Friday, December 06, 2013

Four For Friday - Drug Dealers

It is Friday. I love Fridays. I count down the hours until Fridays. When I was younger I used to love TGI Friday's and would always eat at one before seeing Friday The 13th movies. It is a little cold in LA today so I may already be drinking. It is not like anyone is actually in the office today. The month of December is like a ghost town. I just hang out by the front trying to be the first to scoop some great gift basket delivery. I lost out on some salami yesterday. I won't make that mistake again. Anyway, if you are bored this weekend I will be right here blogging away and I would love for you to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer.

Today is a traditional Four For Friday. These are all people you would not really think of as being drug dealers. They are and in one case used to be really proud of it.

#1&#2 - This former B list reality star with her own show stopped selling drugs after her A list mostly movie actor client died of an overdose.

#3 - This B list mostly television actress on a middling hit network show is single in the sense she is not married. never has been. Great drugs though. Her specialty is prescription drugs. She is famous for forging prescriptions of a variety of doctors.

#4 - This award winning Hunger Games actress from only this latest installment has always been the go to person for drugs on any movie where she is involved. She also brings her own makeup artist who is her courier when they run out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. #1 Paris Hilton #2 Heath Ledger
    #4 Jena Malone
    Her awards aren't Oscars or anything but IMDB says she has won some awards so she is my guess.

    I'm sure I'm wrong about everything I just said.

  3. Amanda Plummer for #4

    Heath #2

  4. 4 - Amanda Plummer?

  5. 4 def Malone the rest I got no clue

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    #1)rachael zoe

  7. What's the relevance of the marital status or otherwise of #3? Is that meant to be some sort of clue?

    #1&2 - yes, PH and HL

  8. Yikes at #1&2. Just can't imagine having to live with that. Heath Leger is a good candidate for the actor, but don't think Paris Hilton was the dealer because like it or not, she's a former A list reality star, not B list.

  9. Violet, was also wondering at #3. Maybe the actress is also known for her relationship and most people assume she's married or was married.

  10. The actor from #1 shouldn't be too difficult - A lister who died form an overdose. Heath Ledger? River Phoenix? Chris Farley wasn't mostly movie, and John Belushi so far back that I can't believe we could make a reality TV connection.

  11. #1 obv HL and whomever from reality
    #3, yes, agree that the actress is in a famous relationship

  12. Maybe #3 is someone like Demi Moore or Brandy Norwood, not them specifically. They both had people believing they were married but it wasn't a legal union.

  13. #1 No clue. Brooke Hogan?
    Paris may be considered B-list now but she was A-list all the way.

  14. What about Nicole Ritchie for #1? Since Paris was obvs A-List.

  15. A list movie actor that died is heath ledger . Beyond that I got nothin. Lol.. I don't follow famous people's lives that closely evidently.

    The part about you drinking in the office was funny Enty. Its always dead on fridays where I work. Many work alt work schedules - four ten hour work days.

  16. I thought the Olsen twins were Heath's dealers. The rumor is that they supply to many models, actors, and fashion houses.

    On another website on the topic of celebrity dealers, Nick Cannon was mentioned as heading a group of dealers who supply to college campuses.

    1. Cheryl-those little trolls are drug dealers? The world is a strange place.

    2. I thought they just used together. I'm sure the only things the Olsens peddle are clothes.

  17. For a marriage that wasn't legal, the Demi/Ashton divorce is sure taking a long time. As for the Olsen girls, I know someone in the fashion industry who works with them and they like their drugs.

  18. Were the Olsens on a reality show? I totally thought of them and Heath.

    This is a good set of blinds.

    Paris Hilton was A list, like it or not.

  19. So #3 gets the super secret Vicodin?

  20. Heath for actor obvs.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Paris Hilton was no longer a fun traveling companion for celebrities or their fringe people after busts in Corsica, South Africa and Vegas. After that, she was detained in Tokyo, banned in Japan, and I think also from traveling in Malaysia, Indonesia. Nick Carter's book said she hid it inside her, which, whether true or not, could mean invasive searches when traveling. No where to run, no where to hide - well, not at airports, anyhow.

  23. Another drug dealer possibility Kelly Osbourne. We already have had a reveal that her former drug client Mischa and her sister who had a seizure from bad drugs that Kelly sold them.

    Nicole Richie could be former dealer too.

  24. Maybe Hayden P for number three.

  25. Agree with Borg Queen (heee! Trek!), and others - No. 1 will come to a debate on List and Access. We heard that Paris' popularity is driven in part by her super-pure coke (not to be confused with her super-pure cock), but I'm thinking Richie for this one because I think she and Heath had some contact.

  26. I don't get it; these people have money. Why deal drugs?! The obvious answer is, I suppose, to make MORE money, but...still. Anybody else feel like it's just odd for mega-rich celebs to BE the dealers? Or am I just Midwest-naive?

  27. Amanda Plummer is an Emmy and Tony winner so I think #4 is probably her. The original Captain Von Trapp's daughter is a dealer? Who would've thunk.

  28. Because they might have never been that rich to begin with or have blown all their money drugs. Some pretty high profile younger slebs, especially those on television, aren't really pulling down serious coin, once they've paid out for agents, managers, taxes, etc. Buy a big house, live extravagantly for a few years and suddenly you're a "star" in your mid-20's who's tapped out for ready cash.

    But what you do have is a cell phone full of private numbers for other celebs who do have money and drug habits, and they're a lot more likely to trust you than an actual drug dealer. I can see this happening.

  29. Dealing feeds the habit.

  30. David Spade is one THE biggest coke dealers in Hollywood.

  31. AKM - I totally see your point regarding Paris Hilton, Kelly Osbourne and Nicole Richie. Aren't they total trust-fund whores?

    Nicole Richie and Kelly Osbourne and great guesses.

    At least Kelly has a gig on E. HATE the purple/gray hair.

    hollywood dime - give me more of your dirt!! That makes so much sense re: David Spade since he has had so many hottie mommas on his arm.

  32. Oooh @hollywood dime, O_O

    Is that in part why he and the Keifer get on so well? I know he's a drinkin' man, but, well!

    Love your tid-bits :)

  33. Wasn't Rachel Zoe associated with the Trollsens early on in their fashion career? I'm going with her for #1.

    Amanda Plummer was always wild, excellent candidate for #4.

    It's not always about the money for Hollywood dealers, though that's a nice perk.

  34. The Olsen twins are worth a billion. I don't know why they would bother dealing drugs.

  35. When Heath Ledger was found dead wasn't the first call to one of the Olsen twins?This was widely reported until it wasn't.

    "The masseuse who discovered the body of Heath Ledger in a Manhattan apartment on Tuesday twice called a friend of his, the actress Mary-Kate Olsen, before calling 911, New York City police officials said on Wednesday. The officials, who provided new details about Mr. Ledger’s death, emphasized that no illegal drugs were found in the apartment and that there were no obvious signs of suicide. Tests on a rolled-up $20 bill that was found in the apartment found no evidence that the bill had been used to handle drugs, they said."

    1. Ha! That bit about the $20 bill is ludicrous. Who among us doesn't roll our single bills up for easy storage and access? Gimme a break that there wasn't any drug residue on that bill. The only way I would believe that is if he died before he got a chance to use it, and most people don't roll their bills up in advance. Sorry, that part of the story I find hard to believe.

  36. Sorry I forgot to post the link.

  37. 3 could fit soooo many actresses that there is not just one correct answer. Kelly O for #1 though? Ever since the blind about the rich brat who gets her clients hooked so she can boss them around, I can't help but see Kelly as a sort of Helen Lawson.

  38. @hollywood dime - I pretty much only read comments because of you and VIP. your's are easily the best though.

  39. what website talked about celeb dealers?? spill please??

  40. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Wow @ Hollywood Dime - i wondered how that talentless dweeb manages to lurk around the periphery of hollywood.
