Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Ben Affleck heads to work. Looks like he gave up on the car that keeps breaking down.
Annette Bening takes her daughter to work.
Also taking his kids to work, Brad Pitt.
Claire Danes did not take her child to this event with Damian Lewis, but did take
the child to the airport when she and Hugh Dancy met up with Damian Lewis.
David Beckham and Cristiano Ronaldo hanging out.
Gavin Rossdale looks 50 in this photo. Oh wait. Maybe he is.
A look of frustration on Halle Berry's face. It will get worse.
Heidi Klum on her way to America's Got Talent.


  1. Chrissy ronaldo looks so gay in that picture and it doesn't help that he took a pic with tommy boys lover david b.

    1. Anonymous1:00 AM

      Skimpy: my thoughts exactly! A gay friend of mine said any man with waxed thin eyebrows is usually not hetero.

  2. Annette Benning's daughter is proof that class and refinement often skips a generation...

  3. Gwen and Gavin are middle age. I'm tiring of their "look at me I'm a cool hipster look"

    Sorry, I know many of you love her or them, but I just can't with them anymore.

    1. I completely agree! It must be exhausting to try so hard every minute of every day. And the same goes for the ever-annoying Zooey Deschanel.

    2. Do they call the paps?. It seems that way.

    3. Anonymous1:01 AM

      Gwen and Gav despite the Botox are mutton dressed as lamb.

  4. Ugh. Oliver's jeans!

    1. Never mind the jeans, look at those Cuban heels!

  5. Oh God
    Here we go again talking about other folks kids when they ain't even in the buisness
    PS Halle still look good even with the frown

  6. I can't remember her name but the girl twin with Brad is going to be a stunner. And the boy looks like a rascal.

    Beckham makes Ronaldo look gross.

  7. Two of the best number 7's ever together. I love Becks and Ronnie. I've sen them both in the flesh and playing and they are crazy talented.
    I would be a midfielder and they could tackle me anytime!!

  8. I love that Annette's child is not dressed to the hilt trying to get attention. It shows me that they tried to give her as normal a childhood as possible. Good for them.

    But dayum, Pitt's kids are shockingly good-looking.

  9. Cristiano & David in the same pic?! Mama like :)

  10. 2nd that annettes daughter looks normal, and i think thats great. Why shld she be judged? SHES not in show business!

    1. Anonymous1:05 AM

      Aunty: it's hard enough being a teen w the hormones and whole self identity stuff without being subjected to criticism world wide cos your parents are famous.

  11. Halle is crazy enough without adding pregnant crazy on top of it. I wouldn't stand that close to her.. It's like standing up next to the tiger cage. The growls vibrate up through your feet and you can tell by the look in their eyes, they want to eat your faces off.

    1. She skeers me & I don't live anywhere NEAR her.

  12. Gavin looks ridiculous!

  13. I LOOOOOOOVE Zuma Rossdale! It is not his fault he has that stupid name.

  14. Pull up your pants brad. Sheesh!

  15. What's worse, Olivier's greaser turn-ups or Hugh Dancy's dad jeans with a belt?

  16. Rossdales - the family that shares the same bleach and dresses like 1993 clowns together, _______________ ?

    With Halle Berry, I don't think it's merely agitations with our family members like the rest of us feel. There's rage and vindictive plans brewing under all of that.

  17. Oh that Burberry trench is fab!

    And is it just me or does one of those JoliePitt twins look like BritBrit's boys??

  18. Just because you are over 40 u have to dress like what? Velour sweatsuits & orthopedic shoes?! Gavin & Gwen are still super cute & I don't think there's anything wrong w/ how they dress. Gwen still looks like she's 20. In my eyes she can do no wrong :-)

    1. Anonymous1:03 AM

      Ha ha Hanna! You left out supportive undergarments, bladder leakage pads and a chain for your glasses and shoes w zippers!

  19. Damn right it'll get worse - Halle is heading into her 3rd trimester and is in her 40's! That shit - no matter how good you look doing it ( and she does look good ) - is not easy. I feel her right about now and I'm still a few years from 40

  20. I think the girl twin looks like Brad and the boy twin looks like Angie with a bit of Brad's blond. They are adorable.

    I really wish the Gwen and Gavon show did not include bleaching the kids' hair. G&G look ridiculous and have enough money and beauty to be style leaders. They got stuck in the 90s I guess.

    Just feel so sorry for their kidlets. Just inappropriate to use harsh chemicals before they can write!!

  21. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Gavin needs to stay away from the platinum bleach, not a good look for him.

  22. Only 2 dudes in the history of the world don't look like complete tools w/ platinum blonde hair: Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes. When they would bleed during a match, the blood would really pop on the white hair.
