Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

March 19, 2013

This still married A list mostly movie actor used an escort two nights ago. He stiffed her. He convinced her he would pay her after and then told her to get out when he was finished. She started screaming at him and he called hotel security to have her tossed out.

Josh Brolin


Anothergrayhare said...

Lovely. I'm sure his wife will be thrilled.

FSP said...


Stacey Charter said...

Wow! You stay classy there josh.

NomNom83 said...

Diane's life has got to be so much better since she ejected this asshole.

Barton Fink said...

Now if he breaks the jaw of a prostitute, he'll be in Jack Nicholson territory -- and everyone will no doubt applaud.

Me, I'm often astonished by the adoration of these women-hating creeps.

sandybrook said...

Diane should have never been unfaithful to Bon Jovi

Alicia said...

Ladies!!! MONEY UP FRONT!!!

Unknown said...

Lol @Alicia

Liv said...

"He STIFFED her."


Tammy said...

What an asshole. How low do you have to be to rip off someone who is doing that for you???

auntliddy said...

Tammy, im sure he thought it was HER pleasure and required no payment. Douchy move by a douche.

auntliddy said...

Barton, i dont people see or know that side of these actors They see someone just doing whatever the f*ck they want, and thats attractive behavior we all wld love to copy, without the hitting, drugs and pros tho.
Dont get adoration of women haters either b

Anon said...

Maybe she wasn't that good? If you don't like your meal at Mickey D's , you take it back or ask for refund.

I understand the idea of paying for sex , you're paying for the convenience without all of the baggage of having a girlfriend, babymomma or wife. Maybe there are other factors that were considered with an escort like figure, size, breasts, hygiene , etc.
josh did a test drive in a pre-owned rental and decided he didn't want to compensate .

Tammy said...

auntliddy, you're probably right. Never thought about that. And married to boot. Triple asshole.

TalksTooMuch said...

There is no way an escort is not going to get the money up front. No. Way. That's like Hooking 101, right up there with safe sex and really uncomfortable shoes.

I remember reading that one of the guys from UB40 (I think?) used to do this to groupies he would sleep with; just toss them and their clothes outside; call security if they made any noise.

Count Jerkula said...

It is better than Lenny Dykstra giving a hooker a rubber check.

She should have cried rape.

Any escorts out there that can tell us if Brolin made one of the Blacklist sites for this? I'd love to see a link to the tale.

cece said...

Right? Basics...

Kelly said...

Maybe she thought since he was a star he'd pay her? Stupid though not to insist up front. What an ass he is.

H888FUL said...

Hahaha just curious!

Count Jerkula said...

@Iceberg: You want a link to the bounced check or to the hooker's cam page?

In her defense, she claims her and Nails didn't have sex, and that he noticed her while viewing a pegging movie she was in. Read into that what you will.

Unknown said...

Josh, you ignorant slut. Someone's going to hunt his dumb bitch ass down one day. No one will care.

lazyday603 said...

You try this in the movies and her pimp comes & empties your house of all its possessions. And your parents are due back any minute now.

Anon said...

I think every rock star has done that.

Anon said...

Not that it's right but it's hard to prove that a hooker was raped especially if she is a known hooker who ventures to the same hotel/ establishment.

Worstcompanytoworkfor said...

Call the cops bitch! lol

Count Jerkula said...

Technically raping a hooker should be considered theft of services, like if you take your car out of the shop to test drive, and never go back to pay for the alignment.

And a scorned hooker wouldn't be going for a conviction with a rape allegation, she would just be trying to give him bad press.

NaughtyNurse said...

On what planet is Josh Brolin A list?!

Moonmaid said...

Diane Lane put up with this idiot for how long? Hookers, gross. Can't he find a girl suitably impressed with his celebrity for one night?

Ja'mie King said...

That's day one stuff, c'mon hooker. Get it together.

Count Jerkula said...

I hope the hooker was an independent, otherwise she prolly caught a beatin from her pimp. At the very least her ass burned with her crack pipe, repeatedly.

Anon said...

If she was independent , then she needs to find a pimp. A good pimp won't be shortchanged by his hoes or clientele.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

I thought Josh was the call girl, then I read to the end & was disappointed.

Count haven't you seen that Nic Cage hooker movie?

Count Jerkula said...

@Mandy's Wig: Elizabeth Shue on the shower floor bleeding from the butt? Hell yeah I seen that. Aint no soap and water washing that away. That is the type of life event they invented smack for.

Seven of Eleven said...

The original link says she was double stiffed. BA!

Seven of Eleven said...

Gross even for you.

B said...

Totally agree Barton Fink.


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