Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Blind Item #3

This A list singer/celebrity got injured not too long ago and fell in love with the pain meds she was prescribed. She loved them so much that she continues to take up to 15 a day and has gained 25 pounds in the past two months. Apparently she is fairly incoherent most of the day now.


  1. Yup, add that to the wine and who knows what else and she's flying

  2. I thought pain meds made you *lose* weight? Hunh.

    Yeah, I can see this. The few times I've legitimately needed pain meds, I absolutely loved them. Good thing I don't have an addictive personality and am terrified of drugs in any form, otherwise, sure, I could see someone getting addicted to these little balls of joy.

  3. but shes just so damn lovable

  4. `I dont find her lovable, just pretentious bore, but honey get help, you already have mental issues, this aint helping!

  5. Wait.
    Wasn't she the guess for yesterdays bath blind? That listed as A+
    This is A

    tsk tsk Entern, you didn't do your homework

  6. I dunno, isn't Mariah usually called a diva?

  7. She def looks better in the DM than she does here...,,20762242,00.html

    Maybe it's just the angle or something. I wonder how many pairs of Spanks she's wearing...

  8. Agree with Gaga. She seems to be all covered up lately, compared to before with always no pants.

  9. Lady Gaga- pics in Switzerland

  10. I think its Gaga too her injury was more serious.

  11. Leann Rimes.
    That chick got much bigger lately, and she always whines about tooth aches, broken fingers etc. Judging by pics she is faking it all (leaning on the fingers with full weight while standing up, eating ice cream etc).
    only problem is the A rating; I would give her B max. She does get A for attentionho-ritus.

    Reminds me of Nurse Jackie, with Jackie breaking her fingers so she can get pain killers.

  12. I am also a firm believer of Gaga faking her hip injury. She was in a wheel chair, which is not advised when you just had surgery; crutches are way better. No doctor tells you to get in a wheel chair.
    And she is nude constantly (also unphotoshopped) and I yet have to see a scar from the surgery.
    I think she did it to get some time off and to have an 'excuse' for that. She seems more and more incoherent lately; psychotic talk about her music and pain and suffering.

    I sound so paranoia, hhaahha

  13. Gaga may have put on a few pounds, but nothing I'd say is a big deal, and she's always a little out there. Plus there is a rumor and even Enty has hinted that her whole hip injury was either fake or not what it seemed. Mariah looks to have lost weight and has been pretty coherent in all the recent interviews I've seen. So it's either someone who had a recent injury that wasn't widely known about or this blind is basically BS since there's proof to the contrary in regard to the two most obvious choices.

  14. @Matt:
    Someone else seemed to have the same idea about Gaga and dedicated a whole blogpost on the fake surgery, including evidence:


  15. I had major hip surgery and you can hardly see my scar. And let me tell you, those lovely pain pills are very very easy to get used to. As for the wheelchair, she only did that once, and I think it was just an easier way for her to get around. Yes Dr's want you using crutches or a walker, but a wheelchair is much much faster when you need to be somewhere. So I do think this is Gaga, and do think she had genuine hip surgury. Have you seen the shoes she wears? You can't tell me she hasn't had a fall or two.

  16. Gaga is thin again.

  17. Goo goo gaa gaa. She's been looking woozy lately. Mariah's always getting the chunk sucked out, but she is always on, or drinking something.

  18. I saw a picture of Mariah on E! Online today from Rockefeller Center and she looks chunkier than she has the past year. I'd guesstimate about 25 lbs. gaga was on awards show last week looking tiny.
