Thursday, October 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Michael Fassbender gets the top spot because I can't go a day without an e-mail from someone requesting him in the photos.

Carla Gugino and a wasted looking John Leguizamo.
Julianna Marguiles and her husband win the best looking couple of the day award.
Cher in a mini skirt everyone.
Charlize Theron keeping the scarf around the scar on her neck.
The teen in the white is the daughter of the Czech president. She is at an orgy and got filmed helping the guys have sex with the women.
David Guetta actually has a groupie who went on vacation with him.
Jennifer Connelly dropping some weight off her size -0000 frame.
Nina Dobrev, Julianne Hough and a friend.


Kassandra said...

Because Fassbender is hotness and sex personified.

Harry Knuckles said...

I wonder if Julianne Hough is gay? That would explain a few things.

VIPblonde said...

Dear Enty,
That's not the Fassbender pic that people are emailing you about. this is.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I still wonder what's the real story about Charlize's scar. The story around it is so lame and weird.

Shit You Can't Buy said...


Shit You Can't Buy said...

Or the other pic of him, in a hospital gown, being picked up, exposing the dong for the world to see. Helll--lloooo!

Unknown said...

I hope she is not the A lister with cancer that he keeps talking about.

TalksTooMuch said...

Wait, we can request pictures??? More Lenny!! And whoever keeps requesting Alba, knock it off. It's confusing everyone.

Sherry said...

Wow Michael is giving Liam a run for his money there. I saw him (Fassbender) on The Daily Show last night and he was much better looking than I thought (I had only see him from the waist down up to this point).

Jennifer is far too thin.

Question cuz I'm just curious. Why are all the white women adopting black male children? Madonna, Charlize, Sandy, Jillian..

discoflux said...

Doesn't that seem to be about the right placement for a thyroid removal? Perhaps she's dealing with thyroid cancer. It's not exceptionally fatal but still a difficult cancer to deal with. I guess they're all difficult, but relative to say.. pancreatic or ovarian cancer...

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Why do I always click on the links to Fassbender's cock?

This is a great bunch of broad (except obviously the elder called cher and Theron who doesn't fit my taste), but I would fuck Katerina Zemanova the first for being the most unknown for me. But I wouldn't mind doing a foursome with the last three.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

Sherry said...
Question cuz I'm just curious. Why are all the white women adopting black male children? Madonna, Charlize, Sandy, Jillian..

This is my two cents, but I think it is because they are from Africa (madonna's is from Malawi and so on), and therefore way easier to adopt for the legal issues are more bothersome in the US or Western Europe. If we remember, Eastern Europe has issued laws against adoption from the West, and the Chinese are starting them. They only have Africa if they want to have the kid in a reasonable period of time.

Anonymous said...

Are Nina and Julianna a couple? And Nina is Derek's beard?

Pini 27 said...

Thank you, VIP! Damn!!

Seachica said...

I don't find Fassbender appealing from the waist up. However, wow...that pic. If that's flaccid Fassbender, I want to see the erect one!

Kermit has it right about the adopting black male children. Many countries have made it very hard for single women to adopt. You don't get many choices unless you are married (traditional, not gay). And yes, you can adopt in the US, but if you want a non-special needs kid, you had better be married (traditional, not gay) and ready to jump through major hoops. I have a single friend who adopted from eastern europe, and it took her 3 years. I think her country has since closed adoptions to the West.

Rae Rae said...

Exactly what I was going to say just not as well thanks VIP

LottaColada said...

I was gonna say, VIP covers that shit all day, erryday! <3

mistang said...

Man, when I was a teen I must have missed those parties. Someone always managed to get laid, but, you know, not all in the same room and with each other.

LA Mac said...

I think Sandra Bullock's little guy is originally from New Orleans, not Africa

Kelly said...

I always thought Julianna was so not pretty. I don't know why, I know it's just me.
That whole thing with the Houghs and Nina will not end well!

ForSure said...

It's easier to adopt in the US if you don't want a newborn White designer baby. I think California is pretty liberal and doesn't require two parent households, especially if you are willing to take an older child or siblings. You can also go the foster parent route, and adopt a child that you have fostered for a while.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Charlize's son is also from America, not Africa. She herself is though :)

Shit You Can't Buy said...

I unfortunately do think she is the A lister with cancer, but don't think her shorter hair has anything to do with it. I believe that was really just for her movie.

Her behavior has been off the last couple of years. She went from pap-shy to shooting funny vids for Collegehumor. I don't know, maybe she felt like she needed to start enjoying life more.

Count Jerkula said...

Connelly makes me sad. If a betch can't fill out a pair of yoga pants, there is volumes going on, not just issues.

re Czech broad: It is Europe. The land of topless beaches and banana hammocks. If she is the President's daughter, then I'm sure that was the hottest orgy in town and a good way to inspect the goods before she took a ride. Let her be young and live life.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Charlize's scar (we'll at least where she's covering up) is exactly where you get an incision to have an endoscopic procedure on your neck region (they try to put the incision so it blends into the shadow of your collar bone...well, mine did). She said she had a minor procedure on her a neck vertebrae from an injury she suffered filming Aeon Flux. I don't see any reason to doubt that story, especially since she otherwise looks perfectly healthy.

Lisa said...

The scar on Charlize is where they tend to go in and do surgery to either fuse or replace vertebrae in the neck. My husband had it done several years ago himself.

amused bush said...

Fyi Enty, I think David Guetta is with his wife.

Unknown said...

It took Sandra four years on a wait list to adopt Louis. It is a fairly long wait list to adopt a baby. A white baby, it is many, many years, up to a decade depending on where you live.

The older the child, the easier it is to adopt said child in North America.

When trying to adopt as a single mother, or as an older couple, it is extremely difficult. Gay? Even more difficult.

I have friends where she is 40, he is 38 and they have been trying for years to adopt - from any country. It breaks my heart because they would be such wonderful parents. But now that she is 40, they have fewer options. They're originally from Hong Kong and even they can't adopt a Chinese baby.

Other friends have successfully adopted from Vietnam, but adoptions are now much more stringent there too. And a lot of the parents who are giving up the baby almost seem to be running a scam. I know of several couples where the birth family has sent about one letter a month expressing their grief at having to give "her" up (all babies are female in the Vietnam adoptions where I know the parents) and how they are happy she will have a wonderful life, but hope to meet her again etc. But each family who met the birth family when picking up the daughter was struck by how cold and impersonal it was. No emotion from anyone. Just handing the kid over like she was a sack of potatoes, no cuddles and kisses goodbye... and then these highly emotional letters start coming where the parents are grieving and can hardly wait to see them again.

Big red flags. What has happened with kids adopted from Vietnam after the war, who have gone back as adults to meet their birth families is that they are hit up for $$ almost immediately and are expected to send $$ to the family every month. Life is very hard there and if they have a relative in North America who can help support them... several of the adoptive parents I know are extremely torn as to whether or not to show these letters to their kids when they are older. Is the grieving real? Or is giving up the kid and the grieving letters a ploy for future income for the family now that one of their own is in North America? No easy answers on this one.

Unknown said...

VIP, I've got a photo somewhere of Clooney that I have to send you. Fan photo. He's wearing cotton pants that drape too well given he had an erection at the time. Well, given the size of it, I *assumed* he had an erection :-)

I'll dig out my old desktop and try to find it for you to post.

M. Brown said...

Jillian adopted a girl from I think Hati b/c she and her gf had trouble getting pregnant. Then gf got pregnant with a baby boy who was born days before Jillian went down to Haiti to pick up the girl. Sandra and Charlize adopted domestically. Don't know about Charlize buts knocks both Haiti and New Orleans were victims of natural disasters maybe they wanted to adopt there?

VIPblonde said...

@Unknown Awesome!! :)

MadLyb said...

When I was a kid, to me, Cher was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. This was before her uncountable plastic surgeries.

MadLyb said...

You know what was so amazing about Julia Roberts (in "Mystic Pizza") and Jennifer Connelly(in the early years)? They both started out as very voluptuous, and both males and females loved them for it. When they got famous, they starved themselves to conform to some bullshit H'Wood ideal. This makes me sad.

Unknown said...

@ MadLyb
Yeah! Julia Roberts used to be gorgeous. The decline of her looks has nothing to do with age, but everything to do with being underweight. She looks like a scarecrow now. I don't remember Jennifer in the early years.

Unknown said...

Jennifer Connelly in her more gorgeous and curvy days.

Christopher Cruz said...

God bless you, VIPblonde!!!

Noel said...

Why is that picture of Nina, Julianne and their friend being posted now? That's from the beginning of the summer

TigeRLiLy said...

im sorry . I have always thought sandra bullock adopted that baby to kill the trail of her being a white supremacist with her ex husband. i mean come on dont just marry a guy like that without being the same way -cough- Kat von d.

Anonymous said...

I'm usually against the practice, but I'd let Fassbender turkey slap me with that.

Anonymous said...

If you're from Australia kiss any hopes of adoption a bug old fat adios.

cowbulls said...

I'm so happy that the tide is ever so slowly starting to turn against skinny teenage boy looking models. Every man I know like a woman with shapely T & A and Julia and Jennifer have starved themselves into looking terrible with neither.


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