Friday, October 11, 2013

Blind Item #3

This Academy Award winner/nominee mostly movie actress has a fairly well known name but is probably just a B- lister. She is trying her hand a little at television and maybe that will boost her list a bit. She is hoping that the money she makes from the show will help her get out of the debt her family has got her into and help her pay for the stable of young guys she keeps on hand to make her feel young. She says that she spends about half her income on guys.


Beetlejuice said...

Kathy Bates

Unknown said...

Sharon Stone

VIPblonde said...

I'm thinking Virginia Madsen. Michael Madsen has to be a drain on the bank account!

Unknown said...

Ok, I'm on board with the V Madsen guess

Simon said...

I think you got it, VIP

Simon said...

On second thought Virginia not an academy award winner or nominee so can't be her

figgy said...

Yes Virginia Madsen makes sense!

But, how sad if her.

figgy said...

Okay can I just say that I have never understood the concept of sex with a younger person to make one feel young. Sheesh, that would just make me feel older.

I'd be all "ooooh, look at his firm, taut flesh, and my....AUGH!! What in the hell is going on on my side of the bed!???"

Simon said...

Actually wrong again by me! She was nominated for sideways...forgot about that

Count Jerkula said...

She's hurting all men by perpetuating our being treating like objects to be used by women. And this is illegal.

Thanks Fugazi Enty. Suck it, Iceberg.

OneEyeCharlie said...

^ Ha!

Not A Ninny said...

Virginia Madsen wouldn't have to pay for pole, even at her age. Unless she insisted on only riding completely ripped surfer dudes or whatever. Sounds more like--and this is very unkind--Gabourney Sidibe.

Laurie said...

Jessica Lange

tara17 said...

And... if the subject of this blind was a man, it wouldn't be gossip worthy. Throughout history many 50-yr olds have pursued people in their 20s. Why is it suddenly a big deal because women do it?

Unknown said...

Angela Bassett.

hothotheat said...

I like the Angela Bassett guess. Wasn't she nominated for What's Love Got to Do With It?

sandybrook said...

One of these days Jessica Lange will be the right guess. Ill take her for the 3rd time this week.

Kathy Bates doesn't have enough money in the world to get me to touch her :(. Shes hideous.

JoElla said...

Figgy you crack me up!! And I would be wondering the same thing :/

Unknown said...

melissa leo

ms snarky said...

Angela Bassett's married to Courtney Vance.

Unknown said...

Why does this sound like a recent rerun?

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL @ figgy!

I think the concept is "young person thinks I've still got it when they could be pressing equally young person flesh. I've still got it!" (Not if you have to try so hard to prove it...)

Barton Fink said...

Stable implies horsehung.

msgirl said...

As a 57 YO I have to say that most young men don't do much for me, I like the older ones now. I think many older women are like that, we prefer the ones with the maturity and experience. Of course men think with their dicks, so the youngr the better as an ego boost.

Not to say all women are like me, and if they do go for the younger ones who cares?

Gayeld said...


feraltart said...

msgirl, I'm 44 & feel like a perv looking at the young guys. I always wonder about the conversation. As I get older so do the guys I find attractive. There is also no guarantee that being with someone younger makes you younger. I know a woman married to a guy 11 years younger & she has aged him up. He looks older than my husband who is 8 years older than him.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Young men immediately makes me think of Sharon Stone.
Her career dried up a while ago so I could see her being almost broke.
And I recently saw her a couple of times on Law and Order SVU.

(And because I love Jessica Lange I pretend I didn't see the Jessica guesses here *denial*)

Sherry said...

LOL Figgy. My thoughts exactly.

Go Count!!

Lola said...

Meg Ryan
She is going to be on an NBC sitcom.

Sandy said...

Yeah, but the woman in this item is spending almost all her money on tricks and her leech-like family. That's the story here, not that it's weird for older women to buy the favors of young men. It's not [please see Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Cher, Sharon Stone, SWINTON).

Anonymous said...

I dunno count. I'm a femo but still feel slighted when NOT objectified. You're only as old as the one you're feeling.

Count Jerkula said...

Iceberg, you have no point which is why you can't explain it. You are nothing but an abject MANsogynist who tries to project your desire to be a victim onto other women and you use you vagina as a crutch.

You are probably delusional enough to think your vagina is what has held you back. In actuality it is your stellar personality and intelligence.

Once again, Suck It, Twunce.

Count Jerkula said...

Thanks Marty.

@Iceberg: does it hurt you that Fugazi Enty doesn't like you? Obviously they set me up with this blind, knowing I would rub your face in your ignorant words. What have you done to be in Fugazi Enty's doghouse? Why does Fugazi Enty revel in your misery?


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