Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

I know it is tough to see, but I encourage you to save it and blow it up and read the best missed connections ever. The poster took it down from the NYC Craigslist after a Reddit user found it and linked to it.
I know Christina Ricci is a good actress but the ax weighs more than she does.
Charlize Theron lets the nanny carry her son down the stairs.
Daniel Craig going for the wavy locks of the 70's. Or Chumlee.
Demi Lovato shows her Disney love.
Eva Longoria in London but without her new boyfriend.
Gerard Butler takes a call from the Department Of Health. Good news.
It seems like GQ will throw an award party anywhere they can get a celebrity to show up. In this case it was Naomi Campbell.


  1. So, that ad...dammit, who started chopping onions in my office?!

  2. Wasn't there a blind recently about an adoptive mom who only spent time with her kid when she was carrying the kid for the paps? As soon as the paps went away, she gave him back to the nanny.

    Wonder if this is a Charlize reveal.

  3. I giggled at the Gerard comment.

  4. While the reddit article is a great story what kind of skank sleeps with a guy after only knowing him for a few hours. Trust me guy you weren't the first or last guy she had a tryst like that with.

    1. So she's a skank and what is he? Maybe he's done the same thing with other women too. Big fucking deal.

  5. Wow Skimpymist...judge much?

    Skank or not, she made a lasting good impression on the guy. Great for both of them.

  6. IT WAS THE 70'S! Didn't eveeyone sleep together after they first met? Like a handshake? Lmao! I don't know I was born in the 80's.

  7. I meant to say also, I loved reading this and I hope they find eachother again! I'm routing for him!

  8. What kind of guy sleeps with a skank who would sleep with a guy after only a few hours?

  9. Common in '73, but clutch those pearls!

    I wonder if she would ever live up to this fantasy of 40 years.

  10. Well, at least Charlize didn't hand the kid off to a random stranger so she could walk down the stairs.

  11. I was around in the 70's - it was prior to the fear of AIDS - herpes and birth control pills were easy to get, no judgement on who you had sex with as long as no one was hurt or wounded. It is a lovely letter, one of remembrance, wistfulness and what could have been

  12. Honestly, I'd rather see the nanny carrying the kid than Theron trying to negotiate those stairs in those heels with a big-little boy on her hip. Carrying a big toddler down stairs takes some care. I'm a big guy and yet I still almost overbalanced a few times carrying my bigger daughter down stairs when she was a tot.

  13. I hope it works out for the guy--what a romantic. And, yes, the 70s.

    Also, what is it that supposedly makes Christina Ricci such a good actress? I really don't get it. I find her completely wooden. She's very interesting looking--I get that, but the good acting rep I don't get.

  14. While I totally love that letter, I couldn't help but notice that the English professor writes "My life has known it's share..." and now I think that every word was a lie. IT'S ITS, DAMMIT! MR. ENGLISH PROFESSOR!

  15. That missed connection made me cry. Life is really about the little mooments we let ourselves and our souls share with others. People are so much less trustworthy now.

  16. That was very well written- missed connection. Two ships passing in the night unfortunately. It happens..

  17. Tired of people shaming consenting adults for their sex lives. Mind your own and go get some while you're at it.

  18. @CeeKay: Yes! I thought the same thing.

  19. Love the story, hope it's true and they find one another, happily ever after.

    Can't see Christina as Lizzie Borden but what do I know?

    Daniel Craig not the most handsome man but there is something about him. Rugged Marlboro Man.

    1. Agree with all your point and just wanted to add,what the hell were they thinking of having ricci do a come hither little smirk in that poster?the lizzie borden case was gruesome horrifying chilling,sexy,no.

  20. If it truly was a missed connection and remembrance, poignant.
    If it was an English Prof's lesson in how to write a letter, still good.

    Daniel Craig as Chumlee???? What are you, blind???

  21. Awww, I thought it was sweet.

  22. So that's how long it takes for people to realize how special it is when you make a real connection.

  23. Ricci is not a good actress! Lizzie Borden was also a lot heavier and not nearly as attractive. I know this is Lifetime, but c'mon!

  24. O/T Kelly Clarkson is pregnant. I'm so happy for her!

  25. isn't it strange how people fantasize about a lost relationship opportunity like that?

    it only seems magical because it didn't exist in the real world with real world problems to overcome and the grind of everyday life

    grass always seems greener but seldom is

  26. Christina Ricci was a great Wednesday but she ain't no Elizabeth Montgomery.

  27. I love that missed connection story. It was the '70s, but I wouldn't fault anyone for having a similar experience now. I do hope he finds her.

  28. I agree, Rajahcat. I've always thought that about the "great love story" in the Titanic movie. Of COURSE it was a great love story - it only lasted 3 days! I'd love to see an SNL skit or something about their lives had they both survived.

  29. I'm sorry, but Kelly is gonna be as big as the side of a house before she's done with her pregnancy, and unfortunately her new husband isn't the "I love you no master what" type. He will make her miserable and will feel entitled to cheat on her.

  30. @CeeKay
    My thoughts exactly! The English prof who doesn't know grammar.

  31. Why "but the axe weighs more than she does"?!! She's small. This is not new information nor is it relevant to her ability to act.

  32. agree with CeeKay

  33. A "succesful" English who doesn't know the difference between "its" and "it's"?! Only in America...

  34. OK, new here and have a genuine question, not a joke. What is all this hate for Gerard Butler? He sleeps around; so do most actors. He does drugs; so do most actors. What is it I don't know that would bring on such revulsion?
