Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blind Item #5

What was supposed to be a great business arrangement went sour really quickly because of some demands this A++ list producer made on this current A++ list celebrity. The story of their involvement went to press and then they had to deny it because she had no problem with the money he was going to pay her for the summer and no problem with the amount of time they were going to spend together, but when he said that he would only go through with everything if they had unprotected sex, she said no. Wouldn't budge. He wouldn't budge. She has moved on and already found someone else.


Boxes Little Boxes said...

But... you've said Ryan Seacrest is gay.

Mari said...

Simon Cowell and ??? Carmen Electra is still really famous, but not that famous.
All I got.

SKOR said...

I thought of James Cameron for the A++ producer.

Bellasmom said...

Harvey and ??

Anonymous said...

Timbaland and Justin Timberlake.

Del Riser said...

I don't know who it is, but good for her!!!

asher said...

Diddy and Kate Upton

Seachica said...

Seth and Charlize are a great fit

Just Another HR Lady said...

Ditto on seth McFarlane and Charlize. Awesome guess!

saycheese said...

charlize wouldn't be called a 'celebrity' tho, she's an actress. i like the diddy/upton guess

SKOR said...

I disagree. Neither Seth nor Charlize are A++ list. A list - sure, maybe A+, but not A++.

whocaresnow12 said...

He's an A++++++ Director first.

Just Another HR Lady said...

There was an article yesterday about one of Seth's new film projects, which includes Charlize. Timely.


Just Another HR Lady said...

Oh, and thx Enty for posting a "family guy" vid just above this article. ;-)

Angela said...

Not Theron.
a) she's an actress not just a celebrity
b) she doesn't need the money
c) she was the most obvious guess in a BI for an actress that had her ways with anybody who tried to get her on the casting couch.

asher said...

Charlize has won an Oscar - do we really think Enty considers that 'celebrity'?

Diane Marie said...

do we even know any a++ producers? Or any producers for that matter? I mean how does a producer alonr become A++? I can see an a++ rating if he was a producer/actor or producer/director but a stand alone producer? Should they even be rated?

Silly Girl said...

I just googled 'A list producers and the list the came back!? It falls into the 'I so don't really give a shit' category. Way too long to go through!! Let's say Diddy and Upton. She's a good girl with nice midwestern values....

Now! said...

I back her up on not having unprotected sex with Diddy. He's been everywhere, with everyone. Yuk.

sandybrook said...

Ill take Didst and Kate too. Most people from here have good Midwest values because that's where they came here from. and shes seeing g someone the last 2 weeks.

sandybrook said...

*Diddy *

Gypsy said...

I'm with @asher.

Unknown said...

Is kate upton A++?

TuesdayAdams said...

Diddy isn't a producer. Wouldn't he be named a mogul? Kate uptown isn't a+++ list. Does he mean movie or music or television producer?

Circe said...

A+++ List producers are Harvey Weinstein and Jerry Bruckheimer. Producers are the ones with power in this town. I used to work for one that produced/produces those shows a lot of you like. He gets thanks by those big celebrity at that important award show. He's not one of the ones I mentioned above.

auntliddy said...

Good for her!! Wish shed go public to expose the dirtbag!! And let other actresses know they can say no.

Farm Girl Pink... said...

Is Michael Bay a producer? He strikes me as the type to demand "no" condoms. And would have to pay cash upfront... to get a legit girl (with her own fame) out of her clothes.

WareCat said...

@whocares, I think you just made B Profane's head explode w/ all the additional + signs.

delete account said...

Another fun blind! :-D Thank you Enty!
Im gonna say Jerry Bruckheimer for the producer because Ive seen what he looks like and that guarantees a hilarious visual right from the get-go! Now for the female celeb, lets see--thinking, thinking, thinking--Ive got it!
Cher. ;-)

ms snarky said...

The Didster is a music producer, so yes, A++ producer. And the Kate Upton guess is perfect, Enty said CURRENT A++ celeb. Which she is, for a short minute.

car54 said...

I thought it was Simon Cowell and somebody--didn't we just have another story about him paying for what he wants and liking it?

paula said...

Good for her! Excellent choice! As for him, how stupid! Don't all these stupid men know that if a woman is willing to go unprotected with him, they've probably been willing to go unprotected with other men? At least this woman has figured that out.

Jaiden_S said...

Diddy and Upton.

NaughtyNurse said...

Diddy and Upton are a fantastic guess!

nicola said...

Diddy is engaged to Cassie. Kate Upton has 2 SI covers and 3 Vogues. How would dating Diddy help HER? Nobody is checking for Diddy right now.

Is anyone actually counting to see how many of these blinds paint women as desperate fame-hungry whores? Or is everyone just trying to be "right".

PJJ said...

This guess sounds good

Mirame said...

If Charlize isn't A++ then I have no idea who is. And she's not some "celeb", she's an Oscar winning actress for good's sake!

di butler said...

Diddy is def an A list producer, Upton an A list model, so it works


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