Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Kate Beckinsale ponders the meaning of life. Wonders if she will ever get to do another movie besides Underworld.

Kristin Davis hits a red carpet. Red carpet hits back for wearing that dress.
Hey guess what? Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are arguing like they do everyday.
Andrew Lincoln on a vacation. No dead people.
And Lady GaGa proves that she was born as Marilyn Manson.
Lourdes Leon is still in France.
Michael Buble takes his wife to a wedding in Vancouver.
Matt Damon in Australia.
Michelle Rodriguez and her very big gun.


skimpymist said...

Lady gaga is trying too hard to be relevant again.

Michael buble is the answer to the blind about the cheating husband with the confidentiallity agreement.

I want to hang out in france. So jealous of lordes

The Dude said...

Lady Gag-me is trying really hard to be relevant again isn't she?

Kels said...

Gaga is trying too hard this time. Just be yourself. We already like you.

Kelly said...

Gaga looks so stupid. Lourdes is gorgeous.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Lourdes is a little beauty!

LOL @ Lady-Tryin'-Too-Hard.

Della said...

Gaga looks like the joker or a friend of mine who passed out on Halloween and woke up the next morning with the make up stuck on her face. She washed and exfoliated over and over. Took 2 days before it was all gone.

Della said...

Compared to her other get ups in the past, I think she might have done this one on her own.

Now! said...

@Melancholy, I agree - Lourdes looks so pretty and healthy. That's a great time of life; a lot of girls hit the first peak of their womanly beauty at around 18. I remember coming back after summer vacation for senior year at high school and everyone had blossomed.

'Invisible Children' indeed, for Kristen Davis. Wasn't she rumored to have given her adopted baby away after deciding it was too much trouble?

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Damon stuffed his crotch. His reality is a chode, not a schlong.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Lourdes gorgeous? She has good boobs and nice legs but her uni-brow ugly face makes her a butterface at best.

The Real Dragon said...



Count Jerkula said...



Buble's wife

Frufra said...

Kristin Davis's dress is the worst! I wouldn't wear it, and that's saying something!!

chopchop said...

Those thick ankle straps on shoes make everybody's legs look stubby. Eve.Ry.Bo.Dy. So just don't.

Jessie said...

If Kristin wanted to belt that dress (which looks weird because of how the pattern and cut) she should have gone for a thin belt that blended into the dress.

And nice try with the thick ankle straps but they look like burn bandages.

Her face and hair are great.

marlolovespaty said...

Lourdes looks like she got breast implants. They're too high up...almost to her neck. They're not like that in other photos.

Wen said...

New Enty(s) must be getting paid by PMK. He seems to have a photo of the "Slow One" every day.

Jacq said...

She fell asleep on some skittles. It happens.

Not A Ninny said...

Rodriguez is rocking one of those extended-chamber .45's that can fire .410 shells. That's one way to make sure you hit the X ring, although it's kinda wussy.

I wouldn't want one of those, but I'd like to pick up a Raging Bull cheap for insane plinking.

"New Enty(s) must be getting paid by PMK. He seems to have a photo of the "Slow One" every day."

If so, it's via ur-Enty. He's the one who deals with Momster-K professionally.

mistang said...

They're prob arguing over how much they're gonna shell out to Mason's new daddy.
I hate to say it, but Scott Disick looks better than usual. I find him kinda hot. *hangs head in shame

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Matty looks like Formal Ken.

Pip said...

Lourdes is beautiful.

Panda80 said...

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the scruffy look is hot on Lord Dick. Okay, time to go wash the shame off...

Panda80 said...

I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the scruffy look is hot on Lord Dick. Okay, time to go wash the shame off...

Marco said...

No wedding ring for Kate? Count, there's your in.

Unknown said...



Ivana Hump said...

There was a bi about a star wanting to give the kid back. Nasty.

Ivana Hump said...

Looks like life is good for lourdes Leon.

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@Frufra Agreed! She also always seems to wear something like that dress...boring


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