Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Today's Blind Items - Passed Out At 13

This actress has had troubles with substance abuse in the past, but she has done a remarkable job of hiding just how bad her past drug issues were. At the tender age of 13 she was doing lines of coke like a true pro. At one point, she was doing so much coke at a movie that she had to be removed. I'm guessing her A list co-stars were probably shocked. It was a very famous role for her. Over the next five years she entered rehab three times and none of those times has ever been reported. This was back before there was much internet gossip although, the internet did exist. Also during those five years while she was not even legal she began a string of one night stands with band members from various bands she loved. She would meet them at parties and events and then travel to meet them in various cities and made sure they knew just how much she loved them. When she could not get the band member she wanted, she had no issues with just finding any random guy to spend the night with in exchange for either a room or for drugs. As she had got older, she has been even more careful about protecting herself and her habit. Sure, there have been a few reports, but nothing to match her level of actual drug and alcohol use. There have been slips and stumbles, but for the most part she has cleaned up her act. Not Drew Barrymore.


Bella Inamorata said...

I'm guessing Kirsten Dunst. I think she was about 13 during interview with the vampire with cruise and pitt

kate27 said...

Kiki dunst

Lori said...

Was thinking Kiki Dunst or Christina Ricci.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Kiki maybe?

a non a miss said...


Jennifer H. said...

My first thought, too.

camembert said...

Dunst is a great guess, but I feel like her alcohol issues (at least) have been fairly well reported. We called her "Drunkst" for a while.

MontanaMarriott said...

KiKi, famous role Claudia in Interview with a Vampire which had Pitt and Cruise in it.

Staple611 said...

I totally thought it was Drew for sure, until I got to the last line.

Jennifer H. said...

The Christina guess is a good one.

LottaColada said...

I've always imagined Kirsten Dunst to be exactly like her character in Crazy/Beautiful.

The Real Dragon said...

Minnie Mouse. :(

junecartercash said...

Winona? Just throwing that out there. The whole band boyfriend thing.

VIPblonde said...

Great job @Bella! Totally sounds like Kiki. She's dated a decent amount of musicians over the years

ethorne said...

Kiki is a good guess, but maybe Evan Rachel Wood because of the 13 reference?

Jennifer H. said...

I think I like the Christina Ricci guess the best so far, with the Wednesday Adams role being ths one, maybe in the sequel. That would surprise me. The Kiki wouldn't be a blind really. She's obviously had problems for a long time.

Unknown said...

Dunst for sure. Yeah her rehab stint was reported, but there is probably much more that we don't know about. Plus I bet the general public who don't follow celeb gossip wouldn't even be aware that she's been to rehab before. And I can buy her a groupie, she dated the lead singer from Razorlight from awhile and the drummer from the Strokes after Drew Barrymore dumped him.

Comma Chaser said...

I was thinking, Drew, Drew, Drew, until I got to the last line. Dunst or Ricci seems like a good short list.

Audrey said...

I like the Christina Ricci guess better, she is older than Kiki so it makes more sense in the timeline, i.e. Internet, but not much online gossip. I'm thinking the early 90s and CR would have been in her early teens then.

Unknown said...

If her would explain why she always looks so rough. Ricci has pretty much always has looked healthy.

hothotheat said...

Christina Ricci.

it took forever said...

kirsten was 11 when doing INVw with Vampire

Cathy said...

Kiki could fit if the movie was Wag the Dog.

Bella Inamorata said...

Precisely lol

Bella Inamorata said...

Thanks doll!

Bella Inamorata said...

I didn't know Christina had those issues. If she was in one of the Addams family movies, I don't think it was full of A listers, no disrespect to the wonderful Raul Julia and angelica Houston

Kelly said...

I thought Kirsten for this.

FrenchGirl said...

Kirsten Dunst is born in 1982 ,she was 11 when she worked on Interview With A Vampire and 12 when the movie is released

Unknown said...

Is there any new info in this blind though? I am still trying to make up my mind...

Borg Queen said...

How about Anne Hathaway for a change? I had heard stories about her love of coke and when I just looked I couldnt find anything.She was a child actress that definitely starred with A list stars.

She cant be as squeaky clean as she portrays especially with that crooked ex that stole from teh Vatican.

Leo Bloom said...

Freakin Betty White FTW

Flanorama said...

I like the Evan Rachel Wood guess. She dated Marilyn Manson who has admitted to coke binges and drug issues.

FrenchGirl said...

@Borg Queen:Hathaway was 19 during PRINCESS DAIRIES,she started to work at 18

finally i guess Kirsten Dunst because of her possible replacement by Hathaway after SPIDERMAN 4 but it never happened

Kitty said...

My first thought was Tatum O'Neal, although she might be too old for this BI. The "very famous role" was PAPER MOON. But as I said, she might be too old for this.

FrenchGirl said...

Evan Rachel Wood was 14 during Thristeen filming (she's born in 87 and the film was made in 2002) with no A lists

and she started to date Manson in late 2007 at 19

parissucksliterally said...

I thought Kiki's D.O.C. was heroin.

I will go with Ricci.

crila16 said...

Kiki Dunst was 11 when she was in interview with a Vampire and Tatum O'Neil was only 10.

rachel said...

Evan Rachel Wood was 11 when practical magic came out

crila16 said...

What famous role did Ricci play at the age of 13? She was 11 when she did the role of Wednesday in the Adams famiy. Otherwise...nothing.

Anonymous said...

@junecartercash, I'm thinking Winona Ryder too, for the same reason with the bands.

rachel said...

I don't think Winona Ryder stated that young Lucas was released in 1986, shot in 1985 she was 14.

Maja With a J said...

I was thinking "Drew Barrymore is too easy of an answer" throughout the whole thing, and then I got to the last line...*L*

So my next obvious one would be Winona, but I'm not entirely sure she fits.

Mama June said...

So far, I'm liking the Wynona Ryder guess. At 13, she was cast in Lucas and dropped out of The Godfather Part 3 due to the flu. (thanks IMDB)

crila16 said...

Winona doesn't fit either. She got her first movie role at the age of 15.

What actress had her most famous role when she was 13, with a bunch of A list actors.

Mama June said...

Oops, it was a few years between Lucas (1986) and The Godfather Part 3 (1990)- I should have specified that!

Darkmyst said...

Could be Tatum O'Neal. Bad News Bears fits the time frame with the A-listers being Walter Matthau and Vic Morrow (and maybe Joyce Van Patten could be stretched to be A list at the time)

rachel said...

I was wrong Curlyhair could be right, lucas was shot during summer of 1985 she didn't turn 14 till october 1985

Smokey772 said...

The only other person I can think of that debuted at a young age with A listers is Anna Paquin but I think Piano was released when she was 11. Kirsten is the only other person that I think this fits.

crila16 said...

Kirsten doesn't fit though. She was only 11.

Jodie Foster was 13 when she did Freaky Friday. She's the only one whose age fits with her big role.

mimicakes said...

Could it be: Whiny'nona Ryder??

sandybrook said...

I think this girl should be about 33 now based on Enty's Internet reference so I'm going with ChristinacRicci because she fits better age wise for this.

Unknown said...

Can't be Jodie. Al Gore hadn't invented the internet yet.

schneefloeckli said...

Kristen Stewart, born in 1990
Panic Room in 2002
Cold Creek Manor in 2003 (at the age of 13 with A list co-stars)

Andrea said...

Could it be ScarJo? She was 13 when she filmed the Horse Whisperer.

The Black Cat said...

Mischa Barton

CamColty said...

How old was Ricci when now and then filmed ? There were a listers in that

Anonymous said...

This person would really have to be born after '81..but my thought is more like '84-'85ish or later to have the internet "be around then" The internet was really in its enfancy in '94. So I put this person at 13 after '94...when the internet had at least been around enough to say it was "around then". Sorry, does make any sense?

Anonymous said...

Oh now...Mischa Barton fits what I just said perfectly and she was 13 during Sixth Sense. I think it's her!

Silly Girl said...

Mischa Barton totally fits, even including all the band member references. The last line, 'for the most part she has cleaned up her act' is what has been reported in the tabloids for the past week or so. Could be a creatively new blind on her to help get her back on track.

Sarah Highcove said...

This is Kiki for a fact...I have a friend who had a one night stand with her years ago and his story fits this perfectly.

Lori said...

Was thinking Christina Ricci and the Ice Storm being the movie. She was 17 when that came out, but the blind only says she was already snorting at 13. A-list stars in that movie were Sigourney Weaver, Joan Allen, Kevin Kline - major A list.

NaughtyNurse said...

Natalie Portman!!

skimpymist said...

I like the Evan Rachel wood guess.

Topper Madison said...

I assumed this was Kristin Dunst, since she's the only one who had a "famous role" around the age of 13, and who starred with A-listers (Cruise, Pitt, Banderas, etc.) but in rereading this, it sounds like she was fired from the "famous role" movie??

Also, Tatum, Jodie, Winona, etc., are too old for the Internet clue. This has to be someone born in the 1980s.

urban chaos said...

Yes, sounds like Kiki including the coke and hook ups. A friend partied with her down in LA- connected via his cousin and he told me such stories app 12 years ago.

Darkmyst said...

The Internet came into being in 1981. The way I read this we are talking about someone who was in the "jailbait" years of thier teens in the 80s.

Andrea said...

I'm on the Ricci train.

SB-Local said...

Kate Hudson

Unknown said...

The dates do line up for that. And there were two big stars in that movie. If it is her I think this story will be VERY suprising to most people.

MAC said...

The internet may have came into being in the 80's, but I don't think most people started using it all the time until the mid-late 90's. So that's the time frame I am thinking of...I think Enty is saying that there wasn't TMZ, Perez Hilton,etc at that point.

TracySwingKid said...

I am going with my girl Winona. She was known for hooking up with musicians.

Jaiden_S said...

I'm on board with ERW.

pusssykatt said...

I think it's Kirsten Dunst, but the movie was "Little Women"

Anonymous said...

I too guess Kirsten Dunst. Something about the look in her eyes, especially in that recent super art vogueish mag spread. Her eyes look cold, yet lusty, daring, confrontational but also detached, and distant like "do you wanna? it's ok if you don't, but I'm totally down, where's the drugs, I'm bored" kind of look.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Virtual Boricua said...

Alyssa Milano

love/hate said...

I was thinking Natalie Portman.

exchildstar said...

Linda Blair.

astrogirl said...

Kirsten was all about the heroin, sweet little Natalie is the coke user, she is known for having hosted coke parties. One of her favourite coke pals was Sean Penn (no sex apparently), remember the affair she denied when they were busted spending time together.

amy said...

It could be Kirsten Dunst if the movie was Jumanji, otherwise the Mischa Barton - Sixth Sense guess seems pretty good too.

sbalb said...

I was also thinking "Totally Drew" until that last line. probably it's Kiki, she was only 11 when she made Interview with a Vampire, sure, but a year and a half later when she was 13 and had been super-famous for awhile I could see her doing tons of blow. It said that whatever role she was doing at age 13 with A-list co-stars she had to be removed from? So whatever role that was, we didn't ever see her in it, right?
Micha Barton's a possible too, though, IMO.

Erica_R said...

The "it was a very famous role" line made me think of Kate Hudson. Wasn't her first big role in the movie almost famous?

Yasmeen said...

My thought, exactly! Whore. Pff.

Agent**It said...

I want to know who gave this child cocaine.

Unknown said...

Lol I always love your celebrity inner thoughts Anna! Still laughing about Lea Michelle searching for Corey :)

Hegg said...

Juliette Lewis I think.

Katie said...

LATE but I'm totally down with Kirsten Dunst for this. She had coke problems before she moved on to heroin. It also helps explain (a little) the Jake Gyllenhaal bearding, because they were really so different from one another but their pairing got them tons of publicity. She was bearding for his gay and he was bearding for her druggie lifestyle.

Kady Kat said...

how old was portman in the professional? I still think Kiki is a good guess.


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