Thursday, September 05, 2013

Blind Item #8

This A++ list celebrity/and everything else who has one of the most famous faces in celebrity world was so messed up on drugs this weekend that he was running around telling everyone that they had him confused with his "twin brother." The twin brother's name changed periodically over the weekend, but the twin brother also seemed to be way more into men than women. No physical action, but there were a lot of comments and sexual innuendo and a lot of adjusting that he kept doing to himself when he would see an attractive guy. It lasted the entire weekend.


Cecilia00 said...


Sophie Helene said...


MontanaMarriott said...

Camel Face? Jay Z?

FSP said...


chopchop said...

^^ Right, FSP?? Who else is A++?

Laura said...
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Laura said...


Topper Madison said...

Mick or Keith?

PrvyLA said...

So I actually slept with Kim Jong Um and not his brother Kim Jong Im?!

skimpymist said...

Jay z was walking around with his shirt open which he never does so this has to be him.

LeGrange said...


Unknown said...

I was thinking Jayz also. Who else is A++ and everything else(producing, sports management, sports team owner, ect.)

BaronessOrczy said...


hollywood dime said...

Jayz is on a boat with beyonce. And we see his scrawny chest every summer. Not him.

AnonPLS said...

Diddy at Burning Man?

NomNom83 said...

My money is on Prince Harry

sandybrook said...

I want this to be Seacrest.

Popples said...

That's the first name that popped into my head.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I don't know who this is, but I have done exactly the same years ago. I'm not gay or anything, it was just fooling around as an effect of the booze. And those were good times, shocking people and having fun.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Of course, as the dude in the BI, in my case there was no physical action either.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Chef Boyardee.

Publicus said...

Tomathia Cruise

Mark said...

No one has a more famous face than Mike Tyson.

mistang said...

I was thinking Seacrest, but then he seems too damn uptight to risk taking drugs. Sounds like a fun time, though. I bet it was entertaining.

portlandjewel said...

Justin Timberlake?

PR Princess said...

Who was @ Burning Man this year? Let's work backwards...Off to Google

HolidayinCambodia said...

Jimmy Carter. He just never could get away from Billy.

Jaiden_S said...


Diane Marie said...

Bill Clinton.... or Hilary

Diane Marie said...

Simon Cowell,... the baby mama is back in New York

delete account said...

These answers are great!!!
Im gonna say...Dick Cheney.

califblondy said...


TeacherNan said...

Dumbass Diddily at Burning Man with a pink parasol...

PotPourri said...

Kutcher has a twin brother that looks nothing like him but he is also not A list.

christine said...

Jack Nicholson

CarriOn said...

Jamie Foxx

Gabi said...


Sarahlou said...

Lol Seacrest isn't one of the most famous faces!

Tyger Lilly said...



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