Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today's Blind Items - A Whole Other Level Of Hate

She will talk about it now. Sometimes. She has to be in a good mood and you have to catch her at just the right time. I have known her forever, and even I don't know everything there is to know. She says it started off great and that she was shocked to be the focus of this guy who at the time seemed to be at the center of the universe. He was A list. He was movies. he was everywhere. He was in everything and people loved him and worshiped him and here he was, dating her. Not just dating her but romancing her and convincing her to leave the guy she was with because he was going to be next to her forever and never leave and everything he said was wonderful. That was the thing though. A lot was words.

When they started dating, the whole e-mail thing was new, and cell phones were great, but texting was not something you did all the time. He was on sets and word would get back to her about the women he was seeing, but then he would call her every night and they would talk and he would make it right. That is the thing. he would always make it right. When she would actually catch him cheating he would send over huge presents. She used to be almost A list. She trashed her career for him because he would keep telling her they were going to get married and she should prepare for it so she would turn down work during that time period and then he would cancel the wedding a month or two before, just to mess with her. He told her franchises were dumb so she walked away from one and turned down another just because she always did what he said.

They had a lot of breakups but she would always take him back. She was the one fighting. he was always with someone else or several people and she would have to work to get him back and then he would hurt her again. Even after the split was finally permanent, the scars were there. It took almost a year for every year they were together for her to start feeling normal again. Normal enough to start talking about it. I know there is more, but it comes out very slow. She does enjoy the fact his career has stalled. He has probably dropped to B+ although he usually is the lead in movies he stars in. She has moved back up to B- again and has moved on. She does not know what she will do if she runs into him. Last time she saw him she hid in her car for an hour until she was sure he had gone.


  1. I could only think of Katie and Tom, but they don't quite fit.

  2. Harrison Ford / Calista Flockhart?

  3. i like the Harrison Ford guess

  4. Jim carrey or Matthew mcconaughey (however you spell it)?

  5. Harrison & calista are married still...I think ja & bp

  6. I don't think wino fits. She was still in demand after their split. Her theft and prescript problems trashed her career.

    That said, I don't have a guess...

  7. Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe?

    I don't recall her ever discussing their relationship publicly, although I would argue that saying she was "almost" A-list is to sell her career short, so maybe I'm wrong. "When Harry Met Sally" and "Sleepless in Seattle" sold on the basis of both leads, so maybe that is Enty's logic, that she couldn't open a film on her own. When you look at her IMDB, there are a lot of bombs. Also, Russell supposedly turned down the roles of Morpheus in The Matrix and Wolverine -- which would support the anti-franchise stance. They costarred in Proof of Life and her career was all downhill from there.

    Even if I'm wrong, Meg is the type I wouldn't blame one bit for writing a tell-all. I'll bet she's got all kinds of stories. Plus, she could clear the air on all of her ex's cheating and what a shit Russell was.

    1. I thought of Meg and Russell for this one too.

  8. I was thinking maybe Nicholas Cage, just because he used to be huge and his career has stalled lately, though he's still in lead roles. He married most of the actresses he was with for more than a year though, so I'm not sure he'd fit.

  9. Well the timetable of the relationship would fall into the late nineties according to the email/cellphone info. Trying to think of power couples during that time frame

  10. This sounds like Meg Ryan & Russel Crowe. But Enty already revealed how he dumped her shortly after getting her in bed......

  11. I'm going with Jim Carrey and Lauren Holly.

  12. Jim Carrey and Renee Zellwegger! He was married to Lauren, but was off and on with Renee, and she's been kind of weird ever since

    1. That was my guess, too. Jim & Renee.

  13. What about Robin Wright and Shaun Penn?

  14. B List actress gave up everything for an A List actor asshole who promised her the moon and treated her like shit at the same time for years. They've broken up, but she is still so emotionally scarred that she hides when she sees him. Why the fuck couldn't we get that version?!?

  15. Lauren Holley and Jim Carey

  16. He married lauren holly? I'd forgotten that...

  17. this blind made me think Tom and Nicole Kidman but I don't think it's them... i'll return shortly with a better guess.

  18. It has to be a couple who never married each other. The time frame doesn't really fit, but Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe are a good guess.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I'm thinking this may even be early 2000s based on the text message comment.
    Nicholson and Boyle???

  21. What actress walked away from a franchise in the late 90's/early 00's? To "walk away" from it, you'd have to have already been involved in it to some extent, right?

  22. Tom - Mission Impossible franchise
    Will - Men In Black franchise
    Jim - Ace Ventura franchise
    Harrison - THREE Franchises at least.

    Russell Crowe - No franchises (not yet anyhow).

  23. Richard Gere and Uma Thurman. Although I'm not sure he's B+.

    I like the Meg and Russle bc they really never do talk about it

  24. Or Salma and Ed Norton? I'm terrible at Old blinds

  25. Meg Ryan was A-list, not almost A-list. And she was married.

    Almost A-lists who trashed their careers and almost disappeared overnight: Rachel McAdams, Alison Lohman...

  26. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Al Pacino and Beverly d'Angelo?

    1. She was in ultimate franchises...Vacation & law & order!

  27. Laura Dern and Billy Bob.

    She was engaged to Jeff Goldblum before Billy Bob but he was in Jurassic Park and The Lost World so clearly he's okay with franchises.

    1. Anonymous9:34 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think I'll go with Jim Carrey and Renee Zellweger who were engaged from 1999-2000.

  29. Jude & Sienna. They were together 10+ years ago before texting blew up and they were on & off for ages. He was the Golden Boy who was everywhere and in every movie for a while. Now, not so much. I have NO idea which franchise(s) Sienna was offered that she passed-up for him (dumbass). I'm also not sure if they still speak or if they avoid each other. She has a kid with another guy I can't think of, so I guess that qualifies as "moved on"?

  30. Does anyone have a guess regarding the Lainey blind item today?
    Obviously the guy is George Clooney, but who is the actress?

    1. I have a guess! Sort of a funny one buuuut EVA LONGORIA. Hear me out...shes involved in democratic politics, educated, know for a few things but not extremely famous or has lost steam lately...and not at all his normal statuesque modely type...but he does like spit fires and she doesn't seem afraid of much..recipe for great sex! And shes got some "friend" she traveling europe with. Who was a contestant on the reality show she produced...hes bankrupt and I dont see her truly wanting a fixer upper after the Parker debacle!

    2. I was right! For once!

  31. I LOVE the Laura Dern/Billy Bob guess. They were together for a couple of years. He played with her head so badly...and then married Angie, while she was away filming.

    Can't be Meg and Russell. She was still married when they hooked up, and they were together for a very short period of time. Besides, Russell is not a B-. He's still up there.

    1. Laura and BB, another great one, and she only did one Jurassic Park movie. She had a red hot career, then it calmed down, now it's coming back again. She also married in 2005 and had two children.
      "Thornton was engaged to be married to actress Laura Dern, whom he dated from 1997 to 1999, but in 2000, he married actress Angelina Jolie..." Wikipedia

    2. She did do the third Jurassic Park, just a smaller role.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Billy Bob and Laura often discussed marriage...this is the article. He's a jerk.

    1. Like this guess...however he left her for Ms. Lara Croft, which she took I believe after bbt married her

    2. Crila16, Best Fit.

    3. But Laura didn't pass up work because of a man. Her. career took a dive because she guest-starred on Ellen DeGeneres' sitcom and played a lesbian who shared a kiss with Ellen. This was shortly after Ellen came out. Laura had a very difficult time getting hired for years afterwards. After Ellen got her talk show and Laura finally started getting work again, Ellen invited Laura to be a guest on her show and they talked about what had happened and how it affected both of their careers.

  33. Except for the cell phone/texting stuff, I was leaning toward Angelica Huston and Jack Nicholson.

  34. @cdanluva, i was thinking the actress was zoe saldana in the lainey blind. she's usually really quiet about her relationships, but she was with somebody in europe all summer kissing in front of photogs. her and clooney dating would be gossip worthy for sure.

  35. Sounds like Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt. I think because of,"She was the one fighting." Brad Pitt was in Fight Club, and hasn't done any franchises. She went her own way with her music.

  36. Juliette also walked away from "From Dusk til Dawn" sequel, and the prequel.

  37. I like the Jude Law/Sienna Miller guess. He was HUGE when they started dating, and she was unheard of. Then they were engaged, not engaged, then there was the nanny, then they got back together again, then they broke up again and she started dating all those married men.

  38. That's why I thought Katie. She walked away from the Batman franchise.

    1. She didn't walk away...she RAN from all of the angry people who said they would rather dip their scrotums in acid, than watch her play Rachel in another Batman movie.

  39. Jude/Sienna sounds about right.

  40. Due to the timing, I thought of Neve Campbell and John Cusack.

  41. Neve Campbell and John Cusack is a great guess, because Cusack dumped her without any concern, except that Campbell did Scream, Scream 2, Scream 3 and Scre4m.

  42. Brad did "Ocean's 11" plus its unfortunate sequels. He's also still A+.

    1. Hi Libby, not sure i read the blind correctly, but i do not see it saying he never did franchises. it seems to me he always talked her out of franchise opportunities. Considering the huge jerk here described i would not be surprised if he did star in one after they broke up.. whatddayathink?

  43. Changed my guess to Mary Louise Parker and Billy Crudup

  44. You guys had me convinced at Jim Carrey and Renee Z, then I got convinced with Jude & Sienna. If it is Jude, then I am damn glad his hairline moved to the back of his head.

    1. LMAO that hairline comment is priceless

  45. I think you all may be off on your timeline. He said email was new so that puts it in the mid-nineties.

  46. I like the John and Neve guess..or how about Jake and Kirsten?

  47. The blind says that Enty has known her forever. I'd take that as at least 15 years, which would make mid-90's about right.

  48. Ed Norton and Salma Hayek? He shot straight to top and was so loved by critics after Primal Fear then People v. LF... She seemed to be more in demand then dropped off. They dated on and off for a while... If can date C-Love, he's got to be nutty, though very, very smart, too.

  49. But now Jude is Mr. Franchise himself. (Sherlock Holmes).

  50. Ryan gosling and Rachel McAdams. Turned down Fantastic Four.

    1. Wish they'd get back together again. I really like them as actors & a couple.

  51. I'm going with the Campbell/Cusack guess. The original Enty used to talk about knowing Scott Wolf.

  52. While reading, I kept thinking of Carrie Otis. She was in the Matrix franchise, was the "next big thing," and then seeemed to drop off the face of the earth for a while.

  53. I still like the Jude and Sienna guess. But I'm trying to think whether Enty even likes Sienna.

  54. Snootches - right there with you about Katie and Batman. She was so weak.

    1. And maggie and annE too although amazingly like annE the best out of three...but all rather weak. But I did love the possibility of. Wayne living in europe with did I love final installment.

  55. Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler

  56. It doesn't say the actor was in any franchises. It says he told HER to turn down franchises.

    I thought of Bruce Willis and Russell Crowe, both with e-normous egos.

  57. My guess...Leo & Claire Danes (Romeo & Juliet). It was rumored they were dating, she auditioned for Titanic & said she didnt' go for it because she "would never be able to get away from him (leo). She later went on to do Franchise Terminator 3.

  58. Am I the only person who feels like I've read this before on this site?

  59. I was thinking Renee Z and Matthew M.

  60. Good blind. Could be Carrey or Crowe from the description of the man. Possibly Law but was he ever A list? Maybe for a brief moment after Alfie.

    Gosling did tell Rachel McA to turn down franchises and other big budget films when he was with her, that's how she lost out on IronMan. She also passed on the Devil Wears Prada and Get Smart, both of which went on to help make Anne H. I don't think this is about them though.

    I don't think Katie H walked willingly away from Batman; more like Nolan & co. politely told her not to come back, but let her publicly say she was leaving to save face and keep the GMD happy. The story was her antics with Cruise at the first movie's premiere and during the press tour supposedly so enraged Nolan, her co-stars and Warners that they went ahead and replaced her. They didn't want to deal with Cruise and his public craziness again.

  61. @thefantasticspazzomatic I felt as if I've read this before as well.

    I think the Jude Law, Sienna Miller guess works.

  62. As far as the lainey blind, Im going with george clooney and eva longoria. She has been papped all over lately with one of the bachelors from her canceled love match reality show

  63. Matt Dillon? circa 1997-98. when email was newish.
    Richard Gere? same timeframe (although I hear he is a sweet fellow).

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Neve Campbell and John Cusack - he sounds like a giant douche who might do this.

    Meg Ryan/Russell Crowe were only together for a short time so that doesn't fit with him stringing her along for an extended period of time. For some reason, Jim Carrey doesn't seem like a big cheater to me - for sure has his issues but haven't heard that that's one. Matt Dillon, the only person I can think of that would fit with him with be Cammy Diaz and she's always said she doesn't want to get married.

    Jude Law/Sienna Miller might work.

  66. i like the cusack and campbell guess i heard that he's a real asshole so unlike lloyd dobler . i don't know why at first i thought jack nicholson lara flynn boyle but it doesn't fit she's down to a d poor thing and so nice

  67. Jack Nicholson and Anjelica Huston

  68. Winona remains a possibility - she backed out on Godfather franchise.

  69. I like Winona Johnny guess because she holds a grudge a looong time.

  70. Ben Stiller & Jeanne Triplehorn

    1. Jerry Stiller and Joan Rivers! He led her on with the crank up phone, and after she developed a severe case of carpal tunnel shoulder, he dumped her for Anne Meara. I don't think those two will last.
      Joan's career took a dive and she recently resurfaced with Fashion Police. Just lately Jerry isn't seen as much, to Joan's great relief. No more ducking in a car. But I think she was giving the valet a blow job. Anything to avoid tipping.

  71. Last guess is awesome.

  72. Jeanne Tripplehorn wasn't ever franchise and has been working steadily. She was a lead on HBO's Big Love for years.

    Cusack/Campbell is interesting. She was the next thing for a while, wasn't she? The Scream movies, the controversial girl/girl scene in the Matt Dillon movie, Party of Five, then she disappeared. Is Cusack as douchey as his best bud Piven?

  73. How bout Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy?

  74. Mary Louise Parker and Billy Crudup.

    Wasn't Mary Louise in the pics Monday or Tuesday?
    This was a huge thing when it went down. He left her when she was eight months pregnant for Claire Danes.

    Kneepads article.,,20148877,00.html

  75. I feel like I've read this before too and a lot of people thought it was Jude Law and Siena Miller.

    As for the Lainey Blind the easy guess is George Clooney so I don't think it's him despite all the anvils.

    If it is him and Zoe Saldana that would be earth shattering news IMO.

  76. Tom Cruise would never say franchises are dumb. He would be a hypocrite for the ages. He's hoping Jack Reacher turns into one. Neve only had one franchise offer and she jumped on it like a fly on horse turds, and Cusack was never in everything. Billy Bob T is rarely the lead in his movies, fine character actor that he is, and would Laura Dern really be as dumbstruck as described? If so, sheesh.

    You got me . . .

  77. I like Jude and Sienna, Ed and Salma or Jake and Kirsten for this.
