Thursday, December 12, 2013

Demi Moore At 19 Making Out With A 15 Year Old

This is five crazy minutes featuring Demi Moore from way back in 1982. Thanks to Bill Simmons for sending this to me.


  1. And why do I want to see this?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You call that making out?

  4. Is it just me or did the Enties already post this?

  5. It was posted on Enty's facebook earlier today

  6. Weird.
    Was that Tony Geary with her ? Must have been during her GH Days.

  7. I only watched a short clip of it. Demi seems high, attention seeking, and inappropriate sexually. She must look at Lindsay Lohan and think bitch stole my look.

  8. ^^ What @Chris said... smh

  9. Apparently she's been robbing the cradle much longer than we thought...

  10. Agree FSP, swear this has been posted here before.

  11. what a looney tune family

  12. My first thought was this had been posted here before. Without watching I believe it's at a dinner from when she was on GH and Tony Geary is there. I think that kid was from the show too. The worst thing is he has braces.

  13. She's so clearly high.

  14. Ew. Theres something wrong with that. Shivers.

  15. Is this Bill Simmons the jerkoff at ESPN Enty?

  16. I'm pretty sure it has been posted before, either by enty or one of us brought it up. Yuck and gross but I am not uber shocked that two famous teens got drink and kissed.

    The older I get the more repulsed I get by teens making out in shows or movies. When I was closer to their age it didn't phase me, but now it's like why the Fuck do I want to watch two teenagers play tonsil hockey.

  17. Anyway that was a General Hospital cast party and that kid was on the show with her and Tony Geary.

  18. Wow, she was really up her own ass already at 19!

    Anyone know who that blond was singing? Looks so familiar...

  19. Despite gross factor, Demi is really beautiful (and, obviously, high drink and by the jaw jerking, and nose rubbing, coke).

    I think this is the kid:

    Those were the days...Jackie Templeton, Blackie, Luke, Frisco...losts of time wasted watching that shit.

  20. I meant, high on, and lots of time..I should proof more.

  21. I was born in 1980 but I have fond memories of watching after school with my mom. Life long fan of GH.

  22. She looks so messed up. She seems so affected also. Could she shake her head a little more?

    Having to listen to that blonde singing was killing me.

  23. The kid was at least 20, emotionally. And he was me at that age, (Morrison is ALIVE!). I had such an obsession with The Doors back then. Dead rock stars - yeah!

    I was never a GH fan, but everyone else was, and I love this tacky slice of the early '80's. Demi was such a beautiful hot mess.

  24. The blonde singing is Loanne Bishop - formerly Rose Kelly on GH!

  25. Wasn't Demi already turning tricks by the time she was 19, if you believe the rumors?

  26. Wow…Demi was COKED up in that video.

  27. I've read that this incident is why she was fired from General Hospital.

  28. Those were the days of my youth! After day after high school, straight home to GH. In college, I left phsych 101 to watch Luke and Laura get married.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. ... Do-Me Mo'... the Las Vegas "Em"scort" WH0RE... BTW... how's Do-Me's *HIV status* as of "late"? How's ASShton's "too"? ... HIMMMMMMMM?

  31. Agree w Catsup.and Anotheramy. Those were the days! I'd race in after school at 3:05 to not miss a minute of the L & L, Rick Springfield, Stamos, Demi, Richard Simmons days.

    My first love of my life was 19, almost 20, I was 14. Eh, I don't get the panic others do over that stuff. My hubs is 20 yrs older.
