

@ All About Eve
ITA. So she was offered free drugs...were they forced upon her? Was she coerced into participating in all that nasty, nasty sex? If not, I don't feel too badly for her. The record industry isn't exactly known for its family-friendly work environment.

Speakeasy Jane said...

I'm a regular pot smoker, have never been on the government dole, own a house, car and (very) small business... So please tell me again about something you know nothing about.

Angie said...

Thank you Jane! Couldn't agree more!

crila16 said...

I refuse to believe this story. I think Enty made it up for attention.

Ivs said...

@Speakeasy Jane And the guard totally should've accepted the drugs, god knows it's expensive haha

Elissa said...

@Speakeasy Jane, it's interesting that you bring up Prohibition; no, it didn't work and alcohol is completely legal now. Did that lower the rate of alcoholism? Has the number of drunk driving deaths decreased? The fact that I can responsibly have a couple of drinks only every few months is far outweighed by the detrimental costs to society of the thousands of people who are NOT able to limit their drinking in the same way.
Can you imagine the societal costs of legalizing drugs? People will STILL become addicted, a large portion of them will not be able to be productive citizens, the health care costs of addiction/the subsequent health problems will fall to those of us who are still able to be functional members of society, and thousands more innocent people per year will die at the hands of those assholes who choose to drive while under the influence.

The fact that something is illegal DOES, in fact, matter to most people which is in large part why many of us choose to deal with reality without the crutch of drug use. Legalization implies condonation--see the above-referenced alcohol example--which leads to a whole Pandora's Box of issues, which will be left to the rest of us to solve. That's not a society that I want to live in.

Ivs said...

+1 Jane!!

Ivs said...

Lol @it took forever, this comment only makes sense provided your kids never saw you drinking, not even a glass of wine. Hopefully you're husband/boyfriend never took a couple of beers on friday nights, and I certainly hope you don't smoke cigarettes either! Because either you're against ALL type of drugs - even the ones the government allow you to do - or you're a hypocrite. It's really that simple!

Ivs said...

I'm a famous journalist in my country, and I live every day with the purpose of making life better, for everyone. I work hard to be the best person I could be, and I never lie, cheat or slander people - I truly want to spread the light I feel inside to everyone I meet, and in my job I have been able to do that. Simply put, I have helped more people than you'll ever know, and I make probably make more money than you while doing it.

Also - I smoke pot whenever I feel like it and do blow whenever I feel like partying. And I STILL get up before 9 AM everyday! And did I tell you that I rarely ever drink?

How about you stop putting labels on people and look out of that little box you're sitting in - if you would you'd see there's a beautiful world out there, and it's not black or white.

nightowl said...

I'll reiterate what I said. Illegal drugs are just that - ILLEGAL! You can smoke a 'little' pot or a lot, it is still illegal. Fact. I'm happy you contribute the government rather than drain it, but you are still breaking the law. Don't like the laws, too bad. I live my life inside the law - that is what I deem moral and ethical. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with laws. If it were up to me, all of you on here who talk about smoking pot or doing blow would be arrested. Legality is a black and white issue to me. Illicit drugs are illegal.

And sorry, but I live in an area filled with pot smokers who do nothing all day but smoke pot and sit around waiting for their gov't checks to arrive. They aren't too disabled to go get more weed, but god forbid they would be expected to get a job.

Speakeasy Jane said...

Seeing how there were much fewer cars on the riad duribg the dats of Prohibition, I would be very surprised indeed if the number of drunk driving deaths had decreased.

The bottom line is responsibility. Either you are going to know your own limits and take responsibility for yourself or you won't. No amount of legislation will change that. If you can't handle certain substances, stay away from them. I, for one, loathe cigarettes and cheap beer, but to each their own.

Speakeasy Jane said...

I can't see any of the names that were mentioned in the suit rolling mids, that's for sure.

Agent**It said...

If you were to call my local police and report me for smoking pot they would laugh.

Della said...

Give me a break. Who the duck cares!

Della said...

Oops fuck!

Della said...


it took forever said...

@IVS , yes clearly you are on something right now and not the good shit either just by reading what you wrote. I See clearly that your brain is turning to shit without you even realizing hmmm i see.
Yes the drug cartel CALI members in columbia are also billionaires, does that mean i must hurry up and go do some blow? will doing blow make me rich IVS? cause you did it and you are rich! are you sure it doesnt ruin families? are you sure it doesnt fund terrorist activities? are you sure many people who in the business get killed over it? well then hurry up and ship me some please, I WANT TO BE RICH JUST LIKE YOU


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