Friday, June 07, 2013

Blind Item #1

This former almost A list mix of movies and television actress who has had a rough year and is out of the business, spent much of last week having phone sex with an A-/B+ list celebrity and sending him photos and then he said she was not that great and refused to meet her. She then made the actress who has a crush on her do the same thing she had been forced to do for the celebrity.


  1. Okay, who has a crush on the 2013 version of Amanda Bynes?

    1. Haha I thought the same thing.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yep, Bynes. Drake for the celeb, since she's now saying he's ugly? Who is the other actress - this seems like something we've heard about...

  3. I thought Bynes.

  4. Nikki Blonski (sp?)

  5. She was defending AB earlier in her meltdown and it was rumored that she was in love with her.

  6. Amanda a List? Really?? I mean it all fits but that forme. Drake is way bigger than she ever was, and yet he's A- or B+?!? Not according to my teenage nieces! Lol

  7. @HannahBanana - it says "FORMER ALMOST A list" which fits for Amanda.

  8. PS - sorry for the caps; I don't know how to be all fancy with the italics on here :)

  9. Yeah, broad wasn't "forced" to do anything. If someone says, "Send me nude pics or don't call me again." That isn't forcing, coercing...sure, but she was in no danger besides not getting what she wants.

    I hope she bad mouths him some more and his celly gets hacked. Just upload em to a pic sharing site and anonymously drop links around the net. Use a proxy and an offshore pic host.

    1. Show me how Count! I have some photos that need to he made public... (not really). But I do like to know about anonymizing my internet movements. Surely a perv like you can tell a tale or two...

  10. I would have thought Stewart/Dakota...don't know who the guy is. The only prob...I don't think Stewart has done any TV.

    1. And she is sadly NOT out of the biz. We can only hope and pray. She REEEELLY needs to stop acting. I think her career would be best as a mannequin. She & Jessica Biel actually are excellent and natural models. Just need em to stop trying to ACT already.

  11. Amanda was never almost A list. Seriously????

    1. Yes she was. Very much so. When she was a preteen and teenager, she headline two of Nickolodeon's biggest shows All That and the Amanda Show. She starred with Franie Muñoz in one of the biggest kids movies at the time. She had a strong of starring roles in She's the Man and Sydney White. Was in Hairspray. She was very much close to A-List. I dare say in her teenage years she was A-List (tween category). She had a clothing line. She was a big deal in my demographic. I'm a 90s child lol

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nope...just re-read the BV. Almost A list is what Amanda was. The BV totally fits her. Drake for the guy...and the girl who had a crush on her...don't know.

  14. Has to be Bynes, but who is the female celebrity Bynes strung along?

  15. I would have said Amanda was A list, based on the number of leads roles she had and working with “Mr Darcy”.

  16. @Vita19a -- ha ha, yes, What a Girl Wants--I really enjoy that film. These news items about her make me so sad.

  17. Drake wouldn't crush her vagina so Nikki Blindly had to do it with a huge toy? Drake is now gay and ugly and dead to her.

  18. *Blonsky * godamn spell f'n chek!

  19. I can accept that Amanda Bynes was an A list tweener, but as a general celebrity she was B list at best, however this still would not average out to "almost A list" in the real world.

    Anyway, these ratings are a general guide but in no way should they be construed as accurate.

  20. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Oh Amanduh... I'm not surprised Drake got an eye and ear full and said... eh... no thanks.. the girl who has a crush on her? I'm thinking KStew? Umm... Dakota Fanning?

  21. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If she wasn't an A list child actor/comedian/tweener then how does she have the money to be living alone in new york and retired five years ago?

  22. What about Demi Moore. I know she was A list back in the day, but how does Enty classify her?

  23. Force her to do? WTF? This doesn't make sense.

  24. Well Amanda went on a twitter rant dissing Drake so blind item solved! Also how did Drake force her to have phone sex. She has lost all common sense.

  25. @SophiaB: I guess the site Admins don't want the proxy knowledge on here. I hoped you subscribed to the thread and got my answer in an email.

    My comment was not "deleted by the author". Further proof that the people running this site are paying attention and can moderate what they want.

    They must enjoy the racist stuff that they don't delete. I wouldn't be surprised if they had an underling posting that stuff, hoping for arguing and clicks.

  26. @Count Jerkula,

    Can you use proxies with Google commenting? I tried once and it didn't work. It kept giving me an error.

    There was someone on another thread using the n word and it's not deleted. I think if you're going to monitor, it should be consistent. If not, the message on the comment screen doesn't mean anything.

    But then again, if Enty and VIPBlonde are the same, that means they're not above "dirty tricks to draw clicks".

  27. We can argue about whether Amanda Bynes was "almost A list" or B list at one point in time, but let's face it...this blind is about her. HOWEVER, Count, I beg to differ with you calling Amanda a broad. To me, a broad is a strong, intelligent, empowered, woman: in charge of her life and in command of her Katherine Hepburn, Sharon Stone and Angelina Jolie. Amanda Bynes is no broad.

  28. And just for fun, to torture you further, Count...I am a broad.

  29. @NaughtyNurse: Get down wit dem martinis!

    I use "broad" for over the age of about 21 and "bim" for under. Nothing to do with personalities.

    You tortured me by bringing up Katherine Hepburn. I hate that shaky betch. Her warbly voice ruined movies by both John Wayne and Humphrey Bogart for me.


  30. Ha! Count!! Hahaha!! You almost got me in trouble with my husband just now. He was "warbling" on about his workday problems while I pretended to listen, sipping a martini and reading your reply. I snorted and laughed out loud at an inappropriate time when I got to "shaky betch" and "warbly voice!" Luckily, I am a broad who knows how to play things off.
