Thursday, November 28, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Another reminder that beginning on Monday I will post Reader Photos each weekday until Reveal Day on January 1st. If this is your first time, don't be shy, everyone is very nice about Reader Photos. On Reveal Day I will combine all the photos into several massive posts of nothing but readers. If you would like to be included just e-mail your photo to

Five parts today.

Obama spares a huge turkey. Shouldn't he be sparing some five pound bird that no one wants to eat anyway?
Alex Pettyfer doesn't seem all that upset that he didn't get the Christian Grey role even after all his umm, efforts.
Patrick Stewart violates one of the unwritten rules of NYC train riding. No leaning against the pole.
Ryan Reynolds watches his career.
Reese Witherspoon goes shopping with her mom.
Rachel Zoe contemplates just what excuse she can use this year to not eat on Thanksgiving.
Sandra Bullock makes a crown for the school play of her son.
Taylor Kitsch at a showing of his new movie.
Tina Fey looking lighthearted which is unusual for you. She looks almost drunk like.


  1. That pardon the turkey tradition is kind of dumb.

    HELLOOO, Captain Picard! I <3 Patrick Stewart.

    LOL @ Ryan Reynolds caption.

    The feather crown Louis made for his mom is adorable!

    OK, there's a guy in a business suit, boxer shorts, and thigh high red leather - but the joke is that Tina Fey looks tipsy?!

  2. Patrick Stewart defended himself by saying the car was half empty and he was watching subway performers. I gotcher back, Patrick. Call me?

    Ryan, I am almost getting interested in your career again, what with Enty being so against it. I even watched R.I.P.D (I don't recommend it)

    1. Patrick can call you talks, after he calls me. Love him!

  3. "Ryan, I am almost getting interested in your career again, what with Enty being so against it."

    Same here! Ryan, call Enty please....!LOL

  4. Gee, I wonder if Fake Count will send in a pic of herself? ;)

    Patrick Stewart can do as he pleases.

    @7 Don't all guys dress like that? They should...

  5. So what are these "umm, efforts" that Pettyfer made for the 50 Shades thing. Is this Enty implying that he perfomed sex acts on one or more of the producers? Has Alex been gobbling cock?

    Just flat out love Patrick Stewart. "Make it so."

    Reese will always be doable.

  6. That caption at RR's pic is the funniest thing that has ever come from the show he was in (el hormiguero).

    Patrick Stewart is a great guy. He can against the pole whenever he goes on the tube, which I suppose won't be very often.

    I don't know that Taylor Kitsch, but sharing a name with a famous and crazy girl doesn't say a lot of good things about him.

  7. make sure you send in your new pic Rhysie. Wanna see how much hair fell out since last year. ;)

  8. Why is not leaning against the pole an unspoken rule? i lived in SF for 2 1/2 years and took public transport every day. I never heard of this rule...

    1. @Kassandra SF public transport probably isn't as congested as NYC. A good 4 hands could've held onto the space your back takes on a pole.

  9. Is that Reese's left over baby belly?

  10. Man! It's like a bet to see which Count can be the biggest ahole today! Fake Count ftw, of course. You ignore her, Reesie, she has that much time to think up insane insults because she has absolutely nothing else to do. On Thanksgiving. Which would be sad if it wasn't completely obvious why.

  11. lolololololololololololololol

  12. you seem real busy Talkstoomuch. Isn't that your kid in the pic? Shouldn't you be doing something motherly?

  13. @TTM...thanks, doll, but no sweat here! But I'm pretty sure Fakie isn't American. ;)

  14. Greasy Rhysie loves to talk shit. Then plays the victim when someone gives it back to her. Ask her what she does for a living.......

  15. I am, Fake Count, I'm disciplining hooligans. I am not wiping your bum, though, you gotta learn sometime. I'm also not in the states, so what I am celebrating today is called "Thursday"

  16. Fake Count is like Tofurky - it might look like turkey but it smells weird and has no taste.

  17. Fake Count, you are still ugly as fuck despite your five pound weight loss.

    1. Sorry, your "20lb" weight loss. Liar.

  18. Thank you Seven!
    I was thinking "Spiderman heeled thigh high boots" with that Fey pic.
    That's all sorts of weird.

    1. If you havent read tina fets book, do so. She and the book are laugh out loud hilarious.

  19. Don't know if you'll see this, but Tina Fey is at Kinky Boots, the Broadway show. Hubby and I saw it when we were on holidays, brilliant.

  20. I'm sorry I've been reading this blog for years…this is someone new writing it..just saying gobble gobble

  21. The Obama girls are so pretty!

    Reese is so freakin chic! I love everything she wears

  22. Love kinky boots. Not a fan of all the infighting. I've been here since Timmy/shimmy. Where have all the good one's gone?

  23. derp

    i iz a dum cunt


  24. Ooh, Kinky Boots. I loved that movie.
