Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Your Turn

Did you have sex after your prom?


  1. I was too punk rock to bother going.

  2. Didn't go. I wasn't about to party and pay money to be with a bunch of people I hated.

  3. Follow up question: were you wearing your class ring?

  4. Hell, we didn't even have a prom. We had the Junior-Senior banquet. And no dancing allowed either. That's like having sex standing up. When the original Footloose was released, it seemed quasi-autobiographical.

    1. Poor thing but at least you had Kevin as your rebel role model right? Wow, just think. Footloose used to be oh so cutting edge.

  5. I went with my gay friend.

  6. Um, unless someone's a virgin or still in high school, everyone here has had sex after their prom. Did you mean to ask about sex on prom night?

  7. I sure did and I even got to spend the night at his house. He was older so he had his own

  8. VIP, I think most people understand the question though.

  9. no, I was still a virgin

  10. Anonymous10:10 AM

    No - I went with my super handsome football player friend who no one knew was gay, he wasnt yet ready to come out so I was his beard! (he may have had sex with someone after prom but I didn't - hahaha) We still keep in touch - he's extraordinary.

  11. No, i was a hippie, proms too establishment for me! Didnt go!

  12. We had a banquet, too, dance afterward.

  13. I never went to the prom and I was a virgin for my hubby until I was 2 weeks away from turning 22.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Thats sweet. Similiar for me. I went all drama queen and didn't go to senior prom. Virgin until 19. I was in 2nd year of college by then. Thats cool you waited. I wish i had waited to be honest.

  14. Yes I had sex a year after my prom.

  15. no, my date was boring. I was home early.

  16. Yeah, like 3 years after.

  17. Didn't go to prom. I hated everyone but now that I'm older I should've gone and enjoyed the last years of my youth.

  18. Yeah, but considering I'd been banging my boyfriend for the entire school year it doesn't seem like such a huge deal.

  19. Yup, we made it a point to do it. We thought w were being ironic and funny, but it want even good sex

  20. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Is this a Dr. Phil question?

  21. No...too many people around.

  22. In therestaurant parking lot before dinner, In rhe men's room during the prom x2, and on a golf course afterwards. I dropped hereof at her crib with my penis snot flowing out of her cunt down her stockings.

  23. Yup, about 5 years later, with the person I went to prom with and eventually married!

  24. Six years after prom, yes ;)

  25. Six years after prom, yes ;)

  26. Yup.

    "After prom" was in my bed while my parents were out of town.

  27. Yes, five years later.

  28. Nah I was partying it up.

  29. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Nope. A virgin.

  30. No, but after a childhood of watching 90210 and various soaps I always thought for a fact that I would!

  31. No, I was a virgin. We made out like crazy tho in his Dad's Cadillac or was it a Lincoln?

    One year I went with an ex and he was so drunk I ditched him and hooked up with another guy.

    But still no sex.

  32. I didn't go to my prom (something that I was finally forgiven for by a girl just last year after 18 years lol) but I was having sex while prom was going on.

  33. Nope. My senior prom was actually my first date ever. He ended up being my first everything - first boyfriend, first kiss, first sex partner.. we were together for 2.5 years!

  34. And the reason I didn't go to prom wasn't because I thought I was too good for it like many people thought at the time, I didn't go because I was going to a KISS concert for the Revenge Tour the night of the prom. I had bought my tickets before I knew prom was that night.

    Glad I went, too because that was the last chance I got to see the Simmons,Stanley,Singer and Kulick version of KISS since they then did the reunion shows with Peter and Ace and then started over with Eric Singer (again) and Tommy Thayer.

  35. Nope. I was a virgin.

  36. Depends what you mean by "after."

    That night, no. Eventually, yes.

  37. I had been with that bf since the previous summer n had given up the v after a dance in feb so it wasnt that big of a deal, but yes we did."do it" in a hotel room with our friends talking shit under the door. They were just mad their dates had bailed :) Actually i got pretty lucky, that story is very cliche and non traumatic.

  38. I had sex instead of going to my prom. Priorities!

  39. the girl I went with ended up hooking up with 3 guys at an after party, none of whom were me. and she kept the prom pictures. hoe.

  40. Yes, and I went to prom with a friend's boyfriend-after prom he took me to an "adult" motel, mirror on the ceilings, heart shaped vibrating bed, red flocked wallpaper, the whole B movie thing.

    Wore my class ring, too. We ended up breaking up with our respective boy/girlfriends and dating for about 4 years.

  41. Had 14 people in my class. By senior year we all despised each other. No prom. Some of us keep in touch now but it took a while.

    WAYYYYY TOO SMALL of a school.

  42. Yes, but not with my date! :)

  43. No. I did not have sex after our prom. My date ditched me. So I went to various parties with my friends. Why should another's bad attitude bring me down? I had a great night!
