Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former second fiddle on an almost network hit that was recently canceled got a huge break in her career when she was cast to star in a network hit that needed afresh face. Apparently that weekend she spent with the married A list movie and television actor helped her land the role. You know, his wife is so incredibly nice that this really sucks.


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Meanie Rhysie said...

Well, this is certainly an interesting thread!

Truth is, there was a bullying mentality toward new commentators and that is sad, because once upon a time, we were all newbies. Complaints about going off-topic, which was phreakin' (Hey, hey, hey Zeeky! :))ridiculous because this is not a formal forum.

Anyhoo, it's too early, but as my avi says: Peace and light and love to all!

jp said...

For those of you who miss Jax, it pains me that our very own Amber Tamblyn troll claims to be Jax:

"I'm also Jax, Anna Nonymous, and Kympossible, Massive G, Publicus, Anna Katherine Nonymous", in addition to Ann Nah Nah Mess, Little Miss Make a Mess, Canopener, ...

Bacon Ranch said...

No, I would like to see you banned from this site because..oh let me count the ways:
You are a racist,woman hating,man hating,self hating,puppy hating,orphan hating,number hating (what did the number 8 ever do to you?),apparently not food hating,everything on the planet that is good and bright hating hateful person.

If your goal is to bring ugly back, I would say you are off to a waddling start. I would say running start but hey, who are we kidding?

Freya said...

Oh I like her. She's dating James Deen.

Freya said...

What in the world? How did this blog post turn into America's Most Wanted?

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

MeanieReese - LOL! Good ol' PH!

memyselfandi said...

Damn. And here I thought a post with 207 comments would actually be about the post or other CELEBRITY GOSSIP. Nope, just more ridiculous ranting. This place has turned into high school. That's why people stop reading.

Nellie said...

Same. This place used to be my first check. Now it's my- ugh night as well and skip the comments check. The comments were my fav part.

Nellie said...

Me too. I started here about 2 months after the site went up. Hardly ever come back now. And I always skip the comments.

Formerly moxylady

Now! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ms Cool said...

Oh, for heaven's sake. I asked the whereabouts of Libby the other day and no one responded. I must be the biggest wallflower on this site! There have always been cliques.

I miss the old commenters. I like the new ones. I rarely comment. I wish there were less blinds and usually read only the blind of the day. I like the non-gossip posts. I skip Your Turns because I think it is dangerous to give out so much personal information. I rarely guess on blinds because I started feeling mean but I am hypocritical because I love reading reveals and other's guesses. I suspect VIPBlonde is closely acquainted with Enty. I hate Count's porn but like his tenacity. I, for a while, believed RDJ was commenting on this site. I think MV is Jlo, Coke Mom is Debra Messing, I hate Julia Roberts and I still love Daniel Craig.

Ms Cool said...

I also realize it it hypocritical to have a Coke Mom and MV guess.

lutefisk said...

Ms Cool, you are probably better off. I make one comment that I barely have time to read CDaN and get a snotty comment directed at me.

Perhaps if I wasn't spending my days helping my father take care of my mother who has dementia and Parkinson's, doing their food shopping and cooking for them, running home to take care of my own family, and getting calls that she fell and I need to go back with my husband in the middle of dinner to help pick her up off the floor I would have more time to be here.

I sit down at 10:00 and my eyes close as I try to read. That's why I am barely here, and finally had the luury of sitting down with my coffee and no interruptions.

Katie said...

Jax was psychotic with how she ran the message boards

Ms Cool said...

Lutefisk, I am so sorry about your mom. That must be so difficult. I am sure you come on here just to forget for a little bit so I am sorry someone is rude to you.

surfer said...

Lute - I'm sorry to hear what you're going through with your mom. It's awful to watch them suffer.

Katie said...

I was here from the beginning. Stop making this website seen like it was from a movie or something. "The way we used to be"

The comments were never all that clever or witty. Jax made this website her entire life. It was very strange. And now she ruined it. So whatever. Who cares.

Sugar said...

Hey!! What did I miss over here?!?!

The Real Dragon said...

I work in the morning now so I can't comment as much as before unless I'm on break lol. I did miss the old commenters and I like the new ones. Even the trolls. It's all about having good laugh.

Peace and love peeps lol

Sugar said...

Wow, Lutefisk. I'm really sorry about your parents. They are lucky to have you. Stay strong! You're fighting the good fight.

Bacon Ranch said...

You haven't missed anything Sugar. Same stuff, different day.
Mooshki went off topic (the EXACT same thing she would bitch and moan about with people who didn't care to kiss her ass) about missing Libby (Same type of person she would have bitched about a year ago) and it all went to hell.

Count Jerkula said...

@babo: if the site is run on a shoestring budget, the how do you explian the $1000/week ad rate they have advertised? I'd figure if they were scratching and clawing for profit, it would be much more reasonable, especially since AdBlock thankfully keeps many of us from seeing them.

Count Jerkula said...

I feel cor you Lute. My grandmother's end was similar. You should have been drinking Irish coffee.

Now! said...

@Count, $1000 a week is peanuts in the advertising world.

@ Babo, I agree with you. I'm a pretty fast writer myself - I was trained as a wire reporter, which often means turning out 10-12 stories or more per day - but I couldn't write one of Enty's posts in less than 15-20 minutes. Given the volume recently, that suggests at least 6 hours per day spent writing for this website. I appreciate the hard work.

Seven of Eleven said...

Alita, that is awesome!

Unknown said...

Interesting that several commenters interpreted the "i miss some of the original commenters" posts to mean Jax.

Not one single person said they miss Jax. Well, one did, but she clarified it to Early Jax, not Mean Jax.

Seven of Eleven said...

My favorite part of this is reading about who you all miss. Lots of memory lane names there.

FTR, I've been around for a good while, just used to post under a different name. After a poster used another poster's kid to make a veiled personal threat, I changed my handle and never reveal anything personal here. If someone's off the rails enough to use kids as threats, who knows what else they'd do.

lutefisk said...

Thank you everyone. You have no idea how horrible it is to have to watch my father looking for nursing homes at $165,000/year now, and try to take care of my mother. He is 84 and has no idea how to take care of anyone.

Thank God I live 2 miles from them so am able to run back and forth, but it is so disheartening to have to put my mother on and off the toilet, and even brush her teeth. She is only 78 but when downhill after she broke her neck in June.

I am off topic, so I apologize. Just wanted to point out why I am "barely" here. I would like to be here more. I don't want anyone to think that they succeeded driving me off.

Bacon Ranch said...

No one misses Jax.
Hard to miss someone who never left.

The Fox said...

I shouldn't even be saying this, but here goes...

The site was sold a while ago. Enty is no longer in charge of the day-to-day operation of the site, but he is still involved. Also, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but some of the blinds are fake. Intentionally. That gives cover for the real ones. And the real ones are juicy; some even come from the celebs that read the site (and make no mistake, they do). Enty still finds a way to interact with some of the commenters, albeit anonymously

Bacon Ranch said...

lute, your father is fortunate to have you. I know it's a chore, but you a repaying him in spades for all of the happiness he gave you growing uop. Think of it that way to keep yourself sane.
Now 185 grand for a nursing home/caregiver? No and no and no. That is insane.
You are a good child to your parent. You really really are.

Bacon Ranch said...

..I hate my keyboard.

Planted blinds? You don't say.
I doubt celebs read this site, aside from the K's and Alba's handlers (to make sure the pictures made it).

amused bush said...

Lute, your parents are lucky to have you. Keep fighting the good fight!

Unknown said...

@ Unknown
Interesting and believable. Enty should have done a cheat sheet for the other writers.

The velvet thing was a favorite back in the day, and then the new writer(s) didn't know about it. They were called out on the posts, and voila! Suddenly Velvet Love is back.

Other sites have successfully incorporated other writers. It didn't work here because one of them was a bully on the board.

The movie reviews by readers was a nice touch, and I'd like to see that come back. Perhaps limiting it to a maximum of two reviews per commenter per year to reduce the chance of backlash by some jealous readers.

The Fashion section by Enty's friend (who later took it to Perez Hilton) wasn't the right fit with the site.

The writers can keep with the Enty persona, but they really should have a style guide to follow. Or - wait for it - slowly introduce new writers. Bringing in one person to write a particular column that fits in with the site theme might work. However, they would not be able to post under their commenter name. We all saw how well that worked out in the past.

Unknown said...

@ Lute - sorry about your Mom. And your Dad. And what you are going through. I'm sending out a Big Hug to all of you.

JSierra said...

I know this is obnoxious, but I LOVE OFF TOPIC. Sometimes the celeb stories are nowhere near as interesting as our own, and our stories are real.

Lute what a lovely way to finish out the year, I hope everything works out and you are able to find affordable care. That is outrageous to expect people to be able to pay that amount, just to provide for their parents. Like others said, you have good parents to have raised a child who will willingly give up anything to take care of them.

IDoTheRobot said...

<3 thanks, EGB.

Bacon Ranch said...

Did you just type wait for it?

Everyone liked DNfromMN's movie reviews.
It's the stuff that sucked folks didn't like.

It's when the person allowed to have their things posted went into threads and pretty much barked their heads off at other Not so much.

I absolutely agree with you however, if a regular poster submits something that will be used they should choose a different name.

Unknown said...

@ Seven - I remember that chick's threats. Scary.

Unknown said...

To be cynical and honest I think that for the site owner the only thing that matters is the traffic numbers. If CDAN is getting as many or more hits than it was a year ago, with this strategy of more reveals why change.

Also keep in mind the vast majority of people who read this site NEVER post a comment. I was a lurker as they say in cyberspace for a few years before I posted for the first time.

As long as the traffic is staying the same or increasing, CDAN is not going to change a thing.

Moonmaid said...

I've posted on and off over the past few years. It's my guilty pleasure, but not my life, and I know it's not the most productive use of my time, for sure. I'll take a break for months at a time so miss the drama. That kind of stuff is tedious. This is entertainment, folks. Please don't take it so seriously!

Moonmaid said...

BTW, Kyra Sedgwick doesn't strike me as the sort of wife who would take one bit of crap. I don't think it's her.

Sherry said...

Fru: I missed you. Haven't seen.enough of you lately.

CK76 said...

What about dia papaya or something like that? She was a chiropractor or something?

lutefisk said...

Thanks for all of the hugs. I will do one public service announcement:

If you have older parents MAKE SURE they start getting assets off their name. Everyone does, except for my parents.
When my father starts getting itemized lists of what it will cost to take care of my mother it is always followed by "don't worry, it won't cost you a penny out of pocket." Then he explains my mother's name is still joint on everything, and is told nothing is covered.
It takes five years to have your name off of assets. It will now cost $165,000 a year to place my mother, nothing being covered by medicare. I sat with a social worker and my parents last year. The social worker begged my father to get the ball rolling, and he refused. My mother can no longer sign her name, and now needs a guardianship at a cost of $5,000 to get the ball rolling. It will take at least five years now for her to be eligible for any type of financial assistance.
Aids cost $25/hour to come to the house. It is insane.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Lute, that's absolutely heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing with us. (((hugs)))

Sherry said...

Are we all ready for that group hug now? How about we all agree to make an effort to get along and move forward from this point wit everyone having a clean slate.
To understand or create some rules. Number 1 not everyone who disagrees with you happens to be a troll. Number 2 not everyone who happens to disagree with you is a bully. Think twice before you post something truly nasty. Always remember to apologize when you are really wrong. I'm not saying that we should set these rulrs in stone but just everyone to keep them in the back of their minds when they are posting.
People are always going to complain and go off topic. Just let it be.
I love this site. For the most part I am here everyday. And I know not everybody is going to get along, I know not everybody is going to like one another. For the very least let's all just be a little more tolerant. Selah, sherry

Meanie Rhysie said...

Well said, Sherry!! Miss ya, luv! Come see us again! <3

lutefisk said...

I second the motion. Thanks Sherry.

TalksTooMuch said...

Wow, this all seemed WAY funnier last night after many, many gin & tonics.

Lute: that's brutal. I hope it gets better and you find a way through.

Kelly said...

I lost this thread early yesterday and enjoyed catching up today.
@Lute I remember you from a long while ago on here and always enjoy your posts. I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through.

msgirl said...

I just spent time catching up on all the posts, wow!

I don't get caught up in the drama, internet sites are always gonna have drama. It's so nice to see some of the old timers in this thread! Which is not to say I don't like many of the new commenters. There's good and bad in both groups. There will always be cliques, people starved for attention and monopolizing the comments section.

What I do miss is the old Enty, there's far too many posts about people I have absolutely no interest in, especially reality. This could be the sign of the times, as in what is popular now. But I always felt the old ENty had a real insider scoop, and he was never mean spirited. I really believe most of his stuff was in fact true.

I agree most of the blinds now are fiction. There's still a gem here and there.

Lute - wow, just horrible the way things are, good luck and I value your advice.

Sherry said...

Lutefisk: I'm going through the same thing only at that beginning of the journey. It is not fun as you well know. And hell yeah it's expensive as hell. My mil refuses to cede control (no Gil on earth now) and she's getting worse every day. Couple that with sil's who can't seem to get on the stick with even home care beause that's "their job" and no one can help, and the nightmare continues.

Sarah said...

She told me a while back that she lives in my town so I'll keep my eyes peeled for her pits.

Sarah said...

She told me a while back that she lives in my town so I'll keep my eyes peeled for her pits.

lutefisk said...

Sherry, good luck. The sad thing is my mother and father stopped talking to me and my husband and kids for seven years. It must have been the start of the dementia. Mid conversation she hung up the phone screaming at me that she will no longer talk to me. Then she called my brother and sister to say she is not talking to me, and convinced my father I must have done something horrible, even though they couldn't figure out what it was. My sister was thrilled, and started cleaning out their house of anything valuable.

They missed seven years of their grandchildren. I went through 7 surgeries and my son we in intensive care near death, and we never heard from them.

Last year we were hit with the hurricane and had no heat or electric for 12 days. I figured I couldn't live with myself if I didn't help them. My sister had electric for most of the time, and had two generators, never once offering to come get them. To make a long story short, nothing was ever mentioned about them not talking to us, my sister stopped talking to me, and left me holding the bag. I hope you have better luck than me.

Count Jerkula said...

@nutty: sure a grand is nothung compared to what Bud spends on the Super Bowl, but inbetween 20 posts per day, plus the side bar and couple ads on the mobile site and you gotta be talking $20k per week gross, no? Hire some one as an independent contractor for a flat grand to turn Daily Mail pics into blinds, blind the gossip sent by readers, and churn the Randoms and there ya go. This site probably costs next to nothing to host and maintain. It is a huge cash cow. No one is scraping by hoping to eventually turn a profit. At the absolute.minimum the site has to be making $250k/year net. And that ain't including cash payola to publish or kill stories.

I could be completely wrong, but I'll stick to my hypothesis until someone offers a more plausible and indepth theory.

Ms Cool said...

Oh lutefisk, I am so sorry for your troubles. Our family drama has been horrible and therapy helps me with it. I just want you to know you are not alone in the drama. I don't have your experiences with the dementia. I am so sorry you do.

surfer said...

Lute - your sister sounds kind of like mine. I wonder if they know each other.

Sadly, it's often one child who ends up doing the most, if not everything, for their parents. You seem like a very good daughter, and at the end of the day, will sleep well, knowing you did right by them.

lutefisk said...

Sigh, I guess every family has one. I have to live with myself. That's all. My kids have to see what the right thing to do is also.

Little Broken Bird said...

Just dont lose sight of the probable truth. This site isa business. It's not some entertainment lawyers hobby anymore (if ever) We all like the gossip and dont particularly care if it's 100% true or not. Its a guilty pleasure to while away some time, dont take it too seriously.
Go off topic if you want to, and fuck anyone who has an issue with that

Alicia said...

Back in 2007ish I commented under Miss and Miss(pdx) - then pdxbellarocks then just plain old Alicia - I usually don't comment now -
Mostly because I don't like the tone of the new writer - but I am still team Lurk Hard lol - and Team Sunny:) she is the best commenter I've talked to on here. I miss Dia and KurryPurr and Rocket and a few others - mostly I miss the old feel of the blog from a few years back - but I still comment from time to time though usually no one takes notice - it's ok though - I like my little shadow in the corner

Alicia said...

I second that <3 :)

mooshki said...

@Sunny, when Enty and I asked Ror to come back, that was when he left after one of the silly blow-ups that have always happened here. It was before he went off the rails and told the story of murdering someone, and before he started threatening to kill me and I had to get the police involved. Sadly, the police in Minnesota said that there wasn't much they could do since he no longer lived in the state. (He was threatening to have his friends who still lived here come after me, so I took that threat very seriously.) There's no way Ror is still commenting here. Count Jerkula may piss me off with his misogyny, but he's just pathetic and annoying, not evil. What he says is nothing compared to the pure malevolence that came out of Ror.

I always think it's odd when people talk about all the "cliques" on the site. Yeah, people become friends and talk to each other regularly, but I've never seen a group that deliberately excluded anyone else from talking about those things with them. (Note that I said "group" - just because one person reacts poorly to someone's comment doesn't mean all of their friends feel the same way!)

As for the "ganging up" on people who bring up off-topic stuff, people act like it's some group going after people deliberately, when the fact is it's just individuals who happen to express a similar opinion. The only time I've ever seen an obvious systematic attack of any kind here was the "Friday Spammers" group. There have been people who stood up for me, and some of the things they said made me cringe. And I've said plenty of things that I've regretted that I know some of my friends here wouldn't have supported. I don't know why some people think there's always a big conspiracy behind everything.

I am sorry that I got so bitter, and that's the main reason why I left, but I've gotta say in my own defense, the things that have been said to me over the years have been way worse than what I've said to others.

Paint Chips said...

I've been here for a number of years. Recently I've had to change my name and profile picture, but not because of any of the posters here or any problem with this website.

There are days when there are a lot of crap responses, but I still genuinely enjoy reading this blog every day and am grateful that it's here.

Ms Cool said...

Mookshi- I think there are all kinds of inside jokes and there are friends who are not inclusive of others, which is why it seems clique-y. I have commented for years and rarely get acknowledged. I certainly don't need to be, it is just odd sometimes. I guess I would rather that than be picked on.

lutefisk said...

Ms. Cool, I am probably guilty of not always acknowledging people that I would like to include. I never know who has changed their name, who will attack, who will go through my facebook profile and start posting my info...
I had to actually defriend my daughter back in May on facebook when all of the shenanigans were going on. She posts here also, and I didn't want her associated with me for fear of her info being made public also.
Unless someone reaches out to me, I tend to stay in my safety zone of people that I know. It doesn't mean that I am ignoring someone, just a little unsure about engaging them.

Unknown said...

Wow - I was wondering why the number of comments was going up today but always stopped at same comment- didn't realize that with this many you had to click on the load more button on bottom.

Lutefisk - sorry about your situation

Site has changed a lot - probably by new owners after sale (if true). A lot more items and less comments per item but still like reading them and comments. I try to make guesses (some dumb and others good) and also be funny (rarely successful ) and also sometimes get caught up in a spat (usually because of something dumb I said) but will continue to so. Only so many rules an anonymous posting site can have but hope smart commenters (VIP and now Kristen are awesome) and love crude and snarky comments also (the Count comes to mind:)). Hope new enties follow unwritten guidelines that seem to hold (cable, premium cable ect ect.) After 300 comments probably no one reading anymore but its all good. I'm not from texas.

Rowan said...

Ok, here is my 2 cents worth:

I have been a long time lurker (years) before actually feeling "froggy" enough to post. I have seen the posters of the past and the poor treatment of new posters. Times change, new people arrived and here we are today.

What most old timers do not realize is when they say, "I miss the old CDAN comments", how it truly comes across to the "newer" commenters of CDAN as, "I don't like the new people". If someone openly expressed how they didn't like you in a social setting, you would feel hurt and avoid dealing with them in all future engagements. This is how your words are interpreted and where hurt feelings stem. If you miss the commenters of days past, then please clarify this as your true intent, maybe they will return.

As for those who have commented in days gone by, yes, I do have so many favourites that are no longer here or just lurk. Dia, aunt liddy (absolutely adore this lady), nancer, majik, obitguy, mango, robert and many, many others who brought me out of my shell and into the front lines. I would love to see them stop in and say hello, again.

I love the "today CDAN" commenters. The family feel here and off topic items only makes this much more unique. I truly give thanks to those who comment today for the laughs and the smiles on a DAILY basis.

Rowan said...

@Lutefish: I am dealing with my grandparents who have quite the same issues as your parents. My grandparents are 92 and 96 respectfully.

I take my hat off to you. Good luck and may things work out better for you then they have for my family in this situation.

lutefisk said...

Thank you for your kind words Rowan.
Good luck with your grandparents also.
Part of the stress is looking at my parents and knowing the finality of it all. I have so many friends who have lost one or both their parents, and I always had mine. My husband's mother passed away when she was 32, so he and his brothers basically grew up motherless.
I realized a long time ago you can't wait for your old age. You have to live for today, because sadly, not everyone gets to enjoy their golden years.

Count Jerkula said...

mooshki: "but I've gotta say in my own defense, the things that have been said to me over the years have been way worse than what I've said to others."

You called me a "piece of shit" and didn't even have the guts to do it to my face. Write down yer victim horseshit, stuff the paper in your mouth and choke on it.

HannahBanana said...

Well put babo

megan00m said...

So I have read since the beginning, commented the last few years, sorta gave up a few months ago when there was endless days of trolling...I always love the many voices chatting about gossip and what just goes bad when people are ignored or not welcomed in terms of gossip chat. Or monopolizing of the comments by a few individuals scaring or turning off others to partake in conversation about the gossip..old timers & newbeings all do this at times..I was guilty too ...became aware and pulled back....but this site is great because of the commenters, not inspite of. Carry on in gossip, kids! :)

Mango said...

@ Rowan - Thanks for the shout out. I still pop in and read once or twice a week, usually on the weekend. Too busy these days to post, and the new Enty (and yes, there IS a new Enty/s) just has too many posts for me to devote the time to CDaN that I used to, so I never even read all "his" posts for that day.

@ Bacon Ranch - Whoever you are, wherever you are, your posts always crack me up.

@ Lutefisk - I went through something similar with my mother, so I know what you are going through.

@ Mooshki - That was almost a nice post. Did you have to ruin it by calling another poster pathetic and annoying?

L said...

Good luck to Lutefisk and Sherry. having been there myself, i can say it's one of the hardest things as you are not looking at a situation that can improve. Stay strong and, if you can, get someone to help you at least once a week so you can take a little rest and get some of your energies back. big hugs

He's The DJ, I'm The Rapper said...

Holy shitballs! Haven't seen a post with this many comments in a long time, and they were usually politically-tinged or involved Himmm.

I started posting on here in early 2012 when the RDJ stuff kicked up. I too miss a lot of the old guard (circa March 2012). This site would be a lot better with an "ignore" function. There are a few posters here who write the same shit over and over to the point of making me nauseous. I'm not someone who thinks people should leave if I don't like them (except for the occasional trolls who try to shit all over the board, but they always leave eventually). I just wish I could ignore those whose posts I don't care to read.

I've never witnessed much assholiness from one poster toward another/others. Seems like a pretty decent site. I do miss all (or some combination of) the following:

Maja With A J
B Profane
Tuxedo Cat
ms snarky
Tru Leigh
Barton Fink

And so on and so forth. Maybe some of these people still post and I just gloss over when I'm skipping posters who bore me. Did I mention we need an "ignore" function?

astrogirl said...

I miss the days of 100 plus posts in this joint...

Melpomene25 said...

As a mostly lurker, I'm glad to see astrogirl and mango! And to add to your list, "He's..." Agent it. In her honor, I will give a where's Shelly shout out!

Ms Cool said...

Don't forget Bigmama!

chopchop said...

Hi Ms Cool! I always enjoy your comments. We also live in the same metropolitan area. ;-)

Jeri said...

Sucks when people don't care about the posts. Why even come to this site if you want to prattle on about other stuff. Enty did make a place for that but guess it's not as fun as trolling.

Guess this makes me an "oldster" but who has the time to sort through the mess for any actual guesses.

Taracu said...

I love Count Jerkula.
Used to think he was vulgar, but now just want to bone him.

Count Jerkula said...

That is very sweet, Taracu. If you provide your age, height and location, we can get the ball rolling.

This always ends up with the chick married or a million miles away, but you can't dream if you don't buy a ticket.

Oh, and if it is not too early to ask: Shaved, Trimmed or Natural?

PJJ said...

That clique and their inside jokes was the last shove most people needed to stop posting here.

Count Jerkula said...

Lil late to the party, eh?

I didn't know the Moo Crue had jokes. They mostly seemed humorless.

PJJ said...

@Zeeky LOL I remember that!

PJJ said...


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