Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kristen Stewart Is Not Happy With The Paps

Kristen Stewart is never really a happy person to begin with. You are never going to see Kristen Stewart whistling while baking cookies or whistling while she is outside with her friends. She is the definition of sullen. It is why she was so perfect for Twilight because that is who Kristen Stewart is. She also has a very short temper as this pap from X17 discovered. Sure, he provoked her a little, but all he did was ask her some questions all of you would like to ask. Robert Pattinson, Kristen's affair That kind of thing. The clip then starts running after those questions. Things that we all want to know. Kristen didn't appreciate it and wants people to only ask her questions she has approved in advance. As you know, that is something I abhor. Kristen tells the pap that he does not deserve to breathe the same air as her. You know, because she is better than him.


Bulldog Fart said...


JurassicT-rex said...

She's such a troll. Maybe she would have been nicer to the pap if he was married with young kids or could do something for her career.

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Yeah, boy, that poor, innocent, put-upon Paparazzo certainly did nothing to earn her opprobrium, and, being a Paparazzo, every word he says about what happened before he started recording is to be believed without reservation or hesitation. Of course!

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

By the way, the video's already been taken down by a copyright claim by X17.

Unknown said...

props on use of the word "opprobrium" on CDaN.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Oh, for fuck's sake! If someone was asking me about an old relationship every 5 minutes, I'd be a snappy bitch, too! Celebrities do have a right to some privacy! Jeez!

OKay said...
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OKay said...

The whole paparazzo/paparazzi thing really irritates me. When did we all become Italian? Remember when Mike Walker from The Enquirer used to call them foe-togs? Those were the days! (Yeah, I'm old.)

Robert said...

Another hatchet job by Enty on KStew. Why in God's name would she discuss her personal business/private life with a complete stranger? Would Enty? And as for the "You know, because she is better" comment, give me a break. That isn't the point. The point is that paparazzi are bottom feeders who don't even deserve to live. Nor has Stewart ever been one of those fake Hollywood actress who piss and moan about the paparazzi all the time, but go out of their way to get papped for publicity purposes. Stewart doesn't use them; she despises them and has never made any secret of it.

I've never understood Enty's obvious vendetta against her. She often accepts roles not because of the money involved, but because she likes the role and/or thinks it an important one. When filming, she always shows up on time, ready and in condition to work. There's never been even the slightest hint of her acting like a diva to fellow actors, or of being too incapacitated by booze or drugs to carry out any contractual obligations. All of that's far, far more than can be said about many in Hollywood. Nor is she "sullen" as Enty asserts. Rather, she has a very low tolerance for bullshit, a trait which I find refreshing. She's also not a typical Hollywood bimbo airhead constantly gushing about such inanities as fashion, and unless she's glammed up for some specific reason, she seems not to give a particular damn about how she looks--yet another endearing characteristic, in my view.

So what's Enty's grudge?

Kelly said...

No video. You know, I don't know what to think about Kristen anymore. I used to like her and agree with a lot of what @Robert said. I'm just not sure there's something else going on with her.

Glitter said...

Who cares about her? She is too sour to be liked.

Unknown said...

Not defending KStew but the paps are completely out of hand. Saying inflammatory, shitty things constantly. I'd be telling them to fuck off. ~shrug~

Bit dams said...

Yes, when I think of her work, I think how "important" the films are. Those who have become undead owe a debt to KStew that can never be repaid.

She's very average. Without Twilight she would be thrilled to get any work.

There's something annoying about people who think they deserve more, when they actually deserve less. In this situation, I suspect it wasn't the question, but the circumstances that set her off. She was doing something (or someone) that she doesn't want widely known.

The paps should really honor all requests by "celebs" to be left alone. Most would end up begging for press. It's part of the business. You get your picture taken and you are asked about relationships you used at every opportunity to advance your career.

Unknown said...


completely agreed. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I like her, too

JSierra said...

Yeah I would be a bitch too if strange men were always following me around, asking who I'm sleeping with and trying to take ugly photos of me.

The more hateful Engulfed gets,the less and less VI am able to relate and see his/her point of view

JurassicT-rex said...

No, she was behind the fence saying "you don't deserve to breathe the same air as me", etc.

They probably wouldn't follow her as much if she hadn't given them the show she did last summer with the married director in broad daylight.

Tru Leigh said...

Video is gone. Anyone know where else I can find it?

Anonymous said...

She's a no talent spolied brat...she deserves all that she is going through now....KARMA....

sandybrook said...

If I couldn't have privacy when I was trying to do everyday things in everyday life Id be pissed100% of the time I went out too.

Unknown said...


I know, right? Guarenteed I would put on my best bitchface every time I left my house too, if complete strangers were asking me stuff about my personal life.

lelale said...

Meh all of them get asked crazy questions heck the other day a pap called Suri Cruise a beeotch. It comes with the paycheck.
What separates the pros from the pedestrians is they know how to handle the vermin because they are aware enough to realize they are coming out way ahead.

Barton Fink said...

Occasionally, in my years of CDANning, Enty has said things I've disagreed with. I've dealt with it by just shrugging. Losing your mind because someone gets insults on a gossip site is not a wise course. I love Kristen absolutely, but I recognize that her sneery expression does tend to push people's hot buttons. It's okay, though. It's a good thing.

Della said...

I want to hear what was said before the video. There is a reason x17 cut that part out. She deserves her privacy. It's no ones business who she had sex with.

Ramone Love said...

She can act any way she wants as long as she keeps blowing me.

Unknown said...

I like her. I thought she was great in "On the Road," "Into the Wild" and "The Runaways." She owes no one nothing. Certainly not a smile or anything else for that matter. The photog was being a douche.

PJJ said...

+10000000, animals

OKay said...

Couldn't disagree more, Amy. She completely ruined The Runaways (and Joan Jett) for me, and Welcome to the Rileys was PAINFUL to watch. I cannot wait until she's gone.


Since when are paparazzi ambushes considered interviews. They catch celebrities in public and so they must answer questions of people who are NOT JOURNALISTS? Who made these rules up?
@Robert I agree with you 100%, these "Entys" are strange to me. Some of them are girls who obviously type like women, and some are illiterate mongoloids who are either drunk or fapping while they write these blinds.

MadLyb said...

Most paps are gutterscum, but I wish she hadn't let him provoke her into saying anything. It looks bad for her, and she probably doesn't need that right now. Mission accomplished, I guess.

MadLyb said...

Being a huge Joan Jett fan/Runaways fan, I thought she was great in "The Runaways" and very good in "Welcome to the Riley's" (loved Gandolfini in that). I guess I'm partial because I thought she was a good actress before the stupid "Twilight" movies came out. I think that was a deal with the devil - it was an instant few years of spectacular fame that was great while it lasted, but it will probably end up ruining the careers of a lot of the people associated with it in the long run.

Robert said...

I swear, that "Poot!" gets funnier every time I see it!

Anonymous said...

Poot indeed Bulldoggy. You need a more balanced diet. Fistin is such a talentless hack.


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