Saturday, October 26, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former second fiddle on an almost network hit that was recently canceled got a huge break in her career when she was cast to star in a network hit that needed afresh face. Apparently that weekend she spent with the married A list movie and television actor helped her land the role. You know, his wife is so incredibly nice that this really sucks.


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Tru Leigh said...


ginaG said...

I'm going with Jessica Stroup from 90120 and Kevin Bacon. She'll be on his show The Following for season 2.

angie said...

@ginaG, great guess.

Kelly said...

Kevin would never!

sandybrook said...

Whats Michelle Trachtenberg sleeping with?

Unknown said...

they gave The Following a second season? ~boggle~

mooshki said...

Hey, if anyone here is still in touch with Libby, could you ask her to check in and let us know if she's okay? I miss her...

L said...

Yes where is Libby? I miss her armpit picture!!

msgirl said...

Nonono I refuse to believe that about Kevin.

Yes what happened to Libby? Lots of people have left....I'm halfway out but just can't seem to get both feet through the door jamb!

Seachica said...

Last time she was here, Libby said she rarely visits because of the atmosphere here. I'm halfway out for the same reason. Damn door jamb!

Beetlejuice said...

Shhh Moo, no one misses her

OKay said...

DH watches The Following and says it's doing pretty well.

OKay said...

I miss Libby too. Not sure I understand what she's so upset about though. Assholes gotta be assholes, but I can usually skip/ignore them.

NaughtyNurse said...

I agree Cee Kay. I don't get involved with the bullshit here. I come here, read the juicy gossip, comment when I feel like it, read the fun comments and ignore the morons. It's supposed to be fun!

NaughtyNurse said...

Please don't let this be Kevin!

Seven of Eleven said...

@msgirl, I know...

Tallulah said...

I've been here almost from the very beginning, but I never write comments here anymore. This place has changed considerably the last year or so. I really miss Libby, Jax and the others who disappeared.

Formerly known as April.

ForSure said...

Agree with many comments above. If I wanted to read the Penthouse forum, I would go read the penthouse forum. I'm not that concerned with what human or humans are writing the items here, as long as they continue to be somewhat interesting/believable, but I don't enjoy reading the comments nearly as much as I did a few years ago. There are a lot of 'names' to ignore/skip over and it's getting tiresome. I miss the old feeling around here when people would hang around and get into many off topic conversations, without insults or fake bragging, just to chat and share info.

But whatever, it's just the internet.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pip said...

Mooshki cannot miss Libby, as Mooshki cannot feel.

Pip said...

Mooshki and Jax would berate those who went off topic. Their minions did as well.

Beetlejuice said...

Too long, didn't read.

Beetlejuice said...

Lets be honest tho, can anyone truly miss another anonymous commenter on a B-(and going downhill fast) list gossip site?

Oopsy_Daisy said...

It should be, but there are a lot of negative vibes around here this year. No one wants to spend their downtime being personally attacked, but the internet always brings out the slime balls. Easy to troll when you're not physically responsible for your words, unfortunately.

JSierra said...

I think the majority of people left a long time ago. It's just us hangers on who can't let go.

JSierra said...

We can't admit defeat

Unknown said...

Pip - I'm so sick of you acting like a goddamn c--t. You're always overtly effing bitching about someone here and being a total pill. Chill the fuck out! You don't like Mooshki, we get it. What are you, four years old where you have to repeat it over and over and over?

Your negativity is not cancelled by your sometimes interesting and non-combative posts.

Whenever I see your name, I wonder, "what is she going to complain about today".

And yes, I'm aware of the irony of my post.

And MerryB? You too haven't been here from the beginning and obviously have no idea how things were for a few years here. It used to be more of a community. Yes, it's an overused word, but it was a community. A POSITIVE community.

I miss Libby too. And Mooshki. And lots and lots of others who don't post here anymore...

Unknown said...

And yes, I'm not posting under my regular name because of the efffing Pip-like trolls on this fucking site.

ForSure said...

ROFL, MerryB, thanks for the laugh. 'Merica!

angie said...

Unknown, so your strategy for handling people such as you paint Pip out to be, is to engage in the same behavior yourself, but on a much larger scale because YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT don't ya know.

Do as I say but not as I do is a losing strategy. If you have kids, I'm sure you can't understand why they don't listen either.

As usual, the biggest mouths are also the biggest offenders, but they live in denial so they can impose their bullshit on everyone with a clear conscience. Bleh..

angie said...

Almost forgot.. your inability to ignore those who bother you is strictly YOUR problem. Chew on that for awhile.

Count Jerkula said...

@FS: Don't you realize that it was the old schoolers complaining about off topic chatter that drove many away and stifled noobs into not posting after a short while?

I wasn't at my computer last night, so here are a couple Big Boob Gifs for CanadianMiss' hubby

Big tits hula hoop

Titty Twerkin

Lotsa Bouncin

Aniston Pookies

Japanese titty slapping

Non titty Japanese weird stuff. 2 broads peeing on a live octopus

This one is safe for work. Wish I knew I had it for the blind about the Star going on military raids.

Random funny cat prank. Safe For Work.

Beetlejuice said...

Way to be a coward.

I been here a while boo and I intend on staying.

Deal with it.

Count Jerkula said...

OH, All of them Big Boob Gifs are Not Safe For Work unless otherwise labeled. Well, Aniston Pokies is safe for work.

braverwoman said...

Feel the same as unknown. I miss Libby, Sunny, Mooshki and others. Even Jax before she got so mean. This was a positive community. I'm half-way out the door as well. Creature of habit I guess. Oh well.

The Fox said...

They're all gonna laugh at you!!

Pip said...

Many of these people you miss are gone thanks to the commenters from the golden age you love so much, Unknown.

I don't like the Moo Crew! If you want to bitch about me bitching, that is A okay!

Unknown said...

You're missing the point, @whatever. I addressed that I did it too this time.

What I don't do, is come on here every day and trash other commenters. It's very tiresome to see some folks here being singled out for abuse and effectively run off from the site.

There was a time when we could disagree, then hug it out, and all would be forgiven.

V is for vendetta, and some of the commenters here behave like the offending party violated their mother, burned down their house, and then ran over the dog with a truck.

I do bypass stuff I don't like. Today, however, another vendetta post by Pip and the gloves are off.

MerryB - I'm not suggesting you go anywhere. Simply pointing out that a lot of us do miss many of the posters here and the community it created. If you were being tongue-in-cheek and I missed that, I apologize.

Count, I've defended you many times, but you too are new here, and may I suggest that you don't know the 'old schoolers' who have left this site. Many, many dozens of people haven't posted here in a couple of years. In the last year, there's only a few of original commentsers here. There's interesting new ones too, but there was a very different feel to the board and the site a few years ago. It was fun, silly and light-hearted.

surfer said...

Unknown - YOU have to get over "the old site was so much fun", blah, blah, blah.

This site, like everything else in life, evolves. People come and go, sometimes there's new management.

I have been here since the beginning, and I've never once complained about the way things used to be. You don't like something or someone, that's fine. Deal with it. But FFS, stop with the lectures. You are no better or worse than anyone else here.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Wooooo-wooooooo-woooooooo!! Who's first on board?

Bacon Ranch said...

Unknown probably beats her kids (if she has them) because they weren't members of the blog from the start.

Count Jerkula said...

Here is another funny gif I found as I was perusing my archives. 500gb of porn and nonsense on this computer. I really need an intern to organize it. And did you know Federal Court recently said interns can be sexually harassed? Since they aren't paid, they aren't employees and therefore not given the same protections.

Squirrel catapult

I laugh everytime this broad says "Oh crap.

Pip said...

Unknown, I thought I only posted on weekends. How on earth have you been keeping up with my vendetta with only the two days?

Seven of Eleven said...

Everyone, get off Unknown's lawn, STAT!

I don't give three shakes if anyone has been on the blog since the beginning or since yesterday. If you have something to contribute, shouldn't that be more important than your status level in the comment section of a blog? Whatever with this bs. Every commenter deserves a voice (even the douche racists so we can make fun of them) and this mean girl 'I've been here longer and remember when it was cooler' is a load.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Ohh nooo!!! This isn't a special group of commenters that have been here from the very first day and earned their right to participate because they know exactly what they're allowed to comment!! Who do all these people think they are?!?!

@Unknown, V is also for vagina & I'm sorry your's is such a bitch. Get over it.

Unknown said...

Pip, you're not the only commenter here with a vendetta against some other poster. You were not mentioned in my second post.

Bacon Ranch, we've had many pleasant conversations in the past and now you're just being stupid with the 'beating kids' comment.

I like a lot of the fresh blood here and some of the evolution of the site. I don't like that some commenters here are singled out for continual abuse if they post - regardless of how innocuous it is. It's just nasty and too Perez Hilton-ish, imo.

surfer said...

Well said, Seven.

sandybrook said...

Chat boards don't really have long term (years and years) commenters. They get tired of the bs arguments, get tired of posting or get tired of the site or get too busy. This site is still kinda funny and some commenters interract with each other. On the whole it is just people commenting and ignoring whatever anyone else says 85% of the time. You want the old school site you gotta contribute to keep it that way or else it will turn into something else. It can be a community if the majority of commenters want it to be.

Unknown said...

Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly enough.

Lots of interesting people are posting here now (and interesting posted in the past too).

Unfortunately, many dozens of interesting people who used to post here don't bother anymore and those of us who remember them, miss them.

Count Jerkula said...

@Unknown: You are correct, I don't know about 5 years ago. I do know the past year or so and I know that many of the posters who drove the comment section and made this place a community have left do to complaints about them going off topic or people bitching that +1 wasn't an elaborate enough comment. Oh and the Just Curious/888 hate speech.

Unknown said...

Dlisted is a perfect example of a site that has maintained its loyal commenters & readers, while embracing new ones. They can play a bit rough there, but it's a great blend of longtime readers, and people who recently discovered the site. Too bad CDAN couldn't achieve this mix.

surfer said...

One more thing Unknown: the people you think aren't here anymore, are. They just twitter Enty complaining about the comments/commenters, instead of actually posting.

Bacon Ranch said...

I understand now, had no idea.
It's nice to see you again.

AKM said...

Ditto here.

Count Jerkula said...

These arguments just keep Goin round and round. (SAFE FOR WORK)

We should start yappin about something else. I have abandonment issues and all this talk of posters who have forsaken us is conjuring them up.

Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. How many times have you watched it? Will you see it before Halloween? Is that, the Thanksgiving one or the Christmas one your fave Charlie Brown Special?

I tried for 3 years to get my kid to watch ANY of those 3 with me and he wouldn't. Last time my sister baby sat him, he watched 2 out of the 3 with my nephew. Little prick. If he don't watch the Grinch and 'Twas the Night Before Christmas with me this year, I'm gonna tell him Santa doesn't bring toys to boys who don't eat cheeseburgers. That'll learn him.

Count Jerkula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lutefisk said...

I miss libby and her armpit also. I agree 100% with sandybrook. The old timers who are no longer posting need to come back and drown out some of the drek that now passes as comments.
I don't understand the power trip people get from commenting all day. I barely have time to read the posts a few times a week, and when I do I usually just skip over the comments, which were the best part of being here.
When I first started commenting about 6 years ago I went through being attacked for being "new" and then some of the originals reached out to me. We had everyone from hookers to murders posting but never had the animosity that appeared in the past year.

Kelly said...

I also miss the old timers. I miss RocketQueen and Maja with a j. There are quite a few great newer commenters here for sure. I just get so weary of reading complaining posts and bullying posts. It used to be such a close community here. It still has its good points. I can't give it up just yet!

sandybrook said...

Dont forget lutefleck some of the old timers (I think Libby will be one of these) were driven out by trolls abusing or making fun of them and those that left that way it is understandable.

Kelly said...

Oh and I also miss TempestuousGrape.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

You barely have time to read the posts, but here you are.

I met a hooker here, where's the murderers? And come on, Pip is not = homicidal. Simmer down oldies.

The Fox said...

Okay, who is the person posting as Unknown? Just so everyone knows, this new "Unknown" commenter is not me

Alita said...

Wow, all Mooshki had to do was ask a neutral question, and this resulted. She really must be evil!!11!!11!!!! A circular argument indeed, we could build a perpetual motion argument machine from the ‘these people can say what they want, so SHUT UP!’ Forums change and evolve, which is normal, but people should be allowed to talk about it without harassment … which is fine so long as everyone understands they won’t change anybody else’s opinion/actions ;)

Hmm @Lutefleck – I’m not really sure I want to be posting with murderers. That’s a subset I can personally do without!

JSierra said...

Lutefisk ohh the infamous anonymous murder post. I wasn't around but went back and found it around this time last year. Now that was some gossip.

But really y'all, let's try and save this shit before we all have to resort to Ace and Perez. We all know what we want this place to be and it sounds like, for the most part, we all want the same thing. Let's face it, things are circling the drain around here so let's pick it back up and get to the CDAN everyone originally came for

gee-gee said...

You guys, Count has turned into that kid who is trying to distract his parents to stop them from fighting! Look at him! And you wonder why he acts out all the time in school.

JSierra said...


lutefisk said...

Notorious, I am enjoying a cup of coffee and reading sporadically. Why are you on the attack?

We had an admitted murderer named Ror. Of course, cough, I wouldn't expect everyone to know who he was. him.

JSierra. he was here about 4-5 years ago. i am trying to recall, but I think he claimed to have killed a few dogs also. He was from the Minneapolis area.

Alita said...

But JSierra, while everyone wants the same thing, as in the place where they have fun with people liking/like them, the way those things are achieved is different for everyone – do you want the off-topics or not? The detailed descriptions of sexual fantasies and positions, or do you think that’s crass? Do you want to hear snippets about people’s boyfriends and pot plants etc or do you think that's boring? I’m not saying it’s hopeless; I’m just saying that the evolution will be organic and, unfortunately, probably not what I would personally prefer.

lutefisk said...

I answer to lutefisk also.
By the way, if a person who regularly commented was gone for a few weeks everyone would check to see what happened to them. It was nothing unusual to try to find out if everything was ok with a person.

surfer said...

lutefleck - that's right - I remember ror!

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Well luteflick, excuse the fuck out of me for not being here as long as you. Good use of your vocab word. Sip on.

Sunny said...

OK, speaking of Ror. . .

Does anyone know why Enty and 2 other commenters were trying to get Ror to come back to CDAN? They proactively went on his blog to try to get him to ignore the haters and return to commenting. I always thought that was bizarre

lutefisk said...

Thank you Notorious. Glad that I am not going through life being a bitter. unhappy, uncouth bitch. That's why I can sit here and enjoy my coffee. If you notice I NEVER attacked anyone by name. Think about it.

Alita said...

Wow Sunny - I was just thinking of missed commenters, and you were top of my list :)

I'm assuming that the reason Enty would do that is for comment board activity, but I really agree that it is bizarre behaviour. Interesting to speak with a murderer, depending on their degree of self-awareness, for a brief period - but I do not need that interaction to spice up my life. Murderers - real or self-aggrandising fakes - and revolting.

Alita said...

*are* revolting.

surfer said...

Sunny - probably for clicks (just think of all the traffic Himmmm brought here).

lutefisk said...

I had no idea anyone was trying to lure Ror back here. I just assumed he
either left on his own or was in jail.

sandybrook said...

Ppl like VIP and JSierra and Kristin and Count ( AND A FEW OTHERS) try to keep the place fun and interesting. Let 's face it a lotta ppl that y 'all miss also left because the items on it are garbage and that's the producers fault for not understanding his audience or not caring. So whoever Enty is needs to go back and read the old days and try to re create what was here originally instead of creating what he wants the site to be. Its not working Enty!

Ms. said...

Ror - a couple of us sleuthed and found out the name of his computer business and the city and reported him to the police. We had screen captures of posts in case he went back in and deleted them. The cop I spoke to was very interested in looking into it further. Ror may never be charged with murder, but at least the police in his city know what he confessed to on the internet. Oh, and the police in the twin cities do too.

JSierra said...

Lute & sunny Wtf i didn't know he had posted multiple times, maybe ror was the one killing everyone in that murderous blind a month or two ago and that's why enty reached out to him to come back, gotta get the gossip!

Alita the words you type are true. For the record, i do very much enjoy hearing about babies and pot plants.

Also, lute I think you are the victim of someone's Saturday night boredom. Wig, there are some good Halloween movies on Netflix, check 'em out!

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Aww, you enjoy your Irish coffee. I'll claim bitch and uncouth. You can have all 4, whether you're glad about it or not.

Ms. said...

Interesting thread. I'm one of the old times who doesn't bother to post anymore. But the mention of Ror and my oh my...

JSierra said...

I realize that time line is off, but who knows.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Thanks JSierra. I just watched Cyberbully with Emily Joel Osment & it was terrifying!

Sunny said...

That really interesting. If you see something, say something, right? :)

Thank you! I've quit this place a few times, but recently have been popping in on weekends. A girl's gotta have her smut fix

lutefisk said...

Thank you for that JSierra.

Ms. just pointed out how everyone worked with each other, not against each other.

Starbucks coffee, I never said Irish coffee.

Ms, do you remember the call girl who used to post? She had great info, and vanished some time ago..

Ms. said...

Sunny, what do you mean Enty tried to get Ror to come back and post? Commenters did too? When did this happen?

Alita said...

Good on your @Ms. I was imaging commenters getting cheap thrills from 'ooh err, chatting with a murderer,' so I'm pleased that you guys actually bothered - on the chance that he was really a past/future murderer - to do that.

Ms. said...

@ lutefleck, Yes, remember the call girl. She was quite interesting and funny.

lutefisk said...

I think Ror claimed to have either tied a dog or a person to his truck and dragged them to death. I had to bleach my eyes/mind after reading that.

FSP said...

I miss beans.

Ms. said...

I truly believe Ror murdered the guy. The detective I spoke with a few times agreed. He was drunk and got into a fight on New Years Eve after the other guy mouthed off at him. Ror said he lost his temper and beat the man to death. There were appeals for a couple of weeks for anyone with info to come forward. Ror defended his actions by saying the other guy had it coming.

surfer said...

Don't forget Looser Dude and DNfromMN.

Ms. said...

I forgot about the dog. Didn't Ror blame that on drugs too? He was a dealer back then, and also blames his actions on doing drugs too.

Ms. said...

Loser Dude was hilarious.

Ms. said...

I cannot take all the credit for reporting Ror to the police. A certain someone was equally motivated to bring justice to the murder victim: Mooshki. Does this mean I am going to be trolled now?

amused bush said...

Ms. - I didn't post back then, but remember reading Ror's comments. Like you, I always felt he murdered that poor guy. His posts were quite chilling.

lutefisk said...

The Dude Abides. Pomme, Trogdor, Sylvia, Nimue, Bob Ross...even *Class*Alpha* and Les Suckno.....

Wait....Brittany Murphy. Myabe that will get *Class*Alpha* back.

CanadianMiss said...

My husband says "right on"

Ms. said...

The woman in Florida who owned several rabbits and was a Jimmy Buffet fan...what was her name? I really liked her posts.

surfer said...

Lute - I *think* Pomme is FrenchGirl. They sound, and write, the exact same.

JSierra said...

Wig cow belles is another winner

surfer said...

Ms. - something Bunny.

lutefisk said...

Bionic Bunny? She is in California if that is who you are thinking of. I speak with her every few weeks so i will send your regards.

Pomme may indeed be FrenchGirl, I was not quite sure.

JSierra said...

What if ror just posts under a diff name now...
This thread has taken which an intriguing turn. Looking back at the post and what you guys are saying now, it's almost like ror wanted to be caught and recognized for what he did

Sherry said...

I just want go echo what others have said...All things evolve. Think about your favourite neighborhood bar. Year after year you will see the same people and people come and go. I imagine this meeting place is no different.

And too, we should realize that when someone starts a story in a conversation others break off onto another topic. It is a natural thing. So much like everyone here is talking about everything BUT the blind, let's embrace both and stop getting our panties I'm a twist about them.

Group hug everyone!

Sunny said...

Okay, so since you brought up her name, Mooshki was one of the other people trying to lure Ror back to the blog through his blog. Based on what you said, maybe she was trying to get more evidence (his postings) to screen cap.

Alita said...

@Ms. Good on Mooshki. Just to clarify - I was being ironic when I said 'she must be evil' (the !!1!1!! was meant to show that). I think you get that, but I possibly should have done a 'ZOMG ;)' as well.

I was called a troll once, when I said that courtney stodden's music was brilliant and completely underrated. Irony is always getting me in trouble. The internet is truly the home of the single entendre ;)

Count Jerkula said...

I wouldn't mind meeting a provider from here. Unfortunately with all my proclivities being known here they are probably all scared off or too pricey.

If any posters are working the NYC/NJ/Philly corridor, by all means get intouch with pixxx, rates and limits. Petite and anal preferred, but all offers will be considered. Those offering CDAN discount or a reduced rate in exchange for a substance of some sort are also preferred. Any race is fine.

Ms. said...

It was so long ago, I may have been the other person trying to get him to post so that we could help the police get a current IP address. I can't remember.

The phone # to the computer business was disconnected and I remember we wondered if Ror was on the move. With a current IP addy, he would be easier to find. Still, the police have resources to find out Ror's real name since they had his old phone number and the name of his computer business.

The issue was determining which city the murder took place since Ror had moved several times.

Alita :-) I thought your post was very funny and ironic.

__-__=__ said...

Count - you're pushing limits now. Leave squirrels out of this!!!!!!!!!!!

Count Jerkula said...

No problem, Miss. I am always willing to help someone get their perv on.

I can take requests. I have lots of butt stuff, stoya and freaky shit like extreme throat jobs and clown porn.

Unknown said...

I've been on the site a few years now and while sometimes someone gets offended and a little spat takes place I don't find that people attack certain commenters every time they post - ( Don't know what the Mooshki deal is and don't want to know) Most come here to get gossip or read about gossip blind guesses and comments as a diversion/entertainmen and it's nice to become part of the commenter gang so to speak but don't really care if they get to know someone - it's anonymous and half of what people say is probably BS anyway. Who cares if old commentor or new- every commentor brings a little something whether it is brains/wit/comedy/smut - as long as it isn't mean spirited flaming or trolling it is all good.

__-__=__ said...

JSierra - Perez is NOT an option!

Brenda L said...

I've been here since the beginning, and people come and go. I try to keep my sporadic posts focused on gossip only, unless there is some asshole just begging to be called out! and for what it's worth, people were bitching about the "golden age" posters back then has never been sweetness and light at CDAN.

The former

Little Broken Bird said...

Me too! Both parents!
I cant wait for Christmas, its fun again now I have my daughter. She's just about old enough to watch the Grinch this year (original of course) I know I will cry!
Its a wonderful life is my all time favourite Christmas movie, I can't wait to share all this cool stuff with her

Brenda L said...

My best advice as an "old-timer" would be...choose your posting carefully. It is standard MO for someone to get really popular posting, and then the backlash begins because everyone else gets jealous. Be selective and be funny.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

Does anyone have a link to this confessional post?

Count, clown porn please. :)

__-__=__ said...

Lutefleck - also remember Ror. OMama is gone too. This site amused through many working hours. Such a godsend in those days!

Unknown said...

Sometimes I wonder if enties post comments to get things going or maybe all comments generated by 10 people with 10 identities- who knows. I have changed my handle a few times.

Count Jerkula said...

@Wig: gimme a lil bit till I get back to my laptop.

lutefisk said...

equation, I forgot about Omama. I think it was possibly Molly, or Jamie, that was going through a very bad health crisis and vanished. I wonder what happened to her.

Alita said...

@Ms. Thank goodness for that ;)

The stories about this Ror guy, and the efforts in tracking him down make me feel better about what Sunny said; I was despairing for the human race if people were seriously trying to get someone they believed to be a murderer to return for some fun celebrity gossip so they could get their cheap thrills. Sunny is possibly the nicest person I have ever seen on CDaN (wayyy nicer than me) - glad you can enjoy a relaxing CDaN gossip fix even just occasionally, Sunny. This is also my little escape from the real-world demands that life will, alas, throw.

I think this is the first time I have ever conversed in real-time here (I'm in Australia, so generally out of synch) - it has been nice! You guys have a super Saturday evening. I don't want to give anything away - but as I am speaking to you from the future, I can tell you that Sunday's actually shaping up pretty well. Enjoy it when you catch up ;)

Ms. said...

Sunny - he hung a cat from a tree and shot it with a bb gun with friends when he was 9. It took the cat three days to die.

Here is some information on Ror at the time. Any readers out there who have access to resources or are part of Anonymous, please pick up the trail.

The Your Turn feature in question:

Blogger profile - Ror:

Ror's blog:

Ror's email addy obtained from his blog:

A search using the gmail address turned up this business listing. It is unknown if this business belonged to Ror or if it is a coincidence.

The murder took place in the 80s. Ror then when to school and obtained a degree. We know he used to live in Minneapolis. He is probably in his 40s.

Murder. No joke. Bought my first brand new vehicle ever. I was so proud of it, and took great care of. Driving home on New Years Eve after the bars closed to a party at my house, some guy on the side of the road whipped out a .45 and shot the back of my truck blasting a whole in the tailgait. I locked up my brakes, and turned around and drove up to him, slammed on my brakes and got out my truck and started beating the shit out of him. I dont know why I did that, he could have shot me. It was really late and nobody was around. I grabbed his head and started beating it against a telephone pole. I was just seeing red. I'm not a violent person, but I just lost it.

I rummaged through his pockets for money to pay for the damage, and took what he had. I took his keys and gun and through them in a nearby creek. When I drove away, he was just a pile of bloody flesh. But he was alive, he was moaning. When I got home, people were freaking out, because I was covered in blood and my knuckles were swollen and bloodied. I never told them exactly what happened.

2 days later on the news they reported he died from brain injuries and didn't have any leads and was asking the public for help. Last I heard of it.

I have no regrets. No remorse. This was back in the 80's by the way.


The people I was associated at that time in life were basically low life drug addicts. If they had a television, they would sell if for coke. We were all major coke heads, and I was too, as well as a drug dealer. Even if they did put 2 and 2 together, they wouldn't rat on me for fear of retaliation and for fear of losing their drug dealer.

Just FYI, I quit all drugs shortly afterwards, and have lived a normal life, returning to obtain my degree.

As far as "the feeling of taking someone's life". At first I was a little wierd about it, but I look at it this way. I didn't harm someone annoymous. He SHOT at me for Christ's sakes. I feel I took a scumbag off the planet before he actually shot someone else. I've never started a fight in my life. But I've ended quite a few.

I sleep very well at night.

ecua said...
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ecua said...
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ecua said...
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ecua said...

Oh cripes! I used to post back in the day under a different name, and quite liked the boards until Libby and her clique turned them into a virtual junior high school cafeteria, chock a block with stupid "inside" jokes and melodrama.
To each his own.

Alita said...

Seriously @texas rose, the only thing that 'started' this massive comment thread was Mooshki (a commenter from a while ago) asking if anyone was in contact with Libby. I guess the conspiracy theorists that assert Jax and Mooshki are in on writing the site now would agree that this is the 'Entities' posting to get things going. I'm a simpler person than that though - I think that sometimes, things just align and people want to chat (like me, for once I'm at a computer rather than on a mobile, I have some time, and I've made like 100,000 comments on this thread so far). Other posts you see have like 9 comments and nobody trying to make them 'happen.' I really think it's all organic.

Notorious W.i.g. said...

@Ms. thanks for the links.

HOLY SHIT! Good on you guys for contacting the authorities.

Ms. said...

A murder in the 80s where the victim was beaten on New Years Eve, and died two days later in hospital. It was near a creek.

Checking the newspapers in your area for Jan 1, Jan 2, Jan 3 from 1980 to 1989 would help locate the victim.

SubSpace said...

Wow, a murderer's confession and the posters here are on it; Count's hoping to get laid by an east coast working girl and he's providing scooby snacks; people are disappearing w/o a trace... who are we casting in this film?who's writing the script?we need a musical score, financing.

Ms. said...

The nonsense regarding Moosh, personally, I think it is jealousy. She was one of the few people here who had movie reviews published on the site. Jax posted too, and holy freaking god did the knives come out against them.

Ms. said...

The Ror confession was April 2009.

Unknown said...

Count - thanks for the squirrel launch link - my friends think it is hilarious!!

Ms. said...

Holy shite! Ror posted on his blog December 22, 2012. Any readers who can use creative methods to find him?

The .com changed to .ca when I cut n' pasted the addy in the address bar. Anyone know what that means?

Ms. said...

His location in 2009 was Indianapolis

Cassiopeia said...

Yes, link please...I was here, but I would like tI read again.

Also...I'm into some pretty kinky shit, but what's stoya?

Little Broken Bird said...

Im a bad person for feeling worse about that poor cat.

Ms. said...

Actually, the victim died Jan 2 or Jan 3, so checking your papers until Jan 5th would be helpful because the police appealed for information.

Ms. said...

@ lutefleck - I like Bionic Bunny too. She's cool. Yes, say hello for me. But there was another bunny lover who posted here. Maybe I'm wrong about Florida, but she was a Jimmy Buffet fan for sure. I remember that she lost several bunns, including a favorite, in one year. Her post was heartbreaking and remember crying while reading it.

Frufra said...

Late to the party, but popping in to say I love this old school CDaN 100+ comment thread. Not the murder part, obviously. But the way off topic chatting.

And I miss Omama (did she have her baby?) and a few others, too. But I enjoy lots of the new posters,too. Like Sunny said, a girl's gotta get her gossip on!

Ms. said...

Was Bionic's avatar a bunny stealing a cookie from a blue plate?

amused bush said...

Goes in circles, I think Count is referring to the alt-porn actress? But I could be wrong ;)

amused bush said...

Nevermind, I just saw Count's post ;)

amused bush said...
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Cassiopeia said...

Thanks guys...I googled. I thought it was like bukkake or something.

Link to ror?

amused bush said...

@goes in circles - Ms posted the links, the time stamp is 7:14.

Alita said...

With you, Frufra - when you see a long comment thread you usually think 'ruh-roh, who's fighting now?' but this one is nice and chatty, and now with added bunny rabbits! Omama was funny - some of the things she said had me in stitches, but if she had her baby I imagine she'd busy (reckon I'd still take my gossip time out though ;)

@Broken bird - I know, that kitty sounds like it met an appalling and drawn-out end. I hope the kitty after-life is full of wool balls and leaves that scrape entrancingly across the ground - basically I'm just trying not to think about it. But if that's the sort of fuck this Ror was, then he was almost certainly a bed wetter, statistically speaking. Just throwing that out there.

Count Jerkula said...

@circles: nah, I'm not a bukakke fan. If I wanna see a dude jerk off, I'll put a mirror in my room. Though if anyone is a fan of the genre, or gokkun, I would suggest and their American Bukakke and American Gokkun series. There are tons of Behind the Scenes clips on sites like and they are funnier and more entertaining than the scenes. Except for the limp dicked slow adult who always showed up to shoots.

There was also an interesting story of one of the mopes swiping the lock box with the payroll for the shoot in it. Each mope got $100 if they drop a load, so someone made off with like 5-6k.

Little Broken Bird said...

Its just awful, poor thing. I'm liking the sound of kitty afterlife!
Note to self, dont go shooting passing cars, will end badly.
Cant be too hard to work it out with the right tools.

chopchop said...

I miss everyone mentioned. Especially old Enty.

I still come here out of habit and because after wading through about 5 posts about Kardashians & Teen Mom, eventually we'll get one that's worthwhile.

Am I complaining? Nope. I'm stating facts.

amused bush said...

Little Broken Bird - I'm reminded of a recent episode of Dateline about a guy who chased down some kids; shooting all of them and killing one because they stole some solar lamps from his driveway. His defense was that they were shooting at him (none of the kids had a gun).

Ms. said...

Ror - this may be part of his real name or nickname. Someone with a name of MissRor is following Ror's blog. A girlfriend?

Ror also has a dog named Beamer. Does this ring a bell for anyone in Indianapolis?

He is a smoker, exercises several times a week, careful about his eating habits. All his relatives smoke. May be overweight now, or was in 2007. Mentions having worn 34" pants. Takes "vicodin" for pain relief.

His father was a beer truck driver.

Brighthouse) Networks is his cable company.

Has high cholesterol

he had surgery to replace two disks in his neck in 2004.

Has had back surgery in 1996 - a lower disk "exploded" and has permanent nerve damage, and still has pain. Has been diagnosed with degenerative bone disease.

This back, injury, surgery, and 18 months of rehab left him unable to return to his career of 14 years. He made $70k in 1996.

He moved to Indiana in after the back surgery & rebab - so 1998 or later.

Lives in a house with a yard & a backyard deck.

He has lived in 7 different states, and 14 different residences.

he has a sister who does not live in Indiana who had surgery on Feb. 13, 2009

On New Years Eve, 2008, Ror reported that he lost his job seven months earlier and still had not found a job. So May-ish 2008 he was laid off or fired?

It was 6 CDAN readers & Enty who posted on Ror's blog. BEFORE the murder confession. Ror had stopped commenting for a little bit.

Ms. said...

Another relative had surgery the same day as his sister, Feb. 13, 2009.

Little Broken Bird said...

Sorry cant make it clicky

That's an awful lot of victims Iin need of some justice.
Whilst I'd like to think he's caught the odds are stacked in his favor

Little Broken Bird said...

WTF, guy needs some perspective. If they'd attacked his wife or kid, maybe, but solar lamps?!?!?

nightowl said...

I am thrilled I don't see Libby's duisgusting pit or her asinine opinions around here anymore. I do miss TexShan though. It was Libby and her minions who drove her away, so I say good riddance to bad rubbish.

amused bush said...

Little Broken Bird - he's in jail now. Thankfully!

I normally prefer 48hrs, but a pretty good Dateline epi.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

I've been on here since ENT's second week and all of you morons can shut the fuck up and eat my shit.

That is all.

White.God.of.Fuck said...

I've been on here since ENT's second week and all of you morons can shut the fuck up and eat my shit.

That is all.

amused bush said...

Nice sleuthing @Ms.

Alita said...

@V just insane - I don't even understand why people tailgate someone that might have un/intentionally cut them off though - like, what's your end-game, what's the pay off? People that cannot control their emotions bother me, and this is just a massive extension of lack of self-control. One in which people died. Obviously glad he is in prison, and that society is done with him.

Alita said...

Hehe Massive G, I imagine you there in your long denim skirt, white lace-trimmed shirt, at a smart desk with a nice vase of flowers in a sunny room (for the half-finished long-stitch laying nearby), getting hints from other blogs for phrases that make you sound NOTORIOUS and part of the urban demo. Please keep it up!

LottaColada said...

I love you Massive G.

Bri said...

HEY! Why all the drama? Gosh- troll season again? Can we go back to who the blind is about? So, McPhee and who? Or is this Bacon?

I love you all and we all come from different backgrounds and walks of lives- lets just blow off that which makes us mad and stick to the being silly with FFF, Count's nasty side, and so on. Libby is more than likely, 'Unknown'. Let's invite her back with positive. Thanks loves!

amused bush said...

+1000 Alita.

Unknown said...

Tee hee. You should read Massive G's posts on IMDB. Polite, well behaved towards others...

Unknown said...

+1000 @ V and Alita

Unknown said...

(sigh) I'm not Libby. And I'm not the only Unknown. Quite a few Unknowns here because blogger doesn't recognize some names and changes the name to Unknown. On one post last week, 4 different unknowns were commenting.

ForSure said...

Good to see you chopchop. :)

I miss RocketQueen, I wonder how Rocket Princess is growing up.

Unknown said...

That show is awesome! Cannot wait for season 2!

Kristin Wigs said...

Soooo... McPhee?

lutefisk said...

Ms, Bionic Bunny was the Parrothead. You may be confusing 2 different people, unless there is another bunny/Buffet loving reader in Florida.

I love off topic posts that unite everyone, not drive people away!

Count Jerkula said...

All gifs NOT SAFE FOR WORK unless noted.

Clown Porn

Don't know if this is porn

Incest Clowns

Black chick clown

Sqirrel gif, SFW

Lots of y'all seem to like gifs w/ dick in them, so here is some BBC for ya.

Sasha Grey gettin throated

I don't think this whore sat or shat right for a month, but her rent was paid.

Wesley Pipes is crazy. Is he skiing or playing a video game?

not as crazy as this dude, who pulls a hurracarana into ass eating. I dream of being that agile.

Rocco Siffredi is the king of surprise buttsecks

naked tumbling fail

Scissoring, almost as cool as A2A

Monster tits

Emma Watson Fake

Ms. said...

There cannot be very many bunny-loving Parrotheads on cdan. Must be her. Florida, California... they're both warm.

Yes, please say hello for me. I liked her posts.

lutefisk said...

I most certainly will Ms. She is one of the first actual friends I met here. I haven't actually made it out to CA to see her in person, but we keep up by phone. I wait for people to come to NY to meet. And everyone I have met in person is exactly how I have pictured them.

Count Jerkula said...

I forgot Stoya.

Stoya, Jena Haze and a Mope

Mope rubbin on Stoya snatch

Stoya bum thumb

Stoya givin a sexy look

Stoya and James Deen

I think Stoya and James again. Maybe someone who memorizes man ass can tell us for sure.

EGB said...

I stopped commenting months ago when the 'old timers' shamed everyone when they went OT.
Having 'been here' since the beginning, it is very intimidating to chime in, and when you finally do and start to feel comfortable thanks to folks like Frufra, VIP, Sunny, Lotta, JSierra, Alicia, Dia Rejected CareBear, Robot and others, I guess you let your guard down.
But then when the 'cats' of this site make sure to put you in your place and call you out, well, it stops being so fun.
This site became what you wanted, old timers, you can't really get mad at the trolls when you drove so many good people away.

TalksTooMuch said...


WareCat said...

this shit is cray!

lutefisk said...

EGB. not every
long time reader did that, but anyone reading for a period of time was unfairly lumped into that group.
Same way not every newer reader is a troll.
Most people have something to contribute, many are just here to be confrontational or who knows what.

Ms. said...

@EGB. Who are the cats?

@ Lutefleck - thanks! I haven't met anyone, but have communicated by email with several people including Rocket Queen. Though not for a while.

EGB said...

@lutefleck, fair enough.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

The one thing I miss most is when MeanieReese had a broken keyboard and had to spell all words with an "f" with a "ph."

I just wish Enty had set up an off-topic forum here, instead of others having to do so. A lot of people went there, and I guess got bored with here... whether from commenters or Enty's content I have no idea.

SophiaB said...

.ca is a Canada extension.

Alita said...

@ Unknown 9:26pm - *that* is hysterically cool, thank you for mentioning. Hypothesis = supported.

Alita said...

@Unknown 9:30pm, I didn't take it that @Bri was taking a shot that you were Libby, more that people that stopped commenting for feeling unwelcome or harassed might be 'Unknown' just so they can continue to participate without the difficulty. JMO.

I once flicked back to an original blind, when it was revealed, and noticed that way back loads of people were 'Unknown,' but they actually signed off their posts with their nickname. It was really common - I want to say like half the posters (or at least, half the posts) were done that way. I figured it might be because of Blogger, like you said, or even just to avoid leaving a significant traceable web footprint that could be traced ir someone bothered. Like my friend @Bri upthread, who followed the darling Massive G through to her polite IMDB alter-ego.

Beetlejuice said...

I'm not EGB but personally I have felt the need to take time away from this site from a certain cool CAT who made me feel very unwelcome.

Yes, this user name just recently started popping up on this site but I have been reading (and commenting under an old name) for years. I had a lot of fun commenting and getting to know everyone but a few certain people made sure to ruin any fun anyone was having.

lazyday603 said...

Michael J Fox and Tracy Pollan (I figured the best way to troll this thread would be to make a guess at the blind).

HannahBanana said...

Like American Psycho....

HannahBanana said...

Greeeat, he's only 40 miles from where I live if all this is correct & current.

HannahBanana said...

Wow! I been reading this blog for many years, but it has been especially bananas at times in the last year. I finally decided to start posting, right in the middle of a major upheaval of some sOrt...& peeps were accusing me if being a troll. SimPly becuz I knew the vague history of commenters.

TalksTooMuch said...

I have to say, I am a relatively new commenter, maybe a year, year and a half? I remember feeling very unwelcome back in the day because of various regular commenters, including Libby. I comment a lot during the day, when I can. I don't understand it when someone goes off the rails ranting about how there are no good comments these days: have you not read my stuff? I'm hilarious!

Count Jerkula said...

@hannah: that happens everywhere. When I first started posting on the sociopath board I was killin threads left and right. No one would interact with me because I fit in too well and they all thought I was an alt.

Count Jerkula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

for the times, they are changin'

babo said...

I ve been reading this site, every post, every day, for years. Does not give me any right/privilege other than having a bit of a perspective.

All these years, when I see some posters making a show of themselves day in, day out, on every thread, trying to get attention and validation (they can pretend they don t but it s not true, otherwise, they d spend their time differently), I don t get it.

It s true the board used to be friendlier until last year more or less, but a nasty clique spirit started to appear (I liked Libby a lot but she ended up caught in her high school game of being there all the time, oversharing, running her own little posse and acting like she was some kind of guardian of the temple, and she ended up the way she started it: vilified, attacked and chased away by posters just as immature as her)

The new "generation" of posters count some very nice, funny and interesting ones devoted to gossip and sleuthing, and some others whom I find truly revolting and a large bunch of people mainly yapping away insults and drivel. It s a rougher mix but it will keep on changing.

I ll stick with the site nonetheless until I m bored of it.
I am actually very grateful towards Enty and this site. I know it s not quite the fashion these days but when I consider all the content I have read with pleasure, the jokes I laughed at, the out of space trips of some OT conversations, CDAN is a site I like and I won t let high school cliques and "look at me" weirdos spoil it.

CDAN gives away content I like to read for free, it has done so for years in a rather consistent way (despite temporary setbacks), sounds good to me.

babo said...

Also, for all people who keep on complaining abou Enty s work: I m a web editor and this site is clearly no tmz or salon. It s a website run on a shoestring: there is no technical staff, the layout has not changed since ... , the ads seem to be basic affiliation programs verging on spam (that most posters bypass anyway), the board functionalities could be greatly improved, Enty has clearly no staff or budget for this.

NEVERTHELESS, 365 days a year, there are posts (quality and quantity can be discussed), posted on time, with text, pictures, legends, Tweets, Facebook ... I am sure that all put together, just a "random photo" post takes between half an hour and a full hour to put together and publish.

It might look poorly written (ok it is often poorly written), inspired from the DM, etc ... but it still takes a shitload of time to do all this. Enty has been doing it for years, every day, for free, with help or not. It s still a ginormous amount of work that should be considered a bit more.

BringingUglyBack said...

LOL @ Bacon Ranch
You're foolishly accusing someone of child abuse (not funny) something I sure as hell never did yet you want me banned?

By the way I saw that comment you made about aunt liddy punctuation last week. Let's not be a hypocrite

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