Friday, November 15, 2013

Blind Item #7

At a party the other night that she was hosting this B- list mostly television actress was telling a story about her rise and fall in fame. She rose to a B and then crashed down to a D. She was hustling to find any kind of work and wondering if she would get to act again. It got so bad at one point that she went to a party with a producer and had already slept with him to get a part and then he made her take off her dress and let guys snort coke off her body and because she needed the part she did it. Now she is on a hit show. Hopefully she is saving her money.


  1. Did Allyson Hannigan slip down to d list anytime?

  2. To the long-timers:

    I've already made D-listed my primary home since CDAN jumped the shark, but I need a solid back-up. Just can't with this site anymore. Recommendations?

    1. Blind gossip and Laney Gossip

    2. you're so right, this site has completely jumped the shark.

  3. Lainey is fairly good

  4. Not a long timer but.. D-listed is funny as hail.. BlindGossip is good but they are really slow :/

  5. Is this where Count Jerkula got his avi pic from?

  6. Ah, an research-after-the-fact with a follow up flounce! I give it a 7. Next time try to flip your hair, too.

    I am guessing Alyssa Milano

  7. Mcadams, I frequent Jezebel.

  8. Alyssa Milano and Allyson Hannigan seem off to me, plus they both had babies fairly recently. Especially Hannigan: barely any time between Buffy, the Pie movies and HIMYM. She may have dipped when she did Date Movie, but seems to work consistently.

  9. Sorry Mac but I don't care about the gossip, the draw for me company.
    I love everyone on here. New, old, present or gone....gossip just gives us a common subject.
    I've found kindness, hypocrisy, loyalty, wit and fun. Why would I go?

  10. D-listed does nothing for me; I guess Michael K's writing style is an acquired taste, one I haven't acquired.

    Celebitchy is OK only if you never, never comment: if you disagree with the owners' point of view, even politely, your email address is blocked from ever posting on the site again.

    I sometimes just read the Daily Mail directly - they've got a very convenient online app and tons of copy. I particularly like their photo captions, which are uber-sincere in a we-know-these-people-are-ridiculous-but-we-can't-afford-to-be-sued kind of way.

  11. I also like Flavorwire and occasionally, although their music critic Jody Rosen is a big idiot. As soon as I see his name, I just move to the next item, the same way I do here when Real Housewives or the Kardashian family is mentioned.

  12. Thanks for all the suggestions - I'll check them out!

  13. @Steampunk, the commenters are why I stay, too! I don't care for Lainey because there's no comment section and I often wonder what another person's take on what she said would be. Blind Gossip annoys the hell out of me, their blinds are almost transparent and their reveals are ridiculous. I've also heard from several people that if you disagree with or question anything, your comment is deleted and you get banned.

    @Nutty, I didn't know that about Jezebel! There are some pretty smart people in the comments there and they approach some topics soundly. There are also times when I've seen people go absolutely bonkers with their love or hate for a certain celeb. I believe they're the ones who hate Jennifer Aniston, right?

    1. The guesses on blind gossip are all the same and no real discussion or interaction.

    2. @Seven, my comment was about Celebitchy - I'm only an occasional reader of Jezebel. But Celebitchy does indeed have strong heroes and anti-heroes: yes to Benedict Cumberbatch, no to Chris Brown, Gwyneth Paltrow or Tom Cruise, and all the commenters back up whatever the party line that day is. I guess that's because all the dissenting commenters have been banned.

    3. I have been banned from Celebitchy for calling the writers bitchy. But maybe it was lifted cause I can comment again now. I like Lainey, but there aren't comments.

    4. They light candles to St Angie Jo, The Blessed Mother and Patron Saint of Old Stoners, and do Aniston voodoo dolls every Thursday, or Awards Event, whichever comes first, at the Celebitchy. Some of the commenters are Blind Gossip/Daily Mail level of intellect. Down right diaphanous when politics becomes the topic. DListed has hardcore regs, I don't bother them. I think they all may be having 24/7 hangovers. Some funny comments there. Michael K rules all celeb dish sites, hands down, with a Hot Pocket in one hand, bong in other. There's also Lipstick Alley. They have a pretty huge board....

  14. I can go to any gossip site.. the gossip articles here are secondary (and that's generous) to the chat/commentary. Most of the folks and comments are the reason I'm here. It's like a giant neon green vodka-filled water cooler at the office... Yes, the occasional tw**troll ruins it (ahem Halloween comes to mind, but... it was Halloween so..)...but for now, I'm ok with it.

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      KT: I can read better gossip, and often a few days earlier, elsewhere. I come for the comments. Ps. I thought the Halloween trolls were funny!

  15. @Steampunk, even me?

    1. You don't bother me. I believe everyone has the right to say what they believe. I just don't have to agree.

  16. Ya.. I like Lainey and everything but she realllly needs to install a comments section

  17. is good too everyday... they did bring us the John Edwards scandal..

    Also I don't think anyone mentioned CelebDirtyLaundry

  18. Isn't Gretchen Mol on a new show?

    1. She's been on Boardwalk Empire for 4 seasons now. I'm really hoping that will be taken care of in the finale this year...

  19. Funny, I come here for the gossip and juicy reveals, not to interact with other posters. When people start talking about themselves or their personal lives, I can't scroll by fast enough. To each his own I guess. :)

  20. Gretchen Mol is on Boardwalk Empire

  21. OMG, I got blocked from commenting off of BlindGossip too! Makes me smile knowing I'm not alone...

  22. I read all those sites mentioned -- DListed is hilarious, imo -- but the comments here are still so funny.

  23. This blind is hot. I have never done blow, but if there was a naked chick in front of me, someone handed me a rolled up $20, and said go ahead, I would. Then I would ask if I can pick the place to snort my next ration of coke from.

    I don't really feel any of the guesses though. Milano made a ton being on Who's the Boss, plus syndication residuals. Hanigan always working.

    How about Hayden P ? Did she do anything between Heroes and her new show, besides yacht girl work?

  24. Hayden P actually fits. Good guess.

  25. ^ HP is a good guess...hmm

  26. I'm banned from Celebitchy. For saying Kaisers post was "snarky." Pretty wicked & evil, huh.

    She also trashes young actresses unless they are the flavor of the month. She should be on a sex line for the way she goes on about the men shes hot for. I hate to picture what shes doing as she goes on & on about them.

    But if you ignore comments & Kaiser its not a bad site.

    1. Except 90%of all posts are kiaser and I agree wit the sex thing those cumby posts so gross always skip them but I found the link here from cb so it's not all bad

  27. I recommend Datalounge. It is a gay gossip sight, and if you can weed through all the posts where the guys post naked man pics and talk about Matt Damon's bubble butt, there is some good commentary there, and once in awhile you can find some good insider gossip.

    Blind Gossip irritates me. The people who run it have actually been wrong more often than not with their "exclusive" blinds than Enty has with his "made up" blinds. I think their banning Enty blinds there is laughable, considering.

    Lainey is good if you don't mind her fashion (and other) snobbery. Some people claim that she gets some of her tips directly from publicists.

    Jezebel can be innocuous enough at times to make your eyes roll, but some of the comments are awesome.

    I love, love, love D-Listed. MK is my favorite, and Megan isn't too bad, either.

    Wow, after writing that, I know where all my time is going these days.

  28. Nutty & Jeff, I too was once banned from Celebitchy. Then I asked why I was banned, and they reinstated me. You must all agree with Kaiser!!! LOL

  29. How do you cut a decent line on a naked body? She must be bony as hell.

  30. You have it chopped up a head of time, pour it on her, then just swipe it into a line.

    1. You seriously should become a life coach

  31. I haate Lainey's tone, she's so high on herself. Michael K is great. Blind Gossip is worthless, they post stuff straight from the publicists who deny if a blind from elsewhere is about their client.

    I love Lindy on Jezebel, and most of the time the comments there and on Gawker are good reading.

    But frankly I'm not that into gossip anymore because I just don't care about most of the people, pretty much reality TV "stars".

  32. @ Nutty Flavor: I LIVE to get banned from Celebitchy. Kaiser in particular. She's exceptionally easy to get riled up. I remember when her hard on for Jon Hamm was such that I accused her of having a mouth full of sour grapes when it came to talking about his long time girlfriend. BANNED. haha.

  33. DListed is hilarious. Lainey is lamey. I hit Radar every day. The Awful Truth was decent until he sold out.

  34. DListed is hilarious. HP is the best guess so far.

  35. I like that she can tell the story on herself. She must either be strong or very pragmatic.

  36. I'm thinking Laura Prepon...she was on That 70's Show and is now on Orange is the New Black WHICH IS FANTASTIC!

  37. I'm thinking Laura Prepon...she was on That 70's Show and is now on Orange is the New Black WHICH IS FANTASTIC!

  38. Crikey, I've never been banned on Celebitchy (perma-modded a few times, but I'll live) and I've had stronger opinions than a post was "snarky"!

    I hope it wasn't Laura Prepon because I like her. I feel bad for whoever this was the system is so unfair; we're forced to watch unlikeable and minimally-talented dolly birds who just happen to give good head to a gang of morally-bankrupt dickless wonders!

  39. You can never aim comments at TPTB on Celebitchy. And never criticize the actors they swoon over, who are primarily pale, sickly, and British, aka Cumberbatch, Fassbender, and Hiddleston. Also, never disagree with any left-wing stance that is taken - you must love Obama, Obamacare, and the welfare state.

  40. Blossom seems to fit, but I'm not sure if anyone wanted to do coke off her body.

  41. Lipstick Alley has good gossip. Reads well on cell phone. Everything is in sections. You can avoid Kimmode and her trash family completely.

    1. Re: Lipstick Alley - my faves are the old school tea threads.

  42. @mynerva: what do they get paid? Is there any sort of licensing or registration involved.
    Can I just put up a blog and require a $5.00filing fee , via PayPal accompany each submission.

  43. @epiphany

    Let's not forget about Tilda Swinton.

    I was banned for saying Tilda's art project "sleeping in a glass box" or whatever it was, was stupid. LOL. Oh, and I also said Tilda looked like a chicken. That was kind of mean of me but some people do look like animals....

    Celebitchy.... Sigh....

    1. @Katie, ha ha! Your comment made me laugh out loud on a Saturday morning. Tilda does look like a chicken. And it's even funnier that you got banned for saying it.

  44. I think this is Gretchen Mol, as well. No real reason.

    I appreciate the intelligence here. Its such a relief to not see ridonkulous posts about how Angie is the most beautimous woman evar, or Selena Gomez used for every guess. Politics on gossip sites annoys me beyond reason. Its like FB, with strangers and no kid pics. Ugh. Save it.

  45. If you are into reality shows, the obvious place is reality tea. I also read Seriously? OMG! WTF? and Necole Bitchie, The Superficial, and What Would Tyler Durden Do, also Vulture, Videogum, Towleroad, and of course, Daily Mail. I try to really cruise around them.

  46. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Bedhead on Celebitchy is worse than Kaiser. She has this weird jihad going against Tom Cruise, and then she whips all the commenters into a frenzy about how awful he is. Tom Cruise is pretty strange but she is stranger. I don't think she ever writes about anything else.

    I haven't gotten banned yet. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

  47. @Seven of Eleven
    You don't get banned from Blind Gossip but they moderate and approve all comments before they show up on the site. Some of their exclusives or blinds with themselves as source are filled with lies and if you comment with proof that they lied, they won't approve your comment

  48. MichealK is my main gossip bitch. Enty is 2nd. Don't have time for anymore, so I have to be selective. I've been posting on DListed for years, everybody is pretty hilarious there. & nobody has ever been rude TI me there. Can't say that here. There's just a couple of posters that always feel the need to look down their proverbial nose at others. They come at me, well I can usually shut that shit down quicklike. Fortunately it hasn't happened to me but a couple of times.

  49. I don't care if they kill Mol off of Boardwalk, but if they are going to, I hope they show her naked a couple more times first.

    I'm itchin for someone to put a gun in 1/2 face's hand, and watch him Hulk up, cup his hand to his ear, listen to the crowd roar, and start wasting suckas.

    Through out the whole run of the show, you know Lansky, Luciano and Capone come out as kings, so I keep waiting for that to unfold.

  50. Courtney Thorne-Smith.

  51. I LOVE me some dlisted. Michael K says what all the rest of us are thinking, and I think he's frickin' HILARIOUS. :D

  52. Prepon is the best guess to me
