Wednesday, May 08, 2013

DA Now Looking At Justin Bieber Spitting Case

While Justin Bieber continues to rack up speeding tickets during his stay in Dubai, the District Attorney back home is deciding whether or not to prosecute Justin Bieber for battery. The LA County Sheriff's Department wants Bieber prosecuted after he spit in the face of his neighbor and threatening to kill him after the neighbor complained about Justin's speeding in the neighborhood. I hope he does get prosecuted. Nothing will happen to him, but maybe, just maybe it would give him a little humility. Plus, he would probably be put on probation and subject to random drug tests. That would be fun.


SKOR said...

Will that stupid pants under your ass trend ever die?

Tyler said...

skor, I think Justin is single handedly keeping it alive. He's also getting a bit old for it.

shopgirl said...

Maybe if he has to go to court he'll have to pull up his pants. What a shock that would be.

FSP said...

He will finally get his street cred.

Sugar said...
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Sugar said...

He's just doing hood rat things with his friends.

SKOR said...

I can guess I can now own up to having worn parachute pants with moon boots.

Unknown said...

I'm so sick of this little bitch! He is in severe need of an asskicking. Wouldn't it be great if he got his ass beat in some club when he is acting all tough. I would love to see him with a couple of black eyes and fat lip - even beater he would probably hide out of sight for a month until his face cleared up.

OneGirlRevolution said...

OMG, you guys! He is SO sexy with his tighties hanging out. I LOVE it when guys wear their pants below their ass...SO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SusanB said...

This happened in LA? I think we know what kind of "justice" celebrities receive there.

fritters said...

I generally don't wish violence or harm upon people, but I do think a little beat down would do him some good. Put him in his place and keep that ego in check a bit.

Lioness70 said...

Dude. We get it. You think you're hot shit! Muscles, roids, and tightie whities!

Now pull up your pants and get back in your playpen.

figgy said...

He looks like he HAS to be in a snide skit making fun of a douchy white kid...I mean, no one could possibly look that stupid on purpose.

DewieTheBear said...

@shopgirl, Biebs would probably stand in court in his undies, because he saw the girls in "Spring Breakers" do it in bikinis.

Nosey Parker said...

LOL Lola!

I asked a coworker to keep a BIG secret. I'm flying to Disney World to see Justin Bieber in concert this summer.
It's not true, but it's fun to start fake gossip!

discoflux said...

I wish he'd go to Louisiana so they could arrest him for his stupid pants. At least, I think they passed a law there. It could've been Mississippi.

Kitty said...

He exposes the rest of his body, so why his legs?

DixieTheNoble82 said...

Lol @Nosey Parker.

__-__=__ said...

He's no Blowhan. This could get interesting.

Unknown said...

Those pants in that picture....I can't even deal. I want him to catch the beating of his life from someone. Please, anyone???

Anonymous said...

I too would love to see him on probation and get drug tested. he's like lindsay 2.0, here we go again.

Nosey Parker said...

@Dixie The coworker believed me even though I'm old enough to be Biebers mother. I'm really going to a meet and greet concert with The Black Crowes. I know lots of people think meet and greets are weird, but I wanted a good seat for the show.

Count Jerkula said...

I wish Beiber would start dating Chris Brown.

MadLyb said...

I'm going to be nice for a change and say that the little sh*t would look good in a bright orange onesie. He's going to serve time if he doesn't stop speeding and/or spitting.

Mango said...

He won't get his ass kicked as he so richly deserves -- he's got bodyguards. :(

ms snarky said...

I so want him to disappear. Can we please stop pandering to this badly behaved brat?

Moviedogs said...

So much for working in the US again. Kiss that green card goodbye...

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I love that the neighbor is wealthy and can't be bought off! So often, the victims of celebrity crimes crumble when cash is waved at them. This guy doesn't need Beiber's money and he's pursuing his complaint to the fullest extent that he can. Team Neighbor!

SophiaB said...

Aaaaawwwwwweeeeesum. Only JUST makes me want to work in an office again so I could do this. But ummmmm mebbe not. I just absolutely love this idea though. Thank you for best laff of the day.

SophiaB said...

I had to file a restraining order against the WORST ROOMMATES EVAH when 'Morticia' decided she would get big bad and bold on me & spit in my face in ky own living room. 'Gomez' (aka 'Rumplestiltskin' due to the 2am temper tantrums brought on by steroid & testosterone abuse), whose height barely cleared 4'11", then tried to defend the honor of 6'+ Morticia. It was quite a little scene. The drama during the court hearing was epic. The fact that they then went to the San Francisco Human Rights Commission to complain that my husband and I were prejudiced against them and that the HRC official sided with me & Hobbit Hubby just made the entire situation into one of my favorite survival stories in the world.

Beeper should be locked up and weaned off of that roid crap. It is a real mood breaker. And it is not gonna help his growth process.


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