Friday, May 24, 2013

Jodi Arias Jury Can't Reach A Verdict On Penalty

I believe Jodi Arias is guilty. A jury found her guilty. That same jury though could not decide whether she should be given life in prison or the death penalty, so a new jury which has not heard anything to do with the case before will try and decide if she should live or die. The jury tasked with deciding, could not and told the judge there was no way they were going to be able to decide. So, a mistrial was declared. Nothing changes about the original verdict, but I think that if a jury can't decide, then maybe there should just be a default position, which probably should be life. Apparently prosecutors will decide if they just want to offer Arias life in the next few days.


  1. Yeah. I have only lived in states where there isn't a death penalty (or as is the case now, where we don't use it), but I assumed that a deadlocked penalty jury = life. I was surprised that they're empaneling a new jury.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    This does seem extremely odd. So they can vote for guilty but can't make a decision on what her punishment should be? I think the judge should tell them, go back to your room and don't come out until you've made a decision. They are the jury, it's their decision, finish the damn job. Don't slough it off on a whole new group of people that have no idea what's going on and have to be brought up to speed, and waste more of the taxpayers time and money.

  3. Seems like a waste of time and money to repeat the penalty phase which may well wind up the same way. Life without parole is probably makes the most sense.

  4. Replies
    1. the judge can only decide life or 25 years and a chance for parole she can't give her the death penalty.

  5. I agree let the judge decide but she has made it known she would rather die than spend the rest of her life in prison.

  6. Maybe they should give one of his family members a knife and have Jodi go take a shower.

    1. I agree...Have u seen what she did to the guy...I saw the autopsy photos ..morbid curiosity i guess but after seeing them i am convinced she should get death penalty..and her death would be far easier than than his

  7. I think judges should always decide on lengths of sentences/death penalties etc.

  8. I only became aware of this case within the last month and even then, I realized quickly that this was Casey Anthony v2.0. So last night I'm visiting my parents and end up catching about 30 minutes of Nancy Grace.

    Oh. My. God.

    Grace has completely lost her shit. And the way she kept repeating over and over and over again that the victim was "slaughtered like a pig". Charles Fucking Darwin, lady. Like, that might be a fair description, but, have you NO decency? You think his family wants to accidentally hear that after having been through all they've suffered already.

    The histrionics were on full display. It was sad and pathetic. I would love for more people to call her on her shit. If some tragedy befell my family and she covered it, I believe I would have to tell her to STFU.

  9. And the money keeps pouring down the drain.

    Yes, lock her up and let her spend decades in misery.

  10. I thought a court ruled judges deciding was illegal? Hung jury should mean LWOP. Taxpayers cannot continue to support this waste.

  11. Just an FYI about the Arizona court system. Arizona went to this jury method of deciding punishment after having several death sentences decided by a judge overturned by the Supreme Court. The judge can only decide life without parole or life with a chance of parole after a jury decides that's the punishment.

    The jury was hung eight for death, four for life in prison. It's now generally believed by the legal community that because it wasn't 11-1 or 10-2 that the county attorney will offer Arias life in prison. Mainly because, thanks to "media" coverage by the likes of HLN, there's no way to find an impartial jury anywhere.

  12. Just give her life and be done with it. And no parole.

  13. @NomNom83,

    Nancy Grace is a horrible person, but the reason she gets so much play is *because* of her histrionics. Jerry Springer was a very intelligent guy with a promising career (he was mayor of Cincinnati, ran for Congress, was an Emmy-winning tv host) who started "The Jerry Spring Show" as a talk show focusing on political commentary. What happened? No one paid attention to it, so the producers revamped into the hot mess you see today, everyone knows his name, and he's rich. It's not the facts, it's the fallacy that draws viewers in. (Look at the "blinds" on this site!) Human nature. :)

    That said, I hate Nancy Grace forever for the way she capitalized on her fiance's death. Horrible, terrible, very bad woman.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I've met him quite a few time around Cincy (La boom, Blind Lemon) years ago. Super nice and always bought drinks for my crew, very funny & very intelligent, that doesn't come across on his crap show.

  14. The jury probably felt like murderers themselves having to choose a Death Sentence.

    I think decisions like this should be established beforehand. Something like "If the defendant is found to be guilty of 1st degree murder, it's automatic death penalty in this state".

    This way it would hopefully have criminals think twice before committing such acts, and would make the judge/jury feel less like murderers themselves.

    This way, society will be warned beforehand of what will happen to them if they are found guilty.

  15. I think it should be life with NO access to the outside world except for her lawyer. No interviews, media contact, internet access, etc.
    I'm tired of this woman parading herself around to be famous. Lock her up and throw away the key, take away her makeup and wardrobe and blow dryer and let her live a long and lonely boring life.

  16. I am just amazed they keep giving her interviews. I seriously wanted to throw things at my tv!

  17. The only good thing about this trial was that it was not in Florida or California. She would probably be walking the streets if tried there.

  18. No offense to residents in CA or FL but you have some ff'ed up juries in these high profile cases.

  19. I have been watching this trial almost since day one. Arias is a total narcissist, and she has NO remorse for what she did to Travis Alexander. Her only remorse is that she was caught. She butchered him in life, and butchered him in death.

    I don't know what my stance is on the death penalty, but I know that I want her to receive it. Not because I want her to die, but because I want her to be locked in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day for the rest of her life. She relishes all the attention she gets. She loves it. She thinks she is the most intelligent amazing person around, and she believes she can "help illiterate prisoners" if her life is spared. Give me a break.

    I think she is disgusting, and I am so disappointed that she wasn't sentenced to death. She doesn't deserve to be in general population. She will love being the center of attention, even if it is a bunch of women.

    She said in one of her many interviews that she believes that she deserves a second chance, and should be eligible for parole. She is a piece of shit, and should rot in solitary until she gets the needle.

  20. She admitted guilt, the jury found her guilty = death penalty. Don't waste one more of the tax payer's money on her. End it now. Otherwise we'll be paying for her to live for YEARS. She'll find some way to get pregnant and make money off the baby and her story, etc. END IT. Guilty = death.
    That being said, if there was even a hint of her not being guilty then I'd say life in prison, BUT, she admitted guilt, and the jury found her guilty, so death penalty.

    1. Google is your friend. The cost of administering the death penalty FAR outweighs LWOP. Also, too many innocent people have been executed or proven innocent after dozens of years rotting away on Death Row.

      Our prison system and 'justice' system are broken. We spend far more money incarcerating than educating.

      Killing Jody Arias will accomplish nothing. Let her rot away.

  21. I think Arizona has an odd system. I don't understand the bringing in a new jury just for the penalty phase. I don't see why the DA can't just make a deal of life without parole for Jodi.

    I don't begrudge the jury for being hung here. I think it would be very difficult to make that decision. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I think I'm one of few who would rather see Jodi get life. I do not condone what she did; her crime was certainly heinous, however, I also don't think she would murder again. I think she was really f--ing angry and went into an absolute rage. Premeditated, yes, but a rage. And yes, something isn't right with her, but I do have some empathy for her and I do think she could do something positive with her life while locked up. Ok, flame away.

    Nancy Grace is a disgrace. She shouldn't even be a legal commentator. She should've been disbarred for prosecutorial misconduct.

  22. Whitegirl swag at it finest. Helps to be cute as well

  23. I tell ya what, after seeing her nude pics, I could totally understand why the dude went for another rodeo after her year of insane stalking.

    The outcome though has made me realize that I should run if my ex were to ever offer one last dance.

  24. In Canada the Judge decides the sentence. They are the one that understands the law and previous case laws and how they should be applied in that particular case. Makes no sense for the jury to do it. The jury is the trier of fact. They have already tried the facts and found her guilty. Their job should be done.

  25. Count - you have to admire her a little- she offered up her butt candy pretty quickly based on her testimony.

  26. The Jury Foreman said the Jury believed Travis mentally and verbally abused Jodi.

    While I agree he strung her along knowing he never was going to marry her. Which was her fantasy end game. She offered up the sex and he took it. I wouldn't call it mentally abusive as much as two people with different ideas and a real lack of communication.

    I can't believe she manipulated the jury with her testimony.

    I think to ease the pain of Travis family the prosecutor is going to agree to Life without Parole. But the defense is going to want parole since they have leverage now.

    Apparently there is a lifetime movie that premiers June 22 about the case. God bless that lifetime.

  27. @texas rose: Yes, I am fascinated by women who give that up in the name of religion. I always wonder though, does the guy get cut off from the butt after marriage? That would be a heck of a disappointment.

    Jodi's kiester was quite lovely. Sad that the good lord paired it with such a damaged mind.

  28. She will do well in jail. Regimented life. No one to care for but herself. With a high profile case she may get protective custody, which will make it easy for her to use her ass to get perks. She will get to feel special doing interviews on the anniversaries of the killing. She will do drawings for friends that will wind up on Ebay and the proceeds in her commissary account.

    She lives in her own lil deluded world already, a 8x8 cell is more than she needs.

  29. The one big advantage of going for LWOP would be that it would be the end of the whole media circus, which would have to be blessing for his family--she'd be put away for good, with no need for parole hearings to rehash everything down the road, and no attention from anyone. If she got the death penalty, her counsel (who are still stuck w/her in spite of trying to get away) would be duty-bound to file an appeal, and the whole mess could end up dragging on for years, right up to the Supreme Court. (And let's not forget all the money it would be costing the taxpayers to keep on pursuing it.) Lock her up and throw away the key; I think that would prove to be much worse for her in the end than getting to showboat throughout the appeals process.

  30. Just curious, she's NOT white. Arias is not a white last name but you can look at her and tell she's some kind of mestizo mystery meat. "White" skin does not make you white, it's called the 1 drop rule and she doesn't even look white! I've seen a few non whites that fooled even me but this chick isn't one of them. Dude should've stuck with his own kind, nothing good comes of race mixing...but he got what he deserved. If I was in charge, it would be the death penalty for white race traitors. day!

  31. Oh, triple8, you are a national treasure!

    @MissZ, Nancy Grace's fiance was murdered while they were both in college, and she said that was the reason she became a prosecutor and victims' right advocate. She pimped the story with incorrect details and, when busted on it, said something along the lines of "I shared what I remember happened at the time." Here's a bigger scoop.

    1. Thanku very much for the link.I had no idea about this

  32. should have seen Nancy Grace during the whole Caylee Anthony thing. Non-stop coverage until the trial.

    I love Nancy Grace. I don't know why, I just do.
