Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 7, 2012

These two were in a movie together. They were actually even a couple for a bit. He used to be A list and has only ever done movies. He does not do much now. He spends a lot of his time doing nothing except watching his former co-star and flame. She is a movie actress but is not above doing television for the right part at the right time. Not her usual though. She has no idea he ex actually stalks her. She knows that he seems to show up at odd places and events halfway across the world but he always says he is working. He lives for the moments when they run into each other away from LA because that is the one time she will sometimes let her guard down and let him close to her again. back in the day he scared her. Scared her very badly. Too intense. Too controlling. Not anything like he appears in reality or even in his roles. Confrontational and would not back down. It was too much. She thinks he has change, but he hasn't. He makes sure to always be acting his best when she is around. The last few people he has dated have almost been her twin. One of them had the wrong hair color and he made her color it to match. Everyone who knows him assumes he managed to chase away her last boyfriend who almost married her. He lived to break them up and worked and work and worked at it. Our actor thinks that he can get her back despite what happened in the past. Despite the fact that when he touches her now she still looks like she is freaked out. She has told her friends and our actor that she would never take him back. He keeps trying though. Watching and following.

Keanu Reeves


MISCH said...

But who ? Charlize ?

Could it be Sandy ?

Gertie Raus said...

Jesus, I would have never pegged him for stalker ex type. Wonder who the lady is?

Patty said...

Charlize was my thought too.

MontanaMarriott said...

Yeah if you are going to reveal, then reveal all of it.

NapAssasin said...

With Charlize & Stewart as the other two?

MontanaMarriott said...

I can't recall Charlize doing TV which is states the actress has done.

VIPblonde said...

Charlize is on Arrested Development

KTVerclempt said...

Charlize guested on Arrested Development

TanishaDelill said...

did charlize do arrested development or and I wrong?

Bpadge01 said...

Full on creeptastic. Sad Keanu, sad.

Thisismyname said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Parker Posey?

ethorne said...

So that"s why Keanu's always so sad :(

Seven of Eleven said...

Why doesn't he have change?

westwingwolf said...

If it had been Charlize and he had done the creepy bit from the beginning, would she have done Sweet November after they did The Devil's Advocate? Same with Sandra Bullock. Would she have done The Lake House after they did Speed if he'd been like this in the beginning?

Margaret said...


Kelly said...

Lol @Margaret. Exactly!

Niña Piña said...

IT's Charlize- just google Keanu and girlfriend. You can tell she dyed her hair

timebob said...

from every account I have ever read about Keanu he is the most laid back, easy going fellow. I have a hard time with this one also.

But they were seen together a few times after she split from Stuart. But they split because she wanted to adopt a child and he didn't.

Topper Madison said...

It's obviously Diane Keaton because she's friggin' awesome and who can really blame him?

Tara said...

Aren't there all of the stories about him, from small acts of kindness to buying the Matrix stunt crew motorcycles and building a hospital wing for his sister in his house?

Also, Charlize was with Stuart for almost 9 years.They also both said they had no plans to get married, so I don't know if almost married works. Unless the boyfriend was Stephen Jenkins?

urban chaos said...

I'm not sure I buy this one.. Makes you wonder who the source on ths was..

nurysp said...

If your single and cant keep a man, their not called stalkers but agressive suitors lol

lazyday603 said...

All guys want girlfriends who look like Charize Theron. She's the gold standard. Nothing unusual there.

Tara said...

Keanu did a movie with Cameron Diaz and then dated her apparently a few years later.

Whosdatedwho said Charlize dated Keanu from 2009-10, but that she and Stuart broke up in 2010. Interesting. Timeline works.

Also, his relationships are all over the map if you look at this site. Blondes and brunettes and tan girls and pale girls. All over the map. So he doesn't stick with a type.

maggs said...

not my Keanu!!!!! I wonder who the woman was???? Creepy...

tara17 said...

Any other person I'd be freaked out, but because it's Keanu Reeves, I somehow find him more interesting. I have a problem.

mistang said...

I can't even picture anything bad about him. He seems to have a sad life. Everything with his family, the girlfriend, and baby is just heartbreaking.

NomNom83 said...

Somewhere, David Geffen weeps.

SueRH said...

Poor Keanu.

ac said...

@westwingwolf-but weren't there more famous people in The Devil's Advocate? I'm thinking Al Pacino? Maybe she did the movie to work with him and Keanu decided to be on his best behavior to try to win her back.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oopsy my bad on 4 post. First time trying to post here.

I'm not buying this. Keanu had a girlfriend from late 90's till she died from car wreck in 2001. They had a baby still born in '99 and from everything I've read Keanu never got over their deaths.

msgirl said...

I don't think he's dangerous, just sad.

Just Another HR Lady said...

lol...Keanu Reeves is always A list, never former. And "doesn't do much anymore"? He had 2 movies released in 2013, and has 2 more projects in pre-production. His gf's are all very different types as @tara said. Anyone who's known him, worked with him, etc have always said he's the most genuine and nicest guy they've met.

If Enty is trying to make us think this is Keanu and Charlize, they are friends and you can find pics of them out to dinner together long after they "dated". I doubt she'd be hanging out with someone she's afraid of.

I think this BI is pure fantasy.

jetfuelgenius said...

I think this BI is fake/fantasy too...or some incredible exaggeration...but Charlize makes no sense, @Just Another is right, they are longtime friends.

Anonymous said...

LOL Seven :D He doesn't have change 'cause he just came from the ATM and they only give out twenties.

AKM said...

I don't believe any of this. Like others have said, he doesn't seem to have a "type," he seems to have never gotten over the GF's and baby's deaths, he's got a rep for being nice, and he's worked with CT several times.

Fake fake fake BI.

TalksTooMuch said...

Wow, that's surprising, I'm pretty sure the popular guess was Keifer Sutherland. This sounds like a movie synopsis: hey, maybe someone's trying out some screenwriting!

Penelope said...

I don't want this to be Keanu.

AListDiva said...

Claire Forlani? She's done tv and movies and was A list in the 90's, but can't find a co-star connection. Charlize or Sandra sound the most plausible

Interplanet Janet said...

I feel kind of sick now... always loved him. Anyway, I can't make this blind work in my head either. Or maybe I don't want to...

AnonPLS said...

Im with the people not buying this for a second. Keanu is an extremely good guy. Charlize Theron, Sandra Bullock and Rachel Weisz have all worked with him more than once. Claire Forlani is married to Dougray Scott and is friends with Keanu. Agree that this is a fake BI and the figment of someones imagination

porqueyolodiga said...

Enty, if you don't reveal the name of the actress I'd call this BI BS. FYI: One of his girlfriend looked much like Jennifer Connelly (The Day the Earth Stood Still).

Anonymous said...

Keanu has two sisters to whom he is devoted, has many projects going other than acting, and is one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, as evidenced by not only personal experiences but the boatload of great stuff he's done for others along the way.

Let's at least make up blinds about people who deserve the bad publicity. He does not.

feraltart said...

All I will say is that abusers can be spectacularly charming to everyone except the person they are abusing. Plenty of nasty things happen behind closed doors.

Kathy K said...

There was a blind that Charlize was the answer to ... I'm trying to think how to explain it, but it had to do with her going to great lengths to get back at some guy who treated her really badly.

MissMatador said...

Noooo I do not believe this!! My Keanu is not like that and as previously stated his "type" is "no type" I have a meet cute fantasy that one day I'll be walking by the Four Seasons in TO while he is seated inside, we make eye contact and I walk into a pole and knock myself out and awaken to see him asking if I'm ok..and live happily ever after. The End lol

Henriette said...

Totally! My ex was wonderful to everyone, but me. There are a lot of people who can appear great, but are really not right in the head with their intimate partners.

It sounds like Charlize. Somehow after each break-up, she ends up going out with Keanu. Never saw that with Sandy. Also, Charlize had a small role in Devil's Advocate, which was really Al Pacino's movie. The big movie for her and Keanu was Sweet November.

I thought Keanu was bi, and his great love was River Phoenix.

The Real Dragon said...

Dont care if this is true or not I Still WOULD. Call me Reeves.

Tru Leigh said...

Does this explain why he can't act?

Hegg said...

His IMBD looks like he is usually quite busy. Does nothing? C'mon.
He has been in Vancouver a few times with a Korean girlfriend so this doesn't actually fit "looking like" a lot of these actresses.
Not sure if I believe this blind.

hothotheat said...

@feraltart Exactly! Someone can appear to be the perfect in everyway but be abusive to someone else when no one is looking. I work with someone like that.

I don't want this to be Keanu, but it could be. His gf's the last few years have all been different looking. Plus I didn't know he and Charlize dated.

On a positive note, if true, he's definitely not gay as rumors have had it for years.

Sherry said...

I like Digby's answer best.

Miss Behavin said...

Keanu was in Texas last week. My cousin got pics from an event he was at. Which of the exes was in Texas?

Ladylaw said...

I suppose this is different from the usual "he is gay" rumor.

MadLyb said...

Nope. Don't believe it. Keanu is gold. Saw him in person once and had to restrain myself from jumping onthe poor guy. He and Jack White are the only two celebs I go fangirl over, and neither can do no wrong.

MadLyb said...

Oh fuck, I'll never write that novel...

timebob said...

Ted Casabalanca did write about how shocked he was at hear how angry and upset Keaunu was over Jennifer being pregnant. He said it was the worst reaction to an uplanned pregnancy he had ever known in H'Wood.

So he does have a dark side as we all know. But still, would really like to know if this Charlize or not.

The Original CDAN Reader said...

CONSPIRACY THEORY: Misdirection. This sounds like a plant from his team trying to distract everyone from whatever was going on or about to blow-up back when this was first posted.

Same deal with that bullshit reveal about Galecki writing some random’s number on his hand with a Sharpie and unable to hide it from his imaginary girlfriend who was at the same party. Or that big announcement from Cuoco that she was Galecki’s super secret girlfriend for years, but now it’s over and she was just letting us know about it 500 years after the fact. Oh, okay. Now we’re getting boring past tense gossip on Efron? Please.

Like I said before, Keanu is a reclusive loner, he doesn’t famewhore and he’s rarely papped with a significant other. His peeps are tying to explain away his lack of a +1 as a pre-emptive strike against something they’re afraid might break about him with a dude. But at this point in his career, who would give a shit?

Stalking is no joke, but it really can’t be proved without electronic records or ramped-up crazypants behavior against the target in front of witnesses, so it’s a suitable bogus story. The only straws available to gasp are co-stars he’s worked with more than once who have been papped with him a few times at dinner/waiting for the valet and who he also maybe, possibly might have dated. Total PR shenanigans. We are being used!

Unknown said...

I can't imagine Charlize Theron being afraid of anyone, based on the blind Kathy K mentioned earlier.

Unknown said...

I also remember Keanu was not embracing fatherhood, so any mention of him still grieving may not be quite right. Not saying he did the happy dance when they tragically died.

Kinsey Holley said...

I am firmly in the "NOT MY KEANU!!!" camp and I call bullshit.

Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

I remember reading Dave Navarro's autobiography (don't judge me) and realizing about halfway thru that the faithful assistant who keeps popping up was Keanu's girlfriend who suffered the stillbirth and later died- I want to say Marilyn Manson had some peripheral part in it - like she was going to pick him up, or running an errand for him, or something - but she was a big part of lots of peoples' lives and apparently everyone loved her.

Not my Keanu.

Kinsey Holley said...

Also, Miss Matador - I'm totally writing the "walk into a pole" cute meet - would make a great opening for a novella I'm planning to write for an anthology.

No fucking kidding, swearsies. Email me your name and I'll dedicate the book to you.

Totally not kidding. Of course I can't be sure the novella will be chosen - it's an open submision call - but I'm a published author and I KNOW this is a good story - I just needed an opening hook and this is perfect.

I am SO FUCKING ON THE LEVEL HERE. But I want to attribute so I'm not plagiarizing.

Veruca said...

Keanu is NOT nice. I know many women fantasize about him, and I was (and now very embarrassed to admit) once a big fan.

However, he is seriously not nice. Like, not nice, as in clearly went out of his way to not only be an ass, but was cruel. And he did this in front of one of his friends, for a laugh.

Veruca said...

Keanu is NOT nice. I know many women fantasize about him, and I was (and now very embarrassed to admit) once a big fan.

However, he is seriously not nice. Like, not nice, as in clearly went out of his way to not only be an ass, but was cruel. And he did this in front of one of his friends, for a laugh.

TheTruthIsOutThere said...

According to info online Keanu Reeves has been in 12 celebrity relationships.

Cameron Diaz (41) - Actress

Parker Posey (44) - Actress
Broke Up
March 2008-2008

Claire Forlani (41) - Actress
Broken Engagement

Diane Keaton (67) - Actress
Broke Up

Autumn Macintosh (39) - Actress
Broken Engagement
2 yrs. 2003-2005

Carrie-Anne Moss (46) - Actress

Jennifer Syme (28) - Actress
Broke Up
10 yrs. 1990-2000

Sandra Bullock (49) - Actress
Rumored Romance

Jill Schoelen (50) - Actress
Broke Up
4 yrs. 1986-1990

Sofia Coppola (42) - Actress
Broke Up

Lynn Collins (34) - Actress
Broke Up

Amanda de Cadenet (41) - Journalist Hookup

hothotheat said...

He's still in touch with McIntosh - been papped many times with her recently but looks like they're just friends.

Amanda De Cadenet is more than a hook up. They remain friends (or more) because he's been spotted with her in the last couple of years. She went on vacation with him and his Mom within the last two years.

Not sure about the rest.


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