Friday, September 06, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Fashion Week

Jessica Alba wears an old Batman television show shirt.

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen bring their special blend of haunting to Fashion Week.
Bella Thorne sat next to Alyssa Milano.
Sarah Jessica Parker got all dressed up but loses points for the knock kneed pose.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend
Zosia Mamet
Cory Kennedy and Natasha Lyonne who is in Orange Is The New Black.
Lots of other members of the cast too. I love this show!


Not A Ninny said...

That picture of the Olsen twins screams, "We feast upon the blood of virgins!"

Cathy said...

Holy cow! I never would have recognized Crazy Eyes in that last picture! Love OITNB!

parissucksliterally said...

I was reading "Orange Is The New Black" - what a BORING book! I am sure they added stuff to make the show fun, but shit, I quite reading the book about 60% of the way through. I couldn't give a shit what happened to Piper.

Count Jerkula said...

Thorne/Milano tag team

Olsen sister tag team - twin sisters, even if they look like malnourished elves.


Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Oh Zosia, I know it's such a chore to be rich and invited to nice events. Boohoo. Poor you!

Tori said...

I haven't read the book @parissucks but Piper annoyed me in the series. I LOVE the show but its really the other characters that make it so great.

Uhhhh... said...

wtf Zosia Mamet?

Super F*cking Awesome Katelyn said...

Gah Bella Thorne drives me insane. Could she stop dressing like a 30 year old?

Unknown said...

@ Tori, yeah, I agree. The cast is very strong. So strong, that Piper's character is the weak link in many ways. I really like Crazy Eyes. The actress who plays her really did an amazing job at delivering a fully rounded character, where in lesser hands, it would have been cartoonish.

Del Riser said...

I've come to believe that the Olsen twins were secretly conjoined twins who were separated. They seem to revert to their "original" positions in pictures.

SkittleKitty said...

So glad to see the picture of Natasha Lyonne. She's great in OITNB, but always looks so messy.

auntliddy said...

I know its wrong, but I love alll the Olsen snark! They are soooo creepy, with the huge eyes and moon shaped heads, always looking right rhru a person. And left Olsen looks like she did something to her face.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Cory Kennedy looks like a combo of lady Gaga and Amanda Seyfried


NaughtyNurse said...

Thank you, Enty, for finally acknowledging how incredibly stupid that knock-kneed/toes-in pose is!! Who stands like that? Who thinks that is flattering????

Kelly said...

Isn't that Bella girl like 14 or 15? She looks older than Alyssa!

eris hilton said...

Orange is the new black is such a great show. And the Olsen twins really should do a horror movie.

babo said...

Could the Mamet daughter take a break from red carpets and come back when she masters the art of standing straight, shoulders back. I am not even asking for a makeover ...

MISCH said...

Everyone is talking about the lack of star power at Fashion Week...

Unknown said...

I lurve OITNB it actually represnts prison life quite accurately (more so then that OZ bull)

Not A Ninny said...

I've spent enough time in jail that I don't need a television show to tell what prison is like.

kerri said...

The Olsen twins really do scare me...
I'm surprised that Natasha Lyonne is still alive.

Jessi said...

I think Natasha is also surprised she is still alive.

Anonymous said...

The older they get the more I like the Olsen twins. They're already like eccentric old ladies.

SophiaB said...

Clearly she has no color, shape, style, or fashion sense. Could she be more awkward? She is beyond wealthy. Zosia: HIRE. A STYLIST.

SophiaB said...

Ya know what? When Natasha Lyonne in a pair of shorts outdresses you at Fashion Week, YOU SHOULD STAY HOME! That dress Zosia is wearing reminds me of a failed home ec project from the sixties. Driving me cwazy, Z. You are so damn cool in Mad Men! You look great on that show! You could kick Chloe Sevigny's AND Fran Lebowitz' BUTTS sartorially, if you would just try. But you get it so so so wrong that I suspect you are blind. That is all.

SophiaB said...

My favorite author is Mervyn Peake. He wrote a series of bizarre novels called the Gormenghast Trilogy. These two little turn-of-the-century Lillian Gish gargoyles remind me of the twins from that trilogy. I truly shudder to think what goes on in their minds, behind closed doors. They probably have a secret language and dine on baby's blood and bones on the night of the full moon. Very. Very. Weird.

SophiaB said...

A camera following them in daily life should do the trick. They cannot act.

Kate0704 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HolidayinCambodia said...

I've read the book and seen the whole first season. The show substantially adds to and changes things that are in the book and is probably better than the book.

As far as life in prison, it's life in a federal prison camp, which isn't exactly a state prison in the south.

Jurmanji said...

Bennett's jeans. The illusion is over.

Paisley said...

Loved OITNB book and series. I still can't believe there were a group of nuns in the federal pen. I think three in the book, one in the TV show. Our tax dollars at work. Ridiculous.

Honey West said...

Chrissy Teigen is such a bitch. Her ego is even worse than John Legends.

lutefisk said...

Are you sure that isn't Peg Bundy next to Alyssa Milano?

Bubbles said...

Ok, can someone enlighten me but has Cory Kennedy actually become famous now for doing something valid or is she just still working the going to the clubs/fashion it girl blonde schtick?

KittyKatMeow said...

It is because of all of your comments that I decided to watch OITNB and I LOVE IT!!! It is my new favorite show...I watched all thirteen episodes in a row and cannot wait for another season...glad it's getting so much positive feedback, it's spectacular. Oh, and thank you!!


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