Thursday, September 19, 2013

Famke Janssen Lied To Police About Break In

I guess Famke Janssen was feeling a little sorry for herself and needed some attention. She probably thought she would get a few articles written about her and get some face time and people could talk about her and she could be a huge star. Famke decided to tell the police she had a stalker. The stalker broke into her apartment and didn't touch anything but did leave behind a copy of the creepiest kid's book in the world, "The Lonely Doll." It was a great touch and soon the whole world wondered how the stalker got in since there were no signs of forced entry. Did they have a key? Famke rode the wave of publicity to get in some tabloids and got interviews and now she is lucky she is not in jail. Police have determined the book belonged to Famke and the proof is that she had errand lists inside it and also her name. Yeah, so she's had it for awhile. It's one thing to forget you have a book but she had the book for a very long time. Police decided to cut her a break and not file criminal charges for making a false police report.


  1. That's too bad. She's hot.

  2. Hahaha LOSERRRRRR!!!

  3. Leave Jean Grey alone!!

  4. Hmm...this can't possibly make her more marketable. Rookie mistake.

  5. I'm amazed they didn't charge her. Police departments are busy. They don't need second-rate Bond girls wasting their time.

  6. It could be she was confused and has the beginnings of dementia. I doubt she would give cops a copy of a book she left a list in intentionally.

  7. Can you name every item in your home, me neither. If she did this for publicity, I assume she would have checked the book..

  8. that doesn't sound crazy at all!

  9. Oh what a tangled web we weave ...

  10. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Well I'm glad it all happened because someone on here commented (on the first story about this) about how good the book about the author was and it was! The most fascinating book I've read in a while. Not sure who it was but thank you!

    1. @Harlow, that was me, and I'm so glad you read it! I absolutely love that book.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Harlow & Alice, I'll have to order it from the Book Depository. Some posters in here put me onto Oryx and Crake (& then I got the handmaiden's tale and MADD Adam).

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      *Madd Addam

  11. Have I said all the pretty oned are crazy yet today?

    And faking a stalker is just proof no one cares.

  12. Ah, man why Famke, why ?

  13. Still think Damons wife was behind it all.

  14. What a cray cray.

  15. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Gawd! What's a girl gotta do to get her underpants sniffed & her toenails collected by a crazed fan?

  16. I'm not so sure she did it on purpose.

  17. There is no reason for her to do this.

    It could've been an ambigious/bizarre sort of thing. A friend/someone placed the book on the bed, not realizing? You're making it sound as if she purposely planned it all out.

  18. Jeez, THIS is how she gets attention? Where has she been?? Its DUI, or drugs, or flashing your boobs or butt that gets you attention. Jeesh, buy a clue!! Doll books is so 1890's! Lol

  19. That is the worst lie I've ever heard.

    It's so bad, that I'm going to come up with my own explanation:

    Famke forgot all about the book until she came home one day and discovered it on prominent display. She freaked out and called the cops who were all, "Um, ma'am, is that YOUR handwriting?" Which it was, except Famke hadn't touched that book in ages and it hadn't been there a few hours before. So who did it? And why?

    I could be all wrong. She could be attention-starved. But stalkers do some weird shit to let their victims know they're around. I could see some guy gas-lighting a woman with something benign like moving a book just to set her on edge.

  20. Nomnom

    You have a point. The worst torture is to make someone feel like they're going crazy.

    No signs of a break-in.
    Bizarre happenings.

    All mental torture.

  21. And I thought this story couldn't get any creepier. Since this is Enty reporting, I will have to google the story to see what really happened. I highly doubt if she did this as a publicity stunt the police would have dropped charges.

    Regardless, that doll book is like the creepiest thing ever.

  22. I bet there are a lot of people who do crazy stuff like this. I remember a cop telling me that there are a lot of people starved for attention and will waste resources on this type of drivel. I would have charged her with a false police report and make her pay a fine.

  23. I don't have that book, but I have a different one from the same author-photographer. It's awesome! But I forgot I had it until recently when our AC decided to barf water onto the utility room's floor, where I had boxes of books stored. Maybe the stalker is after me, too???

  24. Maybe she is an alcoholic and was confused/forgot. I know an alcoholic who made some crazy accusations about people breaking/destroying things in her place when they were actually things she had done while drunk.

  25. Or maybe she is just crazy and desperate.
