Friday, November 22, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former almost A list mostly television actor who now just has a smirk and a name has a deal with his A list celebrity family member to pass along women that the celebrity no longer has a use for or who can get extra extra kinky for the former actor.


Jessi said...

Pivens and Cusack!

Folly said...

Stephen Baldwin for the smirky one?

Jessi said...

Whoops read that as "a friend of the family". Im wrong. But I still think they pass em along to each other.

auntliddy said...

Ugh, i cld really use a kindness reveal. Been in the mud long enough.

D Brown said...


Sugar said...

Maybe VIP can 'kindly' reveal some man goodies for us!!!

Dont Quote Me said...

Franco or Walhberg?

sandybrook said...

Any 2 of the Wayans bros.

sandybrook said...

Actually the Thickes sounds like winners.

menadensch said...

I would think the Thickes, but Alan still acts. I'm thinking Damon and Shawn Wayans. Shawn has no acting credits since 2009.

sandybrook said...

Nah Mena it cant be them I already had my right answer for this month waaaaay back 2 weeks ago.

menadensch said...

Ha Sandybrook! I just figured if it was the Thickes, it would be labeled "Easy, easy".

di butler said...

I'm thinking Wayans Bros, as well.

PS said...

Immediately thought of Alan and Robin Ick.


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