Saturday, May 04, 2013

Brooke Mueller Almost Died

Apparently, beginning last weekend, Brooke Mueller got rid of her sober companion and started really using like crazy. By Tuesday it was out of control and on Wednesday morning she was found unresponsive and near death, at least according to someone who was there when she was discovered. Her parents were brought into the situation and they agreed to put her in the hospital where she was put on a 5150 hold for her own well being Wednesday night and she is still there now. This was not just a little partying, this was doing drugs on a massive scale that should have killed her and people close to her are surprised it didn't and that Brooke was probably trying to kill herself but passed out before she could quite do it. Maybe this is the wake up call she needed, but I think that unless she does 90 days of rehab or longer then she will never get healthy and that one day very soon she will end up killing herself.


Anothergrayhare said...

Umm. Why is she wearing a Toronto Make Beliefs t-shirt? We don't allow her here do we?

Unknown said...

Because they're both hopeless

Unknown said...

Because they're both hopeless

auntliddy said...

Wow, that is some powerful addiction. Hope she gets the help she needs.

PugsterMom said...

Poor lady. Bad demons.

Anonymous said...

She's got some demons for sure. For some reason, I find myself really pulling for her. Poor kids.

Ms. Rose said...

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think she is ever going to kick her addictions. Really hope I'm wrong.

Unknown said...

Get your shit together Brooke. Your children need you.

Anonymous said...

This is sad. I'm sorry to say this, really I am, but my opinion is that once someone has done so much damage to their brain and spirit, and once they're stuck in that kind of cycle where their obsession and lust for the substance over rides even the desire to stay alive, then death is the next step, or more positively, rock bottom. If she's already trying to kill herself, what's to stop her when she's left to her own devices, CPS has decided her kids aren't safe with her, people aren't giving her anymore chances, she doesn't seem to have anything to live for. She's lost in the embrace of her drug. That's some deep dark water that takes alot of help, determination, and personal willingness to get out of.

Anonymous said...

Her children don't need her, they need Denise Richards.

Count Jerkula said...

I heard she would get the shakes when a commercial for 30Rock was on. She'd glaze over and tell the TV, "it's gonna take a 50 to get me going and a hundred rock if you really wanna party."

Anonymous said...

Those poor kids. Your dad is Charlie Sheen and your Mum doesn't care enough about you to fight her addictions.

HannahBanana said...

I wonder why her parents don't want the kids while she is in the hospital? Seems weird that they always end up w/ Denise. She already has 3 kids, that's gotta be a lot. I'm glad she cares about them enough to care for them...poor babies. Daddy doesn't seem to care, mommy got mayjah issues & the grandparents don't even jump in?!?!?! SMDH....

it took forever said...

Dont know how some people think drugs is so cool. Drugs is a bitch that gets you up the first time then spends the rest of the time dragging you through HELL

audrey said...

@Hannah--I don't think her parents want the responsibility of two young children. I can't hate them for that. There is no law that says they have to put whatever they are doing with their lives on hold to raise their grandbabies. I am sure Charlie compensates Denise well for taking in his other kids, and there are nannies. Just because you don't see them they are there.

Stephanie said...

This is so sad and explains why her boys were taken away from her.

When the whole thing about Charlie threatening her happened a few years ago, I was always wondering if it was a case where they were both fighting violently and because Brooke is the woman, the police took Charlie in and said she was a victim. Obviously they had a very volatile relationship.

She is not a victim. She's an addict and she needs to admit it and get the real help she needs or she's going to be dead very soon.

Amy in MI said...

I'm on the same page. If 2 beautiful children and a supportive network haven't helped. Nothing will

hunter said...

It's sad but I think she's a goner. Thank God for Denise Richards.

My friend partied with her recently here in NYC and said she was super nice and very pretty. Didn't say she was a mess or anything at all.

hunter said...

* Partied with Denise Richards that is.

Robert said...

Probably a pretty accurate assessment.

All about Eve said...

I don't think she will ever kick this habit, she has all she needs to do it but hasn't been able to. I wish she would if only for her kids.

Mama June said...

Lol @Jerk!

Anonymous said...

@hannah from wat I've heard of her parents they're not much better role models than her. They spoiled Brooke and helped create the situation she's in now.

califblondy said...

I hope I'm wrong but I don't see her getting clean. What a waste.

Barton Fink said...

There is a point at which people can't make it back to the land of the living. On the other hand, I've spent time with addicts who are totally blasted to smithereens in terms of physical and mental adn emotional stability, and yet they make it to meetings and say things and express human beliefs and thoughts and receive compassion and are worthwhile human beings.

I think Mueller needs to face the reality that she's not cut out to be a mother at this stage of her disease, I mean, of her life. She's deep in the shit and can't pull herself out by willpower alone. i think that she's being pushed into "normal life" too swiftly because the people in her life want her to clean up in 90 days and then be fixed. She can't be fixed. She's fucked up and will always be fucked up. The best possibility here is that she'll clean up enough to stay sober, and be in touch with her kids once a week, and she'll deal with the guilt and she'll still stay clean. Years from now, if she can stay clean for years, she'll be an okayish person maybe.

1Jazzimom said...

Honestly this is sad for those boys. She has all of the resources but she has to want to be and stay clean! Firing the sober coach is the 1st clue. Hopefully Denise has the where with all to raise 5 kids to adulthood!

ljsmed said...

She needs long term rehab and then slowly ease her way out by sober living, etc. 90 days is not enough for her, especially being thrown back into the regular world. There are places out there who will only take people willing to stay eight months to a year. I think that is her only hope.

Pogue Mahone said...

That's just so sad. What a messed up life, and she has kids,too.

Anothergrayhare said...

Jaylene. Sad but true. Go Leafs Go tonight for all us Canadian CDANers (which I always think stands for Canadian anyway :)

auntliddy said...

Makenzie phillips once stayed in rehab over a year.

mooshki said...

Yeah, I was going to say she needs at least a year. And at a serious place, like Hazelden. She's already lost her kids, so she has nothing to lose by giving it a shot.

Unknown said...

she needs more than 90 days in rehab, way, way more

Scallywag said...

I wonder, did that happen because she lost the kids or did she lose custody because of this? The former could explain why she might want to kill herself.

Long-term drug use changes the wiring in your brain. It isn't just about wanting to stop. Addiction to many drugs is a disease with only long-term medical solutions combines with therapy, and sometimes the best you can hope for is to have longer periods of sobriety than relapse.

delia jones said...

Yeah. The one I worked at was a 2-year residential program. 99% success rate. 95% of grads go on to become program aides/sober buddies. It takes more than a few weeks to break a lifetime of conditioning, whatever conditioning it may be, to be an addict. It's hell.

delia jones said...

After that last disaster, I'm settled in and ready for the 5-0 victory I pretend we'll have tonight! Go Leafs!

SueRH said...

RDJ made it back and Tom Sizemore claims to be clean for four years now. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

ellehpee said...

I just can't fathom choosing anything (or anyone) over my children. Ever.

I don't understand addictions and have very little patience/sympathy for people who get caught up in things like this.

And don't tell me it's a disease - it's a choice. Cancer is a disease. Diabetes is a disease. No one wakes up in the morning and says 'Today I am going to get cancer/diabetes', but people sure as hell wake up and make the choice to drink too much/use illicit drugs.

I realize this opinion is not politically correct, but nothing or no one will ever change it - trust me, I have a sister who has a Masters in Social Work and works with addicts, and she gave up years ago.

All i can say is those poor little boys are fortunate to have Denise Richards in their lives.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for her kids. I didn't know much of Denise Richards until I read this report/post. Even with nannies, I give her mucho credit for taking in BM/CS's sons.

cameron said...

@ellehpee What you said is very wrong and ignorant.
"And don't tell me it's a disease - it's a choice. Cancer is a disease. Diabetes is a disease. No one wakes up in the morning and says 'Today I am going to get cancer/diabetes', but people sure as hell wake up and make the choice to drink too much/use illicit drugs."

Right and that's exactly why it's a disease, sickness, whatever you want to call it. Someone making irrational choices that no one would ever make in their right mind. Sacrificing everything to get high, doing things they consider immoral to get high, etc. People are not making that choice willingly thinking it is a wise decision. They are doing it because they are addicted and out of control, in the throes of the disease that is fed by the bad choices.

And, most substance abuse is coupled with mental illness, severe trauma, personality disorders, etc. You can't deny that's real.

SophiaB said...

Her parents appear to be enablers. I would be scared for the kids if they were left to them. I think there is a truly toxic situation going on there for Brooke. She is behaving like someone whose demons go back to childhood. She is a zombie queen at this point. I am so sad for those kids. Very little chance for a normal life. Charlie should be neutered.

Gayeld said...

I was going to say the same thing. This may sound harsh, but the best thing for her kids at this point would be for her to OD and stop screwing with their lives and stability.

bellaluna said...

I feel bad for her, and worse for the boys.

elspeth said...

@Cameron -- You're absolutely right about addiction issues and causes, but, please, let ellehpee go her merry 'blissfully ignorant' way. She's got those 'righteous' blinders on.

She stated in her post that people, including her sister, have tried to educate her, and they failed. She's going to need a bigger wake-up call than a post on a blog.

Ellehpee is basically a troll when it comes to addiction posts.

KittensRUs said...

Agree completely.


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