Thursday, August 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

25 years ago today, Straight Outta Compton was released.

Beyonce shows off her new haircut.
Britney Spears on her way to the studio to keep working for the man.
You know what would be funny? To see Connor Cruise go work for SeaOrg for the next billion years. Bet he would quit Scientology.
Eva Longoria goes for the fresh out of the shower look.
Eddie Murphy and his girlfriend have one goal in life. Go get coffee. Everyday.
Mel B in NYC.
Emmy Rossum in a rare pap photo.
Amber Heard waves at the Johnny Depp look-a-like on Hollywood Blvd.


Christopher Cruz said...

Beyonce's new hair ages her SEVERELY. God I hate Nel B. I just CAN'T with her speaking voice.

skimpymist said...

Connor got fat.
Everytime I see a picture of emmy all I think of is she's a gold digging fame whore.
Why didn't you show the back of britneys shirt. The holes on it were major.

Christopher Cruz said...

Mel, not Nel! I am going to MURDER my autocorrect.

The Dude said...

Why would Brittany need to go to the studio? With all of the auto tune she needs...couldn't she just phone it in?

Patty said...

Bey must have been rockin some major hair damage to cut it that short. Sometimes that's all you can do to repair.

Kelly said...

Eddie's girlfriend's stomach/pelvic area is scaring me.

MontanaMarriott said...

Enty let me fiiiiind out you from the hood, lmao, what you know about NWA?!?! lol

Anonymous said...

Yup. She needs chin length bangs or something. She looks like somebody's momma with that cut and i know she was looking for a more edgy, fresh look. #that'snotitbey

urban chaos said...

I was wondering what was with Eddie's GC's stomach? Tummy tuck scar? Weird angle? Lighting?

Brit never sings so maybe she just approves of the auto tune range she likes best?

Bey cutting her hair is NBD in that she probably has a huge collection of wigs at her disposal.

The Real Dragon said...

I Dont Care. Conner is Tom's Biological son. They look alike.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The un-hyphenated wife is copying Miley Cyrus in her wish to make herself undesirable to straight men wishes.

MontanaMarriott said...

Is Bey playing Tinkerbell in a new movie or a faerie on True Blood? That is all I see when I look at her pic.

Jessi said...

Eddie's gf belly looks like strap on indents. : )

And not a fan of B's new do. It's a don't.

califblondy said...

MM and I thought Beyonce was rocking the Mary Martin as Peter Pan look. I'm old.

I think Mel looks good.

I'm glad to see Eddie ditched the white pants but is he wearing the same shirt?

figgy said...

Beyonce's new haircut?? Pleeeez. " new short wig" is more like it.

Eddie Murphy's girlfriend is just grotesquEly thin. His Ex
Mel B looks way better.

Anonymous said...

Take note of that smirk on Eddie's face. Men don't just SMIRK. a woman put that there.

Her belly is SICK. Those are tan lines.

:^)...*this wink should have bee between the sentences. (Sigh)

hairydawg said...


Marieeee said...

Weird thing, but I've always wondered if it was Britney who actually tweets, or one of her people.

Gayeld said...

@renoblondee. I think she's just got some unfortunate tan lines.

Gayeld said...

@The Real Dragon. There's no way anyone is going to convince me otherwise.

Unknown said...

Marry Amber
Fuck Mel B
Kill Beyonce

Still playing, right?

Unknown said...

@Dawn Davenport.
Wth, I will play, lol

Fuck: Dr. Dre
Marry: Brit
Kill: Beyonce

Jessie said...

Bey has such a beautiful face but it's too wide for that haircut.

Rossum probably doesn't get papped bc although she's very pretty she looks like a lot of other pretty girls. Especially with sunglasses on.

Count Jerkula said...



Eddies beard

Thighofchickenissues said...

Plz consider the following a helpful bit of insight regarding the pattern of bewilderment concerning Eddie's gf's torso. With all due and equal amounts of respect to the scar, lighting, tan lines and dildo residual theories, let me shed some light..... It's called great genes coupled with restraint and weight training! I love the readers here , but come the fudge on!!!!! She's banging! Wtf

Thighofchickenissues said...

Plz consider the following a helpful bit of insight regarding the pattern of bewilderment concerning Eddie's gf's torso. With all due and equal amounts of respect to the scar, lighting, tan lines and dildo residual theories, let me shed some light..... It's called great genes coupled with restraint and weight training! I love the readers here , but come the fudge on!!!!! She's banging! Wtf

popjjc said...
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Hegg said...

Beyonce gotz new lips too. Or fatter ones anyway. Haircut is lovely but the colour is way too warm/brassy.

auntliddy said...

Etos-i wld dearly love to take some spray or mousse and tousle that doo! The way it is there is straw like with roots showing. C'mon, bey, u can do better than that!!!

Anonymous said...

Beyoncé looks fugly as all hell, extension time!

Laninna said...

Karen Black has died. I wonder if she's the answer for the cancer blind item.

Pip said...

Yeah Jax, like you really listened to NWA. Give me a break.

Honey Bunny said...

NWA was my jam back then!
Mel B. is always fine and I would her before Eddie M. New girl.
And FYI, Bey always had short hair. Makes it easier for her wigs and extension.

The Real Dragon said...

@Gayeld me either. I demand a paternity test

trudi said...

We all hope we'll look as good as Halle when we go for a short cut. But only a few can rock it.

Jenn said...

Eddie Murphy's gf with the flat tummy, which I'm very jealous of, has a green tea frap each time, and some other drink. I wonder who the extra drink is for?

ecua said...
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ecua said...

Well, Connor certainly gives off the same douchey, useless vibe as his father, so it's not implausible that he is TC's bio son.

Not A Ninny said...

In case anyone's keeping count, CDAN ran 4-5 BI's about A+ movie actors today. Five in one day. There are only 6-8 true A+ male movie stars in the world. Talk about straining credulity....

Charlotte. said...

@ Christopher, autocorrect is like my 7 year old: always thinks its right, but is not nearly as clever as it thinks it is.

Unknown said...


1Jazzimom said...

Bey's hair looks over processed. She needs deep conditioning n to let the extensions go for awhile. Still pretty.

Diana said...

This may have been said - I did the quick scroll - but do these people understand that there is an appliance - a coffeemaker - and if used properly it CAN give you a cuppa as good or better than the ones you have to dress up (or down) to get. Oh, I forgot, you have to be PHOTOGRAPHED on your way for coffee. That is a sad life, IMHO.

SophiaB said...

SOOOOOOO twue. Thought just exactly the same thought. I guess appearances matter even at her level of fuckery.

marie-ski said...

Bey looks like one of legolas distant relatives.

Thighofchickenissues said...

Right?!? My daily mini mind vacay-all iinclusive retreat and removal of logic and facts being, well, facts has been tarnished as of late.the site I joyously observed from the sidelines..falling in wit envy with the amazing commentary, has let me down. I'm here willing to accept the odd, ill fitting puzzle pieces to an extent. No longer able to wash it down. Get it together!

PJJ said...


Anonymous said...

@christopher : Bey is magical : her hair grows back overnight like a Crissy doll.

Anonymous said...

@ Dragon : really? I thought Connor's resemblance to Tom extended to poor modeling and being raised by a COMPLETE DICK scratch, not so much genes. Nurture vs Nature. Whichever, Connor rides the cunt train and is in 1st class.

Hegg said...

@Jenn - Frapp is her breakfast/lunch and the tea is her dinner.

Christopher Cruz said...


Surrender Dorothy said...

I'm with @hegg re: Eddie's gf...I immediately thought to myself that those daily coffees are probably her main sustenance for the day!

Wen said...

Why the fuck is a haircut news??????


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